Conversations over a glass of wine, or three, about the dynamics of relationships. And no, not just the romantic ones.
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What is it like dating through social media?
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It isn’t your fault sis.
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We’re All Just Turning Into Our Parents
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1:05:03We love them. They drive us crazy. We can’t live without them and the older the more we act like them. We don’t have all the answers, but we certainly have opinions!
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What’s the true tea about all this astrology nonsense? Do you believe in it? Is it accurate? Does it read you for filth? We don’t have all the answers, but we certainly have opinions!
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Sister, sister! What’s your sibling relationship like? All y’all ride? Did they always get you in trouble or snitch on you? We don’t have all the answers but we certainly have opinions.
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Do people, specifically women, need to go through the “hoe” phase? And why is it even called a hoe phase to begin with? We don’t have all the answers, but we certainly have opinions.
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Get In Loser, We’re Going On Vacation!
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1:32:41Hopefully, you aren’t the friend that doesn’t get invited on vacation because you’re difficult to travel with. We all know that friend. We love em but they gotta stay home. We don’t have all the answer but we certainly have opinions!
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Why You Always Lying And Other Social Media Woes
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1:12:46When will y’all stop telling all these lies to strangers on the internet that don’t even actually matter? And why must you vent via social media? That’s what journals are for. We don’t have all the answers but we certainly have opinions.
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What happens when your significant other brings a new friend of the opposite sex around? Are you cool with it or nah? We don’t have all the answers but we certainly have opinions.
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Who Raised You? You Uncultured Swine.
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58:22Have some couth and don’t show up empty-handed!
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Are platonic friendships with the opposite sex a thing that actually works? We don’t have all the answers but we certainly have opinions.
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Do you workout just for vanity? Has social media been great for getting people to be more active? We don’t have all the answers but we certainly have an opinion.
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You might be the trash roommate and not even know it. Listen to find out about that and more! We don’t have all the answers but we certainly have opinions.
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Are use dating apps used just to hookup? Or are there people that are actually looking for something serious on them? Or do you not rock with dating app at all? All that and more. We don’t have the answers but we certainly have opinions.
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How successful are you at shooting your shot? What’s the best way to shoot your shot? And at what point is it really just thirst? All that and more. We don’t have the answers but we certainly have opinions.
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Are you terrible at having friends with benefits? Or do you flourish so much that you could teach a class on it? And that type of relationship even healthy? We don’t have all answers but we certainly have an opinion.
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Draw that bath. Have that glass of wine. He’ll, have the bottle if that’s what you desires! Go for a walk. Look, just put yourself first, okay?
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Would you consider your co-workers your friends? Like, happy hour, I see you outside of work, friends? Or are your co-workers too problematic? Also, Costco samples have a delightful new meaning. We don’t have all the answers but we certainly have opinions.
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Are we in a “hookup” culture? And other dating woes
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43:25In episode 1, we question if we’re in more of a hookup culture than previous generations? Or were our parents out running the streets just like the rest of us but it isn’t known since social media didn’t exist? Are women prioritizing their careers and happiness over being in a relationship unlike in the “long, long time ago days”? Also, do men reac…
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