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Throughout history humans have constructed some amazing buildings: the Great Pyramids, the Parthenon, the Taj Mahal, the World Trade Center,but the most important structure ever built was the structure we will look at this week: the Tabernacle of God. This is the only building ever designed by God Himself and constructed according to His architectu…
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Today we are starting a new series called “Characters of the Bible.” We will begin by looking at the life of Daniel. His life was shaken when he was a teenager. Yet, through all the ups and downs, he did not compromise his faith. His story ends 70 years later as an amazing leader and…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Jesus’ promise of His presence echos one of the great, master promises of the Bible. All throughout the Bible, (over three hundred times!) God promises His presence to His people as they walk through the challenges of life. ……
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Today, we will be hearing from one of our elders, Rob Corbin. Some of you may remember the catchy little chorus by Oswald Smith from way back — “There is Joy! Joy! Joy in serving Jesus! Joy that throbs within my heart; Ev’ry moment, ev’ry hour, As I draw upon His power, There is Joy!…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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In Matthew 18:1-14 Jesus warns us about offending others. We are not to offend others, but what do we do when we are offended? We live in a world where conflict is unavoidable. As much as we may wish to avoid it, conflict comes to us all. Interpersonal and relational conflict is one of the central…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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Matthew 18 is Jesus’ sermon for the congregation. These are his house rules. He is building his house and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. And in this section, he is telling us how he expects his family to live in the world and live together. This is a manual for loving others,…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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We are moving to Phase 3 of Jesus’ building project: His House Rules. We all have “house rules.” Some are obvious and stated: Take your shoes off at the door… No balls or frogs in the house… No sugar before bed… And some are implicit and unsaid: Don’t bother Dad while the game is on… …Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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We all have rituals. We all have routines or traditions that we keep year after year. There is not always a clear explanation for some of them. But we have been intentional about others. Mark 14:12-31 tells about a ritual. A celebration. The Festival of Unleavened Bread, also known as the Passover, had been a……
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It has been said that “a man can only fail so many times…before something in him breaks.” How do you deal with failure? Yours? Others? In our text today we are going to see a picture painted of three types of failures…and we will hear three words of Jesus to confront and then overcome them. …Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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Our theme today is worship. In Matthew chapter 16 Jesus gives us the foundation of the house He is building. He tells us what makes a church a church: its confession and its commitment to follow Him. And in chapter 17 Jesus gives us His house rhythms: He establishes for us the basic weekly routine so we can experience His power in our life……
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Some jobs seem to get the short-end of the publicity stick. For example, go to Barnes and Noble sometime and ask a sales clerk if they have: The Joy of Accounting, and see what you can find. You probably will be able to track down the Joy of Cooking, The Joy of Photography, The Joy of Juicing…but not……
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We live in an age of “crisis.” Sit down and watch the news and you will be bombarded with one crisis after another: a humanitarian crisis; the Ukrainian crisis; the border crisis; a health crisis; an economic crisis. All of those crises are real and big — they are macro forces that sweep whole peoples away.……
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Building projects tend to take on a life of their own. A good rule of thumb is that whatever the time and cost estimate is…you should double it. In fact, it is a law: Hofstadter’s law. Douglas Hofstadter is a cognitive scientist who has shown, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, that no matter how much time you plan for……
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As we continue our series on The House that Jesus Builds, today we enter into rooms filled with conflict and crisis.When crisis comes to Jesus’ house, how does he expect his people to respond? What has he put in place to help them navigate it? Today we will imaginatively enter into board rooms and living rooms that are……
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As we continue our series on The House that Jesus Builds, our theme today is healing. Our key question is: How does Jesus continue his healing work today? If you need your kidney, or your carburetor, or your plumbing repaired you know where to turn. For example, if you need your brain repaired a plumber might not……
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In Matthew 16-20 Jesus gives us his plan for building His church.We’re looking at the foundation.Last week we saw that one non-negotiable foundation for Jesus’ house is His ministry of teaching. Today we are going to look at a second non-negotiable foundation: Christ’s Leadership.Our next core confession is that we confess that Jesus is King.……
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Take a minute to look around your house. What photos are displayed in your house? Who are they of? Why those? Who took them? We take and display photos for all different reasons. What pictures would Jesus have up in his house? Just after World War I a group of Archeologist discovered a nearly fully…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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In Matthew 16-20 Jesus gives us his plan for building His church. And before you begin any building project there are a few questions you have to get clear on first. In Matthew 16:13-19, there are three essential questions we need to be absolutely clear on: 1. We have to get clear on what the question……
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Home renovation projects have a tendency to take on a life of their own. And sometimes you get into them and you realize…this isn’t turning out quite as I thought. You plan…you measure…you cut…you install…and then…you realize…this isn’t quite right. Redesigning a bathroom? Make sure things are all fit before it is too late. Or, sometimes you……
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When Eric Lawes set off for a field in Hoxne village, Suffolk on November 16, 1992, it wasn’t on a treasure hunt. The metal detector he’d received as a retirement gift was meant to find a hammer lost on the farmland. But the detector picked up a strong signal in the earth, leading Lawes to…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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All the parables are meant to solve mysteries. If you want to understand why the world is the way it is, or why you are the way you are, or why your neighbor is the way she is…then you need to understand the parables. They unravel life’s mysteries. And the mystery we will unravel today…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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On January 1st, many people vow to become the best version of themselves they can be. But we all know the resolutions rarely stick. In fact, I have noticed a significantly decreased level of optimism for change these past two years. So, for our first Sunday in 2022, we turn our eyes to an interesting passage in……
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Love is not irritable… Before you can express this kind of love you have to first experience this kind of love. Why are you so annoying!! You ever said that? Has anyone ever said that to you? Life is full of irritations…the co-worker who is always clicking their pen…the room-mate who slurps their cereal…the women driving with nowhere……
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Love does not envy or boast. It is not arrogant or rude. Before you can express this kind of love you have to first experience this kind of love. Today we turn our attention to John 13 and the story of Jesus washing the disciple’s feet. In this story we are given a beautiful picture…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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Last week we saw that love is the most important thing in our life. No matter how gifted we are, no matter how successful we are, no matter how sacrificial we are…we are nothing without love. 1 Corinthians 13 is a great challenge for the church. Paul tells us, you can have: loveless worship, loveless preaching,……
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I am excited to welcome to Trinity My brother Gabe, who is a campus pastor at the Summit Church in Raleigh North Carolina. Gabe will be using Psalm 101 as a blueprint for building a godly family: 1. Worship is the foundation. 2. Integrity is the framework. 3. Humility is the joist. 4. Community is…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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All of the parables are meant to solve mysteries. And the mysteries that this parable unravels are some of the most profound in life. To do so, Jesus points us to two fairly ordinary fields If you want to understand why the world is as it is…or why the church is as it is…or why you are as you are…you have to……
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Several years ago someone recommended I read Kate Murphy’s book You’re Not Listening. I didn’t listen then…not really sure why they would recommend it 🙂 But I was reminded of it this week as I listened to an interview with David Brooks.He was citing research from the book to show that we have a serious listening……
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Last week we began to look at Jesus’ focus on the family. The church is probably the largest pro-family institution in the world. But the relationship between church and family can be complicated. To live rightly as families and as disciples, we need to get the relationship right. Matthew 12:46–50 can help us do so.……
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The church is probably the largest pro-family institution in the world. But the relationship between church and family can be complicated. To live rightly as families and as disciples, we need to get the relationship right. Matthew 12:46–50 can help us do so. In today’s message we take a look at Jesus’ focus on the family. We……
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Matthew 12 is all about conflict. And in Matthew 12:38-50, we come to the final confrontation of the chapter. You could think about this section as the final battle of an epic confrontation trilogy. In the first confrontation, we saw the Pharisees attack Jesus directly with false accusations of breaking the law. In the second……
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All kids know the rhyme: Sticks and stones may break my bones…but words can never hurt me. And all know adults know this is ridiculous. We all know few things can cause as much pain…or as much joy as words. In Matthew chapter 12 we have one of Jesus’ strongest and most forceful statements about…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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On the surface, the story we find in Matthew 12:22 seems like the simplest story:A man is hurting.He comes to Jesus.Jesus heals him.Some people get mad. Why does Matthew tell us this story? He says that Jesus healed all who came to him, so why does this story take center stage? What we see in this…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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Matthew 11 and 12 are all about misunderstandings and conflict. Times of conflict, times of misunderstandings, and rejection can be disorienting. In times like that, you need an anchor; you need something to reorient and remind you of what you know to be true. Matthew 12:15-21 is that anchor. These 10 lines that Matthew quotes……
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When we pause to review our lives, whether the occasion is a birthday, an anniversary, or the dawn of a new year, we tend to ask certain questions: What was the most memorable event of the past year? The most dramatic change? The greatest accomplishment? Our passage this week offers another set of questions: Where did……
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Matthew 12 is all about conflict and controversy. Here Jesus is publicly confronted and he has to defend his disciples, his ministry, and his message. There are few things that matter more for the quality of your life, the health of your relationships, and the work you do than how you deal with conflict and……
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Tymek, was just like all toddlers. Active, energetic…prone to put things in his mouth that he shouldn’t. Most of the time it was harmless. Until it wasn’t. Tragically, Tymek got his hands on toxic chemicals… and drank them. In the panic of the emergency, neither his parents nor his doctors knew if we would live.……
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We all know what kind of situation we are in if: – in a waiting room during a loved one’s operation, the doctor comes and tells us that the surgery is taking longer than expected because they are trying to keep a vital organ from failing. – or if we are on a plane and…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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Last Sunday we turned our attention to Peter’s betrayal of Jesus in Luke 22. The key questions we wrestled with were: Who is the real you? Is the real you, you when you are confident, successful, and victorious? Or is the real you, the frustrated and failing you? In that passage, Satan seeks to “sift”……
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Last week we begin a new short series on prayer and spiritual formation. We looked at the story in Mark 9 where the disciples fail to drive out the demon that was tormenting a boy. After their failure they ask Jesus why. And he tells them: This kind can come out by nothing but prayer. Today, we…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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This week we begin a new short series on prayer and spiritual formation. Today we look at the story in Mark 9 where the disciples fail to drive out the demon that was tormenting a boy. After their failure they ask Jesus why. And he tells them: This kind can come out by nothing but prayer.…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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Over the next few weeks we will have a wonderful line-up of men from the church to open up God’s Word to us. To help prepare us for our upcoming sermon series on Matthew 13, which is Jesus’ collection of parables, I asked them to preach on “Stories of the Kingdom.” Last week, we heard…Autor: Trinity Church of Lake Nona
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