Taking cues from the treatment breakthroughs detailed in the documentary "Shutter Island," the Unbridled podcast uses cutting-edge analysis of the hit show "BoJack Horseman," as a neurological straight-jacket to keep us inside and away from the innocent populace. Join U.S. Marshall Aurahm and his partners Sebastian and Sean as they explore this animated world of anthropomorphic animals, alcoholism, and Adultman. Feel free to contact us: [email protected]
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Welcome to Unbridled Conversations: The Unstable Equine Podcast, where equestrians come together to champion the well-being of the true heart of our sport—the horse. Hosted by Hannah, a passionate equine nutrition expert and founder of EquiPacs, and Charlotte, a quick-witted eventer and livery yard manager, this podcast blends heartfelt advocacy with relatable stories and expert insights. At Unbridled Conversations, we’re here for the horses. Our mission is to champion their care, amplify th ...
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Do you lie awake before a competition, overthinking every tiny detail? Do you play Chinese Whispers with yourself—turning a small spook into a full-blown catastrophe in your mind? What about carrying your daily stress onto the yard—how does that impact your horse? If you’ve ever fallen into the trap of catastrophizing (yes, it can even escalate to …
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This week, Hannah and Charlotte are back with another lively episode, and we’re pretty sure Normal or Neigh will be a unanimous normal—because let’s be honest, who doesn’t pick out little bits of poo by hand to keep their horse’s stable pristine? We all do it… right?! Then, it’s time for a quick round of word association, and as always, Charlotte d…
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This week on Unbridled Conversations, we’re diving into a hot topic sparked by a recent viral video making the rounds on social media. Box walking, cribbing, weaving—what do they all have in common? They’re all signs of a bigger issue: lack of turnout. At the end of the day, it’s simple—horses belong outside. Behind the usual laughs (and a tiny bit…
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This week’s Normal or Neigh has Charlotte absolutely shook. “You’re an ANIMAL!” she tells Hannah—but what on earth has she done to deserve that?! The girls are seriously at odds over this one, and you need to weigh in. Then, in true Hannah fashion, we spiral wildly off course into the absolute saga of finding the right haynet for Atheby. The floor?…
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This week’s Normal or Neigh had us seriously torn! We’re diving into the world of livery yards and head collar lead ropes—but that’s all we’re giving away. You’ll have to tune in to hear the debate unfold! Then, we tackle a controversial Facebook post that’s been overrun by “Karens.” An aspiring rider is selling her beloved horse to move up the com…
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In this episode, things get a bit messy—literally! We dive into the Normal or Neigh segment with a less-than-pleasant discussion about dog poo at the stables, which has us all feeling a bit queasy. From there, we get wildly off track (as always!) and explore the evolution of our horses’ rugging systems over the years. From waffle coolers to liner s…
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In this episode, we kick things off with our usual “Normal or Neigh” segment—this time, it’s all about hay in the field! With Blue Monday upon us (aka the saddest day of the year), Charlotte somehow missed the memo, so we’re here to brighten up your Monday. Join us as we dive into all things mindset. From discussing how happiness is truly a state o…
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In this week’s episode of Unbridled Conversations, we dive into a topic that’s all too relatable: those riders who think a wild, uncontrollable horse makes them look “cool.” Spoiler alert: it doesn’t. Inspired by an anonymous rider we saw at a recent show, we’re asking the tough questions— Is your horse really doing this because "he loves it" and d…
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Meet Hannah and Charlotte: No Resolutions, Just Real Talk
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41:44Welcome to the very first episode of Unbridled Conversations! Kick off your week with Hannah and Charlotte as they introduce themselves and dive into an unfiltered chat about life, horses, and everything in between. Forget the pressure of New Year’s resolutions—this is about doing your best and finding joy in the little things. Oh, and Charlotte sa…
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"Princess Carolyn sees an opportunity when Mr. Peanutbutter's agent dies. BoJack flips when he says the "L" word out loud to Wanda."
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"BoJack really wants his director, Kelsey, to like him. Todd, Diane, and Kelsey's daughter help a chicken who's on the lam from the police.
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"Princess Carolyn, BoJack, Diane, and Mr. Peanutbutter learn some important lessons about love in the wake of a surprise birthday party."
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"A funeral turns into a treasure hunt for the 'Horsin' Around' cast -- and a potential schmooze-fest for Princess Carolyn and Mr. Peanutbutter."
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"BoJack is drawn to the one female in town who has no idea who he is (because she was in a coma). Todd opens a theme park."
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"BoJack believes an upbeat attitude will change his life, but that attitude doesn't mesh well with his new acting job."
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"Months after his memoir is released, Bojack's being considered for a role that's a lifelong dream."
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"Bojack embarks on a project in his typically gonzo style, leading to a drug-fueled revelation."
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"Bojack shoots a movie at Mr. Peanutbutter's house; Diane finishes her book."
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"A lovestruck Bojack tries to sabotage a wedding; Todd accepts a surprising new professional role."
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"When he learns that his old friend from 'Horsin' Around' is dying, Bojack tries to mend fences."
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S1 Ep. 6 - "Our A-Story Is a 'D' Story"
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1:42:59"Bojack is jealous of Diane's relationship with Mr. Peanutbutter; Todd's in a new environment."
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"Bojack decides to mentor Todd; Diane's ex-boyfriend writes an article about Mr. Peanutbutter."
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"Bojack reconnects with a friend from his past who moves into his house and creates pandemonium."
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S1 Ep. 2 - "Bojack Hates the Troops"
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1:09:28"Bojack finds himself the subject of national media attention after he calls the troops 'jerks.'" In this episode, we breakdown the various relationships and conversations that begin to emerge from Bojack's point-of-view.
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S1: Ep. 1 - "The Bojack Horseman Story"
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1:38:22We're starting from the first episode and working our way through the series! If you're new to the show as well, we'll be examining each episode, character development, plot themes, and more. Feel free to leave us feedback, share your opinion, or follow us to tune-in to the latest episodes!
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