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Welcome to Night Vale

Night Vale Presents

Twice-monthly community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, where every conspiracy theory is true. Turn on your radio and hide. Never listened before? It's an ongoing radio show. Start with the current episode, and you'll catch on in no time. Or, go right to Episode 1 if you wanna binge-listen.
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V for Valentine

V for Valentine

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V for Valentine is de anti-politieke podcast over politiek, mens en samenleving met Robert Valentine en Boris van de Ven. Het laatste bastion voor de vrijheid waar we vechten tegen een maatschappij onder een totalitaire staat, waarbij geen individuele vrijheid of persoonlijke levenssfeer wordt toegestaan. Waar we elke aflevering het falen van het politieke en economische systeem blootleggen en oplossingen bespreken tot het komen van een vrije en menselijke maatschappij. De verzetsradio in ti ...
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VOV - KHCN và Môi trường

Đài Tiếng nói Việt Nam

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Tin tức về Khoa học Công nghệ và Tài nguyên Môi trường. Với các chuyên mục chính như: Kết nối Xanh; Kết nối công nghệ; Tài nguyên và Môi trường; Sống chung với biến đổi khí hậu, ... Hãy search "VOV" trên ứng dụng để nghe nhiều kênh khác của VOV.
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On va déguster

France Inter

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François-Régis Gaudry sort les crocs et passe au grill toute l’actualité de la gastronomie. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Good Morning Night Vale

Night Vale Presents

Good Morning Night Vale is the official Welcome to Night Vale recap show, hosted by cast members Meg Bashwiner, Symphony Sanders, and Hal Lublin. Each week, our hosts do a deep dive into one episode of Welcome to Night Vale, starting with the very first episode from 2012. Episodes feature interviews with the cast and creators, revealing origin stories, behind-the-scenes trivia, and more never-before-heard information. Listeners are invited to share their thoughts, comments, and questions via ...
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Vaporetto Italiano Podcast

Francesco Cositore

Benvenuto/a al podcast di Vaporetto Italiano! . IT: Un podcast per imparare la lingua italiana e immergerti nella cultura del Bel Paese in compagnia di Francesco. Attraverso contenuti autentici e al 100% in italiano potrai portare il tuo italiano alle stelle! . EN: A podcast to learn Italian and to immerse yourself in the "Bel Paese" culture together with Francesco. Master the Italian language with authentic contents 100% in Italian!
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Todas as semanas a Mariana Alvim entrevista pessoas enquanto leitores. Ficamos a saber que livros recomendam e onde as suas vidas se cruzaram com algumas histórias. Vamos da ficção para a realidade e acabamos com aquela sugestão de leitura que... Vale a pena.
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Así como va

Cynthia Mora

Este podcast nació como un proyecto personal, para poder hablar de mis experiencias de vida, y así ayudar a otros, pero terminando ayudándome mucho a mi también. Gracias por escucharme.
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Va Nanba Vazhalam

Pavithra ❤

Hi This is pavithra, A tamil girl Sharing her own experiences and thoughts abt various issues which are" considered to be tabooo"😬. Pudichirundha eduthhukonga pudikalana jus vitudunga 😉.listen and share ur thoughts with me to my Instagram ID To my mail - ([email protected]) Episode la santhipom byeee
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We defend the “patriotic many” and expose the “antics” of the few. Our world is envious and sees that our Nation has been threatened by these few. We can transition to newer, smarter, and better ways, but cannot regress into Socialism and Marxism. Hostile social and political behavior attempts to destroy our lives and lifestyle. GrassRoots TruthCast supports freedom, liberty, and the actions necessary to protect this longest-lasting Constitutional Republic. Find your place in our circle each ...
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Veterans Legal Lowdown is a podcast created by Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD, a law firm representing veterans nationwide on their VA disability claims. In each episode, our legal team breaks down a veterans law topic--from Burn Pits to Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) and VA claim hacks to the latest VA news. This is CCK On Air.
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Welcome to Season 2 of the Vaguely Vaping Related Podcast, hosted by Chandler, Jimmy (aka The_Vaping_Trucker on TikTok) and Dave. The Vaguely Vaping Related Podcast is just that, a podcast about vaguely vaping related topics (and sometimes completely unvaping related topics!). Just three blokes (and the occasional special guest) having a chat and a laugh once a fortnight. There's almost no script and very little editing (we all have real jobs!) so it's very raw and sometimes long ... headpho ...
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Living Hope Va


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Join Living Hope VA as Pastor Bill Francavilla shares his unique biblical knowledge and how it applies to everyday living. Each episode contains valuable information on the Gospel of Jesus, the love of God, and how it empowers us to live in this rapidly changing, unpredictable world.
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FV Vape Show


Your favourite Vape Reviews but without having to look at our faces, in this weekly talk show about all things vaping. We take a look at our current favourite e-liquids, preview the newest kit and generally have fun whilst geeking out about vape!
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Se VALE preguntar

Dra. Yarí Vale Moreno

¿Tienes dudas acerca de tu salud sexual y reproductiva que no te atreves a decir en voz alta por miedo al qué dirán? ¿Te preguntas si eso que decía tu abuela acerca de la menstruación es cierto? ¿Quieres saber más acerca de planificación familiar? En Se VALE preguntar, contestamos esas y muchas otras preguntas. Este es tu espacio seguro para recibir información acertada, actualizada y sostenida por datos reales. La doctora en ginecología Yarí Vale Moreno, acompañada por la trabajadora social ...
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Ça Va Bien S'Passer

Ça Va Bien S'Passer

Quand dans sa vie on a connu une déflagration on sait qu’on va être confronté à un choix. Continuer à vivre, ou pas. Et puis une fois ce ploufplouf morbide tranché, continuer à vivre d’accord, mais comment ? Mes invités ont vu leur vie sauter en l’air et on va s’intéresser aux stratégies de ces survivants de leurs vies d’avant. Ils regardent dans le rétro et parlent sans tabou des histoires dingues qui ont fait vriller leurs vies. Qu’ils soient puissants drôles, touchants, agaçants, secrets ...
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Un podcast creado por las amigas bookstagrammers @leyendoconamor (Flor) y @lluviadelibros15 (Andy) para hacer catarsis sobre distintos libros sin la limitación de los caracteres y sin miedo a hacer spoilers.
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Val Talks Pets

Valerie Cairney

Hi everyone, and welcome to Val Talk’s Pets, the forum for pet parents and enthusiasts alike. Having been in the pet industry for over 10 years now I am going to share with you issues and questions that arise as I work with pet parents on a day-to-day basis. I am not a veterinarian but I do have certifications in Canine, Feline, Small Animal, Fish and Herptile and Avian Health and Nutrition from the University of California, Davis Extension. Thank you for listening to Val Talks Pets.
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A collection of conversations with the leaders of Cardiff and Vale College, hosted by Business News Wales. In each episode, we explore a new theme or idea, showcasing how Cardiff and Vale College is driving innovation, supporting students, and shaping the future of education and skills development in Wales.
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La mattina di Tutti Pazzi per RDS si arricchisce con Giacomo 'Ciccio' Valenti, il papà degli scherzi telefonici in radio! Ogni mattina cresce il numero degli scherzi durante la trasmissione più divertente che ci sia! Tanto divertimento, il vostro buon umore e moltissima autoironia, in questi scherzi di Giacomo Valenti: ma - per noi tutti - semplicemente Ciccio.
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show series
durée : 00:37:37 - France Culture va plus loin (l'Invité(e) des Matins) - par : Guillaume Erner, Marie-Lys de Saint Salvy - Un cessez-le-feu de 30 jours, accepté par Kiev lors de la rencontre américano-ukrainienne à Jeddah, pourrait-il être conclu entre l’Ukraine et la Russie ? “À présent, la balle est dans le camp de Poutine” a déclaré Olaf Scholz…
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Dans son dernier numéro qui sort ce mecredi, Valeurs actuelles vous propose une interview exceptionnelle avec Piotr Tolstoï le vice-président de la Douma. Notre journaliste Mériadec Raffray l'a interrogé sur la relation diplomatique entre Vladimir Poutine et Emmanuel Macron, et le retour de Donald Trump sur le devant de la scène.…
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Some lil updates on thangs, my first remote segment, and an invasive species inserting itself into my show. Wanna Support the Show? Share this shareable link. Where Else Can You find me? ➡️Short form pictorial content via Instagram🤳🏽. ➡️Long(er) form written content via Substack✍🏼. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with ot…
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Comentem l'estrena de 'Tardes de soledad' amb Albert Serra, pel•lícula guanyadora de la Concha de Oro de San Sebastià. Apostem també per valors emergents. Aquest diumenge coneixerem a Mía Sala-Patau, que s'ha enlairat amb una interpretació excel·lent a la pel·lícula "En un lugar común". Escuchar audio…
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Some veterans with a 100% VA disability rating may wonder if they can still work. Whether you have a schedular 100% rating, a 100% permanent and total (P&T) rating, or Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU), we discuss the details and limitations surrounding employment. In this episode, we also talk about the circumstances unde…
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Brother John continued his series on the Patriarchs with a study from Genesis 37 on the early life of Joseph. He brought out numerous practical lessons for us today, including the harmful effects of favoritism in family life. Joseph’s parents and grandparents were guilty of it, and it affected the family greatly. In today’s study, Joseph experience…
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Welcome back to Living Hope Church! Listen in as Pastor Bill Francavilla explores the theme of authority and accountability in the life of King David. After reaching the height of his power, David fell into sin—taking another man's wife and orchestrating a murder to cover it up. But God, in His mercy, sent the prophet Nathan to confront David, lead…
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"Le problème quand c'est très intense sur le côté émotionnel comme ça, t'es dans une sorte de dépendance, t'as l'impression de vivre une aventure un peu pourrie, t'es dans le train et t'arrives plus à en sortir." Comment sauver sa peau et sortir d'une relation où l'on est tyrannisé ? Comment arrêter de culpabiliser et de se sentir responsable de ce…
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Join Ed Farmer, VA-accredited attorney and US Army combat veteran, as he delves into the difference between causation and correlation in veterans' conditions, offering insights into linking conditions for VA claims. Through practical examples, Ed explains why having two conditions like PTSD and sleep apnea doesn't automatically mean one causes the …
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Today’s Focus: God works our repentance for our salvation. The Ash Wednesday homily for March 5th, 2025 is based on Matthew 6:1-21 Sermon Given By: Paul Jenkins Trinity Lutheran Church is located in Woodbridge, VA, USA and is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). If you would like more information about our congregation, plea…
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"How's Your Heart?" Genesis Chapter 4:1-16 The Book of Genesis Series - In The Beginning, God Pastor Nate Clarke March 2, 2025 NEW KIDS SPACE NOW OPEN! We have expanded with 3x more space for the babies, kids, and youth in your family. Learn about this year's Kingdom Builder's project: https…
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If you’re feeling stuck in low-paying VA work, struggling to stand out, or overwhelmed by the idea of niching down, this episode is for you. I’m breaking down exactly how to validate your niche, attract premium clients, and position yourself as the go-to VA in your industry—without the guesswork. You’ll learn how to align your skills with real mark…
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