Brittany Neunuebel is a Family Service Director at Baue Funeral Homes and St. Charles Memorial Gardens. She decided to work in funeral service because her purpose in life is to help others. All throughout her life, she has chased that purpose in Academic Advising, pursuing her Educational Doctorate in Higher Education and Student Services. She has an Ed.D., Masters in High Education Administration, a Bachelors in Interpersonal Communication, and an Associates degree in Communication. She has been in Higher Education Administration for the last 15 years and continues adjunct teaching at Lindenwood University. Additionally, she a children’s minister at Simple Church St. Louis. In her free time, Brittany spends time with her husband, and their two kids, and enjoys taking them to parks and spending time outdoors. She is an active member of Little Black Book Women in Business and on the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation Board. She actively supports many organizations and non-profits in the St. Charles County area and can be found at the 636 events, as she likes to say, “all the galas” around town. Baue Funeral Homes has been an established funeral home in St. Charles since the 1930s. There are three Baue Funeral Home locations – Downtown St. Charles, off of Cave Springs, and in Ofallon, MO. The Cave Springs location is where the St. Charles Memorial Gardens Cemetery is located. The Baue Family purchased the perpetual cemetery in 1961. St. Charles Memorial Gardens is a beautiful area with options for traditional ground burial, above-ground burial, and many unique cremation-specific options. Baue Funeral Homes pride itself on the Baue difference and assisting in making funerals unique for each individual service.…