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The Unraveling Podcast with Kelli Bachara aims to help women better their mental health, find their God-given purpose, and grow closer to Jesus every day. Kelli is a lover of Jesus, a wife, a mama, and a mental health therapist, who hopes to help you grow with these podcasts. Some podcasts will be solo, and some will be interviews. Regardless, we want you to leave feeling encouraged and know that the Lord has a great plan for you. Yes, YOU!
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show series
Today we will discuss the great commission that Jesus gave to the disciples, and still gives to us. It is our job, and honor, as Christians to be a light in this world, and to bring others to Christ. Easter isn't just about what Jesus did for us, it's also about what we can do to bring Him glory TODAY. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter! Check …
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Today we continue on with our Easter series (Easter is coming so soon!) where we discuss the different accounts in the Bible where people encountered Jesus after He resurrected, but they did not realize at first it was Him. Sometimes this happens to us, too. Sometimes God is doing things right in front of us, but we don't see Him in it. Today's pod…
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Today we continue on with our Easter series. We are looking specifically at the sorrow and questions that the disciples must have felt during the period of time between Jesus' death and His resurrection. We talk about the "waiting period", and how sometimes while we are in it, God seems so quiet. Yet, His quietness does not mean His absence. He is …
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Today we start a short series on Easter, where we will dig a bit into scripture. Today we look at Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, where we see Him showing and experiencing real human emotion. The purpose of today's podcast is to remind you that no matter what's happening in your life, Jesus truly understands you. He knows pain better than we do.…
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Today we are going to talk about what it means to "rejoice always". What a difficult concept, especially when we are struggling. The thing is, rejoicing isn't an emotion.. it's an action. We can rejoice even in our suffering. Listen to today's podcast to learn more! This is our last episode in the "Living an Abundant Life" series. I hope you've enj…
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Today in the abundant life series, we are discussing freedom in forgiveness. Abundant life requires us being able to lay down the heavy burdens of resentment and bitterness. Today we discuss why God calls us to forgive, and how we can do just that. It's absolutely not too late to get the printable Living an Abundant Life workbook. Click below: http…
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God made each of us with a unique set of skills, gifts and talents. He made us with these so we could best serve HIM and complete the plan He has for our life. It's actually pretty exciting when you start thinking about partnering up with God to do His work. If you are interested in the Abundant Life Workbook, or the inspirational cards that go alo…
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Today's podcast focuses on the topic of love. We cannot discuss living an abundant life without talking about love! We are called to love God, others and ourselves, yet the highest calling is to love God (which helps us do the other two better). Check out the printable workbook that goes along with this series, as well as the inspirational quotes t…
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We all experience fear. But we don't all need to let it rule our lives. Fear is a liar, and it steals from our God-given purpose. But fear can be beat... especially when we put our confidence in the right place. Lets talk about that today :) There is a special handout that goes along with this topic in the printable workbook. Check it out here: htt…
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Today's podcast focuses on how we can practically exchange the lies we are believing (and may have been believing our whole lives) for God's truth. If you would like a printable copy of the workbook that walks through these steps, click the link below: Here are some blog posts that go along with this topic: -Stop Ag…
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Who doesn't love a good BONUS episode?! Today I interview Kelsey Scism, writer at "Loving Our Lord", about seeking God's voice in decision-making. How often do we look at big decisions and find ourselves feeling completely overwhelmed and paralyzed? Kelsey shares her story about God calling her away from what was comfortable, and what "made sense" …
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Today's podcast focuses on getting unstuck and experiencing breakthrough. So many of us feel stuck or stagnant in this season, but we need to remember that God's plan for us is not to just barely get by (although sometimes that's just the reality of our situation- it shouldn't be our long term solution). I wanted to share some helpful thoughts and …
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We continue on with the "Living an Abundant Life" series and today we are talking about hearing God's voice. It's not to late to download the printable workbook that goes along with this series, if you want to dive deeper into it! Here is the link: I have written some blog posts that also go along with this topic, c…
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Living an abundant life means knowing and walking with God in our daily lives. This is why dwelling with God is such an important topic. Today we discuss what dwelling with God means, how we do it, and why we should! Check out the mini-workbook I created to go along with this series (you do not need to listen to the podcasts in order to do these, b…
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I'm baccckkkk! It's been awhile, friends. I honestly didn't know if I'd get back to podcasting, but God laid a whole series on my heart for 2021, and I'm so excited. Today's episode is just an introduction to it all, and it gets you thinking about whether or not you are living in the abundant life Jesus gives to us! Check out the (printable) workbo…
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Today we talk about how bringing things that are in the darkness of our souls into the light will bring us freedom! We were not meant to carry things inside of us by ourselves. Doing so impacts us in so many ways-including physically. I hope today you will be encouraged to look into the "well" of your heart, grab a metaphorical bucket, and acknowle…
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Today we look at Psalm 30. We are going to discuss how our emotions waver with our circumstances (and that's ok!) but it's important that what remains consistent is that we go to God, openly and honestly, with what we are feeling. David does this beautifully in the Psalms. He shows us that we are allowed to feel, yet through it all, we always go ba…
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Today's podcast looks at Psalm 25. David shows us that when we seek God's ways and His truth, we will be guided and confided in my God Himself. Life is better doing it God's way because He alone knows what we need, and He alone knows our purpose. Remember, "All of the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful.." He has good things in store, friends.…
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Today we discuss verses 16-19 in Psalms 18. God rescues David, because David is too weak to beat his enemies. This is true for all of us to some extent. We need God to rescue us, because we cannot rescue ourselves. As this verse tells us, God rescues us because He DELIGHTS in us... how amazing is that? Feel free to connect with me on social media! …
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Today's podcast focuses on Psalm 18: 1-6. This chapter is long, so we may have a part 2. David talks about how God is his rock, fortress, deliverer, shield, and stronghold. David is so confident in God because he saw firsthand how God delivered him from his enemies. It's easy to forget, isn't it? How God has saved us in the past. We talk about how …
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Today we are continuing the Psalms series as we stop and dive into Psalm 13. We are discussing what it feels like to be in a "waiting period" and feel like God has abandoned us. We talk about asking God to help us see Him clearly, the difference between our emotions and the truth of who He is, and praising Him in the storm. We will continue doing t…
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Hi Guys! We are starting a new series about emotions because emotions are SO heightened right now! And honestly? I feel huge emotions all the time anyway. What better to go along with emotion than the book of Psalms? Each episode we will take a quick dive into a Psalm or two, and look at the emotions and message behind it. I promise you, no matter …
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Are you guys doing okay?! My emotions have been changing about every 3 seconds. I am really trying to stay grounded in the only thing that remains consistent (Jesus, obviously). On today's podcast we talk about finding comfort, something we are all looking for. I get a little nerdy talking about how much I love every verse in the bible that mention…
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There are so many things people are grieving right now: loved ones, careers, dreams for the future, etc. We can't pretend that grief isn't happening, even if it "could be worse." In today's podcast, we hit on some ways to cope with grief during this time. We are all in this together, friends. I hope this helps! If you are struggling with anxiety an…
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In today's episode, I talk pretty candidly about a very uncomfortable topic.. death. No one likes to talk about it, but everyone thinks about it. During this pandemic, death is even more at the forefront of our minds, and it can be really overwhelming and scary to think about. I want to use this time to remind people that death is no longer death b…
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Well, we are going to take a break from our podcast series and do a bit of a "quarantined series" where we talk about relevant topics to what is happening right now. Naturally, fear is a huge one. You aren't alone in your fear, friends. But I want to encourage you to spend as much time (if not more) with God as you are on social media/watching the …
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Today on the podcast I have the wonderful Jenn Kish from Sprinkles In My Closet With Jenn Kish. She talks about her journey of struggling with loneliness, even when she wasn't alone. This is something that so many people can relate to- sometimes we don't even know why we feel lonely. If you are struggling with feelings of loneliness, Jenn will defi…
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Insecurities are THE WORST. They keep us stuck and they steal our joy. They are also not based in truth. This podcast will help anyone who struggles with insecurities know they aren't alone and give you some practical ways to combat insecurities. Follow along for more at: Facebook: Instagram: https://www.…
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Today on the podcast I interview Stephanie Holbrook from Rough Girl Turned Redeemed. Stephanie's story is both heartbreaking and hope-filled, and I know it will resonate deeply with those who struggle with wounds from your past. There is nothing the Lord can't redeem and heal, and He truly wants freedom for you! *I do want to put a trigger warning …
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I asked on my Facebook page what types of topics listeners wanted to hear about on this series "You Aren't Alone", and many people said they struggled with scary thoughts. Since then, I have been paying attention to my own scary thoughts so that I could discuss them on here. I hope that you find this podcast both validating and encouraging. We all …
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I hear from people all the time that their emotions feel so BIG and out of control at times. I, too, struggle with feeling like my mind and body are hijacked by emotions. This podcast discusses ways that we can help handle our emotions in a godly manner. There is no easy way to deal with emotions, and it can take a lot of hard work to get into a be…
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Today is the Unraveling Podcast's (yes, I accidentally call it my blog in the intro) first interview!! My guest, Melissa Bezotte, is a Christian counselor and coach. We discuss things like letting go of the past, identity, and Hobby Lobby. I hope you get so much out of today's episode, and I'd love to hear what you think about the interview (feel f…
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Happy 2020, everyone! I'm so glad to be back. We are starting a new series called, "Your New Chapter" because God is calling you into a new chapter of deep connection with Him (because He LOVES THE HECK OUT OF YOU). We are going to discuss how we can really dive into this new season with Him. Today we talk about the concept of change, and how we ca…
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What does it mean to rest? Well, the world's perception of rest looks a lot different than the Word's. We all need rest, that's why God commanded it! But oftentimes we look to the wrong places to find the rest our body and soul really need. We discuss this in the podcast. We also look into the concept of energy. So many of us feel so overwhelmed an…
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Today's podcast dives into what our real identity is. It's so easy to put our identity in things of this world, but those things can and do change, leaving us feeling lost and disappointed. Over and over again in the Bible, the Lord tells us we belong to Him. The more we know Jesus, the more we will know our real identity. Here is the link to the i…
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Today's podcast discusses the differences between peace as described in the world versus the Word. We all want to experience peace, but we, unfortunately, are often skewed by our culture to believe peace is something it actually isn't. In this podcast, we will discuss what (who) peace is, how we obtain it, and what might stand in the way. Thank you…
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In this episode, I wanted to discuss something that is super important in the topic of anxiety, and that is, what are the roots? Obviously, this is a different answer for everyone, and it's quite complex. But today I wanted to share some thoughts about there potentially being some other "trapped" or "stuffed" emotions that could be underlying your …
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In today's episode, we will dive into some coping skills you can incorporate into your daily life to fight anxiety. I included a prayer imagery experience that I do with clients from time to time, which can be very powerful! If you are wanting more encouragement throughout your day, don't forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram: https://www.f…
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In today's episode, we are focusing a little bit more on the spiritual aspects of anxiety. Namely, satan, and how he wants to use anxiety to destroy us. Remember, for many people, anxiety is more than just a spiritual issue, so I don't want to make it seem like the quick fix is to "pray more" and "have stronger faith." Do I think prayer and faith c…
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Today's podcast is going to focus on one way you can begin to separate yourself from anxiety. The good news? You can start doing it today! Remember, the anxiety you have is not your identity. When God was creating you, He didn't think, "hm, I'll give this one anxiety." There is so much more to you than your struggle. I pray that today's podcast wil…
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We are beginning our new series today, on anxiety. The topic of anxiety is vast, but I hope each episode will leave you feeling encouraged and more equipped to fight anxiety. We are specifically going to be looking at the intersection between anxiety and faith, and how we can combine secular anxiety coping skills with biblical principles. Please fe…
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If you follow my blog, you may have found it because of an open letter I wrote to the Christian "bad girl." There were quite a bit of mixed feelings around this letter, but it also seemed to resonate with many, many people. Why? Because shame is real and sometimes the shame we feel about our past makes it feel so hard to be vulnerable around other …
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It's pretty easy to feel lost in this life. What we're going to talk about today is the concept of 'finding yourself'. Culture tells us a million ways to do this, but the Bible is pretty clear that there is only one way to do this. Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe so you get notified when future episodes air. And if you would be wi…
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Thank you for listening to the very first episode of The Unraveling Podcast with Kelli Bachara. I am so grateful you took the time to listen, and I so appreciate your grace as I learn to do this whole podcasting thing. They will only get better from here :) Today I share a little bit about my journey on listening to the Lord's call and starting a b…
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