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show episodes
Big laughs. Smart takes. Every day. Commotion is where you go for thoughtful and vibrant conversations about all things pop culture. Host Elamin Abdelmahmoud calls on journalists, critics, creators and friends to talk through the biggest arts & entertainment stories of the day, in 30 minutes or less. Subscribe to Sounds Good: CBC's Podcasts newsletter for the finest podcast recommendations and behind-the-scenes exclusives.
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Elástico Mental

Café Belgrado

Guilherme Tadeu e Lucas Nepomuceno abordam os temas mais imprevisíveis da cultura, nacional ou internacional, a partir de análises aprofundadas e improváveis. De Whindersson Nunes a Clint Eastwood, de Rei do Gado a The Wire, este projeto não deixará nada pelo caminho.
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Elainne Ourives - Podcasts

Elainne Ourives

Co tydzień+
SINTONIZE SUA VIBRAÇÃO. Eu sou Elainne Ourives, a sua Treinadora Mental, sou a criadora da Poderosa Técnica Hertz, do Podcast DNA da cocriação, do Treinamento Holococriação de Sonhos e Metas. O Treinamento que já impactou mais de 200 mil alunos ao redor do Mundo. Sou autora dos Best-Seller DNA Milionário e DNA da Cocriação. E a partir de agora estarei aqui no Pocket Hertz com conteúdos exclusivos, curiosidades, insights que irão te ajudar a elevar a sua vibração. Sintonize a sua Nova Frequên ...
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Tati & Elas

TEOmídia Cast

Co tydzień
"Tati & Elas" é um espaço dedicado às mulheres cristãs, abordando suas dores e necessidades espirituais. Inspirado em exemplos bíblicos e histórias e personagens atuais, o programa traz ensino bíblico, meditações e "insights" que fortalecem a fé e promovem a participação ativa na igreja e na comunidade para viver e compartilhar uma vida plena que só Cristo pode dar.
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Build a life, not just a career. Every week I learn from extraordinary women about how they're building a life they're proud of. Gain clarity on your own path and values and learn from the experiences of diverse and inspiring women in topics like relationships, work, love, and more!
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GYET is focused on one subject, entrepreneurship. Running a business can get real and this show is unafraid to get into the weeds to help you find your path to align your business with your spirit. Brian has been in the entrepreneurship game since 2012, tried different businesses and has learned what works and what doesn’t. He’s also been an entrepreneurship coach since 2020. Brian is bringing all those lessons and insights to you! You can expect a variety of show types from GYET. Solo shows ...
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Dr Elaina George is Board certified Otolaryngologist who started Peachtree ENT Center with a mission to practice state of the art medicine that is available to everyone. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Biology. She received her Masters degree in Medical Microbiology at Long Island University, and received her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Dr George completed her residency at Manhattan, Eye Ear & Throat Hospital. Her training included ...
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Are you an ELA teacher striving to help your middle and high school students become confident, capable readers and writers? Middle School Cafe is your go-to podcast for practical strategies, proven methods, and inspiration to close the reading gap and unlock every student's potential. In each episode, I will share real-world insights and actionable tips drawn from years of classroom experience to help you meet students where they are and guide them toward growth. From implementing the worksh ...
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Emergence with Elaira

Elaira Tickute

You've likely noticed that the world is fundamentally changing, and many old ways no longer work. I believe our strong personal emergence will lay the foundation for the already unfolding new business paradigm. I think it will get strong roots and shape from our own becoming, and it will materialize collectively from our individual inside-out unfolding expression. There has never been a more prominent time for this radical change—building our businesses differently, often in ways completely ...
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Lehmän hyvä elämä

Feeling Good – Lehmän hyvä elämä -hanke

Podcastissa puhutaan lehmistä, maitotilojen elämästä ja eläinten hyvinvoinnista. Tervetuloa mukaan märehtimään yhdessä sitä, miten lehmien arjesta voidaan tehdä entistä parempaa. Podcast on tuotettu osana Feeling Good – Lehmän hyvä elämä -hanketta. Hanke on Euroopan unionin osarahoittama.
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Elaine Thorpe allows her guide Jonathan to come through and speak on many subjects. Elaine has been a Trance Medium since 2005. Trance mediumship is allowing spirits to come in and use your voice to express themselves.
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De ELA Podcast

Valérie Pas

Welkom bij de podcast van de Energiek Leven Academy voor bewuste en ondernemende vrouwen, die hun energie en gezondheid next level willen brengen. Orthomoleculair therapeut en holistisch coach Valérie Pas is gefascineerd door de kracht van voeding, leefstijl en mindset om energiek, gezond en gelukkig door het leven te gaan. Daarvoor onderzoekt ze de relatie tussen body mind & soul en gaat in gesprek met professionals die op hun unieke manier mensen bijstaan in hun persoonlijke groei. Laat je ...
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Elu Elamus

Elisa Eesti

Elu Elamus podcast kutsub külla kõige põnevamad persoonid oma valdkonnast. Saatetunni jooksul arutatakse isiklikke ja aktuaalseid teemasid elust enesest ning jagatakse kuulajatega nii suurimaid õnnestumisi kui ka karjääriteele sattunud ämbreid.
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Elaisha Jade Travels

Elaisha Jade

Elaisha Jade's travel podcast details the ins and outs of adventure. Travel has never been more accessible than it is now! From moving across the world to travelling with illness she explores what it's like to be a modern day adventurer.
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Elämäntyönä terveytesi

Elämäntyönä terveytesi

Elämäntyönä terveytesi -podcastissa Pauli Waroma keskustelee kiinnostavien asiantuntijoiden kanssa siitä, mistä asioista hyvä ja terve elämä koostuu. Tavoitteena on löytää ajattelemisen aihetta niin fyysiseen, henkiseen, kuin yhteiskunnalliseenkin hyvinvointiin. Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan!
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show series
Can family wisdom help your career? Vahbiz Cooper is a marketing professional in the B2B SaaS industry, serving as Digital Marketing Manager at Demandbase. In this insightful episode, Vahbiz shares her journey of balancing traditional Indian upbringing with modern career ambitions. She offers valuable insights on: How the "respect goes both ways" p…
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If you’ve ever wondered how to make vocabulary instruction more engaging and effective without adding more to your already packed schedule, this episode is for you! In part two of this mini-series on vocabulary, we’re diving into practical strategies that help students not only learn new words but actually use and remember them. In this episode, we…
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Estudar a Bíblia e viver com base nela é a chave para muitas coisas, assim como ensinar o amor contido nas Escrituras. Confira agora um belo compilado sobre a razão de viver, especialmente para todo servo de Deus, aqueles que desejam fazer devocionais e criar intimidade com o Salvador, o Príncipe da Paz. Prof. Dr. Antônio Renato Gusso é pós-doutor …
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Este é o HoloCast, o podcast do Holo Cocriação! O Holo Cocriação é o mais completo treinamento de cocriação e manifestação da realidade do mundo 🌍 Com ele você consegue reprogramar a sua mente, eliminar crenças limitantes e extrair o seu máximo potencial para viver uma vida INCRÍVEL. Você nasceu para ser ABUNDANTE, e se por algum motivo você não es…
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Book lovers Arizona O’Neill and Lu Aburawi talk about the new Hunger Games prequel, 'Sunrise on the Reaping,' and the cultural impact of Suzanne Collins’ popular series. Plus, Elamin talks to Matt Carey, documentary editor at Deadline.com, about the latest headlines involving this year’s Oscar winner for best documentary feature ‘No Other Land’ - i…
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​I denne episoden har vi gleden av å ha med oss Nina Nakling, en erfaren foredragsholder og kursleder kjent for sitt engasjement for å skape gode arbeidskulturer. For en herlig dame! Sammen utforsker vi hvordan man kan bygge et arbeidsmiljø preget av trivsel og entusiasme, og Nina deler konkrete verktøy og metoder for å oppnå dette.​ Hun vet hva hu…
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TV critic Angie Han and entertainment reporter Teri Hart discuss Seth Rogen’s new Apple TV+, ‘The Studio,' a satirical look at the inner workings of the movie industry and the perpetual tension between art and commerce in Hollywood. Plus, The Cut’s Emily Gould reviews the bestselling memoir, 'The Tell' by Amy Griffin, where the businesswoman shares…
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Kaupallinen yhteistyö: Puhti HUOM: Alekoodilla väkeväelämä20 saat 20% alennusta kaikista normaalihintaisista Puhti-testeistä 20.4.2025 asti! Suurena mittaamisen(kin) ystävänä otin yhteyttä Puhti-verikoepalveluun ja istahdettiin alas keskustelemaan mistä oikein on kyse ja mitä hyötyä mittaamisesta parhaimmillaan voi olla. Kävimme läpi mm. miten palv…
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I ukens episode løfter vi frem det faktum at livet kan se fint ut på papiret, men hva gjør du når hjertet ikke er med? Hvorfor kjenner vi oss så stuck? Vi blir stående fast, ikke fordi vi ikke vet hva vi vil, men fordi vi ofte frykter konsekvensene. Vi dykker inn i hjernens behov for trygghet, hvorfor vi holder fast på det kjente selv når det gjør …
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Last year, my business went into decay—a deep winter season. At first, I resisted, frustrated that things weren’t moving forward. But when I finally surrendered, I discovered the medicine and gifts hidden in that stillness. Business growth isn’t linear. Just like nature, it moves in cycles—seasons of expansion, contraction, death, and rebirth. What…
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Os Segredos da Holococriação | Desperte Seu Poder de Cocriação ✨🔮 Tudo no Universo é energia e frequência! A Holococriação ensina como reprogramar sua mente e alinhar sua vibração para manifestar uma nova realidade. Neste vídeo, você vai descobrir os princípios ocultos desse método poderoso e como aplicá-los para atrair abundância, felicidade e tra…
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Culture critics Cristina Escobar and Adam Nayman join guest host Rad Simonpillai to discuss the live action remake of Disney’s Snow White, from its rocky production, to the casting of Rachel Zegler and Gal Gadot, and why the film has sparked so much debate. Plus, the winners of Canada Reads 2025, champion Shayla Stonechild and author Ma-Nee Chacaby…
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Huhtikuussa Suomen lähes 300 kuntaan valitaan uudet valtuustot. Kunnissa päätetään monista asioista, jotka vaikuttavat suoraan tai välillisesti eläinten hyvinvointiin. Jaksossa Animalian kampanjavastaava Tiina Ollila keskustelee Animalian eläinsuojeluasiantuntija Laura Uotilan kanssa vaaliteemoista, puoluekyselystä ja Eläinpoliittisesta sitoumukses…
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🎙 Elástico Mental está de volta! 🎙 Foram QUATRO anos de hiato. Tempo suficiente pra uma criança nascer, aprender a falar e já começar a reclamar da vida. Mas, graças aos pedidos insistentes (e às generosas contribuições dos ouvintes), o Elástico Mental retorna para sua segunda temporada. E esse retorno não poderia ser mais especial: a estreia traz …
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Os Segredos da Holococriação | Ative Seu Poder de Manifestação ✨🔮 Você já imaginou reprogramar sua realidade e atrair tudo o que deseja? A Holococriação é a chave para desbloquear o seu poder interior e transformar sua vida através da frequência vibracional certa. Neste vídeo, vou revelar os princípios essenciais desse método poderoso e como aplicá…
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TV critic Aramide Tinubu and culture writer Amil Niazi discuss the new Netflix miniseries Adolescence, a harrowing portrait of a 13-year-old British boy accused of murdering a female schoolmate, and the online culture of toxic masculinity that’s shaping the worldview of teens today. Plus, the fashion industry is once again shaking things up. Loewe’…
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With tensions between Canada and the U.S. making headlines, Come From Away feels more relevant than ever. Artistic director Jillian Keiley and performer Darrell Morris Jr. join Elamin Abdelmahmoud to discuss the message of unity behind the musical's upcoming production in Gander, N.L. Plus, the new medical drama The Pitt is making headlines for one…
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Tämä jakso sai alkunsa ex tempore -hengessä automatkalla jakson vieraan kanssa. Ajellessamme keskustelimme siitä miten monen hyvinvointi lähtee modernissa maailmassa aluksi mietoon alamäkeen, joka myöhemmin taittuu kunnon syöksykierteeksi. Miten tämän viheliäisen kehityksen saa pysäytettyä ja voitua hyvin? Jaksossa keskustelemme mm. mistä hyvinvoin…
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Transformando Dor em Poder | Minha Jornada de Frequência Vibracional ✨🔥 A dor pode ser um fardo ou um impulso para a sua transformação. Tudo depende da forma como você escolhe senti-la e ressignificá-la. Neste vídeo, vou compartilhar minha jornada e como usei a frequência vibracional para transformar desafios em força, medo em coragem e dor em pode…
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In todays episode you get to hear from the former "secret weapon" of the Tony Robins organization, Chad Cooper. If you've ever wondered what high performers are looking for in coaching or how to drill down what your purpose is you don't want to miss this one! We go through the 5 rights of passage to begin the journey to enlightenment and there are …
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'Top Chef: Destination Canada' is here and this year, 15 new chefs are cooking up across the country. How will the show represent our country’s cuisine amidst the trade war? And, can the long-standing show, in its 22nd season, remain fresh among new food competition favourites? Elamin chats with Niko Stratis and Ivy Knight about the new season.…
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Entendendo Emoções | Tristeza, Medo e a Força do Amor 💙✨ Suas emoções moldam sua realidade! A tristeza e o medo podem parecer obstáculos, mas quando compreendidos, se tornam grandes mestres no caminho da transformação. Neste vídeo, vamos explorar como essas emoções funcionam, como liberá-las e como a força do amor pode ser a chave para equilibrar s…
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Técnica Holográfica do Sonho Realizado | Ative Seu Poder de Cocriação ✨🔮 E se você pudesse trazer seus sonhos para a realidade agora? A Técnica Holográfica do Sonho Realizado te ensina a alinhar sua mente, emoção e energia para manifestar aquilo que deseja de forma rápida e poderosa. Neste vídeo, vou te guiar nesse processo transformador para que v…
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Desperte Seu Poder | Frequências Emocionais e Co-Criação ✨🔮 Suas emoções são a chave para criar a realidade que você deseja! Quando você aprende a sintonizar frequências mais elevadas, ativa seu poder de cocriação e transforma sua vida. Neste vídeo, você vai descobrir como suas emoções moldam seu destino e como usá-las a seu favor para manifestar a…
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Guest host Rad Simonpillai talks to film critics Teri Hart and Barry Hertz about a bunch of new films: Sandra Oh's new sci-fi feature Can I Get a Witness?, Netflix's $320 million gamble The Electric State, and Canadian filmmaker/provocateur Matt Johnson's SXSW entry Nirvanna the Band the Show the Movie. Plus, the group chat reflects on the five yea…
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Kathy Dunlay is a business leader in the technology sector, serving as Founder and CEO at New England Sales & Marketing. With 35 years of experience and an immigrant family background that shaped her work ethic, she has built a successful consultancy serving over 120 B2B technology companies while maintaining control over her time and honoring her …
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“Algospeak” is a kind of Internet language where people replace words like porn and suicide with seemingly innocuous words and emojis as a way to avoid being censored by the algorithm. Rebecca Jennings and Noelle Perdue explain this phenomenon and what it means for free speech. Plus, film critic Rachel Ho explains how the Chinese fantasy feature ‘N…
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Transforme Sua Frequência | O Segredo da Abundância ✨💰 A abundância não é sorte, é frequência! Tudo o que você atrai está alinhado com a sua vibração. Quando você aprende a elevar sua energia, abre as portas para um fluxo infinito de prosperidade. Neste vídeo, vou te mostrar como ajustar sua frequência e cocriar uma realidade de abundância e plenit…
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After all the attention Bong Joon Ho received with 'Parasite,' many are curious about the director's latest film 'Mickey 17.' Michelle Cho and Jackson Weaver talk with Elamin Abdelmahmoud about the sci-fi allegory starring Robert Pattinson. Plus, illustrator Michael DeForge looks at how 'Law & Order Toronto' turned real-life encampment evictions an…
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With Tory Lanez dropping his new album ‘Peterson’ a project he recorded from prison where he is currently serving time for shooting Megan Thee Stallion in the feet, Elamin is joined by culture critics Matt Amha and Pablo Da Don to discuss the album and the ethical questions raised by where and when it was recorded. Plus, Anne Victoria Clark reviews…
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