Dr. Eric Berg DC, describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting, weight loss, and overall body health. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals and author of a best-selling book on amazon.com, The New Body Type Guide. He has conducted over 4800 seminars on health-related topics. Dr. Berg’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram channels have close to 6 million followers worldwide and hav ...
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Personal finance for smart people by the host of the Dough Roller Money Podcast. Rather than forcing you into a one-size-fits-all financial plan, we discuss the tools, resources, and strategies that will empower you to make the best money decisions for you and your family.
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Wir tauchen ein in die Faszination der Berge und der Natur. Wir stellen euch die großen Abenteurer und Grenzgängerinnen vor. Wir bringen denkwürdige Momente und kulturgeschichtliche Hintergründe in euer Ohr. Wir wollen euch bergeistern! https://bergeistern.com
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A show dedicated to everything related to Bergen Catholic High School as we share unique Crusader stories that help make up the overall Bergen Catholic experience.
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Podcast by Bergens Indremisjon
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Salem Bergen er en menighet under Norsk Luthersk Misjonssamband (NLM). Vi legger ut taler fra våre gudstjenester. Du er hjertelig velkommen på våre gudstjenester i Sigurds gate 6 i Bergen hver lørdag kl. 19:30 og søndag 11:00.
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Mut. Angst. Liebe. Verantwortung. Die großen Fragen des Lebens begegnen uns in den Bergen oft besonders intensiv. Dieser Podcast widmet sich in jeder Folge einem Thema, erzählt spannende und berührende Geschichten und nimmt euch mit nach draußen. Bergwelten – der Podcast über Höhen und Tiefen – ist eine Produktion aus dem Red Bull Media House. Mehr Infos: bergwelten.com/podcast
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The newest sermons from Iglesia Bautista de North Bergen on SermonAudio.
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Semi-professional jokesters Colton Drake and Jay Berg critique standup comedy specials by WAY more successful comics. Coming at to you live from Jay’s mom’s basement. Segments include: ”What’s for Dinner, Mom?”; ”Why I’m a Better Comic than _____”; ”Fashionisto”; and, ”This Week in Plumbing”.
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Wissen Sie, was Reinhold Messner als seinen 15. Achttausender bezeichnet? Oder warum Wandern die Freizeitbeschäftigung Nummer 1 in Bayern ist? Oder welche Tour, welcher Klettersteig, welche Radlroute zu empfehlen ist? Sie erfahren es in "BR24 für Bergsteiger". Das alpine Magazin rund um Hütten und Höhenwege, Gipfel und Grate. Aktuell und informativ.
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Oregon School District Superintendent Dr. Leslie Bergstrom gives you inside look into life in our schools. Get ready for some fun because it’s all about the kids!
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Podcast by Northern Alliance Radio - Mitch Berg
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Poder, cotidiano, moda, celebridades, cultura, esporte. Eclética e incansável, a jornalista Mônica Bergamo, uma das mais bem informadas do Brasil, conta em primeira mão para o ouvinte da BandNews FM quais são as notícias mais recentes e importantes do dia nas mais diferentes áreas. Mônica Bergamo comanda a coluna da página 2 da Ilustrada, da “Folha de São Paulo”. Ela é repórter especial do jornal desde abril de 1999. Já teve passagens pela Band e pela editora Abril. Mônica destaca em sua col ...
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Daily Episodes of the Morning Show with Greg Berg. One-of-a-kind interviews with locally and nationally-renowned authors, regional newsmakers, opinion leaders, educators, performers, athletes, and other intriguing members of the community. Presented by WGTD FM. Visit us for local news and information: http://www.wgtd.org
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Welcome to the official sermon podcast of Church at Bergen, a vibrant and diverse, Christ-centered community in northeast New Jersey. Each episode features biblically sound, gospel-driven sermons preached by our pastors and guest speakers. Be equipped, encouraged, and challenged as we dive deep into God’s Word, exploring its relevance to our everyday lives and its power to transform hearts. Whether you’re a part of our church family or tuning in from afar, join us as we glorify God and grow ...
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"En kirke for hele livet" Midt i hjertet av Bergen, like ved Lille Lungegårdsvann, finner du Pinsekirken Tabernaklet Bergen - kirken med den beskjedne fasaden og det store hjertet. I mer enn 100 år har vi drevet kirke i Marken for å koble mennesker til Gud og livet i etterfølgelse av Jesus.
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Overwhelmed by conflicting narratives and sensationalism in the news? Wondering where you can get an objective analysis and direct-from-the-source reporting? Look no further than In the Room with Peter Bergen. In a weekly nonpartisan news podcast, longtime national security journalist and bestselling author Peter Bergen goes beyond the headlines, to explore the world’s most important and captivating stories. Each week, listeners are invited to join Peter as he covers a news topic like war, a ...
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Leiderschap, Veranderkunde en Organisatieontwikkeling -- met Christian van den Berg
christian van den berg
Dé podcast over Leiderschap, Veranderkunde en Organisatieontwikkeling. Waarin u wordt bijgepraat door experts over actuele ontwikkelingen én klassieke denkwijzen en methodes op het gebied van Leiderschap, Veranderkunde en Organisatieontwikkeling.
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HeadRoom explores deep into the minds of those on the frontiers of our society. Uncovering the 'why' behind acclaimed contributors forging their path through life and those new souls just stepping beyond the crowd. Investigating the source of inspiration that drove those who have gone before us, Headroom hopes to inspire the 'next' in us. Join Dr. Rod Berger, PsyD, uncover the stories seldom told and add richness to the narratives within our own lives.
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Två bästa vänner. Ett kreativt influencer-geni och en kalkylerande tandläkare. Båda öppna för att lära känna sig själva, livet och sina lyssnare bättre. Att tro på sig själv är enligt Lisa Borg och Emelie Bergstedt det viktigaste i livet. Tillsammans tar de sig an allt mellan himmel och jord, alltid med ett sprudlande skratt. Varje måndag släpps ett nytt avsnitt. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Kristkirken i Bergen består av mennesker som er glad i Jesus. Vi lengter etter å se mennesker vokse i tillit til Ham – uansett hvordan livet ser ut. Vårt ønske er at forkynnelsen skal være dyptpløyende og relevant, og at den skal ose av kjærlighet til Jesus, mennesker og samfunnet vi bor i.
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Der Podcast "Berg & Seele" ist ein Impuls der Klinik ChiemseeWinkel. Hier gibt es WISSENSWERTES zur mentalen Balance und dem Erkennen psychosomatischer Beschwerden und seelischen Erkrankungen zu hören. Die Privatklinik für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie liegt in wunderschöner Lage direkt am Chiemsee und hat starke Expertise. In unseren Podcast-Folgen geben die Talk-Partner um Moderator Markus Sturm viele Erläuterungen zu Symptomen, Beschwerden und Möglichkeiten der Unterstützung. Von Angst ...
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Kinyan Masechta chabura meeting at Ohr Torah in Bergenfield weeknights at 9PM.
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life is sweeter in candy color! {www.katrinaberg.com} hi! i'm oil painter, katrina berg. welcome to my midway, utah studio, where i'll serve up a palette of support, hope and love, with a side of realness! as a mother of 5 (3 teenagers & 8-year-old twin boys), i know that life is rarely easy and jolly...but savoring the sweet moments gives us the strength we need to find peace, growth, and fulfillment along our journey. {podcasting to support women, mother artists and creative entrepreneurs! ...
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Tune in to "The Scoreboard with Joe Berg" airing every Monday through Friday at 5pm on WSIC for your daily dose of sports excitement! Join sports broadcaster Joe Berg as he delves into the heart of the action, covering everything from local heroes to national superstars. With comprehensive coverage of local, regional, and national sports, Joe keeps you informed on all fronts. From high school rivalries to college showdowns and professional leagues, no game is too big or too small for "The Sc ...
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Learn from global disability-focused leaders about high profile topics and how they are truly making a difference. Mai Ling and James give you front row access to intimate conversations that are shaping the way the world is supporting people with disabilities. They share their intimate experiences— so you can start, grow, and expand your impact.
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Bakkie met Bergsma kun je vinden op YouTube en hier. Elkaar vinden in gekke tijden.
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Bliv klogere på projektledelse og ledelse, mens du hører projektkonsulent Else Kathrine Friis og udviklingskonsulent Lise-Lotte Berg tale sammen om de svære cases. For selv en konsulent kan få brug for hjælp fra en konsulent.
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En podcast om och kring min musik som Räven. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Undervisning från Bergslagskyrkan i Nora via Söndaghelaveckan
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Willkommen bei meinem Podcast Format. Das Copyright der Inhalte verbleibt beim jeweiligen Urheber. Jede Entehrung akzeptiert der Autor der Podcastbeiträge mindestens für den Wert der Sicherungsvereinbarung, die angefordert werden kann.
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A podcast about our coworking space and its members in Bergen, Norway.
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Welcome to Cory Bergeron Experiences Life. If I release a new episode it means I'm still alive.
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Welcome to Sophia Berger, where amazing things happen.
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Radio Bergeijk, het radiostation voor Bergeijk, wordt gepresenteerd door ankerman Toon Spoorenberg en zijn beste kennis Peer van Eersel. Met facilitaire ondersteuning van technicus Tedje van Lieshout ontvangen de radiomannen een keur aan plaatselijke gasten. Of doen verslag van bijzondere culturele gebeurtenissen of particuliere initiatieven. Radio Bergeijk zond uit van 2001 t/m 2007 en komt terug vanaf 27 augustus 2019. Meer info vind je op vpro.nl/radiobergeijk.
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Wuppertal in 90 Sekunden - Hörstücke für Zwischendurch
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Hey there :l Thanks for checking me out!
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April 2018 The idea is to use the platform to interview other creatives, spawning new ideas while challenging everyday norms.😀
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Året er 2050. Byen er Bergen. Hvordan gikk det egentlig? Klarte vi det eller gikk det til helvete? BT har spurt fem forfattere fra Vestlandet om å skildre hvordan Bergen kan se ut i en tenkt klimafremtid. Bli med til Bergen i 2050. Lyddesign: Hans Kristen Hyrve og Henrik Svanevik Produsent: Henrik Svanevik
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Podcast by Norkirken Bergen
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Join Lisa VanDamme as she guides you through Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand. Recommended Book Url: https://readwithme.app.link/jNNnVAbKEjb To learn more about Read With Me visit https://readwithmesalon.com
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Associazione per la tutela e la promozione del suono delle campane
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#017 Mentale Stärke im Sport: Wie Luis Prantl seine Basketballmannschaft motiviert und stärkt
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17:56In der neuesten Episode von "Berg & Seele" begrüßt Host Markus Sturm Luis Prantl, Cheftrainer der Damen-Basketballmannschaft aus Wasserburg am Inn. Luis teilt seine wertvollen Einblicke in die Entwicklung mentaler Stärke und Resilienz durch Sport. Er erklärt, wie essentiell mentale Fitness neben körperlicher Leistungsfähigkeit im Sport ist und wie …
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Ep. 17: Chris Distefano - "It's Just Unfortunate"
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57:34The Girl/Guy Code star's 3rd comedy special is on the chopping blocks in this SUS episode. Illness forced Jay to scramble to fill a show last week (0:40). Our lack of knowledge of "geometry" rears its ugly head again as we welcome Indonesia and Hong Kong to our cadre of listeners (3:50). Introducing Chris D (9:05). Overall impressions (15:00). Colt…
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We celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Racine Literacy Council with three guests: Laura Sumner Coon, executive director of the RLC, Ann Zogg, who is a volunteer tutor, and Victor Mexia, whose wife and daughter have participated with him in the RLC's Family Literacy Program.
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Mentor en mentee inspireren elkaar over en weer
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31:45Als mentor ben je er in eerste instantie om je mentee verder te helpen. Maar het verhaal van Steven Adriaansen (burgemeester van de gemeente Woensdrecht) en Laurys Bennink (gemeenteambtenaar in Tiel en raadslid in gemeente Neder-Betuwe) laat zien dat je elkaar en zelfs je omgeving kunt inspireren in een goede mentor-relatie.…
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03/01/25 HR 1 Walz Calls Republicans “Nazis” - The Receipts
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1:00:00See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Autor: Northern Alliance Radio - Mitch Berg
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HS Playoff Basketball, Baseballs Changes, Nascar cup series
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42:28Join Joe Berg as he talks about local, regional, and national sports! The Scoreboard with Joe Berg.Autor: WSIC
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Doping am Berg: Mit Xenon in einer Woche auf den Mount Everest?
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23:21Neues Hilfsmittel für kommerzielle Everest-Besteigungen | Beim "Jennerstier", dem wichtigsten Skitourenrennen Deutschlands | Tradition oder TV-Tauglichkeit - Skibergsteigen auf dem Weg nach Olympia | Gipfelmanis Alpinglosse: Eigentumswohnung auf dem Wendelstein | Die Bodenalm-Loipe bei Scharnitz.Autor: Anton Kästner
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angels, changes, review of 2024 and hopes & dreams for 2025
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1:05:31CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 248: so much in this packed episode! thoughts on angels and prayer, manifesting revelations & clarity in 2025 and especially for the rapidly changing world that might just be hard to keep up with at times. thoughts and things to ponder on the department of education. are you applying for jessica & i's artist mast…
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Dr. Berg Interview: American Thought Leaders
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33:58Check out my interview with American Thought Leaders! I discuss my approach to health and a wide range of topics, from RFK Jr. to keto and intermittent fasting. You won’t want to miss this! In this podcast, I’m interviewed by The Epoch Times, and I discuss many of the health concerns Americans face today. America spends an incredible amount per cap…
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Many people only take between 600 to 2000 IUs of vitamin D each day. Did you know that 10,000 IUs of vitamin D3 is only .25 mg? Vitamin D is the most important vitamin. It controls 10% of your genetics. Over 90% of the population has less than 40 ng per mL of vitamin D3 in their blood. The guidelines of 600 IUs of vitamin D3 are based on preventing…
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RBS 193: My Portfolio Update And Changes to the Investment Tracking Spreadsheet (March 2025)
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18:51In this video, I'll share with you my current investment portfolio, including a big change I made in our traditional retirement accounts. I'll also share an update to my free investment tracking spreadsheet. https://robberger.com/investment-trac... Join the Newsletter. It's Free: https://robberger.com/newsletter/?utm...…
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80% of Heart Attacks & Strokes Happen Because of THIS
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6:58If someone dies from a heart attack or stroke, their death is typically the result of a clot. A clot can form in less than 5 seconds! Usually, your body should form a clot, fix the hole in the artery, then dissolve the clot, but this doesn’t always happen. Clots can be caused by the following: •Smoking •Pollution/chemicals •Alcohol •Birth control p…
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Anruf bei Simon Messner: Über das Klettern in den Dolomiten
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27:21In der neuen Folge „Anruf bei Simon Messner" erzählt unser Kolumnist, wie sich das Klettern in den Dolomiten verändert hat, weshalb das Einbohren von fixen Haken seiner Meinung nach die Spielwiese der Möglichkeiten verkleinert und wieso der Tourismus-Boom in Südtirol die meisten Felswände verschont hat.…
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On Episode 21 of the Bergen Catholic Podcast, Dan Long & Matt Rosa welcome Ali Ismail '25, Avery Drapkin '25, and Sevag Bekarian '27 of the Bergen Catholic Model United Nations Club.Autor: Bergen Catholic
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Dr. Art Cyr pays his first visit to the Morning Show in 2025 with today's conversation in which, among other things, we talk about the first six weeks of President Trump's second term-- including the dramatic scene in the Oval Office that Professor Cyr called "a brutal verbal assault" in his most recent column.…
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Having published over 80 episodes covering everything from the Pentagon's bizarre history of stifling — and stoking — UFO panic to the massive surveillance system on our smartphones to how Afghanistan was lost to the Taliban — twice, In the Room is taking a hiatus, and a chance to think about what other topics and formats we might pursue. Stay tune…
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RBS 192: Should You Reduce Your Stock Exposure for Today's Market Valuations: 60/40 vs 40/60
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17:16With stock valuations near all-time highs in the U.S., many people are asking whether we should reduce or exposure to stocks. In fact, a recent Vanguard market outlook report concluded that a typical 60/40 retirement portfolio may be too rich, and that a 40/60 portfolio is a better option in this valuation environment. This video is my take on all …
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Like Hosea’s wife, God’s people have committed adultery. They have run from him to the sins of the flesh. And yet, God instructs Hosea to not give up on Gomer, just as he will not give up on his people. In Hosea 2 we see the people rebel. And then God ‘lures them into the wilderness’. And in that Wilderness is the hope that we cling to. Intimacy wi…
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Hør Arne Skagen dele fra Guds Ord, og sitt eget liv, om hva som kan skje når vi gir Gud noe å jobbe med, og åpner opp våre hjerter og hjem for andre. Garantert inspirerende!Autor: Arne Skagen
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Today's Morning Show is the first to air during Women's History Month 2025. Part One: Laura Semmer, illustrator of "The ABC's of Women's History," a lovely children's book written by Rio Cortez. Part Two: from the Morning Show archives .... Bryant Johnson, who was the personal trainer of former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, talks …
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Pastor McKinney introduces a seven-week series exploring the "signs" or miracles of Jesus in the Gospel of John, emphasizing that these miracles are meant to reveal the glory of Jesus and strengthen faith. He discusses the first sign where Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding, illustrating that this miracle speaks to deeper spiritual truths abo…
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All About Inclusive Fashion Design with Shay Senior
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39:32After a fun introduction in which Mai Ling and James bring us up to speed on what’s going on in their careers, James introduces Shay Senior, a social entrepreneur and this episode’s guest. Shay is the CEO and founder of Palta, an inclusive fashion clothing company, and he talks about the personal injury that led to him launch Palta. Shay also share…
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La omnipotencia de Dios desplegada en la consumación de la salvación.
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46:30Autor: Andrés Gutiérrez
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CRITICAL: Detoxify Your Brain from Microplastics
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7:05Did you know that the brain accumulates 7 to 30 times more microplastics than the liver and the kidneys? In this video, I’m going to tell you how to detox microplastics and forever chemicals that can wreak havoc on your health. Forever chemicals can bind with proteins in your blood, creating problems as they bioaccumulate in the body over time. One…
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354. Visa att man har en butterfly & Min partner vårdar mig
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36:33Mail: [email protected] Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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La oss ikke komme i fristelse | Ingebjørg Martinussen | Søndagsgudstjeneste 2.3.2025
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30:05Del 5 av taleserie.Av alle ting Jesus snakker om i Bibelen er det kanskje et tema som virkelig får mennesket i 2025 til å spisse ørene, Bønn! Muligheten til å nærme seg Gud, snakke med han og være i hans nærvær er større enn vi noen gang kan fatte. I Matteus kapittel 6 sier Jesus: «Slik skal dere be». I denne taleserien skal vi fokusere på Herrens …
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Benjamin Jensen - Paulus´ brev til Timoteus
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37:42Pinsekirken starter opp med en ny taleserie om Paulus føste og andre brev til Timoteus. Pastor Benjamin Jensen introduserer her første av fem taler i serien, med bl. a. fokus på byen Efesos.Autor: Pinsekirken Tabernaklet Bergen
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Ole Eirik Bjørnstad - Vær et forbilde
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28:20Ungdomspastor Ole Eirik introduserer talerserien om Timoteus-brevene på kveldsgudstjenesten for unge voksne, med følgende tema: vær et forbilde!Autor: Pinsekirken Tabernaklet Bergen
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3/2/25 The Seuss, the Whole Seuss, and Nothing but the Seuss
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23:55March 2nd is the date that Theodore Geissel ... aka Dr. Seuss .... was born in 1904. From the archives comes this 2004 interview with Charles D. Cohen, talking about his book "The Seuss, the Whole Seuss, and Nothing but the Seuss." Cohen is perhaps the world's foremost expert on all matters related to Dr. Seuss. This book was published to mark the …
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Reconciliados con Dios para santificación
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37:15Autor: Andrés Gutiérrez
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03/01/25 HR 2 Ukraine, Minneapolis, And The NARN Turns 21.
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1:00:00See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Autor: Northern Alliance Radio - Mitch Berg
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In the wake of the news of the death of award-winning actor Gene Hackman, we are replaying a 2004 interview with Hackman and his longtime friend Daniel Lenihan ... talking about "Justice for None," the second of three historical novels which they co-authored.
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La importancia del Liderazgo Espiritual
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58:59Autor: Ariel Rodríguez Díaz
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2/28/25 Michael Gelman, exec. producer of "Live with Kelly & Mark"
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7:11This is a bonus for Morning Show listeners- a brief conversation with Michael Gelman, executive producer of "Live with Kelly and Mark" (Kelly Ripa and Mark Conseulos.) They will be co-hosting a special program on Monday that will celebrate some of the most noteworthy Oscar winners from the night before. Gelman discusses some of the challenges invol…
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Skitour ins Windlegerkar am Dachstein
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23:18Skitourengeher bergen Verschütteten am Gatterl im Wetterstein | Der traditionsreiche Vasaloppet Skilanglauf-Marathon in Schweden | Sicher auf der Piste | Skitour ins Windlegerkar am Dachstein | Das Bergrätsel im März.Autor: Sebastian Nachbar
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2/28/25 Richard Rothstein: "Just Action"
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48:37We speak with Richard Rothstein about the book he co-authored with his daughter Leah Rothstein .... "Just Action: How to Challenge Segregation Enacted Under the Color of Law." The book examines the phenomenon of residential segregation - in which Blacks and Whites in America tend to live apart from one another despite all of the breakthroughs made …
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RBS 191: The Bond Funds I Use To Protect My Retirement Portfolio (FQF)
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27:00Welcome back to another edition of Five Question Friday (FQF). Here are today's questions: 1. What bond funds do I use in my portfolio? 2. Do you really need an emergency fund? 3. How does living off interest work with Bengen's 4% rule? 4. How to track money market funds in my investment tracking spreadsheet? 5. Are money market funds better than i…
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#78 Bergwelten unterwegs zum Biken in Südtirols Süden
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19:28In Südtirols Süden ist das Klima fast das ganze Jahr über fürs Radfahren geeignet. Die Region ist bekannt für ihre guten Weine, außerdem verläuft hier die Sprachgrenze zwischen Italienisch und Deutsch. Die Berge sind zwar nicht so steil wie die Dolomiten, dafür sind sie in fast allen Lagen von Weinreben bewachsen. Wine-Bike-Ambassador Manfred Joppi…
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Luk 9, 28-36 | Kristian B. Yndestad | Gudstjeneste 23.02.25
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23:58Luk 9, 28-36 | Kristian B. Yndestad | Gudstjeneste 23.02.25 by Bergens IndremisjonAutor: Bergens Indremisjon
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"Revolutionizing Healthcare: Dr. Matthias Bernow's Journey to Unlock the Transformative Power of Stem Cells" with Dr. Mattias Bernow of Cellcolabs
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41:44Dr. Matthias Bernow is not just a seasoned medical professional and CEO of Cellcolabs; he's also a visionary at the intersection of healthcare innovation and practical application. With roots deeply embedded in Stockholm and balancing roles as a businessman and a caring father, Dr. Bernow's mission is more than transactional: crafting a future wher…
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From 2004 - Ellis Cose discusses his intriguing book "Bone to Pick: of Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Reparation and Revenge." This was part two of today's program. I chose to replay this interview because the theme of 'forgiveness' is central to the plot of Pedro Calderon de la Barca's "Life is a Dream," a Spanish masterwork from the 17th century th…
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27/02/2025 - Mônica Bergamo destaca reação do STF após ações nos EUA contra Alexandre de Moraes
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9:27Autor: Grupo Bandeirantes
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STOP Nighttime Peeing Now: IT REALLY WORKS
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7:03Attempting to address urination frequency by treating an enlarged prostate is not the best solution! Frequent urination is often blamed on an enlarged prostate, UTIs, or kidney stones, but there’s a much more common root cause. The most common cause of frequent urination at night is too much insulin in your blood. Insulin resistance is a condition …
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Ep47: Kirgistan entdecken - Trekking auf den Spuren vergangener Zeiten durch das Tian Shan Gebirge und am Songköl See
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1:00:21Ein Land voller Kontraste: von schneebedeckten Gipfeln bis zu üppigen Blumenwiesen, von uralten Nomadentraditionen bis zur bewegten Geschichte eines jungen Staates. Begleitet uns auf eine unvergessliche Reise ins Herz Zentralasiens! Wir erklimmen steile Bergpfade, durchqueren grüne Täler, bestaunen majestätische Gipfel, waten durch eiskalte Flüsse …
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#016 Naturverbundenheit und Empathie: Wohlfühlen in der Klinik ChiemseeWinkel
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17:27In der neuesten Episode des Podcasts "Berg & Seele" begrüßt Moderator Markus Sturm den Geschäftsführer der Klinik Chiemseewinkel, Stefan Düvelmeyer. Gemeinsam erkunden sie, wie das faszinierende Ambiente der Klinik, eingebettet in die idyllische Landschaft am Chiemsee, das Wohlbefinden der Patienten fördert. Herr Düvelmeyer schildert die Philosophi…
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Ep. 16: Felipe Esparza - "Raging Fool"
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56:29The boys take a crack at 2010 Last Comic Standing Felipe Esparza's second Netflix special. Last week your hosts played too much Lego Fortnite (0:25). The SUS squad expands to four new geographic areas (8:15). Felipe's bio (11:00). What we liked/favorite jokes (14:30). Colton and Jay disagree vehemently on Esparza's look (18:05). What we didn't like…
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We talk about an exciting partnership between the United Way of Kenosha County and the Community-Based Learning Program at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside that resulted in the creation of an interactive online map house on the United Way's website that allows people to find resources and services in the community. Our guests: Carolynn Friesch,…
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#20: Hvordan rummer du som projektleder/leder forskelligheden hos dem, du leder? (Din rolle som leder 2:3)
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20:23I andet afsnit af miniserien Din rolle som leder ser vi nærmere på, hvordan du rummer forskelligheden hos dem, du leder. Dine medarbejdere/projektdeltagere er forskellige typer, og dermed har de forskellige behov for ledelse. Vi gennemgår nogle af de karakteristiske medarbejdertyper: Den stille, favoritten og den upopulære, og hvordan du bedst hånd…
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