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Helsingborgs Dagblad

En podd om Helsingborgs IF från Helsingborgs Dagblads sportredaktion. Medverkande: Mattias Hjälm, Eric Persson, Sebastian Rönström och Marjan Svab.
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HIF Player

Harrogate International Festival

One arts charity, multiple fantastic Festivals. From world exclusive events with international best-sellers, to launching the careers of debut authors, the HIF Player Podcast brings the literary conversations from Harrogate International Festivals' famous stage to audiences around the world.
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In every episode, a new guest takes a seat across from Jan-Claas Dajka and talks to him about current research projects, curious anecdotes as well as paths, detours and companions in the (not only) scientific career. Jan is interdisciplinary postdoc in marine ecology and marine governance at HIFMB. Chatting with ecologists, geographers, bioacousticians, mathematicians and many more, he shows the interesting and diverse personalities behind the transdisciplinary research at HIFMB. The Helmhol ...
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HiFi Critics

HiFi Critics

A grassroots group of concerned citizens committed to taking action. We challenge the conventional wisdom and entrenched interests to serve their constituents.
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The Hifi Podcast with Darren and Duncan

Duncan Taylor, Darren Myers

Hi-Fi engineer Darren Myers (Parasound) and marketing guy Duncan Taylor (YG Acoustics) discuss all things HiFi audio, covering such audiophile topics as speakers, amplifiers, DACs, preamplifiers, vinyl, cables, music, stereo soundstages, tweaks, adjustments and a whole lot more.
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Audiopreneur Podcast | Ton | Mikrofone | Mischpulte | Audio | Hifi

Tom Erl präsentiert Dir Audiotechnik und Ton Technik von Bose, JBL, Sennheiser, Neumann also Tontechnik vom Feinsten, SAE, DeutschePOP und alle Ausbildungen im Vergleich, Studio und Mischpulte, Tests, Reviews, Vergnügen, Wissen am Tatort

Der monatliche exklusive Podcast für die professionelle Audiobranche – direkt, kritisch, aktuell, kollegial. Der Focus liegt vorrangig in Informationen, die sich im Berufsleben umsetzen lassen – Anregungen für die Praxis, Diskussion kontroverser Themen, Durchschauen von Branchenhintergründen, Kennenlernen neuer Produkte, Erkennen zukünftiger Entwicklungen, Testberichte, Brancheninformationen, Interviews, Fachgespräche.
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Sleep Eazzzy with HIF

HIF Health Insurance

What if … you could get a better night’s sleep? Welcome to Sleep Eazzzy with HIF, the podcast dreams are made of. Join hosts Guy Rowlison, Kelly Petering and our expert guests, as they challenge myths and misconceptions about sleep, identify determining factors that are hindering people from getting a decent night’s shut eye and provide practical tips on how to catch those elusive zzzs. We know there are a lot of podcasts out there focussed on helping you actually fall asleep. What we hope i ...
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show series
HIF kan hamna vid ett vägskäl, har vässat konkurrensen och ska åka på träningsläger. Här pratar vi om det och mycket annat. Chansen till avancemang är borta, men det finns mycket HIF kan ta med sig från svenska cupen. I veckans avsnitt av HIF-podden diskuterar Mattias Hjälm och Sebastian Rönström följande punkter: • Är det konstigt och sorgligt att…
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Dorothy Koomson’s gift for unravelling the intricacies of human nature leaves readers utterly spellbound. Amongst her diverse output are a number of expertly crafted crime novels which have enriched the genre. From her bestselling debut The Cupid Effect, through the haunting hit The Ice Cream Girls, to her latest twisty thriller, Every Smile You Fa…
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Tracklista: 01. Lemon And Soul - La Mar (kezdődött: 00:02:09) 02. Iyakuh - Siwa (kezdődött: 00:03:09) 03. Raio, sophie sôfrēē - Adi Shakti - Temple Step Project Remix (kezdődött: 00:10:09) 04. Jai Cuzco - Alfama (Derrok remix) (kezdődött: 00:17:30) 05. Sariel Orenda - Niendo (kezdődött: 00:23:50) 06. Gingaí - Soul Tribe (Kompass Remix) (kezdődött: …
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Episode overview This episode covers the essentials of social science research in terms of practical concerns and ethical considerations. It firstly spends some time, thinking about time! How researchers can plan projects within specific timeframes, budgetary constraints, possible travel restrictions, and how to also think on vital matters of risk,…
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Tracklista: 01. SavaBorsa - Veled Egy Vagyok - Sariel Orenda Remix (kezdődött: 00:03:26) 02. Дeva - Szélben Szőtt (kezdődött: 00:07:06) 03. Mushina - Amor de Tupinambá (kezdődött: 00:12:26) 04. Thornato - Chapinero (kezdődött: 00:16:26) 05. Captain Planet - Body Yako (kezdődött: 00:37:27) 06. Gregor Salgado - Aviao Original Mix (kezdődött: 00:44:0…
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Episode overview This episode shifts our focus to how we might start to think about social worlds in our research. It outlines that how we look at the world – the assumptions we hold about it (what exists, how we know what exists) – is crucial to our start points in research, and drives the kind of questions we might ask about the world. This podca…
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Viktiga lärdomar, en formsvag nyckelspelare och superettanlagens status. Och hur är läget med lagkaptenen Jon Birkfeldt? Här är senaste avsnittet av HIF-podden. Dagen efter HIF:s första cupmatch tar Mattias Hjälm och Sebastian Rönström plats i poddstudion. På agendan den här veckan står: • Analys av förlusten mot Sirius, som innehöll både kvitton o…
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Tracklista: 01. Oumou Sangaré - Kayini Wura (kezdődött: 00:00:14) 02. Desert Dwellers - Ecstatic Rapture (kezdődött: 00:06:15) 03. DEVA RUNA - Ascension (kezdődött: 00:14:14) 04. Desert Dwellers - Wandering Sadhu (kezdődött: 00:18:54) 05. Unam - The Original Energy (kezdődött: 00:37:55) 06. Aiden Francis - Eternal Trance (kezdődött: 00:47:35) 07. L…
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Episode overview This episode tackles the fundamental question: What is social science, and why does it matter for marine research? We first (try to) define social science, discussing the various disciplines which constitute it, and briefly introduce the methods and approaches that will be discussed further, later in the series. We next discuss mar…
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Här kommer ett fullspäckat avsnitt av HIF-podden. Vi djupdyker i cupmotståndarna, lyssnar till Max Svensson och pratar om Adrian Svanbäcks stundande genombrott. I veckans avsnitt av HIF-podden hamnar Mattias Hjälm plötsligt i ett resonemang om när han fick poliseskort i Slovakiens huvudstad. Dessutom berättar Sebastian Rönström hur det kommer sig a…
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Episode overview This episode welcomes listeners to the podcast "Social Science Matters," which is dedicated to exploring the important world of social science research in the marine environment. In this episode we outline the purpose of the series, which aims to demystify social science methods and make them accessible to marine researchers, pract…
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Tracklista: 01. Yemanjo - Nato-Makena (Yemanjo Remix) (kezdődött: 00:25:22) 02. Tunnelvisions - Tanami (kezdődött: 00:33:22) 03. Raio - Yafa Yele (Yemanjo Remix) (kezdődött: 00:48:04) 04. Poranguí - Feathered Serpent (kezdődött: 00:52:44) 05. Arökem - Valle Sagrado (kezdődött: 00:56:45) 06. Primeaux & Mike - Awakening (kezdődött: 01:08:25) 07. Liqu…
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Hur passar de senaste nyförvärven in? Vilka spelare sticker ut? Klarar laget att skifta form? HIF-podden har mycket att diskutera. HIF har hunnit spela två matcher sedan vårt senaste poddavsnitt. Den här veckan snackar vi således ner förlusterna mot Hilleröd och Eskilsminne. Mattias Hjälm och Sebastian Rönström pratar även om följande ämnen: • Stör…
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No one makes such a fuss about good manners like the British, yet in a fast-changing world, few can seem to agree on precisely what the ‘done thing’ is, either. Sunday Times bestselling author and world-leading etiquette expert William Hanson shares his definitive guidance on how to charm in every situation, avoid social faux pas and celebrate our …
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Tracklista: 01. Long Arm - After 4AM (kezdődött: 00:01:30) 02. Tosca - Suzuki (Burnt Friedman/Nonplace Dub) (kezdődött: 00:05:30) 03. Acid Pauli - Requiem for a Loop (kezdődött: 00:10:10) 04. Souleance - Mais Um (kezdődött: 00:18:51) 05. Future Loop Foundation - What's Your Name (Extended Version) (kezdődött: 00:23:11) 06. Erik Sumo - Do It Yoursel…
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Matcherna är igång. Då tar HIF-podden ett grepp om truppen – och spånar kring potentiella utropstecken. HIF-podden är tillbaka. I veckans avsnitt pratar Mattias Hjälm och Sebastian Rönström om försäsongstrender och analyserar första träningsmatchen mot Hellerup. På menyn: • Luckorna som måste fyllas i den tunna truppen. • Juniorens lovande debut. •…
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Wolfgang Klein and Jack Hardill are joined by: Glenn Crouter: Traveling lifestyle/ski reporter, nationally syndicated feature ski writer for Toronto Sun, weekly ski/lifestyle reporter 640 Toronto. Golf and ski ambassador, sponsorship, marketing, public and media relations Robert Young: Managing Director, Head of Canadian Research at Canaccord Genui…
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Tracklista: 01. Satyadev - Aditya Hridayam (Kareem Raïhani Remix) (kezdődött: 00:10:19) 02. Sariel Orenda - Balkan Niendo - SavaBorsa ReWork (kezdődött: 00:21:00) 03. Neuquén Groove - Neuquén Power (Rodrigo Gallardo Remix) (kezdődött: 00:46:02) 04. Ka:lu - Lost In Arp (Zuma Dionys Remix) (kezdődött: 00:56:22) 05. Ulises - Fana (Ali Kuru Remix) (kez…
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This week on HIF player we learn all about connections with Nick Couldry, recorded live at Berwins Salon North. In this compelling and urgent podcast, Nick Couldry argues that Big Tech is quietly seizing control over our most valuable resource – our personal data. This isn’t just about privacy; it’s about how your data is being used to shape your b…
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Tracklista: 01. SavaBorsa - La Voz de la Vibración (Jakare Remix) (kezdődött: 00:04:28) 02. Lituma - Cumbia de la rana (kezdődött: 00:16:48) 03. Alejandro Gutierrez - Knock Me Down - (Narr 60) (kezdődött: 00:25:49) 04. Kristos - Christmas Lyric (kezdődött: 00:26:09) 05. Restless Souja - GET RIGHT feat. AK3K (kezdődött: 00:26:49) 06. Jillian Armenan…
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Säsongspremiär för HIF-podden. Vi pratar om oväntade besked, diskuterar potentiella lagkaptener och tycker till kring truppbygget. I årets första avsnitt bjuder Mattias Hjälm på en geografilektion om Gambia. Dessutom berättar Sebastian Rönström om sitt inofficiella nyårslöfte som är inspirerat av Wilhelm Loeper. På huvudmenyn finns: • HIF:s tre pro…
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Tracklista: 01. Salomon Faye - A'bashiye (Remix) (kezdődött: 00:01:16) 02. Satyadev - Aditya Hridayam (Kareem Raïhani Remix) (kezdődött: 00:09:16) 03. Sariel Orenda - Balkan Niendo - SavaBorsa ReWork (kezdődött: 00:19:57) 04. Neuquén Groove - Neuquén Power (Rodrigo Gallardo Remix) (kezdődött: 00:44:59) 05. Ka:lu - Lost In Arp (Zuma Dionys Remix) (k…
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Tracklista: 01. Maywa - Naynaeo (kezdődött: 00:00:25) 02. Faran Ensemble - Wind (Baptiste Sejourne Remix) - Baptiste Sejourne Remix (kezdődött: 00:10:06) 03. Nalini Blossom, Alunawachuma - LoveLightLife (kezdődött: 00:13:46) 04. Mose - River Float (kezdődött: 00:23:27) 05. Jakare - The Pathway (Original Mix) (kezdődött: 00:25:47) 06. Adrian Freedma…
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Tracklista: 01. Courtney Pine - Intro (Inhale) (kezdődött: 00:00:53) 02. AIR - Modulor mix (kezdődött: 00:01:53) 03. Nightmares on Wax - Finer (Alex Gopher Mix) (kezdődött: 00:06:53) 04. Tosca - Chocolate Elvis (kezdődött: 00:13:33) 05. Tek 9 feat. Carol Crosby & Manifest - Is It On ? (kezdődött: 00:17:53) 06. Nightmares on Wax - Les Nuits (DJ Spin…
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Tracklista: 01. Murray Kyle - Protect the Water (John Pattern Remix) (kezdődött: 00:00:21) 02. Murray Kyle - Standing on One Side (Pumah Remix) (kezdődött: 00:05:21) 03. Murray Kyle - Always Remember (Pachira Remix) (kezdődött: 00:24:42) 04. Murray Kyle - Assafari (SavaBorsa Dub) (kezdődött: 00:30:44) 05. Murray Kyle - Ganapataye (Man of No Ego Rem…
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Richard discusses books old, new and future in this interview with 2024 Programming Chair Ruth Ware. Richard has gone from national institution and much loved TV personality to publishing phenomenon. His wonderful Thursday Murder Club series has sold more than 10 million copies worldwide and made him the biggest new fiction author of the decade. In…
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Wine is one of the most popular drinks across the globe, it brings people together and has a rich social and cultural history, it's also astoundingly delicious. But it can also be intimidating, confusing and unnecessarily complicated. It can be hard to know where to start: how is wine made? What's the difference between red and white? How do I know…
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Hur många fler nyförvärv behöver HIF? I veckans avsnitt djupdyker vi i truppbyggena. HIF-podden är tillbaka efter några veckors uppehåll. I det här avsnittet tar Mattias Hjälm och Sebastian Rönström ett rejält grepp kring det som hänt i herr- och damlagets trupper hittills under vintern. På menyn: • Thomas Rogne lämnar – ett väntat och logiskt besl…
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Howard Allen Glassman, commonly known as Humble Howard, is a Canadian radio personality, best known as co-host with Fred Patterson of the Humble & Fred morning show, which had been heard on Edge 102, Mojo 640 and Mix 99.9 in Toronto. Mark McQueen, for 35 years, Mark has held roles in both business & government, in each case moving from the "shop fl…
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This week on HIF player we explore the most surprising events in recent years with journalist, writer and broadcaster Phoenix Andrews, recorded live at Berwins Salon North. He sheds light on the fascinating world of fandoms and reveals how a passion wave of people power has become the hidden force behind the most surprising events in recent history…
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Wolfgang Klein and Jack Hardill are joined by: Mark Aston, Executive Director of Covenant House Toronto Don Vialoux, Co-Founder of Tech Talk, is a past president of the Canadian Society of Technical Analysts (CSTA). Mr. Vialoux has 45 years of experience in the investment industry, including prominent positions held at Richardson Greenshields and R…
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Tune into Erin Kelly and Jane Casey recorded live at Theakston Old Peculier Crime Writing Festival 2024. Erin Kelly and Jane Casey have both produced a string of hugely impressive novels, creating books and characters that speak to a generation. As well as possessing brilliantly twisted minds, they are fabulously entertaining speakers and this conv…
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