hudobný mesačník o výnimočných postavách slovenskej a českej hudobnej scény…reláciou sprevádzajú Petr Žantovský a Peter Kršiak
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Es geht hier viel um Rennrad-, Gravelbike, Bikepacking und Triathlon. Oft gehen wir sehr in die Tiefe, vor allem bei nerdigen Technik-Themen. Für Anfänger und fortgeschrittene Sportler ist immer etwas dabei! Viele Erfahrungsberichte, persönliche Meinungen, interessante Interview-Gäste und viele persönliche Trainings-, Bikepacking und Sport-Abenteuererfahrungen.
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O debate político fracturante que faltava. O Eduardo Madeira de esquerda enfrenta o Eduardo Madeira de direita. Com moderação de João Miguel Santos.
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The Triathlon Hour is your podcast for everything triathlon. Pro triathlon news, training & racing. The worlds best triathlon coaches and experts. Love triathlon? Come on in.
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Crushing Iron is an age grouper and his coach talking and learning about triathlon. Together they explore the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual side of training and racing everything from a Sprint to an Ironman. Great for beginners and intermediates triathletes. Released every Monday and Thursday.
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De podcast over alles in de wereld van zwemmen, fietsen en hardlopen.
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A daily triathlon podcast that answers your training, racing and nutrition questions.
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Hosted by Coaches Bevan McKinnon and Tim Brazier, Fitter Radio brings together their shared passion and knowledge of triathlon, running, nutrition and basically all things endurance. Listen to the latest research, interviews with pro athletes and leading experts to help you improve your sports performance and your health.
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Selamat mendengarkan, senang bisa menjadi teman kalian. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Triathlonvänner är podden där vi möter elitaktiva, tränare, ledare, ungdomar, motionärer och alla andra som utgör triathlon! Tanken är förutom att förkovra oss i vårt största intresse - nämligen triathlon - också uppmärksamma, fördjupa och lära känna nya och gamla Triathlonvänner. Kortfattat: Gillar du triathlon är vår förhoppning att du också gillar Triathlonvänner. Värdar är proffstriatleten Emma Varga och inte-proffs-triatleten Love Ljungström.
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Elite coach (Mark Livesey) and Multiple Ironman AG Champion (sub 9hrs) chatting about all things Triathlon with some of the greatest people in the sport.
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triathlon talk – Carbon & Laktat
Frank Wechsel, Nils Flieshardt, Simon Müller, Anna Bruder, Peter Jacob
Die Topstars der Szene. Die Experten der Branche. Und die Gedanken der Nerds. triathlon talk – der Podcast aus dem Hause triathlon. Jeden Dienstag: Carbon & Laktat. Zwei Experten aus der Redaktion sprechen über das aktuelle Triathlongeschehen. (Fast) jeden Freitag: triathlon talk. Eine Persönlichkeit aus dem Triathlonsport im ausführlichen Gespräch.
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An investigation of the largest miscarriage of justice in UK legal history. It's the story of how the Post Office systematically persecuted honest people, and how a small band of victims fought back in the face of impossible odds.
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Pastor Greg Tyra - Radio Show ”Who Am I”
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Podcast by Triathlon Crew
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Triangle Christian Center In Raleigh North Carolina
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A Triathlon and Cycling podcast dedicated to help improve you as an athlete. If you're a triathlete competing in Ironman, Ironman 70.3 or Olympic triathlon this is for you. Hosted by expert Triathlon coach and Australian Ironman Champion Gerard Donnelly, listen in to help you Train Smarter to Race Faster
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The Trial goes behind the headlines of some of the biggest trials in the world. We take you into the courtroom, bringing you the detail as the evidence unfolds, examining key moments and carrying out exclusive interviews with detectives, victims, and experts. Follow us on X @thetrialpodcast Contact us at [email protected] Leave a comment on Spotify or even send us a voice note on WhatsApp - +447796657512 (start your message with 'Trial') A Daily Mail Production. Seriously Popular.
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Ehi, tu! 👀 Sei pronto a esplorare il Nerdiverso con Alessandro, Lorenzo e Luca? Nel Triangolo Nerdangolo Podcast, videogiochi, boardgame e cultura pop si incontrano per discussioni epiche, risate e dibattiti infuocati! 🎙️ Nuovo episodio ogni lunedì! ⚡ Discussioni, news, speciali e deep dive sul mondo nerd. 📢 La tua voce conta! Condividi le tue passioni e partecipa alla discussione. 🔗 Unisciti alla community! 👉 🔥 Prepara il caffè, alza il volume e immergi ...
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The Triage Room is a Podcast that encourages and empowers listeners to overcome obstacles of pain. Email: [email protected]
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Pro Triathletes Eric Lagerstrom, and Paula Findlay, team up with their friend and amateur triathlete Nick Goldston to hang out and answer questions about triathlon.
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Every week, Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales, and Neil Miller enter the pop-culture discourse with a lively (and occasionally heated) debate pegged to the biggest new releases in film and television. In addition to bringing their own answer, they also consider submissions from listeners and the occasional special guest. Together via rigorous debate and a listener poll, the hosts and audience venture on a quest to find the perfect answer for each of the greatest pop culture questions of our time.
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A single podcast combining a variety of businesses, lifestyles, cultures, information and entertainment unique to the North Carolina Triad. Presented by The Ginther Group in Winston-Salem, Ashley McKenzie-Sharpe with Highlands Residential Mortgage, Dewey's Bakery and Three Magnolias Financial Advisors
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TRIATLON EN VENA, un programa SOLO para fanáticos y fanáticas del triatlón. Una hora intensa de PURO TRIATLÓN conducido por el director de Gomar Marchena y con la colaboración de Trigloberos, Efecto Dorsal y Objetivo Triatlón. El podcast arrancó en 2016 su tercera temporada siendo pionero en España en este tipo de contenido y por sus microfonos han pasado los mejores atletas, entrenadores y organizadores del territorio nacional.
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Im Mission Triathlon Podcast von und mit Lotta & Schorsch dreht sich selbstverständlich alles um den besten Sport der Welt - Triathlon. Neben Infos rund um den Sport bekommst Du natürlich Tipps für Dein Training, Hintergrundwissen zur Ernährung, Wissenswertes zur Regeneration und hin und wieder auch Facts zum Equipment. Zudem nehmen die beiden jede Gelegenheit wahr, um interessante Gäste im Podcast wichtige Fragen zu stellen.
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Schmidty, Swanny and Clarky revisit crimes and run them through their jury of three, debating both sides of the case to agree an appropriate (if totally fictitious) sentence.
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Dnevna informativna emisija sa vijestima, temama, analizama i intervjuima o događajima u Bosni i Hercegovini, regionu i svijetu.
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Tri-City Bible Church in Vista, California
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Two young lads, Joe Skipper and Tom Oosterdijk, happen to be professional triathletes, giving their opinions on tri-related things. Discussing weekly race results. And talk about the weekly main subject. Sit back, and enjoy listening to our BS. Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Došti a neogrcaj si gaťky! Čo sa povie v tomto podcaste, zostane v tomto podcaste... Zážitky, ktoré mali ostať tajomstvom. @tri_nezname_official = X ako muži, X ako sex, X ako vzťahy...tri neznáme, žiadne riešenie :)
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From the producer of X-Men: The Audio Drama and The Long Halloween. The year is 1966, Bruce Wayne has been arrested and exposed as the Batman. This is his trial.
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A Palestinian podcast hosting interviews and conversations on the Palestinian struggle for liberation.
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The newest sermons from Tri-City Baptist Church Ministries on SermonAudio.
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Why is Tweener Madness taking over Triangle Tweener Talks? Visit to find out! A podcast for builders by builders in the Triangle. We explore the startup journey and stories with local Triangle founders, from the idea to the exit and everything in between. Hosted by serial entrepreneur and founder of the Triangle Tweener Fund Scot Wingo, and produced by Earfluence.
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A weekly round up of everything happening in the world of triathlon! This podcast is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to know what is happening in the greatest sport on the planet. Each week we will discuss the latest news, go through race results and give our analysis and preview upcoming events so you know who to watch and what to expect. We also chat to the biggest names in the sport about the sport. We aim to provide you with an insight into the workings of the sports bigg ...
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New Jersey sports personality, Bryan DeNovellis, talks college basketball in the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut Tri-State area. Rutgers, Seton Hall, UConn, St. John's and more!
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ATP, or 'Another Triathlon Podcast,' is a fresh voice in the world of endurance sports. Our name is a playful nod to the abundance of triathlon podcasts out there and also stands for Adenosine Triphosphate, the energy source of our bodies, symbolizing the relentless energy of triathletes. We want to have some fun with triathlon, not take ourselves too seriously while delivering insight, answer your training and racing questions and give you everything you need from inspiration to information ...
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Welcome to the Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast! Brought to you by Advanced Sports Dietitian, Taryn Richardson. Listen as I break down the latest science to give you practical, easy to digest strategies to transform yourself into a Supercharged Triathlete! You have so much untapped potential...and I want to help you unlock that with the power of nutrition.
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I’ll be talking to you about my emotional, physical and spiritual journey as an amateur triathlete, the things I feel and experience whilst I am out there during swims, rides or runs, and what I go through when recovering and how it affects my day to day life.
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Zwei Brüder – (k)ein Ziel Begleitet uns auf unserer gemeinsamen audio-visuellen Reise und schaltet ein, wenn wir Woche für Woche unsere Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse aus dem Training austauschen. Taucht mit ein in unsere Welt und trainiert eure Lachmuskeln. Das ganze Erlebnis runden wir ab mit Expertentalks: Ob Profi, Hersteller oder Veranstalter – Wir werfen ehrliche Blicke hinter die Kulissen des Triathlon- undRadsports.
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In this podcast I share the trials and tribulations of a middle-aged amateur triathlete. Take me along with you during your workout to hear about my personal experiences of training and racing and get some motivation to utilize for your own workouts. I'm not a coach. I'm not an interviewer. I'm a fellow triathlete! Feel free to reach me with comments or feedback at [email protected] Feel free to check out my YouTube channel as well: ...
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Talking all things Triathlon with Jelle Geens and Aaron Royle
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Tri Talking Sport, the podium podcast for Athletes, Adventurers and Endurance Enthusiasts presented by Joanne Murphy.
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That Triathlon Show is the podcast for triathletes of all levels who want to train smarter and race faster. With over 600 episodes and millions of downloads since 2017, this show cuts through the noise and misinformation, delivering practical, no-nonsense advice rooted in both the art and science of training and performance. The podcast features in-depth interviews with the world’s best coaches, top sports scientists, and elite athletes. Each episode dives into the nuances of training method ...
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This is The TriDot Podcast! We are here to educate, inspire, and entertain. We’ll talk all things triathlon, swim, bike, run, nutrition, recovery, & strength training, with expert coaches and special guests. So whether you are a triathlete training for a sprint, olympic, or IRONMAN event. Join the conversation, and let's improve together.
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Sharing our memories and discussing the future of places and events around the Tri-State Area. That's West Virginia, Ohio & Kentucky! Get ready to hear entertaining stories and conversations, with Vanesa Hankins and her weekly guests.
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Halfway between South America and New Zealand is a small piece of volcanic, British territory; Pitcairn. It has one shop open for a few hours a day, it’s accessible only by boat, it was born out of Naval mutiny in the 18th Century, it’s home to 37 British subjects...and an almighty scandal. If you're interested in sponsorship and advertising in The Pitcairn Trials, then we'd love to hear from you. Just email [email protected] and we'll tell you more! Hosted on Acast. See ...
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As Donald Trump prepares for his historic second term, America on Trial with Josh Hammer brings you breaking news and analysis on the biggest legal issues facing the nation. What will happen to President Trump’s legal cases? Will Joe Biden pardon his son before departing the White House? Can Trump pardon himself? America on Trial covers all the action every morning, helping you stay one step ahead of the media spin... Subscribe and listen to America on Trial with Josh Hammer wherever you dow ...
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Jaden Daly of Daly Dose of Hoops previews the MAAC Tournament; Central CT shoots for its first NEC Championship since 2007; St. John's ties UConn with 18 Big East wins; UConn wins its 4th straight; Ivy ...
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59:303:45 - Interview with Jaden Daly (Daly Dose of Hoops) previewing the MAAC Tournament 26:35 - MAAC Postseason Awards and NIL 32:30 - NEC Championship Preview between Central CT and St. Francis (PA) 36:00 - St. John’s ties UConn’s Big East record with 18 regular season win 42:30 - UConn ends the regular season with 4 straight wins 48:45 - Ivy League …
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Emisija namijenjena slušaocima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Sadrži lokalne, regionalne i vijesti iz svijeta, tematske priloge o aktuelnim dešavanjima iz oblasti politike, ekonomije i slično, te priče iz svakodnevnog života ljudi, kao i priloge iz svijeta.Autor: Radio Slobodna Evropa
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Bev and Tim catch up on tri news. Thomas Trollope won the free race entry to IRONMAN New Zealand. We find out how his day went. Tim and James Elvery of Race Ranger discuss the recent implementation of the Race Ranger system during the Challenge Wanaka age group event, focusing on the experiences of age group athletes and the feedback from officials…
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Acts 28:17-31 Sunday teaching (3-9-25) Pastor Greg Tyra
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1:28:04Autor: harvestchapeltrico
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The Unfair Advantage: Week Two by EastLake Tri-CitiesAutor: EastLake Tri-Cities
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Proper teaching of God's Word will result in Biblical love evidenced in genuine faith and a holy life.Recognize the divine authority to protect right doctrine.Discern the characteristics of different doctrine.Develop the ultimate purpose for sound doctrine, which is love.Autor: Pastor Ken Endean
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Po dobrej j*bačke sa volá gynekológ. Predhonil a potom mu ho obrezal. 24 štichov v obvode. Najpr si ťuťu-muťu a potom trháš kalendár. ZAPO ODPORÚČA: Najrýchlejšia žena na Slovensku Podcast TRI NEZNÁME je súčasťou produkc…
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This week the boys at Pro Tri News did a podcast where they talked about the Imogen Simmonds case. Inside that they talked about me in some pretty strong & negative ways. This is my response to them.Autor: Jack Kelly
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Behind the Scenes at Greater Huntington Parks and Recreation with Lauren Patrick
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29:15I am joined by Lauren Patrick, the Assistant Director of Greater Huntington Parks and Recreation. We discuss the evolution of parks and recreation in the tri-state area, from community programs and facility management to beloved local events such as Easter egg hunts, holiday celebrations, and even adult game nights. Lauren, who began her journey wi…
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Nora 'Nono' McHugh: Leadership, Legacy And A Love of Sport
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1:00:56Nora 'Nono' McHugh from Galway is a true pioneer in Irish sport. She made history in 1973 as the first-ever captain of the Irish Women's National Football Team, leading her squad to a memorable victory against Wales. But her love of sport began long before that, from kicking a ball on the streets of the Claddagh to playing every game imaginable in …
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124. Kenyansk höghöjd, feberfrossa och nytt dopingfall
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1:04:12Efter en period med jobbresor, sjukdom och stök är vi tillbaks och diskuterar allt det senaste HETA! Vad sägs till exempel om monsterpass på Kenyansk höghöjd, veckolång influensafeberdrömmar och det senaste ✨heta ✨ ämnet - triathlonvärldens senaste dopingfall och diskussionerna och det journalistiska förfall som följt därefter. Love har varit jätte…
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Episode 81: Pro Files with Menno Koolhaas
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58:52Send us a text In this episode of Another Triathlon Podcast, host Jenna-Caer, joined by co-host Josh, sits down with professional triathlete Menno Koolhaas to discuss his incredible journey from a young triathlete to competing at the Ironman World Championships. Menno opens up about his training, overcoming injuries, and his ambitious goals for the…
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The Seven Dispensations of God - March 9th, 2025
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1:15:30Pastor Jim Whitfield
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March 10th, 2025: Take That, Google! Trump DOJ Doubles Down on Key Big Tech Fight.
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21:58Josh Hammer provides legal updates on USAID funding and embattled NYC Mayor Eric Adams before today's deep dive centers on a key Trump DOJ court filing against Big Tech monopolist Google. Plus, POLITICO's hilarious bemusement about MAGA and Amy Coney Barrett. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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When to Ditch the Watch: Training Without Technology
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58:42Have you ever left for your run and your watch battery was dead? Or gone for a group ride to notice your bike computer is still at home? Did it ruin your workout? If so, have no fear - Coaches Ryan Tibball and Will Usher join the podcast to break down training without technology. We have become so connected to our training gadgets that something wi…
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Send us a text All things considered, what is the best race distance? It's the one you that works best for you.Autor: Todd Sauder
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👾 Pokémon Presents : una mezZA delusione
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44:17🙂↕️ It's Pokèmon time again ! Dopo settimane di attesa e hype, Nintendo ci "delizia" con il futuro dei mostri tascabili ... Nel 2025, Leggende ZA farà il suo debutto... ma sarà un titolo valido ? 🎙️ In questo episodio del Triangolo Nerdangolo Podcast, parliamo di:✅ Pokémon Presents : perché ci si ostina a non voler osare? ✅ Colpa di Switch ? il ti…
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Session #3 Taking it further with heart rate zones
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15:39Welcome to the Amateur Triathlete Podcast, where insightful stories from personal training experiences are shared. In this episode, discover the significance of precise heart rate zones and how they influence your training. Explore the benefits of conducting a stress test and how it can give a more accurate understanding of VO2 max, heart rate thre…
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Episode 176 Melbourne society murders
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43:51Clarky tells the story of Margaret Wales King and her husband Paul who were murdered by her son Matthew over alleged financial abuse. We're not buying it.Autor: trialbywine
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Join me as I dive into my journey as an amateur triathlete, sharing the highs and lows of training without a formal plan and the importance of cultivating a consistent routine. In this episode, I discuss how forming habits through trials and personal growth processes has transformed my training experience and outlook on fitness goals. Learn about m…
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Welcome to the Amateur Triathlete Podcast with Alex Robertson. Join Alex as he shares his emotional, physical, and spiritual journey as an amateur triathlete. Delve into the solitary yet rewarding world of triathlon training, where physical and mental challenges intertwine with exhilarating moments and community camaraderie. In this episode,Through…
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Emisija sadrži lokalne, regionalne i vijesti iz svijeta. U rubrici „Glasom mladih“ govorimo sa i o mladima u regiji, njihovim željama, težnjama i problemima i onima koji su spremni mijenjati svijet u kom žive.Autor: Radio Slobodna Evropa
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In this episode, Caroline and Jack bring you the evidence of the second defendant, Fred Doe, who is accused of trying to broker a sale for the stolen golden toilet. Fred Doe told the court that he had no idea the gold was stolen and expressed regret for ever getting involved with the “idiot” burglar who was in the gang that smashed their way into B…
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Proverbs 3:1-8 Bible Study (3/7/25) Pastor Greg Tyra
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1:10:20Autor: harvestchapeltrico
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Emisija namijenjena slušaocima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Sadrži lokalne, regionalne i vijesti iz svijeta, tematske priloge o aktuelnim dešavanjima iz oblasti politike, ekonomije i slično, te priče iz svakodnevnog života ljudi, kao i priloge iz svijeta.Autor: Radio Slobodna Evropa
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167: The Gravel Club! Coole Gravel-Community. Idee, Gründung, Erfolg.
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2:23:25Heute zu Gast Sascha und Robert vom Gravel Club! Schönes Interview über die Gründung des Clubs, Events, Philosophie und am Ende sprechen wir auch Ausführlich über das Bikepacking Event „Shardana Bikeventure“. Heute zu Gast Sascha und Robert vom Gravel Club! Schönes Interview über die Gründung des Clubs, Events, Philosophie und am Ende sprechen wir …
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In this episode, I answer a question on HRV and how to use it with training. Send questions to [email protected]: Train Smooth
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March, 7th, 2025: Hampton Dellinger, Gwynne Wilcox, and the Fight for Executive Branch Integrity
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23:43Josh Hammer updates us on the twin lawsuits of Hampton Dellinger and Gwynne Wilcox, both of which have the potential to result in the overturning of a terribly flawed New Deal-era separation-of-powers precedent. Also, Hunter Biden says he's going broke and the Trump administration is apparently seeking to abolish the Department of Education. Learn …
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Ich schwöre feierlich, dass ich ein Tunichtgut bin!! Wir haben unsere TT Bikes und es ist alles so krass gerade. Wir können uns nur bei allen Leuten bedanken, dass wir das hier machen dürfen. Ganz dicke Küsschen auf eure Köpfe. Außerdem klären wir das Arztproblem und wieso Lasse jetzt plötzlich als Umzugshelfer arbeiten muss. FOLGE WIRD PRÄSENTIERT…
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8 Startups Competing for $25K Prize: This is Tweener Madness!
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1:42Welcome to Tweener Madness, the high stakes startup showdown where 8 promising companies go head to head for a $25,000 investment prize from the Triangle Tweener Fund. Each round, 3 members of the selection committee will vote on which startups advance leading up to the finals in early April where one company will take home the top prize. About Twe…
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Sexo depois dos 40 – melhor ou pior?
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53:41Os 3 amigos debatem fantasias, qualidade vs. quantidade, experiências com bolinha vermelha no canto, e ainda analisam as respostas de Pedro Fernandes, Fernando Rocha… e de um urologista mistério. See for privacy information.Autor: Eduardo Madeira
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#77 - Mike Phillips on Ironman New Zealand
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1:01:35This week, we discuss the recent news that Imogen Simmonds tested positive for Ligandrol, a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) known to enhance muscle mass and strength. Simmonds has denied intentional use, attributing the positive test to intimate contact with her partner, who was unknowingly taking Ligandrol to improve his physique. We …
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In this episode, I talk about a Half Marathon Training Plan. Send questions through to [email protected]: Train Smooth
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Tweener Madness! Meet the Selection Committee: Michael Jones
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20:42Welcome to Tweener Madness, the high stakes startup showdown where 8 promising companies go head to head for a $25,000 investment prize from the Triangle Tweener Fund. Each round, 3 members of the selection committee will vote on which startups advance leading up to the finals in early April where one company will take home the top prize. Before th…
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BONUS: Trump Gets BETRAYED By Top Appointee
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11:51One of Trump's top appointees has betrayed his mandate. America on Trial's Josh Hammer joined Jesse Kelly to share his reaction. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The First TV
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#836 – Work Smarter for Better Stimulus
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54:14Today we look at ways to work on little things that matter instead of always grinding yourself to the core. Better economy and efficiency go a LONG ways in this sport, so how do you get better inside a typical training session. We look at different ways you can work the swim, bike, and run to keep your HR in a solid place, but create more stimulus.…
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How Masters Triathletes Can Stay Fast After 50 with Joe Friel
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45:36In a world obsessed with youth in sports, there's a quiet revolution happening among athletes in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond. These masters of endurance aren't just participating – they're demolishing expectations and rewriting the rules of athletic performance. It’s fantastic to see, and gives me hope for my future as an ageing athlete. That m…
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In episode 21 of Twin City Talk, Hosts Suzy Fielders & Burgess Jenkins and Producer Tim Beeman talk with Alex Collins & Carrie DuPre of Graylyn Estate. They share all about this amazing architectural wonder and its incredible history as well as what they love about Winston-Salem! Tune in to listen now on YouTube (video also available), Spotify, Ama…
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March 6th, 2025: Another Setback at SCOTUS: What Is Amy Coney Barrett’s Deal?
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25:34Josh Hammer runs through the latest legal headlines and then goes deep on yesterday's infuriating setback at SCOTUS, where the justices ruled against the Trump administration's foreign aid funding pause despite the clear abuse of judicial power from a partisan, left-wing lower-court judge. What happened, exactly? And why in the world is Amy Coney B…
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En la organización de eventos la SEGURIDAD y la PASIÓN No Son Negociables
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22:42En esta entrevista exclusiva, nos adentramos en el mundo de la organización de eventos deportivos junto a Tito Pueyo, uno de los pilares detrás de Wefeel Events. Descubre cómo nació y evolucionó el portafolio de eventos –desde el Circuito TRITOUR, IRONCAT o Challenge Barcelona–, los desafíos diarios de coordinar equipos, gestionar la seguridad y ga…
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#166 - Bellen met Pim van Diemen en bijkletsen met Mitch Wismans.
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42:15In deze uitzending bellen we met Pim van Diemen over z’n race in Nieuw-Zeeland. Mitch Wismans schuift aan om te praten over komend seizoen. Alle informatie over onze sponsor AG1 en de gezondheidsvoordelen van de voedingsstoffen is te vinden op
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How Fit Can Trivelo Coaching Get You In 30 Days?
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23:54Can you achieve epic results in just one month? We show you how one athlete did it, and how you can too. Erin just had the most typical first month we would expect and absolutely loved it, test, 3 weeks training, test and huge improvements which we guarantee Timestamp: 00:00 - Athlete Background 04:07 - Bike Training Program 12:00 - Important Trait…
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Triathlon bike bags, tire inserts, racing, and more!
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1:04:01This week, we huddled around the mic in California to chat about training, racing, and managing fatigue. We covered: Carbon and aluminum disc brakes vs. rim brakes Staying fit while on vacation Last-minute race advice for a novice Tire inserts for road and mountain biking Bike bags—what’s worth it? Our biggest aha moments in sport A big thank you t…
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Laurinda Alves: Parvoíces adoráveis e Estupidezes detestáveis
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40:38Laurinda Alves num episódio de partilhas. Sobre o “Eu”, o papel de uma professora na Academia, os amigos que elevam o patamar e estupidezes que detesta. Episódio gravado a 21/01/2025. See for privacy information.Autor: Eduardo Madeira
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Tweener Madness! Meet the Selection Committee: Anthony Rotoli
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23:10Welcome to Tweener Madness, the high stakes startup showdown where 8 promising companies go head to head for a $25,000 investment prize from the Triangle Tweener Fund. Each round, 3 members of the selection committee will vote on which startups advance leading up to the finals in early April where one company will take home the top prize. Before th…
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Michellie Jones - World Champion, Olympic medalist and coach | EP#457
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1:36:15Michellie Jones is an Australian triathlon legend with a resume including two ITU World Championships, an Olympic silver medal at the 2000 Sydney Games, a victory at the 2006 Ironman World Championship, and a Paralympic gold medal as a guide to Katie Kelly in the PT5 (PTVI in today's classification system) in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. Michellie has a…
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S architektkou a urbanistkou Petrou Marko, riaditeľkou Metropolitného inštitútu Bratislavy o plánovaní zdravšieho, krajšieho a funkčnejšieho mesta.
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Pastor Jim Whitfield
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