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Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy: 365 Days with Saint Faustina. Reflections and prayers inspired by the Diary of Divine Mercy. The Diary of Saint Faustina is a spiritual treasure given to the Church by Jesus Himself through the humble instrumentality of a cloistered nun. It consists of Saint Faustina’s six handwritten notebooks revealing her faith and her daily encounters with our Lord. These short reflections were written to help you discover the spiritual wisdom revealed by Saint Faustina ...
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Imagine if you found a source of unlimited natural resources by creating a machine that transforms only a small amount of oxygen into an unlimited amount of energy. All you had to do is turn on the machine you created and the energy is generated endlessly. That would be quite an invention. But something like this does exist on a spiritual level. Th…
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If someone in your family were seriously ill, or in prison, or in some form of grave need, would that be a burden to you or a blessing? Think about it. Do those with special needs make your life more difficult? If this question were answered on a purely practical level the answer may be, “Yes.” But if it is answered on a more spiritual level, the a…
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What do you do after receiving Holy Communion? Do you go back to your pew in a distracted way, with your mind wandering, paying attention to others around you, and failing to encounter our Lord on an authentic spiritual level? Or do you allow that moment to be a moment of true prayer and communion with God? If the truth is the former, just be hones…
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It’s important to know that Jesus has every right to bring forth His justice here and now. He has every right to be severe with us on account of our sins and to bring eternal judgment upon us. This truth is often forgotten on account of His Mercy. But we should never forget this fact. It’s important to remember this because unless we understand the…
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If you labor, day and night, spreading the works of God, this is good. Good fruit will come from your commitment to serve the Will of God and to spread His Divine Mercy. But we should also realize that God is able to use us to spread His Mercy until the end of the world. How? Only God knows. But He does desire to use you for this purpose. Some, lik…
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How would you treat someone you love? Typically, with family or very close friends we desire that which is best for them and that which makes them happy. God desires the same for each one of us, but we may be surprised at what God sees as the source of our happiness and what He deems to be best for us. Furthermore, though God’s love is perfect for …
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It’s been said that “beauty” is in the eye of the beholder. In other words, some say that the definition of beauty depends upon the subjective preference of one person or another. Though there may be some truth to this on a more superficial level, on a deeper level true beauty comes from God and is objective in every way. It’s not dependent upon ou…
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How do you overcome your sins? Every sin is different and requires specific prayer and sacrifice so as to detach from them. Three common sins are: those of the flesh, those of anger and those of pride. Each one of these sins can be overcome but may require special attention. If you struggle with sins of the flesh, try to fast. Give up that which is…
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Which do you prefer for your life? Daily sensory experiences of sweetness or bitterness? In other words, do you desire to take delight in the many aspects of your daily life or do you desire that the daily duty you fulfill leaves you with a certain bitterness within your senses? For most people the answer is simple. “Sweetness” is much better. But …
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Every great saint exemplifies some aspect of the goodness of God. Some live lives of exceptional detachment from worldly riches, some serve the poor with unwavering commitment, some live lives of deep prayer, some have mystical revelations, some write volumes of books revealing the depths of faith, but all are called to bring forth the Mercy of God…
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Though Saint Faustina and many other great saints entered into a unique spiritual darkness, defined by St. John of the Cross as the “Dark Night of the Soul” and the “Dark Night of the Spirit,” we all will experience a certain “darkness” of one form or another in our walk of faith. Our darkness may not be the result of the extraordinary purification…
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Many of the great saints, including Saint Faustina, experienced an interior darkness in their relationship with God. This is quite a mysterious experience. As a soul grows intimately close to God there are numerous consolations and feelings of love along the way. However, there comes a point on the spiritual journey when God hides Himself. This is …
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Every person is unique and God wishes to lavish His Mercy upon each and every one of us according to our particular needs. When we pray for people, it’s good to offer them individually as well as by groupings. Here are some groupings of people we ought to pray for: all sinners, priests, religious, the faithful, pagans, atheists, heretics, schismati…
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As we grow deeper in our faith, it’s easy to presume that life will become more complex. For example, when one begins to study mathematics, each course that is taken builds upon the previous, and the lessons become more challenging and difficult as time goes on. But in a certain sense the opposite is true with our life of faith. The deeper we plung…
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Normally, when one begins a journey of faith, there are countless insights and revelations that are enjoyed. Various aspects of the life of faith come alive and understanding of the many mysteries in life is received. This gift of spiritual insight and understanding is a great gift and guide as one begins to walk down the path God has chosen. But a…
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At times it can be helpful to speak openly and thoroughly to God about what we experience in life. You may feel compelled to talk and talk and talk. And God will listen. But there are other times when words seem quite insufficient. In fact, there are times when words appear to be counterproductive. In those moments the greatest blessings come throu…
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Recall the story of Jesus calming the storm (Matthew 8:23-27). This miraculous act was done as a prophetic sign of Him bringing you peace during the particular challenges you face in life. Jesus did this on a practical level for the safety and well-being of His Apostles. However, by showing that He had absolute and immediate authority over the stor…
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If you were a criminal, incarcerated for some crime, you would most likely see life from a perspective that is very different from others. You would daily long to have your punishment removed and your status of freedom restored. However, an act of mercy of this sort is rarely offered by secular society. Instead, harshness and judgment is the norm. …
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We should never tire of pondering the wounds of Christ. Each and every wound He received was unjustified and caused by the sins of others. His perfect hands and feet, His brow and back and His Sacred Heart should have been treated with the utmost respect, adoration and care. But they weren’t. Instead, they were treated with great malice and abuse. …
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One early Church Father (Tertullian) said that “the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church.” This means that the shedding of one’s blood for the faith is not ultimately a tragedy; rather, it’s something that is transformed by Christ so as to nourish the faith of others. And although you are most likely not to become a martyr in fact (shedding y…
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Is God alive in your life? Does He live within you? Is He present to you in the inner depths of your heart day and night? There is only one thing that would ever cause God to leave you and that is mortal sin. Mortal sin is deadly sin. It’s a freely chosen act that is in grave violation of the Will of God and a grave violation of your human dignity.…
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It’s easy for us to come up with what we deem to be a great plan for our lives and for the glory of God. We can think, and plan, and develop and organize things in a certain way only to find out that what we have come up with is not what is in the Mind of God. The error some people find themselves in is that they have failed to sincerely listen to …
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Our Lord had a Heart of perfect Mercy for others. It’s important to note that His Mercy is not only a general concept; rather, it is lived out in concrete action. Specifically, there are many good fruits born of this Mercy such as concrete acts of compassion, kindness, understanding and consolation. This is important to understand. Mercy is not sim…
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One powerful channel of the Mercy of God is friendship with another. But friendship can be lived on various levels. Sometimes this bond is based on superficial and unimportant things, and at other times it’s deeply grounded in our Lord. A sign of a deep spiritual friendship is mutual prayer. If you have been blessed with a faith-filled friend, seal…
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One common human tendency is to talk excessively and to explain ourselves to others, especially to justify our actions in their minds. This is especially the case when we sense that others misunderstand us. But Jesus experienced this to the greatest degree as He stood before Herod and Pilate. In these cases, He remained silent. This is a lesson for…
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Nothing in life has to be dreadful. Even the greatest struggle and suffering we endure can easily be transformed by God to become a source of His Mercy and our sanctification. But there is one thing that would be truly dreadful if it were to come upon us. And that one thing is the Day of Judgment if we were to remain closed to the Mercy of God thro…
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There are days when you most likely feel overwhelmed on account of one thing or another. It may be that you find yourself with much responsibility and are anxious about being able to properly fulfill your duties well. Or you may feel overwhelmed for the opposite reason, finding that life seems to be at a standstill and you are not sure what to do n…
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Sometimes, those who are quite “religious” speak of many “religious” things. They speak pious language and talk about holy things. But in the end, it may be that all they say and do is actually said and done as a way of glorifying themselves in the sight of others. This is the struggle of the Pharisees. Sadly, those who struggle with this, just lik…
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Some people feel deeply tormented in the depths of their souls. Sometimes this is caused by sin, sometimes it is caused by a special Mercy of God which enables the soul to experience the sufferings Jesus went through. Whatever the case may be, if you encounter any torment, whatsoever, in the depths of your soul, know that you have a special right t…
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If you commit yourself to a full embrace of the Mercy of God in your life, you will be transformed beyond your wildest dreams. But you will also have another experience. You will encounter great difficulties in your attempts to live and proclaim Mercy to a fallen world. The world does not understand the Mercy of God. The world only knows harshness …
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It is important to understand God and His ways, but understanding is not the same as knowing. Knowing God means we encounter a Person. We do not only understand what this person says; rather, we engage, meet, experience and enter into a relationship with this Person. In fact, one of the greatest blessings we can ever receive in this life is to obta…
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We please the evil one when we allow our souls to become lazy and idle in the things of God. An idle soul is one that does not seek to engage the life of God. An idle soul is one who is passive in spiritual things rather than active. Being “passive,” means that the person is somewhat indifferent to matters of faith and morality. There is little int…
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Our Church sets before us many teachings that can only be understood by grace. Some teachings are about morality, calling us to a life of great virtue. Some teachings are about God, His very being and essence. Some teachings are about humanity and bring clarity to who we are. What’s important to understand is that nothing that the Church teaches ca…
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In one sense we can say that God imposes upon us an obligation to turn to Him with our whole being and receive His Mercy. He also imposes upon us the obligation to spread His Mercy to others. But we must understand that this is no ordinary “obligation.” It’s an obligation of love. This means that the “imposition” of this obligation is no imposition…
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Imagine that you were guilty of a serious crime and faced life in prison. You were sorry for what you had done and fully confessed to it. On the day of your sentencing you came in handcuffed from where you were being held knowing that you would soon return. Instead, the judge ordered that your shackles be removed, that you were to receive a full pa…
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Do you understand the mysteries of God? Imagine that you were a theologian who studied the faith of our Church for many years. Would knowledge of all the theological disciplines of our Church necessarily produce in you an authentic understanding of these mysteries that were studied? No, it wouldn’t necessarily produce understanding. In fact, it is …
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A mother’s love could be described as “fierce” in the sense that she would willingly give her life for the protection of her children. A motherly instinct kicks in when her child is in danger, hurting, or in need, and she loses all sense of her own well-being in favor of the protection of her child. So it is with the Mother of God. You are her chil…
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What is “doubt?” To doubt is to lack faith, and to lack faith is to lack trust in the perfect revelation and plan of God’s Will. First and foremost, a doubt, resulting from a lack of faith, means you are not listening. When we doubt God, His plan and all that He reveals to us, we are left on our own. But when we listen, hear, understand and believe…
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Do you work hard? Do you strive to be good? Do you want to make a positive difference? It is certainly good to try to be good. But in so doing, we must never think that our “goodness” is truly good in the eyes of God, unless it is Divine Love that has become the source of all activity in our lives. Humility enables us to turn our eyes to the One an…
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Overcoming sin requires the Mercy of God. Too often we attempt to overcome sin through our own effort. This is a futile exercise in that you will never overcome your own sin through your own effort. There is one way and one way only to rid yourself of the sin you struggle with, and that is done by turning to the transforming power of God poured out…
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Normally, an arrow wounds and kills. Arrows have been used throughout history for war and for hunting. But a spiritual arrow of Mercy is much different. Recall the words of Simeon the Prophet spoken to our Blessed Mother, “And you yourself a sword will pierce” (Luke 2:35). And at the Crucifixion, recall that, “One soldier thrust his lance into [Jes…
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Children often find great comfort in snuggling close to a loving and tender parent. There is great satisfaction in being held tight in these arms of love. Fear and worry are dispelled in these moments and peace and solace are restored when distress has been present. So it must be with our Lord. We must seek the spiritual comfort that comes from bri…
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A real danger to the spiritual life could be termed “spiritual hoarding.” This would be the person who attempts to make themselves the end of God’s Mercy rather than become an instrument of God’s Mercy. By attempting to be an end of God’s Mercy, a person becomes spiritually greedy, seeking spiritual things for their own purpose. This is a form of p…
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The peace of the Lord is like a fortress in which we must take refuge from all the outer attacks from the evil one. Outside of this fortress we are exposed to all of these malicious attacks. The darts of anger, oppression, deceit and envy can do us great damage without the sacred protection of the Peace of God. But within the walls of this fortress…
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The calyx of a flower is the outer leaf surrounding the forming petals, keeping them safe as they develop. It forms a sort of “nursery” for the tender petals to grow. As they grow within this hidden place, the calyx keeps them safe. And once they become developed, the calyx opens and reveals the beauty within. So it is with your soul. The “calyx of…
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Imagine being given the task of counting every grain of sand in the world. It would obviously be an impossible task. In fact, all the people in the world could not accomplish such a task together. Some things are simply beyond us. Another task that would even be more difficult to accomplish is to fully fathom the Mercy of God. This is impossible. T…
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Anniversaries are blessed opportunities for reflection and gratitude. Some anniversaries are joyous, such as the anniversary of spouses celebrating a long and holy marriage. Other anniversaries are difficult, such as the anniversary of the death of a loved one. Yet even in the difficulty of reliving the loss, it is a yearly reminder of your love fo…
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Imagine what it would be like if you could somehow be mystically transported to the night of Holy Thursday. And imagine if you could somehow see and experience everything that Jesus went through. Imagine the Agony in the Garden, the ridicule and harsh treatment, the mockery, the night alone in prison, the trial, the scourging, the carrying of the C…
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Are love and suffering opposed? In other words, if you feel much suffering can you also have great love? One question to consider is this: What is the source of your suffering? Is it your sin? Is it compassion for another? Is it a physical or psychological wound? The truth is that every suffering is able to be united with love in your heart. This i…
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The Church is glorious for many reasons. One glorious aspect of the Church is the unity found within it. It’s true that there is, at times, much internal disunity, hurt and disorder of every kind. But these are not qualities of the Church. These are the effects of the sins of Her members. The Church Herself is the Spotless Bride of Christ. And the …
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