On each daily broadcast, Dr. Robert Jeffress provides practical application of God’s Word to everyday life through clear, uncompromised Biblical teaching. Join him today on the Pathway to Victory!
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Throughout history, kings and queens have ruled over vast empires. But every earthly ruler eventually surrenders their crown. There is, however, one King whose reign will never end—and His name is Jesus Christ. Dr. Robert Jeffress talks about Christ’s future thousand-year reign on Earth and what it means for believers. To support Pathway to Victory…
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The Bible is filled with promises about the return of Jesus Christ. And while we don’t know exactly when He’ll return, Scripture gives us many clues about what to expect in those final days. Dr. Robert Jeffress describes Jesus’ role as the ultimate Conqueror who will defeat evil once and for all. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.…
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The accuracy of God’s Word can be clearly seen in the fulfillment of Biblical prophecies. In fact, every single prophecy about Jesus Christ’s first coming came to pass exactly as foretold! Dr. Robert Jeffress shares what Jesus revealed about the rapture, the end times, and His second coming. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.…
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From horoscopes to fortunetellers, people are constantly trying to predict the future. But there’s only one prophet whose words we can trust completely! Dr. Robert Jeffress looks at Jesus Christ’s perfect prophetic record and shares what He said about three future events that will impact every person on Earth. To support Pathway to Victory, go to p…
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Most people think of Bible prophecy in terms of specific events like the rapture, tribulation, or second coming. But prophecy isn’t just about events—it’s about a person. Dr. Robert Jeffress shares how Jesus Christ fulfills His divine role as Messiah and what that means for us today and in the future. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/do…
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Throughout history, Jesus Christ has been known by many names and titles, but perhaps the most widely disputed is His role as Messiah. Dr. Robert Jeffress explains what this sacred title really means and how Jesus the Messiah should impact our lives today and in the future. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.…
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When most people think about Jesus, they picture Him as a gentle teacher, a compassionate healer, and a loving Savior. But the Bible tells us there’s much more to the story! Dr. Robert Jeffress shares how the end times reveal the complete picture of Jesus Christ and His triumphant return in the last days. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.or…
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Sooner or later, we all will experience the pain of losing someone we love. While nothing can fully prepare us for that moment, God’s Word provides comfort and guidance for walking through the valley of grief. Dr. Robert Jeffress shares how to process loss in a healthy way while holding onto hope. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate…
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Humility is one of today’s most underrated—and hard to come by—virtues. Is it really possible to be truly humble? Dr. Robert Jeffress opens to the book of Philippians, in which Paul singles out two of his closest friends as examples of genuine humility. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.…
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When You Can’t Get No Satisfaction – Part 2
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27:03The Rolling Stones summed up the struggles of life with this one profound lyric: “I can’t get no satisfaction.” We all long to feel happy and content, but very few seem to achieve it. Dr. Robert Jeffress shares the Apostle Paul’s prescription for true satisfaction in life. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.…
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When You Can’t Get No Satisfaction – Part 1
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27:03Benjamin Franklin once observed, “Who is it that is rich? He who is content. And who is that? No one.” Dr. Robert Jeffress turns to Paul’s letter to the Philippians for the biblical secret to experiencing that elusive feeling we all long for: contentment. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.…
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Everyone longs to live a happy and satisfying life, but few things rob us of our joy and contentment like the crippling effects of anxiety. Today on Pathway to Victory, Dr. Robert Jeffress identifies the cause of worry in our lives and three biblical strategies to overcome it. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.…
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Worry has the power to rob our joy and drain our energy like few other emotions. But overcoming the crippling effects of anxiety is much easier said than done. Dr. Robert Jeffress shares three essential ingredients from Philippians chapter 4 for living a worry-free life. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.…
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Earth may be the only home we’ve ever known. But it isn’t where we hold our true citizenship—and it won’t be our residence forever. Dr. Robert Jeffress turns to Philippians chapter 3 for biblical wisdom on how to live on earth with heaven in mind. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.Autor: Dr. Robert Jeffress
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The Bible teaches that while we may be “in” this world, we are not “of it.” So how should we live in light of our temporary citizenship on earth? Dr. Robert Jeffress turns to Philippians chapter three for wisdom from the Apostle Paul on how to live while caught between two worlds. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.…
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Bookstores offer countless resources on how to be more successful in your finances, your career, your family, and every other area of life. But what about being more successful in the Christian life? Dr. Robert Jeffress shares four essential ingredients for living a life that pleases God. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.…
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Ever heard the saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”? That might be true at yard sales—but it doesn’t work in the spiritual sense. Dr. Robert Jeffress explains why the ability to distinguish between treasure and trash is vital to both our physical and spiritual health. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.…
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Have you ever wondered why so many young Christians fall into the “ways of the world” once they leave home? Godly living is much more challenging when you’re hanging with the wrong crowd. Dr. Robert Jeffress looks at four principles for remaining obedient to God in spite of worldly influences. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.…
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How To Make Your Enemies Love You – Part 2
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27:03We all have that coworker we’re constantly butting heads with or that family member we can’t stand being around during the holidays. But gratefully, there’s hope for even the most dysfunctional relationship! Dr. Robert Jeffress offers a biblical prescription for restoring peace to rocky relationships. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/do…
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How To Make Your Enemies Love You – Part 1
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27:03Chances are there’s at least one person you have a hard time getting along with. Maybe you would even call that person your enemy. Dr. Robert Jeffress reveals an attitude choice we all can make to ensure harmony in our relationships and rewards in the future. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.…
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When we make Christ our purpose for living, we’re presented with both a unique dilemma—and a unique determination. Dr. Robert Jeffress examines the Apostle Paul’s dilemma and determination and considers how he responded to both. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.Autor: Dr. Robert Jeffress
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Whether you’re anxiously awaiting medical results or trying to resolve a family conflict or wondering how you’re going to pay the bills, there’s no shortage of things to worry about. Dr. Robert Jeffress explains that while we can’t prevent hardships from happening, we can change the way we think about them. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.…
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According to a recent survey, less than three percent of Americans have a clear understanding of their purpose. Yet purpose is the engine that drives everything we do in life. Dr. Robert Jeffress dives into the book of Philippians to share three benefits of having a Christ-centered life purpose. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/donate.…
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If joy is a choice—not a feeling—then how do we make a conscious decision to be joyful, regardless of what’s going on around us? Dr. Robert Jeffress turns to the book of Philippians for Paul’s four secrets to maintaining joy in spite of painful circumstances, difficult people, and insurmountable loss. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv.org/do…
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The Declaration of Independence states that “all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” However, few people agree on what happiness is—or how to go about obtaining it. Dr. Robert Jeffress shares how to maintain happiness in spit…
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