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Bullets n Bourbon Podcast is a weekly podcast sharing lessons from practical shooting disciplines to increase the average Marine’s lethality through marksmanship. @mfgundlach was an infantry unit leader who served as the senior enlisted advisor to the Marine Corps Shooting Team. He competes in 3 Gun and The Tactical Games. If you want to be a guest on the podcast, give us feedback, or just chat, shoot us a DM or email.
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Stray Bullets

E.S. Haggan

Having served over thirty years in the RUC / PSNI I was medically retired with CPTSD. Dissociative Identity Disorder also evolved in me as a residue of CPTSD. I wrote a novel, 'The Bitter End of Dreams', through which I hoped to reflect the experiences of working class folk caught in the grip of a sectarian conflict. I set my story in Belfast, but replaced the Judeo-Christian god with that of Mithras. I also gave Northern Ireland an extra county. Such counterfactual alterations opened up for ...
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Bullets und Fists


Wenn es blutet, können wir darüber sprechen! Willkommen bei Bullets und Fists - dem Podcast über Martial Arts und Actionfilme. Tom Burgas und Daniel Gores reden zwei- bis viermal im Monat über alte und neue, großartige und furchtbare, überbewertete und verkannte Perlen des Actionkinos. Gespickt mit spannenden Informationen rund um den Dreh, bekommt ihr mittwochs eine frische Folge gute Laune ins Ohr. Wir hören uns auf der Party, Richter! Noch mehr Bullets und Fists: instagram.com/bulletsundf ...
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Hosts Cory, Craig and Brett bring the funny with beer, news, guest callers, music, sex and so much more! It's raunchy, funny, suspenseful, dramatic, heart breaking, apocalyptic, spiritual, seismic, and many more adjectives to list.
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EWN goes inside the truth in a new three-part podcast series, “Poisonous Bullets: The Silent Betrayal of Sindiso Magaqa”. In episode one, journalist Ziyanda Ngcobo takes a look at what killed the former ANC youth league secretary. Did he really die from the gunshot wounds from that July drive-by shooting or was he “finished off” by his enemies with poison as the family believes?
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Bourbon Bullets & Badasses

Bourbon Bullets & Badasses

There are everyday heroes all around us who never get the opportunity to tell their stories: veterans, first responders, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, and other genuinely good people who make a difference in the world around them. It's time to change that situation. Welcome to Bourbon Bullets & Badasses, where the spirits flow, the ammo is dry and plentiful, and there's always a Badass with a story to tell! We are dedicated to our cause of shining a light on people who matter, speaking tru ...
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The popular horror fansite Arrowinthehead.com comes to audio life with this weekly podcast discussing the hottest ho rror headlines, new horror DVD release dates, the horror BILF of the week, and Horror Talk from the forums. We also thro w in some Top 5 lists, What I Watched reviews, and even a few special guest spots from time to time. Hosted by AITH's re sident horror hound Ammon Gilbert and updated every Wednesday.
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Bullets 2 Beans

David "Doc" Joslin

Dave "Doc" Joslin served in the Army as a Combat Medic and Senior Healthcare NCO for nearly 20 years. After being medically retired for injuries sustained in Iraq, and then again in Afghanistan, Dave moved into a second career in Healthcare Leadership. In the decade since Dave retired, he has learned many lessons about military transition, the transformation of military leadership to civilian leadership, and has continued to refine personal and professional skills that continue to drive him ...
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show series
Netanyahu vuole andare avanti con il piano di espulsione a gaza, mentre Israele riceve una spedizione di bombe USA. Afghanistan: sei attentati in cinque giorni. Repubblica Democratica del Congo: i ribelli del M23 sostenuti dal Ruanda conquistano una seconda città orientale. Sudafrica: ucciso il primo imam apertamente omosessuale Questo e molto altr…
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Sean and Jim are continuing a look at the original epic Secret Wars from 1984 issues 4-6 by Jim Shooter, Mike Zeck and Bob Layton. We are on Threads! https://www.threads.net/@ragingbulletspodcast Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/is-it-jaws-movie-reviews/ Upcoming: Thor 383 as a part o…
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Season 2 Episode 757 Marvel Super Hero Secret Wars part 2 of 4: Sean and Jim are continuing a look at the original epic Secret Wars from 1984 issues 4-6 by Jim Shooter, Mike Zeck and Bob Layton. We are on Threads! https://www.threads.net/@ragingbulletspodcast Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt…
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A brief addition as I wanted to close-up any loose ends before moving on to a new episode in which will be looking at PIRA and their assertion that there was no alternative to violence. It just remains for me to post two links in respect of the killing of Pearce Jordan in 1992 by the SSU. RUC man who shot unarmed PIRA man told doctor job had been "…
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The college football season is over and the Buckeyes are the reigning champions after a thrilling 34-23 win over the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. It started and ended as a close battle, with a lot of OSU dominance in the middle. We look back at all the critical talking points, key plays, and notable statistics from the ninth championship in Ohio Stat…
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Kenya: il mercato delle rose tra pesticidi e restrizioni europee Repubblica Democratica del Congo: la guerra nell'Est e il ruolo del Ruanda Sahel: l’instabilità cresce tra jihadismo e nuove forze militari Nigeria: la battaglia legale contro Shell per l’inquinamento nel Delta del Niger Schiavismo: l’Africa chiede riparazioni per le ingiustizie stori…
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Putin e Trump, un'ora e mezzo al telefono per parlare di Ucraina Egitto e Qatar intensificano gli sforzi per salvare l’accordo. Record di giornalisti uccisi nel 2024, il 70% uccisi da Israele. Cuba: la prigioniera politica Ovieda Rodriguez muore in carcere. Iran: graziato leader del movimento verde. Sudan: Dopo il congelamento degli aiuti di Trump,…
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Trump: Se non saranno consegnati gli ostaggi sabato, sarà di nuovo l’inferno a Gaza. Iran: rilasciate le giornaliste della protesta Hamedi e Mohammadi. Haiti: Nuovo rapporto Amnesty, bambini vittime di reclutamento delle gang e violenza sessuale. Tanzania: con successo riduce la mortalità materna e inaugura un modello per l’Africa. Russia: rilascia…
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È la Giornata delle donne e delle ragazze nella scienza. Save The Children: nel 2023 solo il 16,8% delle ragazze italiane laureate in Stem. In Perù blitz della polizia contro lo sfruttamento sessuale. In Iraq la corte suprema irachena ha sospeso temporaneamente l'applicazione di tre leggi controverse. https://www.radiobullets.com/notiziari/11-febbr…
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Cisgiordania: uccisa dall’Idf ragazza incinta di 8 mesi. T rump: Gli Stati Uniti prenderanno possesso di Gaza. Il Liechtenstein ha la prima donna capo del governo. Africa: preoccupazioni per il blocco di USAID. Cina: Matrimoni diminuiti di un quinto nel 2024. Sri Lanka: una scimmia provoca un blackout nazionale. Bangladesh: Operazione Caccia al Dia…
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Sean and Jim are beginning a look at the original epic Secret Wars from 1984 issues 1-3 by Jim Shooter, Mike Zeck and Bob Layton. We are on Threads! https://www.threads.net/@ragingbulletspodcast Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/is-it-jaws-movie-reviews/ Upcoming: TBA Future Topics : B…
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Season 2 Episode 756 Marvel Super Hero Secret Wars part 1 of 4: Sean and Jim are beginning a look at the original epic Secret Wars from 1984 issues 1-3 by Jim Shooter, Mike Zeck and Bob Layton. We are on Threads! https://www.threads.net/@ragingbulletspodcast Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-…
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Trump sanzionerà la CPI per le indagini su USA e Israele. Netanyahu regala a trump un cercapersone d’oro in riferimento all’attacco terroristico in Libano. Grecia: dichiarato lo stato di emergenza a Santorini. Siria: Cesare, il wistleblower che denunciò i crimini del regime di Assad rivela la sua identità. Niger: espulsa la Croce Rossa senza spiega…
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Ministro israeliano: “seppelliremo l’idea di uno stato palestinese”. Il re di Giordania parla con i leader di Arabia Saudita, Qatar, Emirati, Onu e Germania. Rep Dem del Congo: più di 100 donne violentate e bruciate vive. Sudan: almeno 40 minori uccisi in tre giorni. Stati Uniti: Trump vieta gli sport femminili alle atlete trans. Argentina: pronti …
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Trump, gli USA prenderanno il controllo di Gaza. Portogallo: muore il miliardario leader spirituale Agha Khan. Afghanistan: chiusa un’altra radio di donne. USA: Trump esce dal Consiglio dei diritti umani ONU. Ucraina: Zelensky pronto ai colloqui diretti con Putin. Cina: impone tariffe contro gli USA. Questo e molto altro nel notiziario di Radio Bul…
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In attesa di Netanyahu, Trump afferma di non poter garantire la tenuta del cessate il fuoco a Gaza. Siria: almeno 4-5 anni per le elezioni presidenziali. Canada e Messico: sospese per 60 giorni gli aumenti delle tariffe USA. Uganda: avviata sperimentazione del vaccino contro Ebola. Rep Dem del Congo: Onu, 900 cadaveri nelle strade di Goma. El Salva…
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Israele bombarda Jenin come Gaza. Stati Uniti: Musk dice che USAID deve morire. Trump e la guerra commerciale incombente nel mondo Germania: grande manifestazione contro il respingimento dei migranti. Grecia: Santorini sciame sismico, oggi scuole chiuse. Questo e molto altro nel notiziario di Radio Bullets a cura di Barbara Schiavulli…
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In this latest episode, Matt talks to Col. Scott Cuomo, Capt. Calvin Tang and CWO Jared Hohmeier about the latest Marine Corps Marksmanship Competition in Okinawa Japan. They cover the importance of the competitions in that region, Force Design 2030, format of the competition and the importance of having a Marine Corps Shooting Team.…
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RDC: Goma è in mano ai ribelli dell’M23 che ora marciano verso il sud Algeria: il Consiglio della Nazione approva una legge per obbligare la Francia a bonificare le aree dei test nucleari Sahel: Mali, Burkina Faso e Niger fuori dalla Comunità economica dell’Africa occidentale Il Notiziario Africa di Radio Bullets oggi con ElenaPasquini.…
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Sean and Jim are wrap up a two part look at The Bat-Man First Knight, the Black Label series by Dan Jurgens and Mike Perkins. Shout out to Eli Ganias We are on Threads! https://www.threads.net/@ragingbulletspodcast Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/is-it-jaws-movie-reviews/ Upcoming: M…
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Season 2 Episode 755 The Bat-Man First Knight part 3 of 2: Sean and Jim are wrap up a two part look at The Bat-Man First Knight, the Black Label series by Dan Jurgens and Mike Perkins. Shout out to Eli Ganias We are on Threads! https://www.threads.net/@ragingbulletspodcast Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.…
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Siria: l’ex di al Qaeda al Shaara diventa presidente ad interim, cancellata la Costituzione. Israele e Palestina: Un altro round di rilasci, tre israeliani, 5 thailandesi e 110 palestinesi. Stati Uniti: elicottero si scontra con aereo civile. Trump vuole mandare 30 mila migranti a Guantanamo. Etiopia: chiuse due organizzazioni per i diritti umani Q…
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Pausing my consideration of Stakeknife and asset handling for now. I sure I can pick up this thread again once the Op Kenova report is finally published, but for now I want to concentrate on future episodes examining other topics in the context of the Royal Ulster Constabulary and the Troubles. I close this episode with a few anecdotal reflections …
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Gaza: decine di migliaia di persone in viaggio verso le proprie case distrutte al nord. Stati Uniti: Trump taglia il sostegno federale alle transizioni di genere sotto i 19 anni. E sospende gli aiuti umanitari. Serbia: si dimette il primo ministro. Repubblica democratica del Congo: ambasciate sotto attacco dopo che i ribelli hanno marciato verso Go…
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In this episode, Matt talks with Chris Hutchison about the newest match at Zoo City Armory known as "The Gauntlet Match". It's a physically demanding match which draws its inspiration from the days of the "Battle Rattle" and Rumble which were put on by John Sherbert. This was a fun episode as much as it being a fun match and we hope you enjoy it.…
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- WEF25: Donald Trump al forum mondiale dell’economia parla di tasse, guerre e immigrazione - Afghanistan: mandato arresto per due leader Talebani accusati di persecuzione contro le donne - Corea del Sud: chiesta alla procura di Seul l’incriminazione formale del presidente Yoon per abuso di potere Il Notiziario Mondo di Radio Bullets oggi con Raffa…
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Svizzera: al World Economic Forum 2025 si parla di industria e clima Europa: occorre forza economica e negoziazione con Trump Gaza: ancora aiuti umanitari nella Striscia di Gaza, in Italia 21 bambini malati oncologici RDC: nascerà la più grande riserva di foresta tropicale del mondo Grecia: ritrovata in un sacco della spazzatura un’antica statua in…
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Operazione Muro di ferro, Israele attacca Jenin in Cisgiordania. Corea del Sud: sale il tasso di natalità per la prima volta in nove anni. Libano: ucciso funzionario di Hezbollah. Turchia: Incendio in un resort sciistico, decine di morti. Gli USA liberano un talebano in cambio di due americani a Kabul. Kuwait: ricercato per il furto di un abito da …
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Le anziane giapponesi sole e in difficoltà. E alcune di loro preferiscono finire in prigione. In Scozia nove donne hanno denunciato un predatore di Tinder prima dell'arresto. "Non ci sentiamo sicure nelle nostre strade": la marcia delle donne dal Regno Unito agli Stati Uniti. https://www.radiobullets.com/notiziari/21-gennaio-2025-notizie-donne-mond…
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Sean and Jim are beginning a two part look at The Bat-Man First Knight, the Black Label series by Dan Jurgens and Mike Perkins. We are on Threads! https://www.threads.net/@ragingbulletspodcast Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/is-it-jaws-movie-reviews/ Upcoming: Marvel Super-Heroes Sec…
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Season 2 Episode 754 The Bat-Man First Knight part 1 of 2: Sean and Jim are beginning a two part look at The Bat-Man First Knight, the Black Label series by Dan Jurgens and Mike Perkins. We are on Threads! https://www.threads.net/@ragingbulletspodcast Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/…
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Israele e Hamas: Il primo giorno della liberazione. Tre israeliane e 90 palestinesi tornano a casa. Stati Uniti: oggi il giorno dell’inaugurazione di Trump. Afghanistan: non ci sono scuse per vietare l’istruzione delle ragazze, dice alto esponente talebano. Nigeria: esplosione autocisterna, vittime in una fossa comune mentre le famiglie cercano i l…
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Another very short interlude just in respect of those who've been discovering my first couple of episodes and if my novel is still available. The link is here. It's self-published as I wrote it as personal therapy, more than anything else. I've kept the price for the paperback as low as I can (it really just covers Amazon's costs etc.). I've embedd…
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In this episode of Bullets n Bourbon, host Matt Gundlach, joined by Brittany Long, welcomes back Adam Magers, author of Odysseus and the Oar, for a monthly discussion on key themes from the book and their connection to mental health in the military and law enforcement community. Adam introduces the concepts of Jungian psychology, particularly the a…
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Israele e Hamas: habemus accordo. Ma il governo israeliano deve votarlo oggi. Italia: Il governo italiano non eseguirà i mandati di arresto della Corte penale internazionale contro Netanyahu e contro l'ex ministro della Difesa Yoav Gallant. Sale la tensione tra Guyana e Venezuela. Indonesia: eruzione vulcano, 3000 persone in evacuazione. India: acc…
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Israele e Hamas, sull’orlo di una tregua. Ma continuano i bombardamenti israeliani. Corea del Sud: arrestato il presidente. India: fitta nebbia sulla capitale, ritardano voli e treni. Haiti: un milione di sfollati interni. Francia: credeva di chattare con Brad Pitt, truffata di 930 mila euro. Questo e molto altro nel notiziario di Radio Bullets a c…
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La donna tedesco-iraniana Nahid Taghavi rilasciata dalla prigione di Teheran. L'attivista curda Pakhshan Azizi rischia l'esecuzione in Iran dopo che la sua condanna a morte è stata confermata dalla Corte Suprema. Morta negli incendi di Los Angeles l'attrice Dalyce Curry dei Blues Brothers. Gli Stati Uniti inseriscono il suprematista bianco "Terrorg…
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The Buckeyes have advanced to the ultimate game — the College Football Playoff championship game — after battling to a 28-14 win over a game Texas Longhorns squad that pushed them to the closing moments of the game. While Ohio State made things a lote more difficult than they needed to be through a parade of penalties and an early third-quarter tur…
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A lot packed into this episode, partly by design, partly by divergence. Continuing on the theme of assets, handlers, TCG and RUC Special Branch. How were things managed, or mismanaged? Troubles' history remains fertile ground into which black propaganda may be seeded by both state and non-state actors. Each 'side' alluding that they fought a 'just …
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Il premio Nobel Malala Yousafzai invita i leader mondiali a non riconoscere i talebani che non vedono le donne come esseri umani. Israele continua a bombardare Gaza e anche il Libano. Donna austriaca rapita in Niger. Tanzania: ritrovata attivista rapita in Kenya. Venezuela: Maduro pronto alle armi per mantenere la sua pace Questo e molto altro nel …
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Sean and Jim take a look the Energon Universe with Robert Kirkman’s series Void Rivals. The second part covers issues 4-6 of Volume 1. Speeding Bullets: Action Comics 1081, Superman 21, Batman Dark Patterns 1, What If Mickey and His Friends Became the Fantastic Four, Aquaman 1, Black Canary Best of the Best 1 and 2, Challengers of the Unknown 1, Cr…
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Season 2 Episode 753 Void Rivals Part 2 of 2 : Sean and Jim take a look the Energon Universe with Robert Kirkman’s series Void Rivals. The second part covers issues 4-6 of Volume 1. Speeding Bullets: Action Comics 1081, Superman 21, Batman Dark Patterns 1, What If Mickey and His Friends Became the Fantastic Four, Aquaman 1, Black Canary Best of the…
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Venezuela: oggi il giorno del giuramento. Maduro pronto per un terzo mandato con repressione. Gaza: secondo la rivista Lancet, i morti sono il 40% in più. Mozambico: torna il leader dell’opposizione. Libano: dopo due anni hanno un presidente. Russia: gli avvocati di Navalny rischiano lunghe condanne nel processo per “estremismo”. L’India si prepara…
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