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Medienfrau Doris Schulz
Warum Frau ins Weltall soll? Was können wir aus diesen Erkenntnissen ableiten? Die Astronautin Claudia Kessler berichtet darüber.
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A cidade e os seus desafios. A mobilidade, o atendimento nas unidades de saúde, as ocupações, o desempenho do ensino e as políticas públicas necessárias. O que afeta a vida do cidadão de BH ganha espaço todas às quartas e sábados, às 10h35 da manhã, dentro do CBN BH.
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It's what you need to know about what's happening in Pennsylvania, delivered to you in around 5 minutes every weekday morning by PennLive.com reporter Claudia Dimuro. "Today in Pa." brings you the biggest stories in the state, whether they're hard news, entertainment, sports or business.
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Saúde, beleza, comportamento, família, filhos, carreira, finanças. Tudo que interessa às mulheres.
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Ari Gosch und seine markante Stimme sind nicht nur Hörer*innen verschiedener RBB-Wellen wie Antenne Brandenburg, Radio Eins und Inforadio seit über 25 Jahren bekannt, sondern auch dem Musical-Publikum in vielen großen Hallen Mitteleuropas. Seit einer Weile ist nun auch Claudia Jakobshagen mit im News-Boot von Eilmeldung. Der neue Podcast EILMELDUNG! steht für öffentlich-rechtlich geschärfte höchstmöglich seriöse Recherche und Präsentation sowie für spannende, einfühlsame, aber auch satirisch ...
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Technology in the classroom in the Philipines
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Enfermedades infecciosas
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The gospel of Jesus Christ
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A brother and sister talk about whatever we want to!
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Vivendo a vida cristã. Devocionais sobre o Reino de Deus para iluminar o seu caminho.
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星星小孩的地球旅行心靈筆記! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Claudia and Maya talking about sexual imagery in the media
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Feature interviews from journalist and broadcaster, Claudia Cragg
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Claudia Reid Talks Tea and deep thoughts
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Based her best selling book "The Good Italian Girl" Claudia Callisto invites her fellow ethnic friends to join her for an Italian coffee catch up and share stories about life growing up with their immigrant parents. We reflect on both the highs and lows of our cultural experience and how it has shaped us as the strong and resilient ethnic women we are today and how it has influenced our own parenting style and life..
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just two crazy girls sharing our views Cover art photo provided by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ripato
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The Claudia Warias Podcast is here to provide a real, raw, unscetched & fun perspective on all things related to our human experience. It is a space for us to slow down & talk DEEP. Ready?
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Unterhaltsames aus dem Cockpit! Ich erzähle euch von meinen Gedankengängen auf den vielen Kilometern der Schweizer Strassen. Dabei lernt ihr neue Ortschaften in welschen Kantonen kennen, erfährt die neuesten Radionews, müsst mithelfen Fragen des Lebens zu beantworten und seid während maximal 15 Minuten gut unterhalten. Viel Spass damit!
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Two moms addressing the challenges and triumphs raising neurodivergent/autistic people in an atypical world. This is us, living life without a filter.
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Claudia Chan is a NY Times celebrated author, speaker and coach helping individuals and businesses build success on authenticity and ease through a method called “Whole-Self Leadership.” In her 24 year entrepreneurial career, her platforms like the S.H.E. Summit conference have impacted over 1 million by igniting entrepreneurial and corporate changemakers to solve social issues in their communities. Her current focus is CC INNER CIRCLE—a community and movement devoted to creating a future wh ...
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Noticias, entrevistas y debate. Conducida por la diputada del Partido Comunes y Frente Amplio, Claudia Mix, representando al Distrito 8 (Estación Central, Cerrillos, Pudahuel, Maipú, Colina, Til Til, Lampa y Quilicura).
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"StellDichein mit Claudia" ist ein Podcast für Politikinteressierte, für Gutmenschen und für alle, die gern mal hinter die Kulissen der Arbeit der grünen Politikerin und Bundestagsvizepräsidentin schauen möchten. Claudia Roth ist eines der bekanntesten Gesichter von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, kommt aber ursprünglich vom Theater und war viele Jahre im Musikgeschäft mit der Band Ton Steine Scherben unterwegs. In diesem Podcast lädt sie Freund*innen, politische Weggefährt*innen und Vordenker*innen ...
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Velkommen til Claudia Rex' Univers. Her kan alt ske, snakkes om og vendes, men først og fremmest vil jeg følge parrene i Vild Med Dans. Kom med mig bag kulisserne, få lidt insider viden og kom helt tæt på alle de dejlige par.
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Periodista, activista digital y emprendedora #SuricattaStudio. Orgullosa mamá y junkie de las apps de Android.
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Hello and welcome to the Empowered by Claudia podcast where we explore all things self-improvement and you will discover tools, tips and tricks to empower you to transform your life. I am Claudia, your host, a nurse, empowerment coach, fear of success instructor and your mentor on your self-development journey. I know first-hand how confusing and overwhelming this journey can be so I created this podcast to support you and so you do not feel alone.
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The Dr. Claudia Show offers advice and real life solutions for your life and your relationships - friends, family, marriage, parenting. Dr. Claudia's :60 Second Parenting Pointers offers parenting advice and solutions for your family. Dr. Claudia McCulloch teaches you to raise happier, healthier, and well adjusted kids. Learning to parent and educate your child properly will provide you and your family a more peaceful and empowering home environment.
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Estrategias pedagógicas
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The Future Podcast Episodes will Be About How I Have Succeeded With Beachbody Results and Nutrition. How I’ve Been Successful With The System I’ve Got Setup and How I Will Be Evolving With Creativity and How I Get Help from The Devine for Guidance!
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Podcast für Liebe, Glück & Erwachen. Ich bin Claudia Vorhemus, Spirituelle Lehrerin & Mentorin und ich habe es mir zur Aufgabe gemacht, Menschen in ihr Herz zu führen, in ein SINNERFÜLLTES & GLÜCKLICHES LEBEN. Stelle dir vor, du kannst alle Begrenzungen erlösen und beginnst dein weises Herz für dich und andere sprechen zu lassen. Mit jeder Begegnung, die wir haben, haben wir die Wahl in Frieden zu kommen UND GLÜCKLICH ZU SEIN. Abonniere meinen Podcast und lerne mit mir gemeinsam. Email: vorh ...
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"Dein neues Ich" ist Dein Podcast für Deine persönliche Entwicklung hin zu Dir SELBST. Mit viel Herz, Wissen und Humor ist es meine Inspiration Dich immer mehr für Dich SELBST zu begeistern und Deinem Wesenskern näher zu kommen. Ich bin Dr. Claudia Täubner – Inspiratorin, Coach, Buchautorin, Dreamworkerin und Innenwelten-Forscherin mit Leidenschaft. Ich begeistere mich immer mehr für dieses schöne Leben und nehme Dich gerne auf dieser Reise mit. Deine Wahrnehmung im hier und jetzt wird immer ...
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Claudia à la page, c’est un livre et un écrivain ou une écrivaine d’ici par épisode. Une conversation animée par Claudia Larochelle qui nous permet de plonger au cœur de l’œuvre. Des extraits choisis qui nous donnent le goût d’en lire davantage. Une série et une collection littéraire pour découvrir toute la richesse de notre littérature.
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Este podcast te acompañará a descubrir el maravilloso ser que eres. Aprenderás que amarte no es una cuestión de Ego sino de Salud Mental y contarás con las herramientas para llevarlo a cabo. Encontrarás temas de psicología, escritura terapéutica, amor propio, autoconocimiento, duelos, transformación y trascendencia.
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Cláudia Clara - Master Mind e Coach Ministra o curso - Projeto de Vida para uma vida plena! Seu foco tem estado em incentivar outros a descobrir o seu senso de propósito. Sua missão de vida é despertar o espírito de liderança nas pessoas e ajudá-las a explorar o máximo de seus talentos, dons e habilidades, visando alcançar êxito nos negócios e na realização pessoal, cumprindo plenamente o seu chamado. “Nunca é cedo nem tarde demais para fazer um plano de vida.” - Hans Johansen
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Born in the US of Mexican American and Mexican parents equals to...me! Sometimes I feel as if I straddle two worlds, two languages, two sets of expectations...”not from here, not from there...ni de aca, ne de alla” Join me as I share my life journey...of almost 50 an’ seen a lot. I’m transitioning from ”checking the box” of expectations to living my life, doing my life, breathing, embracing the hot flash era, being vulnerable, and entering my 50s (cincuentañera era) in love with myself: the ...
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CEO of Sweet Talk Social, Claudia Duran, discusses social media tips, trends, and advice for your social media marketing. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sweettalksocial/support
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I’m Claudia Montes a Certified Holistic Wellness Coach and professional Holistic Nutrition Chef with expertise in emotional eating and mindful eating. My passion lies in empowering adult and young women to make behavior changes and focus on specialty diets like high blood pressure and nutrient-dense foods. With my guidance, clients discover which foods and lifestyle choices make them feel best and improve their overall health and well-being. My podcast go over who I am and my expert niche in ...
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Claudia A. Merandi is the founder of the national "Don't Punish Pain Rally Organization." Claudia, mom to both Francesca and Ava, is the former owner of Merandi Court Reporting. She's a retired court reporter and self-published author, from East Providence, Rhode Island. As a person living with severe Crohn's Disease since a child, she witnessed first-hand the challenges a person with pain encounters when trying to obtain adequate pain management.Claudia, in 2017, created the Don't Punish Pa ...
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Claudia, also known as Claudia and David, is an American old-time radio drama. One version was broadcast on CBS July 4, 1941 - September 26, 1941[1] and another was syndicated in 1947. Claudia and David were first heard on radio in a segment on the June 6, 1941, episode of The Kate Smith Hour. At that time, Claudia had just fallen in love with David. When Smith's program went off for the summer, the 10-minute segments were expanded to fill her time slot. The couple's wedding occurred on the ...
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One state lawmaker wants to modernize how people receive public notices. PennDOT is investing millions into traffic safety improvements. Be sure to look up to see some planets march across the sky tonight. Finally, they’re back by popular demand.Autor: PennLive
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El amor y la compatibilidad en los signos zodiacales
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Prestação de contas: Câmara de BH pede balanço fiscal da Prefeitura
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10:07A Câmara Municipal de BH pediu à prefeitura o balanço do que foi arrecadado com impostos municipais entre 2023 e 2024. Vereadores querem entender a relação entre a arrecadação municipal e os sucessivos empréstimos pedidos pelo Município nos últimos dois anos. Cláudia Pires avalia o pedido e possíveis repercussões da divulgação.…
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Eilmeldung Folge 75 KW 6, der Newsflash mit Ari Gosch, Claudia Jakobshagen und Magy Da Silva
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34:01Themen in der 6. KW: Superreiche häufen immer mehr Geld an durch direkten Einfluss auf die Politik und damit auf das Rechts- und das Wirtschaftssystem.| Reiche selbst überproportional an den Regierungen beteiligt.| Je eher die ARMEN für eine Sache waren, desto eher waren deutsche Regierungen dagegen.| Superreichtum heißt auch: Zensur. | Riesengroße…
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Butler County has confirmed its first bird flu case. Fatal overdoses are falling in Pennsylvania. Someone out there’s the owner of a $3 million scratch-off. And there’s some Tush Pushback going on in the NFL.Autor: PennLive
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An airport has already stopped at least 10 guns this year. Penn State is facing some “difficult choices.” The debate over when rifle deer season starts continues. Lastly, dozens of schools nationwide have banned a controversial — but beloved — shoe.Autor: PennLive
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SPS Technologies was hit with a class action lawsuit following that recent factory fire in Montgomery County. AI cameras will start keeping an eye on Philadelphians soon. A classic ride won’t be coming back this year. Finally, one official thinks Pennsylvania’s state song needs a makeover.Autor: PennLive
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This detention center will house ICE detainees. Pennsylvania is seeing a rise in card skimmers. The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission just took the first step in revamping an interchange. Also, this dinner got “wild.”Autor: PennLive
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SEPTA’s getting ready to debut its new look. Also, here’s another reminder to make a rather important update to your license (or at least take note of it for traveling purposes). More tiny homes might be coming to Harrisburg. Lastly, this “hole-in-the-wall’ is purportedly the best in state.Autor: PennLive
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The reopening of Three Mile Island is purportedly on schedule. People are still without power — in this cold — following those winds on Sunday. An airport has hit a milestone. And if you’ve ever wanted to pitch something on “Shark Tank,” here’s your chance.Autor: PennLive
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More wells have tested positive for chemical contamination following a recently confirmed pipe leak, and their location indicates that the leak may have spread. Business owners weigh in on a potential minimum wage hike. New medical practices are opening up across the central part of the state this year. Finally, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary ends a miles…
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Notas previas a la premiación de los Oscars 2025
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Over 60 cases related to Chinese Communist Party espionage and acts of transnational repression have been reported in 20 states, Those winds yesterday left thousands without power. Pennsylvania’s dairy farm industry received a “flu-free” bill of health, but officials remain cautious. And an exhibit comes to Pennsylvania.…
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Falta de diálogo entre estado e municípios ameaça sucesso das concessões de rodovias
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8:34Cláudia Pires repercute a publicação do edital de concessão do Lote Rodoviário Vetor Norte, que abrange 123 km de rodovias na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. O projeto propõe a instalação de 13 pedágios, fato que tem motivado protestos e mobilizações.
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A school district is trying to establish some guidelines for AI use. Some major sports stadiums got the green light to update. Here’s what spring 2025 is expected to be like. Lastly, a bald eagle couple has laid their first egg of the season.Autor: PennLive
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'Carnaval está expandindo o calendário e cidade precisa se preparar para a festa'
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6:35Evento em BH vai do dia 15 de fevereiro a 9 de março. Cerca de 600 blocos vão desfilar na capital. Prefeitura espera reunir 6 milhões de foliões.
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Kids in Philadelphia are exposed to dangerous levels of lead more often than those in other cities. Plus, a utilities has confirmed that personal data was compromised during a breach. A number of supermarkets are limiting how many eggs a person can buy. Finally, the “Marrying Mayor” will hit a milestone on Valentine’s Day.…
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Pennsylvania is one of the states that’s been impacted by a massive tuna recall. Also, if you’re taking SEPTA tomorrow, officials are asking for you to please have patience. The state PUC is looking for York residents’ input on some upcoming projects. Also, RIP, Duolingo owl — you’re gone, but not forgotten.…
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State officials have asked to suspend a pipeline’s operations following the discovery of a jet fuel leak. A scam has “evolved.” Kids in this one city might have to start the school year earlier. And an iconic bookstore chain is making a comeback.Autor: PennLive
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Inmigración en los Estados Unidos
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A captação de água na Bacia do Rio das Velhas chega a 350 litros por segundo, e abastece outras cidades, além da RMBH. Cláudia Pires fala sobre o prejuízo com a inadimplência de municípios.
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Cláudia Pires fala sobre a concessionária Nova 381 que assumiu oficialmente a gestão da rodovia no trecho entre Caeté e Governador Valadares, na região do Vale do Rio Doce. A única exceção é o trecho entre BH e Caeté que, por enquanto, permanece sob gestão do DNIT.
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The Shapiro administration has revealed the state prisons it would like to close. A new study has found that health care directories are riddled with errors. Many students at one university aren’t happy that AI announcers were used during a graduation ceremony. Finally, planets will march across the sky this month, so to speak.…
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im Gespräch mit der Markenrechtsexpertin Manuela Weixlbaumer
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17:13Eine biedere Jus-Studentin war sie nie – das, was andere machen, findet sie oft langweilig. Für sie war früh klar: Ein klassischer Rechtsberuf würde es nicht werden. Stattdessen fand sie ihre Rolle als Juristin im Bereich Intellectual Property (Geistiges Eigentum), mit dem Schwerpunkt Markenrecht, in einem Technologieunternehmen. So ist sie berufli…
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A major car company has recalled over 140,000 due to issues with the vehicles’ brakes. The state Game Commission will release more pheasants before the season draws to a close. The departure of a historic ship, once again, has been delayed. Lastly, Pennsylvania might get a new state park that’s deep underground.…
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At least six wells in one area tested positive for jet fuel-related chemicals about a year after residents claimed to have smelled gas in the area’s water. A new health system facility opened its doors in Lancaster County. One official believes a high-speed rail in Pennsylvania is possible. Also, cops are scrambling to solve an egg heist.…
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A new law wants to keep people from getting ghosted by their doctors. A major retailer has bought a mall. Officials want the public’s input on a road safety plan. Also, an Acme worker “went a little rogue.”Autor: PennLive
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Allegheny River water suppliers were alerted to a hydraulic fluid leak on Monday afternoon. Pennsylvania is among the states impacted by a dog food recall. The state may join 23 others in requiring cursive lessons in public schools. Plus, an 85-year-old is promising a party that’ll only end “when the cops come.”…
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Claves para iniciar o continuar realizando senderismo
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Pennsylvanian doctors are weighing in on Journavx, a newly approved painkiller that’s said to be free of addiction risks. Pittsburgh Regional Transit is looking for more funding. Philadelphia’s first major, post-pandemic office-to-apartment conversion project is almost done. Lastly, as Paul Revere would say: The cicadas are coming.…
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6 anos do rompimento da barragem de Brumadinho
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9:45No dia 25 de janeiro de 2019 a barragem de rejeitos da mina Córrego do Feijão, em brumadinho, na grande BH. Mais de 200 pessoas morreram e toda a região foi contaminada com os rejeitos. Cláudia Pires fala dos impactos nesses últimos anos.
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Casos de trabalho análogo a escravidão em Minas Gerais
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8:11De acordo com a Superintendência Regional do Trabalho e Emprego, no ano passado, foram 500 pessoas resgatadas nessas condições. O número representa 25% do total registrado no país. Claúdia Pires fala sobre esses casos.
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The latest state budget proposal places an emphasis on frugality. Gov. Shapiro wants to fast-track the construction of big power plants in Pennsylvania. 911 systems all across the state have gotten a major update. Finally, here’s Pennsylvania number one Super Bowl snack.Autor: PennLive
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A bill would tackle the oversight and safety measures around medical marijuana. Some people are getting letters about the possibility of lead in their water service line. One county just took a “forward-thinking step.” Also, the world’s most famous groundhog has supernatural origins.Autor: PennLive
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The company that oversees the electric grid that powers Pennsylvania has agreed to a price cap. State officials are looking once more to reauthorize a 20-year-old utility consumer protection law. More public land will be available to hunters. Finally, these restaurants are some of the most romantic around.…
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Rodovias mineiras vão receber mais de 700 novos radares
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8:19O DER, Departamento Estadual de Estradas e Rodagem, vai instalar mais radares para controle de velocidade em rodovias mineiras. Serão 764 novos equipamentos. Cláudia Pires fala sobre o maior controle de velocidade nas estradas por meio de radares.
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A lot of people like to toss out the phrase “The Founding Fathers must be rolling around in the graves” when referring to modern politics. But if you believe the stories coming out of Carpenters’ Hall, they’re walking around outside of their graves, too.Autor: PennLive
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Pennsylvania’s first case of avian flu of the year has been confirmed. Pittsburgh is thinking about a referendum that would bar private entities from owning water and sewer systems. A report has found that counties with their own health department greatly benefit from them. Lastly, the bust of one of Philadelphia’s most famous is going up for aucti…
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Todo los que necesitas saber sobre TikTok
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Pennsylvania officials don’t have much faith in the state power grid’s ability to meet future demand. Penn State employees want a straight answer on the future of the school’s commonwealth campuses. The leases of over 21 Big Lots are up for sale. Plus, this animal shelter has a special Valentine’s Day offering.…
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Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate is below the national average. SEPTA’s spending millions on a new payment system. There’s an update on the cold snap. Lastly, a WWII finally gets a long overdue honor.Autor: PennLive
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In order to continue their appeal in challenging Norfolk Southern’s recent settlement, residents around the East Palestine crash site have been ordered to pay a $850,000 bond. There’s a city in Pennsylvania that’s among the country’s most dangerous and it’s not just because of crime. One school district is offering students a cash incentive to reta…
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Another day, another cyberattack. An ailing health network in Delaware County has pulled some ambulances from other areas, leaving several towns short. Childhood vaccination rates are down. Plus, an 85-year-old set a running record.Autor: PennLive
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Pennsylvania saw record gaming revenue in 2024. Philadelphia’s trash problem persists despite those added pick-ups. It’s still dangerously cold out there. And how do you spell “Eagles?”Autor: PennLive
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5 Claves para iniciar el año y alcanzar tus metas
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Pennsylvania has been impacted by a multistate, mutli-million-dollar theft ring. Local businesses have been hit as a result of the bird flu. An airport’s new terminal is almost complete. Plus, this is a great place for an active lifestyle.Autor: PennLive
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Políticas públicas para lidar com o calor extremo
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6:40Cláudia Pires fala sobre as ações que precisam ser pensadas por prefeituras para o verão.
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Ruas e avenidas de Belo Horizonte ficaram destruídas, em decorrência das chuvas que atingiram a cidade nesta semana. Cláudia Pires avalia se está faltando planejamento da prefeitura.
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The number of guns at airports throughout Pennsylvania fell last year. Iconic Pennsylvania companies already stopped using that federally-banned dye. Couples are getting married later in life. Finally, some guy tried stealing 25 Terrible Towels from a Giant Eagle.Autor: PennLive
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A state statute could mean criminal charges for fossil fuel companies. A proposal would strengthen the safety of taking Ubers and Lyfts.Yet another movie theater has closed. And a museum once again gets national recognition.Autor: PennLive
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