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Hekla og Sara fara yfir hin ýmsu morð og önnur sakamál sem gerast víða í heiminum.
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Í boði Emma Body Art! Kíkið inn emmabodyart.is. Með því að versla við Emma Body Art eruð þið að styðja við þáttinn og peppa okkur að halda áfram að gefa út þættina! Issei Sagawa á áhugaverða og ógeðslega sögu að baki. Viljum ekki spoila þannig kveiktu á þættinum og hlustaðu á horbjóðinn sem við höfum uppá að bjóða…
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23. Knotek Fjölskyldan - Seinni Partur
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Þátturinn er í boði Emma Body Art! Kíkið á síðuna emmabodyart.is og skoðið fallega skartið í boði. Með því að versla við Emmu eruð þið að styrkja your girlies og peppa okkur í að halda áfram að koma með hryllinginn í ykkar eyru. Seinni parturinn af Knotek málinu. Shelly fær enn annan gest á heimilið og aðstæður verða enn brenglaðari en þeir voru í …
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22. Knotek Fjölskyldan - Fyrri partur
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Þátturinn er í boði Emma Bodyart Þáttur vikunar er um Shelly Knotek og hryllingnum sem hún olli fjölskyldu sinni og öðrum sem komu inn í líf hennar.Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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21. Charles Starkweather og Caril Ann Fugate
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Þau voru lengi hataðasta par Bandaríkjana. Milli 1957-1958 drápu þau 11 mans og oft líkt við Bonny and Clyde!Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Hann byrjaði sem mini en við höfðum svo mikið að segja! Hann er í léttari kanntinum. Við fórum yfir stærstu mómentin, hvað kom úr skjölunum og spurningarnar, og að lokum það sem okkur finnst um þessi réttarhöld!Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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19. Depp v. Heard - Seinni hluti
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Við förum yfir sönnunargögn og vitni í málinu, margt sem fólk hefur ekki heyrt áður!Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Hvað gerðist virkilega á milli þeirra???Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Látin Angel Doe fannst í skurði í úthverfi Houston. Rannsóknalögregla vann hart að því að finna út hver stelpan væri.Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Hann Zachary var í dr. Phil útaf morðum sem hann framdi. Þessi gæi nær hámarki í að vera creepy þannig njótið! Við líka tölum um hvalveiðar sem eru komnar af stað aftur, við fílum ekki.Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Einn fjöldamesti raðmorðingi Bandaríkjana en ekki var komið upp um hann fyrr en árið 2012 en var þá orðin 72 ára.Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Þáttur vikunar byrjar á Depp v. Heard þannig skip over ef þið viljið ekki spoil! Annars er málið hans Jake Nolan mál vikunar. Hann var milli steins og sleggju þegar hann flutti til frænku sinnar sem virtist vera að kippa lífi hans í lag þar til dag einn.Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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13. Casey Anthony - Seinni hluti
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ATH! EF ÞIÐ ERUÐ EKKI BÚIN AÐ SJÁ OPPENHEIMER SPÓLIÐ TIL 5:40! Þáttur vikunar er seinni parturinn af Málinu hennar Caylee Anthony. Seinni og meira spennandi parturinn því það verða vendingar í málinu og það fer fyrir rétt, réttarhöldin voru roslaega skrýtin og mikið media frenzy, svo setjum við okkar punkta inn. Njótið…
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12. Casey Anthony - Fyrri hluti
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Mál vikunar er málið hennar Caylee Anthony, nafn sem flestir Bandaríkjamenn þekkja. Hún var að verða 3 ára þegar hún hvarf sporlaust en enginn tilkynnti það til yfirvalda fyrr en eftir 31 dag. Málið hefur verið umtalað seinustu ár og vegna viðbragða móður Caylee. Þetta er sagan af Casey Anthony.Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Jeane Newmaker barnahjúkrunarfræðingur ákvað að taka að sér barn úr fósturkerfinu. Hún ættleiddi stelpuna Candace sem hafði komið úr slæmum heimilisaðstæðum. Mægðunar áttu erfitt með að tengjast og sótti Jeane hjálp sérfræðinga til að hjálpa Candace. Vegferðin í átt að betra lífi saman var eins ömurleg og hún var skaðleg fyrir litlu stúlkuna. Engin…
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Alice Ruggles var fyrirmyndar starfsmaður, góð vinkona, dóttir og átti lífið fyrir sér. Líf hennar breyttist hinsvegar til muna þegar hún kynntist kærasta sínum Harry.Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Í þætti vikunar klárum við að fara yfir Henry Lee Lucas og tölum um hvernig lögreglan í Texas tók á málinu.Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Í dag fer Hekla með málið um hann Henry Lee Lucas. Þetta verður skipt í tvo hluta og seinni kemur í næstu viku.Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Góðan og blessaðan! Þáttur vikunar er um morð sem gerðist á bensín stöð í Ada, við ætlum ekki að spoila þessu of mikið,,hlustið bara!!Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Þessi þáttur nær hámarki í steiknini guð.... en ég drekk og sóla mig fyrir ykkur sem eruð föst á klakanum no worries, við ræðum líka titanic kafbátinn og rúsnesku borgarastyrjöldina og ofc dragrace bæjjjjAutor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Happy humpday! Þáttur vikunar er um Mr. Cruel sem hrellti börn og fullorðna í Ástralíu í kringum 1990.Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Við snúm ekki baki við juggalo family! Er veik og heilinn er með 30% virkni þannig hlustaðu á þáttinn ef þú vilt vita hvað hann er umAutor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Vægast sagt skrýtið mál...Lorena Gallo féll fyrir John Bobbitt, þau gifta sig en fljótlega fara hlutirnir að breytast úr ævintýrinu sem hún hafði séð fyrir sér í algjöra martröð.Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Í þessum þætti höldum við áfram að fara yfir Alex Murdaugh, Hekla fer í fortíð fjölskyldunar sem var jafn gruggug og Reykjavíkurtjörn.Autor: Má ég eiga við þig morð
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Í fyrsta þættinum fer Hekla yfir mál Alex Murdaugh. Hann fór fyrir rétt fyrir að hafa tekið konu sína og son af lífi núna í janúar 2023.Autor: maegmord
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Happy Halloween! Reflecting this spooky day, Aruba and Chris tackle the most famous examples of J-Horror to ever grace the cinema, Nakata Hideo's Ringu (1998). We chat about the film's legacy, its theme of technophobia, the questionable gender politics, its updating of Japanese folk tradition, and whether or not it remains affective today. This epi…
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Ep. 14: Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family
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It's classic week, and Aruba and Chris take on the Master Ozu Yasujiro with one of his less exalted features, Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family (1941). We discuss its reputation as a National Policy film, its strange place in Ozu's filmography, how it attributed to the development of his signature style, its critical portrayal of class in a f…
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Bonus Ep: TIFF Coverage - True Mothers/Under the Open Sky
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The Toronto International Film Festival had its first ever online festival, and Aruba and Chris checked out what contemporary Japanese cinema was being offered this year. We took a look at the latest offerings from Kawase Naomi with True Mothers, and Miwa Nishikawa with Under the Open Sky (kind of). Make sure to subscribe, share, and give a rating …
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Venturing back into Sono's films after a tiny hiatus, Chris rambles about the eclectic director's New York based crime drama, Hazard. If you like the episode, make sure to rate it wherever you get your podcasts and share it around to help us grow. Also, make sure follow the Sono themed twitter account (@sion_film) mentioned in the episode…
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Bonus Ep: JAPAN CUTS - Interview with Kazu Watanabe
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JAPAN CUTS is a New York based film festival hosted by the Japan Society dedicated to celebrating new Japanese film. Their 14th edition is currently streaming online from July 17 -30th. Deputy director of film for the Japan Society and programmer/organizer for JAPAN CUTS Kazu Watanabe sat down with Chris to talk about this year's festival and how i…
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Solo on Sono Ep. 2: The Virgin Psychics
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For the second installment of the series dedicated to exploring Sono Sion's eclectic filmography, Chris rambles a bit about the raunchy fun of The Virgin Psychics (映画 みんな!エスパーだよ!, 2015). If you like the episode, make sure to rate it wherever you get your podcasts and share it around to help us grow.
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Solo on Sono Ep. 1: Balloon Club, Afterwards
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From the utterly mind numbing existence of quarantine comes a new Eiga Night side series! A personal exploration of one of Japan's most audacious filmmakers work, Solo on Sono is Chris exploring the films of maverick iconoclast (and his personal favourite director) Sono Sion. For the inaugural episode, Chris watches Sono's mature meditation on obse…
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Alright varmints, from our self-imposed quarantines Aruba and Chris breakthrough the monotony to say "Howdy" and "wtf" to this weeks episode, Miike Takashi's Sukiyaki Western Django (2007). We talk the film's legacy in a long continuation of cross-cultural exchange of the Western film between America and Japan, the oddball humour of its phonetic En…
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Checking in from our quarantines, Aruba and Chris correct the mistake made by the Academy when they snubbed the legendary Joe Shishido (1933 - 2020) from their In Memoriam montage with a lively discussion of his best work as an actor, Suzuki Seijun's Branded to Kill (1967). We discuss his intense qualities as an actor, Suzuki's esoteric style and a…
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In our latest episode, Chris and the returning Aruba ramble on about one of the most important and influential anime films of all time, Otomo Katsuhiro's Akira (1988). While trying to sort through the visceral affect of watching this film, they briefly touch on the films legacy, its historical context and relevance, their memories of seeing it for …
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We return to our exploration of the absolute classics with one of the most crushingly human stories of mortality and seizing life in the face of untimely death, Kurosawa Akira's Ikiru (1952). Joined this time by special guest Anthony Moss, we get into Kurosawa's masterpiece and its philosophy of self-actualization and fulfillment, discuss the range…
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For our triumphant return from our LONG unplanned break, Aruba and Chris question what it means to be a family with Koreeda Hirokazu's Palme D'or winning masterpiece Shoplifters (2018). We chat about Koreeda's career as the critical darling of the contemporary period, analyze the complex, nuanced morality at work within this makeshift familial unit…
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In honor of the Halloween season, we are breaking down the jhorror phenomenon in an extensive history lesson. From the beginnings of horror in Japan in the form of folklore and mythology, to the postwar boom of ghost story cinema, all the way up to the global saturation in the 90s and 2000s, we tried our hardest to give you a suitable introduction …
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Bonus Episode: Trends in Recent Live Action Anime Adaptations
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Chris flies solo once more! In lieu of the much awaited new episode, Chris has thrown together a quickie episode of live action anime reviews to tide you over till our hosts can get back together in studio.He mumbles reviews of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable Part 1, Fullmetal Alchemist, BLEACH, and Tokyo Ghoul in an incoherent, of…
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On this weeks episode, Aruba and Chris venture into the sleazy Gion district to talk Kenji Mizoguchi's early masterpiece and seminal contribution to the industry, Sisters of the Gion (1936). We get into Mizoguchi as one of the "Masters of Japanese Cinema," the progressive politics on display at the time, the prevalent "woman question" of the Japane…
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In the latest episode of Eiga Night, Chris and Aruba walk the catwalk against their wills and probe the prominent fashion culture of Japan with the manga adaptation Paradise Kiss. We discuss the work of Ai Yazawa and the intersection between Josei manga and fashion, why George Koizumi sucks so hard, the unfathomable popularity of this property, how…
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In this week’s episode, Chris and the returning Aruba wander the arid deserts of entrapment and identity with Hiroshi Teshigahara’s Woman in the Dunes (1964). They talk about the influential Japanese New Wave and Teshigahara’s place in it, the themes of identity and obligation within an uncaring society, whether or not this can be considered a love…
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Due to a scheduling conflict between our intrepid hosts, Chris is flying solo this week with a mini bonus episode about all the Japanese films he covered at the New York Asian Film Festival and Japan Cuts. This coverage was done for Film Pulse (https://filmpulse.net/) and you can check out all his reviews there.We will resume the regular episode fo…
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The debut episode of Eiga Night is here! On this episode Chris and Aruba are pitted against their classmates and friends in a desperate struggle to survive. It is Kinji Fukusaku's Battle Royale. We talk the controversy, the director's style, and wonder what would happen if we were put in the same position.Technical Issue: Chris' microphone is const…
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This week, Chris and Aruba find themselves lost in an endless sea of sand and entrapment with Hiroshi Teshigahar's Woman in the Dunes (1964). We talk the Japanese New Wave, identity versus society, the inexplicable western reception of this cult favourite and SAAAAAANNNNDDD!!! If you like what you hear please give us a like or share!…
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Bonus Episode: NYAFF and JapanCuts Coverage
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Due to our hosts schedules not working out to record together, this week Chris is flying solo to tell you about all the films he covered at the New York Asian Film Festival and the Japan Cuts festival for Film Pulse. This was mostly a test to see if we worked the technical issues that plagued our first upload so please enjoy.…
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The debut episode of Eiga Night is here! On this episode Chris and Aruba are pitted against their classmates and friends in a desperate struggle to survive. It is Kinji Fukusaku's Battle Royale. We talk the controversy, the director's style, and wonder what would happen if we were put in the same position.Techincal Issue: Chris' microphone is const…
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