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Von der Stadt Graz gibt es was für die Ohren: Mit dem Podcast wird das breite Informationsspektrum der Stadt Graz um einen weiteren digitalen Baustein erweitert. Die Themen aus dem Magistrat und den Dienststellen sind bunt gemischt, die Tipps praktisch, knackig verabreicht und hilfreich, die Geschichte der Stadt launig erzählt. Alle zwei Wochen gibt‘s eine neue Folge.
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Freie Christengemeinde Graz

Freie Christengemeinde - Pfingstgemeinde Graz

Co tydzień
Die Freie Christengemeinde Graz ist eine christliche Freikirche. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Glaube nicht verstaubt und langweilig sein sollte, sondern ein lebendiger Glaube an Jesus Christus zeitgemäß sein kann und Gott heute noch erlebbar ist. Nähere Infos unter
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Il podcast PULP sicuramente evitabile. Sangue sesso e Merda, SI!, Qua si parla di liquidi corporei e cosmo con raffinato stile aristocratico. Ospiti illustri accompagnano i due nobili conduttori in un viaggio colorato di fantasia, feci e giuoco. Inoltre, grazie ad una tecnologia esclusiva, la qualità sonora raggiunge livelli di profondità cinematografica, restituendo all'ascoltatore un'esperienza sensoriale unica nel suo genere.
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The Grazing Grass Podcast features insights and stories of regenerative farming, specifically emphasizing grass-based livestock management. Our mission is to foster a community where grass farmers can share knowledge and experiences with one another. We delve into their transition to these practices, explore the ins and outs of their operations, and then move into the "Over Grazing" segment, which addresses specific challenges and learning opportunities. The episode rounds off with the "Famo ...
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Figli? No Grazie!


Figli? No Grazie! è un nuovo podcast creato da Luca Cupani e Romina Puma, due comici italiani che vivono a Londra e che con i rispettivi partner hanno deciso di non avere figli. In questo Podcast esploreranno i pro e i contro di questa scelta e in generale cosa significa essere adulti senza la responsabilità di essere genitori.
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Grazitti Interactive

Grazitti Interactive

We are a Marketing Technology Company with expertise in Marketo & Salesforce Consulting, Community Building, Data Science, Demand Generation & Web Development Services.
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Grażynka i Janusz - czyli ulubione małżeństwo wszystkich Polaków - i ich codzienne problemy. Dlaczego Grażynka, na złość Putinowi, przestanie smażyć Januszowi schabowe?! Czy uda spełnić się marzenie Grażynki i wystawić prezesowi przecudnej urody pomnik? Na te pytania nie usłyszymy odpowiedzi, ale na wiele innych pewnie tak! Janusz i Grażynka - koszmarnie sympatyczne małżeństwo! W roli Janusza - Tomasz Olbratowski! W roli Grażynki - Grażynka!
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Grazia Russia

Grazia Russia

Подкаст журнала Grazia о красоте, уходе за собой и не только. Приглашенные эксперты и звездные гости вместе с ведущей, шеф-редактором сайта Grazia Олей Саленко, будут обсуждать полезные бьюти-лайфхаки, делиться действенными советами и неожиданными открытиями, а также разбирать распространенные мифы, касающиеся внешности. Подписывайтесь, будет интересно, полезно и местами весело!
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We get life advice from women worth listening to. Sharing the pivotal moments that made them who they are today, our special guests tell us the best advice they’ve ever been given… and the worst.
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Grazing Hell

Tara Mooknee

The ONLY podcast made by a cow. We talk about internet culture, politics, gender & how weird the world is. Be prepared to hear some spicy takes as we raise - ahem - I mean GRAZE hell.
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Just Graze It

Robert & Kiesha Baker, Rick & Margarita Flores

A podcast about jumping feet first into homesteading hosted by Rick & Margarita Flores and Robert & Kiesha Baker. Learn from our mistakes, laugh with us or at us, and hear the hard vs beauty that is living off your land.
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Grazia’s editor at large Angela Buttolph is joined by Kerstin from Ms Marmite Lover, Esther from Recipe Rifle and Rejina from Gastro Geek for a masterclass in culinary blogging at the Apple Store Regent Street in London. The School of Grazia masterclass series is an unmissable opportunity to see Grazia Daily interrogate a super-group of bloggers for all their web knowledge, lightbulb moments and must- know methods they’ve used to become some of blogging’s biggest names.
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Grazia’s editor at large Angela Buttolph is joined by Emily from Fashion Foie Gras, Ella from La Petite Anglaise and Ella from Coco’s Tea Party for a masterclass in street style, London Fashion Week, Instagram and more at the Apple Store Regent Street in London. The School of Grazia masterclass series is an unmissable opportunity to see Grazia Daily interrogate a super-group of bloggers for all their web knowledge, lightbulb moments and must- know methods they’ve used to become some of blogg ...
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Welcome to the Own YOUR Future Podcast with Dean Graziosi! Our aim is to meet our listeners where they're at and provide practical insights and strategies to help them thrive in today's economy. Our goal is to empower our listeners to take control of their time, finances, and future, so they can fulfill their potential and become the person they were meant to be. Dean interviews some of the most brilliant thought leaders of our time, who share their wisdom on how to Own YOUR Future.
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Delve into the world of beauty blogging with Grazia’s editor-at-large Angela Buttolph as she is joined by Fleur of Fleur De Force, Estée of Essie Button and Lily of Lily Pebbles. They discuss starting and running a successful beauty blog, their most exciting blogging moments and the possible impact of sharing your opinions and advice on the Internet at the Apple Store Regent Street in London.
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Join Grazia's Editor at Large, Angela Buttolph, for the first in a special series of three fashion blogging masterclasses. Angela will host some of the blogosphere's biggest names - Reem of Five Five Fabulous, Laetitia of Mademoiselle Robot and Stella of Stella’s Wardrobe - as they share their top tips and talk about their most exciting blogging moments as well as the impact of sharing your opinions and style online.
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Join Grazia's Editor at Large Angela Buttolph for the second in a special series of three fashion blogging masterclasses. Angela will host some of the blogosphere's biggest names - Hannah Almassi, Phill Taylor and Sandra of 5 Inch and Up - as they share their top tips and talk about their most exciting blogging moments as well as the impact of sharing your opinions and style online.
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I Grazie

Radio Vaticana - Vatican News

Siamo capaci di dire grazie? Ce lo ha chiesto più volte Francesco. "Grazie" è una delle tre parole chiave per una pacifica convivenza in famiglia e in qualsiasi comunità (Le altre due sono "Permesso?" e "Scusa"). Proviamo non solo a pronunciare la parola "grazie", ma anche a pensarla, con senso di gratitudine viva verso qualcuno o per qualcosa. Un grazie al giorno per un gesto o una parola gentili, per un bene di cui non siamo sempre consapevoli, per la salute, per l'amicizia, per la solidar ...
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Io, Lupo. Per gli amici, Ivan Graziani

Niccolò Agliardi & Dischi Numero Uno

"Troppo incompleta per essere una biografia, troppo disordinata per essere una cronistoria. Io, lupo. È un podcast che racconta “a sentimento” e senza soluzione di continuità le vicissitudini di un musicista irriverente e trasgressivo, tenero e velenoso che nelle sue opere è riuscito a siglare una strana intesa tra la poesia, la solitudine e la scorrettezza. Oggi, che siamo diventati tutti un po’ più grandi e che ci siamo abituati a giocare le nostre partite sotto una lente che ci rende levi ...
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show series
Pflegeexpertin Claudia Leoni-Scheiber hat sich intensiv mit dem idealen Grade Mix für Pflegende beschäftigt. Die Novelle des österreichischen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegegesetzes (GuKG) im Jahr 2016 definierte drei pflegerische Berufsbilder: gehobenen Dienst für Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege (diplomiertes Pflegepersonal, DGKP), Pflegefachassiste…
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Viele von uns sind im Vorweihachtsstress, ich möchte mit dieser Folge ein wenig entschleunigen, uns alle daran erinnern, was wirklich zählt, wie kostbar jeder Moment mit unseren Lieben ist. Treten wir gemeinsam einen Schritt zurück. Petra Valda und Lisa Steinberger erzählen nämlich von ihrer Arbeit im Albert Schweitzer Hospiz.…
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What if you could transform your farming operation by improving efficiency and biosecurity, while also ensuring the health and productivity of your livestock? Join us as we welcome Wyatt Catron, a mobile food animal veterinarian, and Samantha Catron, a postdoc fellow at the University of Arkansas. Together, they share insights into the world of hai…
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Torna Grazie Varagano, il tuo podcast di MERDA preferito! Esploriamo il lato assurdo della vita con racconti sullo sperma in ricette gourmet, defecazioni tropicali a Bali e incontri grotteschi sui mezzi pubblici. NUOVA rubrica DISGUSTO on the ROAD - Una riflessione metafisica sulla merda come collante dell’esperienza umana. Grazie graziella e grazi…
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On today's episode we have Dale Strickler of Regenerative Wisdom, a consulting company based in Wichita, Kansas. He shares his background of growing up on a diversified family farm and initially pursuing engineering before switching to agronomy after being inspired by the concept of using nature to solve problems in agriculture. Dale discusses his …
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Join us as we welcome Jock Gibson from Edinvale Farm in northern Scotland, who shares his inspiring journey into grass-fed beef farming amidst the region's challenging climate. Jock reflects on his unexpected return to the family farm in 2015 after the loss of his parents, a transition that marked a shift in the farm's focus towards highland cattle…
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Massenproteste in TiflisEin neu beschlossenes Anti-LGBTIQ+ Gesetz, ein Gesetz gegen „ausländischen Einfluss“ bei NGOs und der massive Einfluss der russischen Regierung auf Georgien bringen seit einigen Wochen hunderttausende Menschen in Tiflis auf die Straße. Wir haben mit Ana Subeliani über die Proteste gesprochen. Sie setzt sich bereits seit Jahr…
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Join us as we explore the fascinating world of regenerative farming with Peter Byck, the talented producer and director of the docuseries "Roots so Deep You Can See the Devil Down There." We chat about the inception and journey of creating this compelling series, focusing on a science project rooted in regenerative farming practices across the Sout…
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Während die Welt den Sturz des syrischen Diktators Baschar al-Assad feiert, bleibt eine Region oft unbeachtet: die autonomen kurdischen Gebiete. In der heutigen Sondersendung VON UNTEN im Gespräch hört ihr Ali Çiçek von der Akademie der Demokratischen Moderne. Er beleuchtet zentrale Fragen zu Kurdistan und der umliegenden Region, mit einem besonder…
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Im Radiobeitrag geht es um die aktuelle Lage in Rojava. Internationalist:innen geben eine kurze Einführung zu den jüngsten Ereignissen, bevor eine Frau vor Ort zu Wort kommt. Sie ist Mitglied der Asayîş-Jin, den inneren Sicherheitskräften für Frauen. Sie erklärt, warum die Verteidigung Rojavas von großer Bedeutung ist, und spricht dabei sowohl über…
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What if small-scale farming could be both sustainable and profitable? Join us as Janelle Anderson from The Haven Farmstead in Southern Middle Tennessee shares her inspiring journey from Wisconsin to Tennessee's rolling landscapes. Janelle opens up about her experiences on a cow-calf operation near the Montana border, and her transition to a more in…
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26 Jahre hat der Bau gedauert - für die 130 Kilometer lange Koralmbahn zwischen der Steiermark und Kärnten. Der erste reguläre Zug wird Ende 2025 fahren. Wir fragen uns jetzt schon: was bedeutet die Koralmbahn eigentlich für Graz? Welche Vorteile bringt die Verbindung Graz-Klagenfurt für den Wirtschafts- und Lebensraum? Die Antworten kommen von Sta…
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Im neuen Buch "Kapitalismus am Limit" stellen Ulrich Brand und Markus Wissen die Frage, was nach dem Neoliberalismus kommt. Es ist eine wichtige Analyse der aktuellen Krisen des Kapitalismus. Die Autoren setzen sich mit der ökologischen, sozialen und politischen Dimension der Krisen auseinander und argumentieren, dass der Neoliberalismus an seine G…
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Join us for an engaging exploration of regenerative grazing with McKinley Smoot and Mitch Dumpke of Three Springs Landing Cattle. Mitch, transitioning from a tech background to regenerative agriculture, shares his insights alongside McKinley, who brings a lifetime of ranching experience and holistic management. Discover the dynamics of their collab…
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Das Erstellen von Pflegegutachten ist eines der vielfältigen Tätigkeitsfelder des gehobenen Dienstes (DGKP) in der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege. Zur Qualitätssicherung stützen sich Behörden häufig auf fachliche Gutachten.„Sachverständige der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege sind Kommunikator:innen und Moderator:innen für Behörden in einem sensibl…
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Nic De Castro takes us on an extraordinary journey from his roots in Southern California to the vast landscapes of the Rocky Mountain West. As an avid hunter and fisherman, Nic turned his passion into a groundbreaking venture with LandTrust, a platform revolutionizing access to private lands for outdoor enthusiasts. In our latest episode of the Gra…
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Join us on an exciting journey as we welcome back Taylor Moyer, who has transitioned from a successful NASCAR career to full-time farming. Over the past 18 months, Taylor has embraced the challenges and rewards of regenerative farming, leaving the racetrack after the last race in Phoenix to pursue his passion for agriculture. Taylor shares insights…
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Sie ist da - die kälteste Jahreszeit! Aber das heißt auch: es geht bald los mit den Adventmärkten, was ist neu in Graz, was schon Tradition, was darf man sich nicht entgehen lassen in puncto Silvester, Ballsaison und Wintersport. Graz Tourismus Chef Dieter Hardt-Stremayr hat die besten Tipps für den Winter.…
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Puntata speciale, in cui Romina e Luca non hanno un ospite e non parlano strettamente dell’essere senza figli. Il tema infatti è più generale: Trump è stato appena eletto presidente per la seconda volta e Luca e Romina cercano di metabolizzare quanto accaduto, provando a capire cosa questa vittoria siginifichi per tanti aspetti della vita, anche a …
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Unlock the secrets to regenerative farming success with Cedric Shannon from Weathertop Farm in Virginia. Listen as Cedric recounts transforming 54 acres of potential housing development land into a thriving regenerative livestock operation. Inspired by Joel Salatin, Cedric shares how he and his wife, Sarah, started their farm journey with limited r…
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Die endgültigen Ergebnisse müssen noch abgewartet werden, aber Trump hat jetzt bereits 266 der für eine Mehrheit notwendigen 270 Wahlmännerstimmen erreicht. Die demokratische Kandidatin Harris kommt derzeit (Stand: 09:00) auf 195 Wahlmännerstimmen. Die Bundesstaaten New Jersey (14 Wahlmänner), New Hampshire (4 Wahlmänner), Maine (4 Wahlmänner), Mic…
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Unlock the secrets of successful cattle farming in wet climates with Jake Yancey from the Tracking Y Ranch in Western Washington. Join us for an inspiring exploration of Jake's journey as a first-generation rancher, overcoming the challenges of heavy rainfall to expand his operations across a thousand acres. Discover how Jake's innovative direct-to…
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Eine etwas eigene, aber doch interessante Frage. Es geht um Leichenbeschau, Familienrecherche uvm.: das ist die tägliche, sehr einfühlsame Arbeit des Gesundheitsamts der Stadt Graz. Wie viele Menschen sterben im Jahr in der Landeshauptstadt? Welche Fälle gehen einem besonders nahe? Das beantworten Eva Winter und Elke Köhler-Strohrigl.…
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Conferenza 3C 2024 - Credere, combattere, celebrare, sul tema: Venga il tuo regnoLa conferenza si è svolta a Caltanissetta dal 1 al 3 Novembre 2024.Predicatore: Jeremy WalkerTraduzione: Nazzareno UlfoAscolta altri sermoni nella nostra pagina dedicata: Jeremy Walker
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Conferenza 3C 2024 - Credere, combattere, celebrare, sul tema: Venga il tuo regnoLa conferenza si è svolta a Caltanissetta dal 1 al 3 Novembre 2024.Predicatore: Francesco PollicinoAscolta altri sermoni nella nostra pagina dedicata: Francesco Pollicino
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Conferenza 3C 2024 - Credere, combattere, celebrare, sul tema: Venga il tuo regnoLa conferenza si è svolta a Caltanissetta dal 1 al 3 Novembre 2024.Predicatore: Jeremy WalkerTraduzione: Nazzareno UlfoAscolta altri sermoni nella nostra pagina dedicata: Jeremy Walker
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Conferenza 3C 2024 - Credere, combattere, celebrare, sul tema: Venga il tuo regnoLa conferenza si è svolta a Caltanissetta dal 1 al 3 Novembre 2024.Predicatore: Alan DunnTraduzione: Nazzareno UlfoAscolta altri sermoni nella nostra pagina dedicata: Pastor Alan Dunn
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