?????? ??,????, ???? ???? ??????. MP3? ???? ??? ? ????. (??:webmaster@gcntv.org)
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Manmin Central Church Sermon MP3 Service (webmaster@gcntv.org)
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Autor: Rev.Dr. JaeRock Lee
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Autor: 당회장 이재록 목사
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Autor: Rev.Dr. JaeRock Lee
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Autor: Rev.Dr. JaeRock Lee
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Autor: 당회장 이재록 목사
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Autor: 당회장 이재록 목사
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[창 1:20-23] 이재록 원로목사Autor: 창세기 강해 (40)-창조 다섯째 날 (2)
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[눅 8:19-21] 이미영 목사Autor: 말씀을 듣고 행하는 자
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[빌 3:12-16] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 2025년 기도제목 (1)-전진
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[1 Corinthians 3:10-15] Dr. Soojin LeeAutor: Each Man's Work
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[고전 3:10-15] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 각 사람의 공력
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[Matthew 5:8] Dr. Soojin LeeAutor: The Beatitudes (6)
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[마 5:8] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 팔복 (6)-마음이 청결한 자
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[Genesis 1:20-23] Pastor Emeritus Jaerock LeeAutor: Lecture on Genesis (39)
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[창 1:20-23] 이재록 원로목사Autor: 창세기 강해 (39)-창조 다섯째 날 (1)
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[행 4:12] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 천하에 예수의 이름 외에는-성탄축하예배
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[Acts 4:12] Dr. Soojin LeeAutor: No One Else in the World but Jesus
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[눅 2:13-14] 이미경 목사Autor: 성탄절의 의미-성탄전야예배
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[눅 2:14] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 하나님께 영광이요 땅에서는 평화로다
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[Luke 2:14] Dr. Soojin LeeAutor: Glory to God and Peace on Earth
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[마 5:7] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 팔복 (5)-긍휼히 여기는 자
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[Matthew 5:7] Dr. Soojin LeeAutor: The Beatitudes (5)
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[창 1:14-19] 이재록 원로목사Autor: 창세기 강해 (38)-창조 넷째 날 (3)
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[Genesis 1:14-19] Pastor Emeritus Jaerock LeeAutor: Lecture on Genesis (38)
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[눅 2:13-14] 임학영 목사Autor: 포근한 사랑-말레이시아ㆍ인도네시아 선교출장보고 (1)
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[욥 36:18-21] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 욥기 강해 (108)-분격의 어리석음을 버리자
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[Job 36:18~21] Dr. Soojin LeeAutor: Lecture on Job (108)
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[마 5:6] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 팔복 (4)-의에 주리고 목마른 자
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[Matthew 5:6] Dr. Soojin LeeAutor: The Beatitudes (4)
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[창 1:14-19] 이재록 원로목사Autor: 창세기 강해 (37)-창조 넷째 날 (2)
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[Genesis 1:14-19] Pastor Emeritus Jaerock LeeAutor: Lecture on Genesis (37)
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[고전 15:10] 이영인 전도사Autor: 우리가 잊지 말아야 할 것
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[Job 36:15-17] Dr. Soojin LeeAutor: Lecture on Job (107)
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[욥 36:15-17] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 욥기 강해 (107)-외모로 판단하지 말자
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[Matthew 5:5] Dr. Soojin LeeAutor: The Beatitudes (3)
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[마 5:5] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 팔복 (3)-온유한 자
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[Genesis 1:14-19] Pastor Emeritus Jaerock LeeAutor: Lecture on Genesis (36)
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[창 1:14-19] 이재록 원로목사Autor: 창세기 강해 (36)-창조 넷째 날 (1)
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[미 6:8] 김상휘 목사Autor: 신앙생활의 본질
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[욥 36:10-14] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 욥기 강해 (106)-하나님 말씀을 청종하자
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[Job 36:10-14] Dr. Soojin LeeAutor: Lecture on Job (106)
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[Matthew 5:4] Dr. Soojin LeeAutor: The Beatitudes (2)
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[마 5:4] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 팔복 (2)-애통하는 자
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[1 Samuel 24:4] Dr. Soojin LeeAutor: As It Seems Good to You
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[삼상 24:4] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 네 소견에 선한 대로
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[마 23:23] 박형렬 목사Autor: 의와 인과 신-바리새인을 향한 예수님의 사랑
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[Job 36:1-9] Dr. Soojin LeeAutor: Lecture on Job (105)
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[욥 36:1-9] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 욥기 강해 (105)-하나님의 이름을 망령되이 일컫지 말자
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[Matthew 5:1-3] Dr. Soojin LeeAutor: The Beatitudes (1)
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[마 5:1-3] 당회장 이수진 목사Autor: 팔복 (1)-심령이 가난한 자
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