Church on the RIdge | Life. Community. Purpose. | A Christian church in Snoqualmie, Washington. We exist to share God's love with each person in our community and help them become fully devoted followers of Christ.
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Week 1 of FriendingAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Autor: Stephen Salmon
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Week 5 of Here is the ChurchAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 3 of Here is the ChurchAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 2 of Here is the ChurchAutor: Kay Bonikowsky
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Week 1 of Here is the ChurchAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Autor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 5 of The Impossible StoryAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 4 of The Impossible StoryAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 3 of The Impossible StoryAutor: Charlie Salmon
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God Turns Spears Into Stepping Stones!
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41:16Week 2 of The Impossible StoryAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Mary and Sarah Two Women—Two Impossible Situations
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44:38Week 1 of The Impossible StoryAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 4 of Transfer TrustAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 3 of Transfer TrustAutor: Kay Bonikowsky
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Week 2 of Transfer TrustAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 1 of Transfer TrustAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Fear Factor SundayAutor: Kevin Cumming
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Week 7 of The Elephant in the Living RoomAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 6 of The Elephant in the Family RoomAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 5 of The Elephant in the Family RoomAutor: Kay Bonikowsky
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Week 4 of The Elephant in the Family RoomAutor: Stephen Salmon
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Week 3 of The Elephant in the Family RoomAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 2 of The Elephant in the Family RoomAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 1 of The Elephant in the Family RoomAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Autor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 10 of We Get ToAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Interview With Pastor Bheki and Mpumie
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49:22Week 9 of We Get ToAutor: Kevin Cumming, Pastor Bheki, Mpumie
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Week 8 of We Get ToAutor: Pastor Bheki
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Week 7 of We Get ToAutor: Kay Bonikowsky
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Week 6 of We Get ToAutor: Stephen Salmon
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Week 5 of We Get To PrayAutor: Stephen Salmon
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Week 4 of We Get To PrayAutor: Clint Bryan
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Week 3 of We Get To PrayAutor: Kay Bonikowsky
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Week 2 of We Get To PrayAutor: Kay Bonikowsky
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Week 1 of We Get To PrayAutor: Kay Bonikowsky
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When You're Too Busy For What Matters
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35:10Father's DayAutor: Stephen Salmon
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Week 7 of Run The Race
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Autor: Don Ross
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Week 6 of Run The RaceAutor: Kevin Cumming
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Week 5 of Run The RaceAutor: Kevin Cumming
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Week 4 of Run The RaceAutor: Jaime Cumming
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Week 3 of Run The RaceAutor: Kevin Cumming
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Week 2 of Run The RaceAutor: Stephen Salmon
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Week 1 of Run The RaceAutor: Stephen Salmon
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Week 4 of NoBody HereAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 2 of NoBody HereAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 1 of NoBody HereAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 2 of Make It BetterAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 1 of Make It BetterAutor: Charlie Salmon
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Week 7 of I Love My ChurchAutor: Charlie Salmon
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