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1 phone call. 1 hour. No names. No holds barred. Thats the premise behind Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People, hosted by comedian Chris Gethard (the Chris Gethard Show, Broad City, This American Life, and one of Time Outs 10 best comedians of 2015). Every week, Chris opens the phone line to one anonymous caller, and he cant hang up first, no matter what. From shocking confessions and family secrets to philosophical discussions and shameless self-promotion, anything can and will happen! T ...
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Welcome to NADDPOD! Join Dungeon Master Brian Murphy as he leads players Emily Axford, Caldwell Tanner and Jake Hurwitz on a comedic, actual-play adventure through the realms of Bahumia and Beyond. The show also features a score composed and performed by Emily Axford. This team has created a variety of D&D campaigns, as well as numerous other series such as DUNGEON COURT and 8-BIT BOOK CLUB. They also occasionally hit the road and roll dice live on stage.
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12-step recovery for those of us who love alcoholics or addicts. We share our experience, strength, and hope as we use the principles of the Al-Anon program in our lives. We talk openly and honestly about the problems and challenges as we face alcoholism and addiction in our friends and relatives. We share the tools and solutions we have found that let us live a life that is serene, happy, and free, even when the alcoholic or addict is still drinking or using.
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Short stories of my life a newly widowed and the obstacles that come with the new ”normal” that is my life. Hopefully you can relate, learn something new, or have a laugh with me as we navigate our way through the rest of this life.
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Overeaters Anonymous of San Francisco

San Francisco Intergroup of OA

Members of OA in San Francisco share what it was like, what happened, and what life is like now. Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is a community of people who through shared experience, strength and hope are recovering from unhealthy relationships with food and body image. OA's twelve-step program works like Alcoholics Anonymous except it helps us deal with food. OA in San Francisco: https://www.oasf.org/ More about Overeaters Anonymous: https://oa.org/
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Mommy's Anonymous

Patricia McClellan

My child is not speaking to me. MUSIC CREDIT: "Sappheiros - Embrace" is under a Creative Commons (BY 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... https://open.spotify.com/artist/5ZVHX... Music powered by BreakingCopyright: • 🍀 Chill Instrumental [Non Copyrighted...
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Cremos que a Bíblia é a Palavra de Deus de Gênesis a Apocalipse, por isso, o Bíblia em um ano surgiu com o objetivo de aumentarmos o engajamento bíblico na nossa geração, levando a verdade da palavra para todas as pessoas. Junte-se a nós! Todos os dias lançaremos novos episódios e, ao final do ano, você terá ouvido a Bíblia toda.
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הסכת האקטואליה של כאן: אנשי כאן חדשות צוללים לאירועים שעל סדר היום, ומביאים אותם אליכם מזווית אחרת. מעמיקה יותר, ידענית יותר וברורה הרבה יותר. הצטרפו אלינו לחדשות, כמו שחדשות צריכות להישמע
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Occultists Anonymous

Andrew Kuehndorf

Occultists Anonymous is a group of friends playing Onyx Path's Mage the Awakening (2E). Follow the cabal as they investigate arcane mysteries, delve into ancient worlds, and explore the Astral Realms, and far more. Support the show by joining our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OccultistsAnonymous Join us on Discord: https://www.discord.gg/vVWXMsD Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/OccultistsA Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZi12ZR6Yy8WHjNYvgdQ8Kw
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Another Finger

Another Finger

A simple guide to becoming mindful in everything we do. Through a mindful meditation practice we can be happy and healthy. We can learn to have love and compassion for all living things, including our beautiful collective home, this planet. Another finger pointing to the moon. https://www.anotherfinger.com
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Hotel Anonym

Berry & Niklas Hosch

Hotel Anonym – Der Hollywood Tramp Podcast. Dein interaktiver Podcast für geheime Geschichten & unzensierte Beichten! Eure anonymen Nachrichten hier: https://tellonym.me/hollywoodtramp/ Willkommen im Hotel Anonym! Hier gibt’s kein Check-in, aber jede Menge Einblicke – in eure wildesten Storys, schmutzigsten Geheimnisse und verrücktesten Beichten. Ihr erzählt, wir hören zu – und liefern euch unsere ungefilterten Meinungen, mal mit Herz, mal mit Humor, aber immer mit einem besonderen Twist! Ob ...
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Durante 5 meses, uma equipa do Observador fez dezenas de entrevistas a protagonistas do caso FP25 de Abril. Ouvimos magistrados, vítimas e operacionais para contar a história da organização terrorista que matou 13 pessoas.
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show series
Hotel Anonym - Der Hollywood Tramp Podcast! In der neuen Folge wird’s heiß: Was zählt mehr – Freundschaft oder der Schwanz? Wo liegen eure Prinzipien, wenn’s ernst wird, und wie weit würdet ihr für ein Abenteuer gehen? Wir reden Klartext: Kann ein Dreier die Beziehung sprengen? Oder bringt man sich nur unnötig in Situationen voller Druck, Verlustan…
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איך קובעים כמה זמן יושב חשוד במעצר וכמה מעצרי שווא יש בישראל מדי שנה? יותם רוזנוולד שוחח עם כתב כאן חדשות חן ביאר, ועם פרשניתנו תמר אלמוג, ושמע מהם איך קורה שאדם נכלא שלא לצורך ולמה תנאי המעצר צריכים לעניין אותנו עורך: יותם רוזנוולד | עיצוב קול ומיקס: טל וניג | ביצוע טכני: קובי בז'יק ומשה מושקוביץ' | עורך עוד יום: דניאל אופיר See omnystudio.com/lis…
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Os ilustrados vão andar à solta em março, ou não fosse mês de #marçoilustrado, o desafio em que eu a Silvéria vos propomos que leiam livros ilustrados e partilhem a vossa experiência nas redes sociais, identificando-nos e usando a hastag do desafio. E porque sabemos que sugestões são sempre bem-vindas, preparem-se para paletes delas! O João recomen…
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Today, my guest is Kellyn Taylor, and I’m so happy to have her back on the podcast! Kellyn is a returning guest, and she’s been on the show multiple times over the eight years I’ve been hosting. Most recently, we had her on just before the Olympic marathon trials last February. Kellyn’s got some exciting races coming up. She’s gearing up for the US…
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The Zu Crew continues their trek! Welly's faith is tested, Boggy makes a new friend, and Zudrick debates the merits of hobbies. Sound Mixing and Editing by Brian Murphy and Faris Monshi Music / Sound Effects Include: "Blackthorn Hall" by Emily Axford "The Blade and the Smith" by Emily Axford "Irondeep" by Emily Axford "Shadowfell" by Emily Axford "…
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האם מדינת קטר שלחה זרועות ליועצים הקרובים ביותר של ראש הממשלה? אם כן, מה היא בדיוק מנסה להשיג? יואב קרקובסקי שוחח עם ראש תחום המשטרה רועי ינובסקי על חקירת השב"כ בלשכת נתניהו ושמע מד"ר רונית מרזן איך כל זה יכול להשתלב עם מאמצי ההשפעה של דוחה בעולם עורך: דניאל אופיר | עיצוב קול ומיקס: חן עוז | בצוות העורכים: יותם רוזנוולד See omnystudio.com/listener …
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Overeaters Anonymous member Rick J. talks about recovering from compulsive eating in this OA Special Focus Recovery From Relapse meeting. For more information about how Overeaters Anonymous can help you recover from compulsive eating visit https://oa.org/​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ The information contained in this recording is one person's experience and does …
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We hope you enjoy this podcast brought to you by Nick Conner and Danny Motta! We hope to cover all your favorite anime as well as any current noteworthy news! New episodes will be releasing each week, hope to see you at the next one!Danny Motta's Youtube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@DannyMottaNick aka Nchammer23's Youtube Channel:https://www.yo…
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We've been building some tension these last few episodes - as we're approaching the end of Part 3, we're starting to stack up complications that really seem to be threatening to all come down at once. Also, checking on the past - will someone please kill Lin Davar already? Next week - Chapter 51-Chapter 54 Instagram: alwaysanotherpod Mastodon: @alw…
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Support the show by joining our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OccultistsAnonymous Get your own Occultists Anonymous, Rookery, and Into The West Merch: http://occultanon.threadless.com Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/OccultistsA Join us on Discord: http://www.yeetointo.space Get the Book. Play the Game: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/prod…
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התצפיתנית שנחטפה לעזה ב-7 באוקטובר וחזרה אחרי 482 ימים בשבי מתראיינת בפעם הראשונה. בריאיון בלעדי לקרן נויבך בתוכנית "סדר יום" בכאן רשת ב, אגם ברגר מתארת את מהלך הימים הקשים בשבי, את היחס שקיבלו ממחבלי החמאס ששמרו עליה ועל חברותיה וגם על הדבר שהחזיק אותה בכל התקופה הארוכה מגישה: תמר אלמוג | עריכה, עיצוב קול ומיקס: דניאל אופיר | עורך סדר יום עם קרן נ…
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AMATEUR DORK CINEMA Episode 13- Puntastic Oscars ExtravaganzaOn This Episode Of AMATEUR DORK CINEMA: We will be talking about Movie News of the Month, Reviewing films we saw of the month, Oscars and Razzies Predictions, Previewing films coming out in February, and Much, Much More.Check out “The Hottie and the Nottie” Riff over on Trivial Theaters C…
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“I did have a murderer’s fingers in my mouth a couple times.” That’s how this week’s caller kicks things off, setting the tone for an episode filled with random and often darkly hilarious stories. He and Gethard play a morbid round of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, share their mutual appreciation for one of Jersey youths’ greatest and most time-honore…
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