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Cult Liter with Spencer Henry

Spencer Henry | Morbid Network | Wondery

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Cult Liter Podcast Host Spencer Henry brings the bizarre every Tuesday. Each week we'll dive into a new story of cults, crime, televangelists gone wild, you never really know what you're going to get, just a guaranteed good time.
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The History of Literature

Jacke Wilson / The Podglomerate

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Amateur enthusiast Jacke Wilson journeys through the history of literature, from ancient epics to contemporary classics. Episodes are not in chronological order and you don't need to start at the beginning - feel free to jump in wherever you like! Find out more at and Support the show by visiting or Contact the show at
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A weekly behind-the-scenes dive into everything interesting, dynamic, strange, and wonderful happening in literary culture—featuring Lit Hub staff, columnists, and special guests! Hosted by Drew Broussard. The Lit Hub Podcast is a production of Lit Hub Radio Music by Dani Lencioni of Evelyn Engineering and production by Stardust House
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Falamos de literatura, mas não nos levem a sério. Nosso objetivo é mostrar a literatura como algo vivo, caloroso e acessível para todo mundo. Deixemos a erudição para a sala de aula e os congressos. 30:MIN é a "Sua meia hora alucinógena de literatura". Aqui temos Vilto Reis, Cecilia Garcia Marcon, AJ Oliveira, Arthur Marchetto e convidados discutindo de maneira descomplica, bem-humorada e repleta de informações estimulantes como: crushes nos livros, bêbados produtivos, violência literária e ...
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Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)

Information: Dieser Video Podcast wird per Ende Juli 2021 eingestellt. Künftige und bisherige Episoden finden Sie auf unserem Play SRF Portal ( Im «Literaturclub» werden jeweils vier bis fünf Neuerscheinungen besprochen und diskutiert. Immer am literarischen Puls der Zeit.
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Esther Schneider

Ich bin Esther Schneider und das ist mein Literatur-Talk. Ich treffe mich hier mit Autor*innen und versuche herauszufinden, was sie umtreibt beim Schreiben, wie sie auf ihre Themen kommen, welche Bücher sie lesen und wie ihre Phantasiewelt aussieht. Kurz, ich bin interessiert an «the writers voice».
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Eduardo Spohr e Thiago Cabello comentam os emails enviados pelos ouvintes do canal do Telegram ( Publicado no Spotify e nos demais agregadores toda sexta-feira, às 5h00. »» Ajude a manter o canal! Chave PIX para doações:
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Hardcore Literature

Benjamin McEvoy

Welcome to your new favourite book club. If you enjoy deep dives into the greatest books ever written, you will love Hardcore Literature. Provocative poems, evocative epics, and life-changing literary analyses. We don’t just read the great books - we live them. Together we’ll suck the marrow out of Shakespeare, Homer, and Tolstoy. We’ll relish the most moving art ever committed to the page and stage from every age. Join us on the reading adventure of a lifetime.
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The Literary London podcast.

Nick Hennegan - Writer, Producer and Broadcaster

The channel for the Award-Winning Maverick Theatre Company and their London Literary Pub Crawl productions and Resonance 104.4FM Radio shows. General theatre and literary news from London, England.
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In seinem Podcast trifft Tino Schlench auf Autor:innen, Übersetzer:innen, Journalist:innen oder Menschen des literarischen Lebens, die sich auf ganz unterschiedliche Art und Weise mit der Literatur Südosteuropas auseinandersetzen. Die LITERATURPALAST AUDIOSPUR ist eine Kooperation mit Traduki. Weitere Informationen:
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Chut madame lit

Anny Bussières, Ève Sansfaçon, Marie-Hélène Desroches, Élizabeth Lord

Magazine littéraire animé tour à tour par Anny Bussières, Marie-Hélène Desroches, Ève Sansfaçon et Élizabeth Lord Suivez Chut! Madame lit sur facebook :
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Noc to pora innego czytania i rozmawiania o literaturze. Odwróconego od dziennych bodźców, zwróconego w stronę tekstu i własnego wnętrza. To pora przypomnień, łączenia teraźniejszości z przeszłością, refleksji nad pełnią lekturowego i życiowego doświadczenia. Moment zapomnienia o hierarchiach. Czas rozmyślań pozbawionych niekiedy dziennych skrupułów. Aktualnych nie tylko nocą. ➡ Podcast jest realizowany dzięki wsparciu Słuchaczek i Słuchaczy w serwisie Patronite. Serdecznie zapraszam do tego ...
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Die Schriftstellerin Valerie Springer spaziert durch die zeitgenössische Literatur. In jedem 5-Minuten-Shot liefert ihr Bücherpodcast kurz und knapp Inhaltsangabe, Leseprobe und Autoreninfo eines von ihr ausgewählten Buches. Ihre Empfehlungen sind Ungewöhnliches abseits des Massenware-Mainstreams sowie Neuerscheinungen, Bekanntes und auch Bestseller. Ihr Motto: Literatur beflügelt, Lesen befreit.
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Teatro y literatura en Radio 5. Espacio dedicado a las reseñas de libros y funciones teatrales que presta especial atención a a la vertiente más artística de la literatura (la ficción, la poesía y el género dramático) y al teatro que toma como base, precisamente, la literatura; es decir, al llamado teatro de texto.
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It’s increasingly difficult to stand firm for Christ amidst a culture that’s decidedly anti-Christian. But there’s something harder: standing for Christ while surrounded by people who claim His name. It’s easy to feel alone. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and want to give up. Elijah did. In fact, he even asked God to end his life on earth. But Elija…
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In this episode, we perceive a scoffing retort, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Kalithogai 97, penned by Maruthan Ilanaakanaar. The verse is situated in the ‘Marutham’ or ‘Farmlands landscape’ and connects the characteristics of a woman and an elephant. தலைவி அன்னை கடுஞ் சொல் அறியாதாய் போல, நீ என்னைப் புலப்பது ஒறுக்குவென்மன் யான் சிறுகாலை இற் …
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The guys discuss film adaptation, SING SING, based on an article published in October 2005 by John H. Richardson.… The Sing Sing Follies (A maximum security comedy) is a magazine piece that tells the story of a group of inmates in Sing Sing prison who, through the Rehabilitation Through the Arts program, are working to put on a play, called Breakin…
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Happy Thanksgiving! We're thankful for you, listeners—and so here is a little treat of an episode, a bit wild and a bit longer than usual but we figured you might need something special for that Black Friday rush. Merve Emre announces season two (and three!) of The Critic and Her Publics Jonny Diamond and Drew ask you for money Drew hosts a raucous…
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In this episode of Casually Lit, we dive into the puzzling halt in the growth of craft beer and try to unravel the mystery behind it. Jason shares his newfound love for Dude Perfect, while Tony expresses his skepticism about the Cowboys' chances this season (or any season, for that matter). Tune in for a mix of beer talk, sports rants, and some lig…
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Hey, things are tough. The McCoy Bros, Rob, John, and Dan, discuss the books that get them through. John McCoy with Rob McCoy and Dan McCoy Support this show and other shows like it on The Incomparable network by becoming a member. Members get early access to podcasts, bonus episodes, and more.Autor: The Incomparable
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Send us a text Just in time for the holidays, we are pleased to serve up this excellent episode! We take a quick jaunt through culinary history, through a literary lens. We explore the interesting stories behind some of the most famous cook books in history, along with an examination of their intersectional nature. Join us for some inspiration and …
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“Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul... You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style.” Nabokov had a lot of trouble getting anyone to publish a story about a grown man falling in love with a 12 year old. After multiple bans and scandals, Lolita caught fire in America, and is now considered perhaps his greatest …
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§LIT - Bewusst Publizieren 07 Falsch zitiert ist plagiiert! Uwe Kullnick spricht mit der Anwältin Nadja Kobler-Ringler (Hördauer ca. 58 Minuten) Als Autor, Selfpublisher, Blogger, Influencer oder Verleger ist es wichtig, sich mit rechtlichen Aspekten auseinanderzusetzen, um mögliche Probleme zu vermeiden. Mit etwas Wissen und Vorsicht kann man dies…
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Send us a text Some books have meet cutes and others have meet disasters. Love in Bloom falls more on the latter, with our heroine halfway undressed in the men's bathroom ahead of her grandparent's will reading.... and the guy who catches her won't be out of her life anytime soon. Lucy opens up about crafting romance with controversial topics and m…
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Voz: Manuel López Castilleja Música: hopin_Fantaisie Impromptu La procesión se llevaría a cabo, a tenor de inmemorial liturgia, en amplias y artísticas andas, resplandecientes de magnolias y de cirios. El anda, este año, sería en forma de huerto. Dos hombres fueron designados para ir a traer de la espesura, la madera necesaria. A costa …
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In this episode, our host, Ti-han, invited Taiwanese Queer author, Kevin Chen, to talk about his LGBTQ novel, Ghost Town (Europa Editions, 2022) 鬼地方 and its fever worldwide. In our conversation, Kevin shared with us how he first “come out” as a gay writer in Taiwan in the 90s, and how his writings was influenced by key Taiwanese LGBTQ authors and c…
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Today I talked to Lisa Williamson Rosenberg about Mirror Me (Little a, 2024) Eddie Asher has always lost chunks of time, and the novel opens as he checks himself into a psychiatric hospital, fearing that during one of his lapses, he murdered his brother’s fiancée. Eddie would never harm Lucy – he loves her and feels a special bond with her – but he…
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In seinem Buch "Fluchtnovelle" schildert Thomas Strässle die Geschichte zweier Menschen, die sich 1965 in Erfurt kennenlernen. Sie ist eine Studentin aus der DDR, er stammt aus der Schweiz. Was beide verbindet, ist die Liebe, der der Eiserne Vorhang im Wege steht. Um das Repressalien-System zu überlisten, welches Menschen an der Ausreise aus der DD…
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Mutter von vier Kindern, Schriftstellerin Liesbet Dills „Tagebuch einer Mutter eine Rezension von Walter Delabar. (Hördauer ca. 13 Minuten) Normalerweise gehen bei einem solchen Roman sämtliche Warnleuchten an: Als Titel Tagebuch einer Mutter, dabei 1943 in Deutschland erschienen? Wer würde da nicht annehmen, dass es sich bei Liesbet Dills Roman um…
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In the first installment of a four-part series, we delve into the chilling opening of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly and cold-hearted man, encounters the ghost of his long-dead business partner, Jacob Marley. Bearing heavy chains forged in life, Marley delivers a haunting warning about the consequences of Scrooge'…
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Hey everyone!! It's here – our #LiteraryAnything End of Year Wrap Up episode! Paula's favourite of the year (Salma doesn't have a favourite, she loves all her children). In this episode they discuss their favourite books from the year, our most borrowed fiction and non-fiction books and what they're looking forward to reading in 2025. Also we have …
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Es gab eine Zeit ohne Computer, Internet und Social Media. Es gab eine Zeit, in der junge Gehirne, auf der Suche nach interessanten Inhalten für ihren Kopf, auf der Suche nach Orientierung in der Welt der Erwachsenen, vor dem Bücherschrank ihrer Eltern standen und manchmal wahllos dicke gebunden Exemplare herauszogen, ohne Kenntnis von Titel und Au…
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Midlife-Crisis, das Leben im Osten, Emotionen, moralisches Handeln während der Corona-Pandemie, Bildungsbürgertum: Die SWR-Bestenliste - ein Gegenprogramm zur Bestsellerliste - hält im Dezember wieder jede Menge aktuelle Themen bereit. Zehn Bücher, ausgewählt von 30 Literaturkritikerinnen und Literaturkritikern, zu denen auch unsere Literaturredakt…
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Sandra Hoffmann DRINNEN – jeden Montag ein Stück (halb)privates Leben im Literaturportal Bayern und Literatur Radio Hörbahn DRINNEN – Kolumne von Sandra Hoffmann 50 "DRINNEN – "Gastroköchin" (Hördauer ca. 5 Minuten) Den Text finden Sie hier In den 52 Wochen dieses Jahres schreibt Sandra Hoffmann für das Literaturportal Bayern wieder eine Kolumne: D…
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From the beginning of his career as a poet, W.H. Auden wrestled with the meaning of Englishness. He came out with a collection of poems entitled On This Island, but what exactly was this island? A world in ruins? A beautiful (if morally compromised) haven? In this episode, Jacke talks to Nicholas Jenkins (The Island: War and Belonging in Auden's En…
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When seventeen-year-old Christian Bekker killed a poacher, he claimed it was self-defense. But the judge disagreed. He gave Christian a choice: go to prison or leave his home in South Africa and never return. Following his father’s suicide, conservation director Dr. Christian Bekker uncovers a plea from the grave to find out what really happened on…
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"Ich traf Hitler" von Dorothy Thompson – Uwe Kullnick spricht mit Oliver Lubrich (Hrsg.) Gespräche zwischen Oliver Lubrich und Uwe Kullnick (Hördauer 58 Minuten) OLIVER LUBRICH ist Professor am Institut für Germanistik der Universität Bern und ein international renommierter Humboldt-Forscher. Seine Editionen von Humboldts großen Einzelwerken ›Kosmo…
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Christoph Martin Wieland – 1733-1813 Teil 2, Buch 4, Kapitel 3 Wie die Parteien sich höhern Orts um Unterstützung bewerben (Hördauer 19 Minuten) Das Projekt Wir haben ein besonderes Projekt gestartet, das uns in diesem Jahr begleiten wird. Gemeinsam mit vielen unserer talentierten Sprecherinnen und Sprecher haben wir das Buch "Geschichte der Abderi…
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In this episode, we listen to an imaginative response to a dishonest explanation, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Kalithogai 96, penned by Maruthan Ilanaakanaar. The verse is situated in the ‘Marutham’ or ‘Farmlands landscape’ and renders a comparative study of women and horses. தலைவி ‘ஏந்து எழில் மார்ப! எதிர் அல்ல, நின் வாய்ச் சொல்; பாய்ந்து…
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This week we’re talking haunted, we’re talking moidah, but we’re also talking boundaries! Call the Hotline: 747-322-0273 Buy my book: Merch! Merch! Merch!: Come see me on tour: Write me: Spencer Henry PO Box 18149 Long Beach CA 90807 Follow along online: instag…
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LiteraturPur #54: Zwei Menschen verlieben sich unsterblich ineinander. Sie wollen zusammenbleiben, aber eine Mauer trennt sie. Sie lebt in der DDR, er in der Schweiz. Gemeinsam planen sie die Flucht. Sie ist gefährlich, aber sie gelingt. Was für ein wunderbarer Stoff für eine Geschichte. Sie spielt Mitte der 60er Jahre, also während des Kalten Krie…
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⬆️ Boa tarde, confrades. Boa sexta-feira para todos! No Minipod Especial de hoje, conheça todos os detalhes da 5ª edição do curso Ferramentas e Teorias da Ficção, ministrado pelo nosso querido amigo @thiagocabello. As aulas começam em março, mas quem fizer sua inscrição este ano tem R$ 600 de desconto. 👉 Para saber mais sobre o programa, ementa e d…
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É muito bom quando a leitura de um livro arrebata a gente, né? Pois Arthur Marchetto, Cecilia Garcia Marcon e Gustavo Magnani se juntam para conversar sobre uma das leituras que os deixou em prantos: "Os superstars da cadeia", de Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenya (ed. Fósforo, trad. Rogério Galindo). Um livro belíssimo sobre um futuro distópico em que presos…
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In this episode, we perceive fighting over the truth, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Kalithogai 95, penned by Maruthan Ilanaakanaar. The verse is situated in the ‘Marutham’ or ‘Farmlands landscape’ and renders details about quail fights in ancient times. தலைவி நில், ஆங்கு; நில், ஆங்கு; இவர்தரல் எல்லா! நீ நாறு இருங் கூந்தலார் இல் செல்வாய், இவ்…
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Jan-Ole ist bekannt und gefürchtet für seine Wutanfälle und darum bekommt er von seinen Eltern meist, was er will. Nur Rolf, den bekommt er nicht. Rolf ist ein niedlicher Mischlingshund aus dem Tierheim, den Jan-Ole gerne zu sich nach Hause holen würde, stattdessen taucht plötzlich jemand ganz anders auf. "Barnaby - Der Teufel aus der Tonne", so he…
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By listener request, Jacke presents a conversation with Nigerian-born novelist Chigozie Obioma (The Road to the Country, The Fishermen, An Orchestra of Minorities). Obioma, hailed by the New York Times as "the heir to Chinua Achebe," tells Jacke about his childhood in Nigeria, the moment he knew he wanted to be a storyteller, what he values in lite…
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