Maths en tête 🎙️ Un PODCAST pour découvrir les maths autrement. ➡️ A destination de TOUS: curieux, élèves, enseignants, parents. 📃 Pour découvrir. Pour réapprendre. Pour réviser. Pour préparer le Grand Oral du bac. 📆 Un mercredi sur deux : un nouvel épisode (entre 5 et 10 min) qui aborde une notion, un point d’histoire des maths, un axe de méthodologie. Podcast créé et animé par Alexandre Morgan, enseignant en mathématiques et membre du Café des Sciences ( Mat ...
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Custom Posts - Blip - Blip
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Craig Barton interviews guests from the wonderful world of education about their approaches to teaching, educational research and more. All show notes, resources and videos here:
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Des vidéos pour aider à la résolution d'exercices ou montrer des techniques d'enseignement.
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Commentaires individualisés des évaluations de maths en terminale.
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MathsTalk by AMSI Schools – where conversations in maths become part of your professional learning practice.
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Maths quizzes for children aged 9 - 11 emphasising mental maths and problem solving.
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The inaugural post of Miss Math's Educational Broadcast series hosted by a math teacher with a deceptive last name, Jessie English.
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Maths on the Move, the podcast from, will bring you the latest news from the world of maths, plus interviews and discussions with leading mathematicians and scientists about the maths that is changing our lives. Hosted by Plus editors Rachel Thomas and Marianne Freiberger.
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Ces vidéos permettent de revenir sur des savoir-faire, des techniques à maîtriser pour le cours de mathématiques.
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Basically, i'm doing math and probably struggling. #PHSMath2 #SanchezP3
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Let other students help you revise for your GCSE Maths exams. In this series, students break down complicated Maths topics to their core components helping you rock your GCSE Mathematics exams. Find your FREE online GCSE Maths course here:
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Explore the transformative journey of ”Heroes (or, How To Help Your Kids Rock At Maths),” a book designed to empower parents in supporting their children’s mathematical education. This guide emphasizes the importance of developing a growth mindset, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and learning. It highlights the evolving nature of mathematical terminology and teaching strategies, such as the shift from ”borrowing” to ”renaming” in subtraction, which can leave parents feeling ...
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Talking to people who use maths in their work. Aiming to encourage further uptake of maths at A-level and beyond. Hosted by Peter Rowlett and Katie Steckles.
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A summary of the topics covered in VCE Maths Methods Units 1 to 4. Created by Justin Vincent at Warrnambool College. Check out more:
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Winning at Maths. Losing at Life.
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This podcast is part of the MM Maths Method. For the supporting resources go to
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A podcast exploring the role of mathematics and statistics in cancer research – and the stories behind the people making it happen. Maths + Cancer is hosted by Dr Vicky Neale, a mathematician at the University of Oxford. Since March 2021, she has been receiving treatment for a rare form of cancer, prompting her to discover more about how her colleagues in the mathematical community are contributing to cancer research – from prevention, through to diagnosis and treatment.
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Irregular updates from the Maths, Stats and OR Network on the Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Project, part of the National HE STEM Programme. This project aims to explore current learning, teaching and assessment practices within mathematical sciences departments, and disseminate good practice.
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The Adventures of Detective Mathema tell the story of Algebrus Mathema, the most famous mathematical detective in the world. Whether it’s sequences or time, weights or algebra, Detective Mathema has the power to solve the puzzles.
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#197 Developing a lesson structure – episode 3 (with Ollie Lovell)
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56:41This is the third in our series of conversations where we seek to agree upon a maths lesson structure. This time around, we continue our discussion of the Do Now, this time focusing on the choice of content, and what students do whilst working on the Do Now. As ever, we go super deep. So, I hope people enjoy it. Show-notes:…
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Seul on va plus vite, ensemble on va plus....
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8:02🎙️ Seul on va plus vite, ensemble on va moins vite !!! Vous connaissez le paradoxe de la loi de Brooks ? #brooks #maths #vulgarisation Pour retrouver mon travail : 📽️ sur YouTube : 💼 sur mon site : Mon TIPeee pour soutenir mon travail sur le podcast : htt…
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Je réponds à vos questions pour le 100e épisode
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9:33🎙️ Un 100e épisode de podcast, ça se fête ! Je réponds à quelques unes des questions que vous m'avez fait parvenir. Merci encore à toutes et à tous Mon TIPeee pour soutenir mon travail sur le podcast : #100 #podcast #FAQ Pour retrouver mon travail : 📽️ sur YouTube :…
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🎙️ Vers l'infini, et au-delà ? Mais l'infini, est-ce un concept si simple à manier qu'on pourrait le dépasser ? Buzz l'Eclair ne s'est-il pas un peu enflammé ? #infini #maths #vulgarisation L'extrait sonore provient du joli film documentaire Être et avoir de Nicolas Philibert (2002) Le podcast Science Infuse :…
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Episode 3: You Can Call Me Al (Gebra)
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18:25This podcast episode explores fundamental algebraic concepts, designed to help parents support their children's maths learning, such as: What algebra is, Developing logical thinking and problem-solving skills, Key algebraic concepts like variables and constants, expressions and equations, solving equations, functions and sequences. Get the book her…
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This episode covers a range of topics, starting with different types of numbers, including natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers. It delves into number properties such as the commutative, associative, and distributive properties, which are key to understanding how numbers interact. The podcast also expla…
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This episode offers guidance for parents on supporting their children's mathematics education. It covers the importance of mathematics in various aspects of life, addresses common parental anxieties about assisting with maths, explains current teaching methodologies, and suggests resources for improving maths skills. Finally, it helps you tap in to…
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Le théorème des 4 couleurs, quand les maths colorient le Monde
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7:47🎙️ Prenez une carte. N'importe laquelle. Saisissez-vous de 4 couleurs différentes : cela suffira pour couvrir entièrement la carte sans que deux régions voisines ne soient de la même couleur. Plus qu'une énigme récréative, le théorème des 4 couleurs a marqué l'histoire des maths. #4couleurs #maths #vulgarisation Pour retrouver mon travail : 📽️ sur …
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#196 Developing a lesson structure – episode 2 (with Ollie Lovell)
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1:12:53In this episode, Ollie and I tried something different. I’ve been working with a school to help develop a departmental lesson structure with their maths team. I know Ollie had been doing something similar with a school he has been working with, so it seemed a good idea to chat through our ideas to see where we agreed and differed. My original plan …
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🎙️ 2025... à quoi ça rime, 2025 ? Un peu de poésie, tiens... #2025 #nombre #premier Pour retrouver mon travail : 📽️ sur YouTube : 💼 sur mon site : Mon TIPeee pour soutenir mon travail sur le podcast : Les sources vienne…
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Euromaths: Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze
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15:30Last summer we were lucky enough to attend the European Congress of Mathematics (ECM) in Seville, Spain. The Congress sees the award of several prestigious prizes, including the Otto Neugebauer Prize for the History of Mathematics. In this episode of Maths on the Move we talk to this year's winner of the Otto Neugebauer Prize, Reinhard Siegmund-Sch…
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🎙️ Qu'est-ce qui met en lien la théorie des graphes, les factorielles, les problèmes NP et les recettes de cocktails ? Le père Noël bien sûr. Joyeuses fêtes ! 🎅 #noël #TSP #maths Pour retrouver mon travail : 📽️ sur YouTube : 💼 sur mon site : Mon TIPeee po…
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What is as hypnotising as a beautiful goldfish circling its bowl, but can help you understand the way a virus can spread? The answer is one of the beautiful interactive simulations produced by VisualPDE ! In this podcast we talk to Benjamin Walker from University College London, and to Adam Townsend and Andrew Krause from Durham University, who tog…
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The State of the Mathematical Sciences in Australia 2024
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21:56In this episode of MathsTalk, host Sarah Ramantanus welcomes Leanne McMahon to discuss the newly released AMSI Discipline Report 2024. Leanne highlights key findings, including declining student engagement in mathematics, the critical shortage of qualified maths teachers, and the significant equity gaps affecting disadvantaged and regional schools.…
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Solve for X and the Martingale Foundation
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25:30Are you thinking of doing a Masters or PhD in maths or another STEM subject but are worried about funding? Then the Martingale Foundation might be for you. The Foundation's mission is "to enable and nurture talented individuals from low-socioeconomic backgrounds to thrive within world-leading postgraduate study and become STEM leaders" by providing…
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Hypatie, dernière lumière d'Alexandrie (avec le Prof de Latin-Grec)
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12:55🎙️ Hypatie est une des rares femmes mathématiciennes de l'Antiquité dont nous ayons connaissance, et il est temps d'en parler sur Maths en tête... avec un invité de marque : Guillaume Diana, le prof de Latin-Grec sur les réseaux (et sur son podcast ; Par le petit bout du mythe) Guillaume Diana (le prof de latin-grec) : ● Son podcast : https://www.p…
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As a PhD student working with the Maths4DL research project, Yolanne Lee works on the mathematics that powers artificial intelligence. In this podcast she tells us about what she thinks AI will be able to do in the near future, what it has to do with cats and dogs, and how music provided her first experience of science. We also get to hear her play…
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Hannah Fry: Mathematics for the people
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26:00We're very excited that Hannah Fry is coming to join us in Cambridge in January 2025. Fry is a brilliant mathematician, best-selling author, award winning science presenter and host of popular podcasts and television shows. She'll be Cambridge's first Professor for the Public Understanding of Mathematics. In this episode of Maths on the Move Hannah…
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🎙️ Du haut de mon mètre 70, je peux théoriquement voir à 4,6 km. Comment je le sais ? C'est Pythagore qui me l'a dit. Prenons un peu de hauteur et voyons si on peut voir le Mont Blanc du haut de la tour Eiffel. #hauteur #pythagore #vulgarisation Pour retrouver mon travail : 📽️ sur YouTube :…
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We all know what data is: bits of information of which in this age of Big Data we have lots of. You might also know what topology is: the study of shapes that considers two shapes to be the same if you can deform one into the other without tearing them or gluing things together. But what is topological data analysis? And how might it help to unders…
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We love a game of billiards — or at least the mathematical version of it. It's a dynamical system that's just about basic enough to study but still poses lots of open questions. In this episode of Maths on the Move we talk to Giovanni Forni about chaos, periodicity and the many things we still hope to learn about billiards. We met Giovanni at the E…
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🎙️ Loto. Euromillions. Qui n'a jamais rêvé de gagner le gros lot, de remporter le pactole, de tomber sur le ticket gagnant ? Ne prenons pas de risques, calculons-le (comme dit mon ami Franck). Et si nous avions tous déjà gagné ? #loterie #gain #vulgarisation Pour retrouver mon travail : 📽️ sur YouTube :…
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As the days in the UK get shorter and darker we continue remembering the brilliant time we had in Seville last summer at the European Congress of Mathematics (ECM). In this episode of Maths on the move we talk to one of the mathematicians we met at the ECM, Jessica Fintzen, who won a prestigious EMS Prize at the Congress. Jessica tells us how to ca…
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#195 Developing a lesson structure - episode 1 (with Ollie Lovell)
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1:18:54In this episode, Ollie and I tried something different. I've been working with a school to help develop a departmental lesson structure with their maths team. I know Ollie had been doing something similar with a school he has been working with, so it seemed a good idea to chat through our ideas to see where we agreed and differed. My original plan …
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The world is full of networks. We're part of them, our infrastructure is full of them, and there are even networks within our bodies (e.g. made from neurons). This summer the mathematician Richard Montgomery won a prestigious EMS Prize at the European Congress of Mathematics (ECM) for his work on the pure maths of networks, also known as graph theo…
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🎙️ L'effet Matilda, c'est quoi ? A l'heure où les filles et les femmes sont sous-représentées dans les filières et métiers scientifiques, il est grand temps de parler de ce sujet sur Maths en tête, votre podcast de vulgarisation mathématique pour tous #effetmatilda #maths #vulgarisation Pour retrouver mon travail : 📽️ sur YouTube : https://www.yout…
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AMSI Textbook update with Michael Evans
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20:03In this episode, host Leanne McMahon sits down with Michael Evans, a renowned figure in mathematics education, to discuss the AMSI ICE-EM textbooks and their evolution. Michael provides an insightful look into the history of these textbooks, which have been instrumental in Australian classrooms for over 20 years. He highlights their unique developm…
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David Spiegelhalter and the art of uncertainty
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24:20David Spiegelhalter, one of our favourite statisticians in the whole world, has a new book out. It's called The art of uncertainty: How to navigate chance, ignorance, risk and luck and published by Pelican Books. In this episode of Maths on the Move we talk to David about the book, touching on a huge range of topics — from double yolked eggs and th…
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🎙️ Pourquoi y a-t-il un 200 à côté du 180°, sur certains anciens modèles de rapporteur ? C'est quoi un grade ? #rapporteur #grade #vulgarisation Pour retrouver mon travail : 📽️ sur YouTube : 💼 sur mon site : Mon TIPeee pour soutenir mon travail sur le pod…
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We recently found out why pieces of toast tend to land butter side down. It' because the physical factors at play, including the typical height of breakfast tables and the strength of the Earth's gravity, are just right to allow a piece of toast to perform one flip on its way to the floor: from butter side up to butter side down. The strength of th…
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A Gömböc is a strange thing. It looks like an egg with sharp edges, and when you put it down it starts wriggling and rolling around as if it were alive. Until not so long ago no-one knew whether Gömböcs even existed. Gabor Domokos, one of their discoverers, reckons that in some sense they barely exists at all. So what are Gömböcs and what makes the…
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Maryam Mirzakhani, "plus je fais de mathématiques, plus je suis heureuse"
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8:23🎙️ Toutes les bonnes histoires ont une héroïne hors du commun : voici celle de Maryam Mirzakhani, la 1ère lauréate de la médaille Fields de mathématiques. #maryam mirzakhani #médaille fields #vulgarisation Pour retrouver mon travail : 📽️ sur YouTube : 💼 sur mon site : www.m…
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What are groups and what are they good for?
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25:14Over the summer we've been incredibly lucky to have been working with Justin Chen, a maths student at the University of Cambridge who is about to start his Masters. Justin has done some great work on how to explain the concept of a mathematical group, and group theory as a whole, to non-mathematicians. In this episode of Maths on the move he tells …
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This summer we were very pleased to attend the European Congress of Mathematics (ECM), which took place in Seville, Spain, in July. We went to lots of fascinating talks and generally enjoyed the mathematical hustle and bustle. We also interviewed a range of interesting mathematicians about topics as diverse as mathematical billiards and topological…
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🎙️ Mais d'où vient l'expression "la quadrature du cercle" ? C'est quoi le rapport avec les maths ? #maths #quadrature du cercle #vulgarisation Pour retrouver mon travail : 📽️ sur YouTube : 💼 sur mon site : Mon TIPeee pour soutenir mon travail sur le podca…
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The origin of life: On Earth and elsewhere
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27:29Is there life elsewhere in the Universe? And how did life emerge here on Earth? These two questions are often considered separately, but answers to one shed important light on answers to the other. In their new book Is Earth exceptional: The quest for cosmic life, renowned astrophysicist Mario Livio and Nobel laureate Jack Szostak combine both thes…
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#194 A chat about Ollie Lovell's lesson
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2:01:12Ollie Lovell sent me a recording of a maths lesson he had recently taught in a school he has been supporting. I suggested we discuss the lesson, centring around Ollie’s planning, the decisions he made, and his responses in the lesson. Fortunately, Ollie agreed, hence what you are listening to now. I have shared the video clips from the sections of …
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Pourquoi parle-t-on de perspective cavalière ? (ta minute mathématique #10)
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1:57🎙️ Ta minute mathématique, ton nouveau rendez-vous de l'été. Une minute pour une notion simple de mathématique abordées sous forme de question que tu as toujours voulu poser sans jamais oser le demander. Rendez-vous tous les samedis pendant l'été. Aujourd'hui : pourquoi parle-ton de perspective cavalière ? #maths #vulgarisation #perspectivecavalier…
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In this episode of MathsTalk, Host, Leanne McMahon speaks with Cass Lowry, a PhD candidate researching the identification of high-quality mathematics resources. Cass shares her experiences at major conferences and discusses the need for a framework to help teachers discern effective math resources in the rapidly expanding online space. She highligh…
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C'est quoi une équation ? (ta minute mathématique #9)
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2:24🎙️ Ta minute mathématique, ton nouveau rendez-vous de l'été. Une minute pour une notion simple de mathématique abordées sous forme de question que tu as toujours voulu poser sans jamais oser le demander. Rendez-vous tous les samedis pendant l'été. Aujourd'hui : c’est quoi une équation ? #maths #vulgarisation #équation Pour retrouver mon travail : ·…
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Qui a inventé le zéro ? (ta minute mathématique #8)
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2:33🎙️ Ta minute mathématique, ton nouveau rendez-vous de l'été. Une minute pour une notion simple de mathématique abordées sous forme de question que tu as toujours voulu poser sans jamais oser le demander. Rendez-vous tous les samedis pendant l'été. Aujourd'hui : qui a inventé le zéro ? #maths #vulgarisation #zéro Pour retrouver mon travail : · 📽️ su…
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An APR Intern Special Guest Host, Sarah Ramantanis discusses the positive impact of AMSI’s Australian Postgraduate Research Internship program - APR.Intern, Australia’s only national PhD and Masters by Research internship program spanning all sectors and disciplines. APR.Intern is the industry engagement arm of the Australian Mathematical Sciences …
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C'est quoi une conjecture ? (ta minute mathématique #7)
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2:06🎙️ Ta minute mathématique, ton nouveau rendez-vous de l'été. Une minute pour une notion simple de mathématique abordées sous forme de question que tu as toujours voulu poser sans jamais oser le demander. Rendez-vous tous les samedis pendant l'été. Aujourd'hui : c'est quoi une conjecture ? #maths #vulgarisation #conjecture Pour retrouver mon travail…
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C'est quoi un théorème ? (ta minute mathématique #6)
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1:41🎙️ Ta minute mathématique, ton nouveau rendez-vous de l'été. Une minute pour une notion simple de mathématique abordées sous forme de question que tu as toujours voulu poser sans jamais oser le demander. Rendez-vous tous les samedis pendant l'été. Aujourd'hui : c'est quoi un théorème ? #maths #vulgarisation #théorème Pour retrouver mon travail : 📽️…
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Encore une journée sans utiliser le théorème de Pythagore (ta minute mathématique #5)
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1:57🎙️ Ta minute mathématique, ton nouveau rendez-vous de l'été. Une minute pour une notion simple de mathématique abordées sous forme de question que tu as toujours voulu poser sans jamais oser le demander. Rendez-vous tous les samedis pendant l'été. Aujourd'hui : encore une journée sans utiliser le théorème de Pythagore #maths #vulgarisation #Pythago…
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The secret to a happy summer: Seville, causality and staircases!
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19:03We're getting excited for the summer here but before we all head off on holidays we catch up with Marianne in Spain at the European Congress of Mathematics, and Justin and Rachel in the UK having just attended some fascinating events in London and Cambridge held by the Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences and the Newton Gateway. Marianne…
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