This is a podcast about life, philosophy, and the practical and aesthetic dimensions of living creatively.
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Lidia Thorpe is a proud Djab Wurrung Gunnai Gunditjmara woman; a human rights, climate, and forest activist; a mother, grandmother and survivor of family violence. She is the first Aboriginal Federal Senator for Victoria. In this podcast Senator Lidia Thorpe yarns with First Nations Elders and Activists about the injustices facing First Nations people and importantly, the solutions and opportunities that can come from self determination through the right policy.
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Telling the Truthis an international broadcast and internet ministry that brings God's Word into the lives of people all over the world. Stuart and Jill Briscoe are the featured Bible teachers, encouraging and challenging listeners to study the Word of God and be drawn closer to Christ. Gifted with wisdom, discernment, and a bit of English humor, the Briscoe's bring God's Word to life. With distinctly different teaching styles, you'll be moved by the emotional appeal of Jill and the compelli ...
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Telling the Truthexists to make available sound biblical teaching, practically applied, with a view to producing lives that glorify God and draw people to Christ. The whole of our ministry is to encourage, console, strengthen, teach, and train.
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Abigail - How to Live with an Angry Man
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How do you stay when you really want to go? It's not easy. Abigail was a woman stuck in a difficult marriage with a difficult husband. But instead of being angry and vindictive, she showed godly wisdom and self-control in diffusing tensions, and remained committed to her marriage. In this message, Jill Briscoe walks us through Abigail's story and g…
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It is no secret that the human race is in deep trouble, but there is little agreement on the exact nature and the extent of the problems. Scripture not only explains the situation, but also outlines God's responseHis gracious plan of salvation.To support this ministry financially, visit:…
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Ruth - How to Be a Friend & Make Friends
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When we think of influential leaders, we often think of those who make bold statements, those who are aggressive or loud. But not all change happens that way. Ruth changed her world using humble acts of love and kindness. Despite her circumstances, Ruth spent her life in service. She lived a life that exemplified love to those around her, particula…
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Having blessed God for His blessings lavished on the Ephesians, Paul comments on their behavior and then launches into a prayer for their continued spiritual development which gives us a clue to what God plans for believers.To support this ministry financially, visit:…
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Whether we realize it or not, hostile forces are at work all around us. The devil is constantly trying to bring down as many people as he can. So, when we are struggling with depression, worry, low self-confidence, or fear, it’s important to root ourselves in prayer.In this message, Jill discusses the battle between good and evil and gives us ways …
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Every day we fight battles: teaching our kids to clean up their toys, dealing with difficult co-workers or family members, getting society to clean up the environment. But even though these battles are big, there is an even bigger war going ona spiritual one. While we know that God is the ultimate victor, we live every day surrounded by Satan’s arm…
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Whether we realize it or not, hostile forces are at work all around us. The devil is constantly trying to bring down as many people as he can. So, when we are struggling with depression, worry, low self-confidence, or fear, it’s important to root ourselves in prayer.In this message, Jill discusses the battle between good and evil and gives us ways …
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Have you ever felt wrongly judged? Rahab was someone who was judged for her outer appearance. A harlot, known for keeping brothels within Jericho, no one would have believed by simply looking at her that she was seeking God. Thankfully, God looks beyond what man sees to the desires of our hearts, and changes us from the inside out.To support this m…
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If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like to be a servant of God, look to Miriam. Miriam served God using her gifts when she took on a willing, servant attitude. Miriam discovered that she had the gift of prophecy, and she used it where God called herin leading the people of Israel to the Promised Land, alongside Aaron and Moses.God wants to use y…
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Many of us have times in our lives where we feel we’ve lost our spiritual effectiveness. This can happen in a number of ways. Maybe our disciplines have gone awry, our habits have slipped, our priorities changed, or we’ve let worry, pride or selfishness get in the way.In this message, Jill explains what happens when we lose our spiritual effectiven…
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When we think of someone with a good attitude, Abraham’s wife Sarah is probably not the first person who comes to mind. We might think of her arguments with Abraham, how she laughed at God’s good news, her harsh dealings with Hagar, how she lied to Pharaoh. But in 1 Peter 3, Peter commends Sarah as a model for all women for her quiet and meek spiri…
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When we pray, most of us spend a lot of time praying for ourselves, our family, and our friends. But did you know there is a lot more that God wants us to pray about?In this message, Jill uses the story of the little pot of oil to explain how we can let the Holy Spirit guide us in our prayer life so that God can work in our lives.To support this mi…
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Women throughout all of history have been trying to find their identitiesthrough marriage, children, a career. But we can find our true identity and fulfillment only in our relationship with God. Eve had a unique opportunity to be with God in the Garden of Eden, and God revealed His intended work for her, what He designed her to do. But Eve’s ident…
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Have you ever felt like you’re running out of prayers? Maybe you’re disappointed with God because you prayed so hard and the prayer wasn’t answered. Or maybe you’ve just run out of spiritual energy, or you’re in a bad situation in your life and you don’t know how you are going to get through it.In this message, Jill talks about what happens when we…
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Have you ever felt like you’re running out of prayers? Maybe you’re disappointed with God because you prayed so hard and the prayer wasn’t answered. Or maybe you’ve just run out of spiritual energy, or you’re in a bad situation in your life and you don’t know how you are going to get through it.In this message, Jill talks about what happens when we…
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Standing Firm When the World Shakes Back
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Called to unlock the door to the secrets of God’s saving grace, Paul followed the footsteps of Jesus. They were principles that fueled his amazing life and made him a world shaker. We can own those principles, too, and shake up our world for Christ. This message includes Jill’s poem, God Dropped By.To support this ministry financially, visit: https…
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In the story of Elijah, God answers Elijah’s prayer and sends fire from heaven down to Elijah’s altar, in order to show the people of Israel that He is the one and only true God. This is just one example of how God answers prayer.In this message, Jill uses the analogy of an altar and describes twelve components that make up our relationship with Go…
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Paul had a heart as big as the world, a vision as high as the sky, and a life that marches down the stairway of time into our little livesenlarging them forever. He was a mover and a shakera world shaker. From this point on in the narrative, Paul would be in prison and bondage until the end of his course on earth.To support this ministry financiall…
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It’s easy to get discouraged when we’re praying for a family member or a loved one and we just don’t see God answering our prayers. In those times, we might tend to tell God how and when He should answer the prayer instead of having faith that His answer to our prayers might be in a way or at a time that is different than we imaginebut better!In th…
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Have you ever been with someone who seemed to have an inner joy, even in the midst of a difficult crisis? As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit living in our hearts, which brings incredible joyand yet it’s true that we can lapse into feeling depressed and hopeless. So how do we keep our joy?In this message Jill explores how you can experience joy …
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When we think of the heroes of the faith, we tend to focus on the tasks they accomplished and the people they encouragedbut the things they accomplished on their feet wouldn’t have happened if they hadn’t spent time on their knees in prayer. Even Elijah had to start somewhere! He was a shepherd in a small town who cultivated the hidden life of pray…
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Christians today struggle with the inclination to drift away from what they believe and why they believe it. The main message of Hebrews brings us back to God's truththat Jesus, the eternal son of God, is supreme and sufficient. And that understanding can help us stay securely moored to Him and His Word.This is the 9th message in Jill Briscoe’s 9-m…
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How’s your prayer life? Are your prayers childish, easily distracted, unfocused and lacking in passion, seeing prayer as a way to get what you want? Or are they heartfelt, fervent, and effective prayer that works?Drawing from the prophet Elijah’s fervent prayer life and his prayers for rain in a drought, Jill guides us in becoming great pray-ers an…
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Christians today struggle with the inclination to drift away from what they believe and why they believe it. The main message of Hebrews brings us back to God's truththat Jesus, the eternal son of God, is supreme and sufficient. And that understanding can help us stay securely moored to Him and His Word.This is the 7th message in Jill Briscoe’s 9-m…
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Christians today struggle with the inclination to drift away from what they believe and why they believe it. The main message of Hebrews brings us back to God's truththat Jesus, the eternal son of God, is supreme and sufficient. And that understanding can help us stay securely moored to Him and His Word.This is the 6th message in Jill Briscoe’s 9-m…
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Years ago, Mortimer Adler wrote a book titled How to Read a Book. It sounded elementary, but it proved to be absolutely necessary. It’s highly likely that knowing how to listen to a sermon may be equally elementary and necessary in understanding and applying what is taught to everyday life.To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.on…
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Christians today struggle with the inclination to drift away from what they believe and why they believe it. The main message of Hebrews brings us back to God's truththat Jesus, the eternal son of God, is supreme and sufficient. And that understanding can help us stay securely moored to Him and His Word.This is the 5th message in Jill Briscoe’s 9-m…
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Worship is a response to God’s self-revelation. Prayer, which is either a spoken or unuttered response to Him, is therefore a premier aspect of worship. Whether in the congregation or alone, Jesus taught us we should pray and pray continually.To support this ministry financially, visit:…
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Genocide and the Law, with Robbie Thorpe and Len Lindon
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In this episode Lidia yarns with Uncle Robbie Thorpe and Lawyer Len Lidon, about genocide happening around the world, the ongoing genocide here in this country, and what needs to change to achieve justice. Uncle Robbie Thorpe Robbie, a Krautungalung Elder of the Gunnai people, is an activist who has been fighting for First Peoples and against genoc…
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Truth and Treaty with Uncle Jack Charles
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A note for First Nations listeners, this podcast contains voices of people who have died. In this episode Lidia yarns with Uncle Jack Charles about the importance of Truth telling in order to move forward as a Nation. In this yarn Lidia and Uncle Jack explore what a National Treaty(ies) could look like in this country and the opportunities a modern…
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CONTENT WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander listeners are advised that this podcast includes discussions about First Nations deaths in custody and incarceration. Reach out to your local Aboriginal health service if you are struggling with grief and trauma associated with these issues. In this episode Lidia yarns with Biripi and Wakka Wak…
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Fighting for Country with Jason Briggs
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In this episode Lidia yarns with Boonwurrung and Wemba Wemba lawyer, Jason Briggs about the complexities and flaws of Native Title laws and highlights the importance of support for First Nations legal defence. Jason Briggs is of Boonwurrung and Wemba Wemba Ancestry and he Chairs the Boonwurrung Land & Sea Council in Melbourne. Jason is a practising…
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Community-led Holistic Health with Marjorie Thorpe and Professor Ted Wilkes
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In this episode Lidia yarns with Nyungar man, Associate Professor Ted Wilkes and long time First Nations health activist (and her mum), Gunnaikurnai woman Marjorie Thorpe about the importance of holistic and First Nations led health services as well as healing spaces. Professor Ted Wilkes is a Nyungar man and has spent most of his life working in p…
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Caring for Country with Uncle Kevin Buzzacott
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A note for First Nations listeners, this podcast contains voices of people who have died. In this episode Lidia yarns with Arabunna Elder and long time environmental campaigner Uncle Kev Buzzacott about what caring for Country actually means and the importance of First Nations led solutions. Uncle Kev Buzzacott is an Elder from the Arabunna Nation …
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Trailer: Truth Telling with Lidia Thorpe
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This is a trailer for the new podcast, Truth Telling with Lidia Thorpe. In this series Senator Lidia Thorpe yarns with First Nations Elders, experts and activists about the injustices facing First Nations people and importantly, the solutions and opportunities that can come from self determination through the right policy. Lidia Thorpe is a Djab Wu…
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Sara and I discuss cultural issues, including the need for White, European Christians to meet and marry others within their race, who also share their religion and values. Get in touch with Nathaniel: Support the podcast by sending Bitcoin: 38p3Qq8YvxTA7oTaPuTb1CHPxwhsuCRMeU
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