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Voice of America (VOA) adalah jasa penyiaran multimedia internasional dari AS yang mengantarkan berita dan information dalam lebih dari 40 bahasa. VOA menyiarkan 1.500 jam berita, informasi, program pendidikan dan budaya setiap pekannya kepada sekitar 146 juta orang di seluruh dunia.
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Murisanga (1400-1500 UTC): Murisanga itumira abatumirwa kugirango baganire n'abakunzi ba Radiyo Ijwi ry'Amerika. Aha duha ijambo abantu bifuza kuganira n'abatumirwa bacu, batanga ibisobanuro ku bibazo binyuranye bireba ubuzima bw'abantu.
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VOA 한국어 방송의 간판 뉴스 프로그램입니다. 한반도와 함께 미국을 비롯한 세계 곳곳의 소식을 빠르고 정확하게 전해드립니다. 다양한 인터뷰와 현지보도, 심층취재로 풍부한 정보를 담았습니다.
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Matangazo ya saa nzima kuhusu habari za kutwa, ikiwa ni pamoja ripoti kutoka kwa waandishi wetu sehemu mbali mbali duniani na kote Afrika Mashariki na Kati, na vile vile vipindi na makala maalum kuhusu afya, wanawake, jamii na maendeleo.
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A shirin namu na karfe 9 da rabi agogon Najeriya da Nijar, zaku ji labarai na yadda duniyar ta yini da rahotanni da dumi-duminsu, sannan mu kan bude muku layuka domin ku bugo ku bayyana mana ra’ayoyinku kan batutuwan da suka fi muhimmanci a wannan rana, ko kuma wadanda ke ci muku tuwo a kwarya.
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VOA Express ni matangazo mapya yenye mwendo wa kasi yakiangalia habari mpya za mchana na maelezo ya maswala yanayohusu vijana na wanawake. Matangazo haya yanafuatilia habari zilizojitokeza nyakati za mchana na ripoti za kina za habari ambazo hazisikiki sana katika matangazo mengineyo.
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Issues in the News is VOA's premiere news discussion program. We take on the biggest stories of the week and discuss them in detail with those who have unparalleled expertise. Our in-depth analysis goes beyond the headlines, providing you with the inside story on both domestic and international news
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The Inside Story is a 25-minute weekly television program produced by the Voice of America News Center and hosted by a rotating group of VOA reporters. Each week, The Inside Story provides a wide and deep examination of one issue in the news, using VOA’s worldwide reporting strength.
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Bu proqramda İran Azərbaycanında və İranda baş verən hadisələr, İranda insan hüquqlarının vəziyyəti, İran azərbaycanlılarının problemləri, İranın Azərbaycan Respublikası ilə əlaqələri, Azərbaycanın tarixi və mədəniyyəti, tarixdə xüsusi ilə İran azərbaycanında gördüyü işlərlə tanınmış şəxslərin
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If you aren't a fan of fake news you're in the right place. RuthAnn Hogue, a long-established writer and author based in Arizona, is now using her voice to explore culture and society by breaking down current events through the eyes of a conservative American woman--and her guests. Follow us at https://x.com/WhiptailPodcast or visit our website at www.conservativeamericanwoman.com.
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Para anggota Kongres AS menunjukkan reaksi beragam terhadap pidato pertama Presiden AS Donald Trump pada masa jabatan keduanya itu. Sementara itu, Indonesia kembali menghadapi deflasi tahunannya sejak tahun 2000.Autor: VOA
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Galangan kapal Eropa melakukan kontrak pemeliharaan penting bagi kapal-kapal pengangkut gas Rusia, meski ada tuduhan bahwa keuntungan yang diperoleh Rusia dipakai untuk mendanai perang di Ukraina. Sementara studi baru menunjukkan gas Rusia yang diimpor oleh Uni Eropa meningkat 18 persen tahun lalu.Autor: Helmi Johannes
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VOA 한국어 아침 뉴스 프로그램 '워싱턴 뉴스 광장'입니다. 미국이 국제원자력기구 이사회에서 북한의 완전한 비핵화에 대한 의지를 재확인했습니다. 미국과 한국 군 당국은 오는 10일부터 정례 연합훈련인 프리덤 실드(FS) 연습을 실시합니다. 도널드 트럼프 대통령의 의회합동회의 연설의 외교 안보 관련 내용에 대해 양당이 엇갈리 반응을 내놨습니다. 방송 시간: 한반도 오전 5:00~6:00 (UTC 20:00~21:00).Autor: 장양희
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Matangazo ya saa nzima kuhusu habari za kutwa, ikiwa ni pamoja ripoti kutoka kwa waandishi wetu sehemu mbali mbali duniani na kote Afrika Mashariki na Kati, na vile vile vipindi na makala maalum kuhusu afya, wanawake, jamii na maendeleo.Autor: VOA
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VOA 한국어 간판 뉴스 프로그램 '뉴스 투데이', 2025년 3월 6일 3부 방송입니다. 미국이 국제원자력기구 이사회에서 북한의 완전한 비핵화에 대한 의지를 재확인했습니다. 미국과 한국 군 당국은 오는 10일부터 정례 연합훈련인 프리덤 실드(FS) 연습을 실시합니다. 도너륻 트럼프 대통령의 의회합동회의 연설의 외교 안보 관련 내용에 대해 양당이 엇갈리 반응을 내놨습니다. 방송 시간: 한반도 오후 11:00~자정 (UTC 14:00~15:00).Autor: 김영교
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The world reacts to President Donald Trump’s address to Congress. A look at the impact of halting military aid to Ukraine and what it means to Kyiv. Russia is watching closely as the American relationship with Europe changes. Tariffs on imports into the United States are now in place, and the Supreme Court deals a defeat to Trump in his bid to cut …
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-북한이 러시아에 추가 파병을 했다고 한국 국가정보원이 27일 밝혔습니다.-한국이 24일 유엔 안보리의 우크라이나 전쟁 관련 미국 결의안에 찬성표를 던졌습니다.-북한이 26일 전략순항미사일을 발사했습니다.Autor: Voice of America
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A White House meeting between U.S. President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky fell apart in front of the whole world after Vice President JD Vance questioned Zelenskyy’s thankfulness. It had been hoped that the two would make a deal that gave the U.S. minerals deal in exchange for a security agreement. The White House put out a statement that…
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