Join former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara as he breaks down legal topics in the news and engages thought leaders in a podcast about power, policy, and justice. From CAFE and the Vox Media Podcast Network.
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Een Wie is de Mol? Podcast, waarin wekelijks de afleveringen besproken worden door Siem, Sam, Dean en Corné. Heb jij een vraag of wil je reageren op de podcast, stuur dan een DM naar @tunnelvisiepodcast op instagram of wordt lid van onze discord via
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Discover music through the eyes of similarity.
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Análise da Jornada, com destaque nos jogos principais, análise da participação das equipas portuguesas, nas competições europeias e outros temas da atualidade. desportiva.
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Tunnel Hill Baptist Church is located in Elizabethtown, Kentucky.
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A new podcast from 3 born-sexy-yesterday know-nothings who won’t let their lack of facts get in the way of a good joke! Join Allie, Anne, and Lea every Sunday as they discuss the hunks, dweebs, and local bad boys of the All Elite Wrestling world.
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We watch pilots of TV shows, old and new, and then ask, ”Would You Stay Tuned?” New episodes... whenever!
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TuneDig is an in-depth and informed conversation between two lifelong friends about the power of music — one album at a time. In each episode, we go down the rabbit hole to spend a while in the strange world we discover. We take an honest look at creativity in all its complexity—from writing and production to history and cultural impact. We promise you’ll learn something new every time, no matter how much you already love the album we explore. Sign up at to get occasional news an ...
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Wie kann man Putins Invasion stoppen? Welche Strategie verfolgt die russische Armee in der Ukraine? Wie stark sind die Verteidiger? Wie hilfreich ist die Unterstützung von Deutschland und NATO? MDR AKTUELL Moderator Tim Deisinger wird diese und andere drängende Fragen zum Ukraine-Krieg in diesem Podcast mit dem ehemaligen NATO-General Erhard Bühler in einer "Lagebesprechung" diskutieren. Im Mittelpunkt jeder Episode: eine profunde Bewertung des Kriegsgeschehens, die politische Gemengelage in ...
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Judge Jeanine Pirro brings her straight-shooting opinions to 77 WABC. Every Sunday morning at 11AM.
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Túnel de Vento é simultaneamente um podcast de comédia e um erro. Há improviso, humor, lamirés sobre literatura e poesia e, de longe em longe, javardice de elevado quilate. De Roberto Gamito e suas vozes.
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Your space for Healing, Inspiration, and Growth. Helping you create empowered relationships and life.
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"Andere Podcasts haben die Welt nur verschieden interpretiert, es kommt darauf an, sie zu verändern." Karl Marx Ob Mieter*innenbewegung, antirassistische Kämpfe oder Klimafragen: Im Podcast "Was tun?“ kommen einmal im Monat Aktivist*innen zu Wort. Inken Behrmann und Valentin Ihßen sprechen mit ihnen über ihre Ideen und Strategien, darüber, was politische Kampagnen erfolgreich macht und wo die großen Hebel für gesellschaftliche Veränderung liegen. Am Ende jeder Folge beantworten die Gäste ein ...
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Music news Podcast for Hip-Hop/Rap and R&B.Beat and Logo by @_itsmecris__
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A video game podcast about the people that make games and their favorite games! The Red Tunic Podcast features game developers from all over the industry and experiences such as legendary game designer Harvey Smith, everyones favorite voice actor Gianni Matragrano, and many many others! Join me while we learn more about the people behind your favorite games, how they got into the industry, their favorite games, who they are outside of games, and other meaningful topics and conversations to g ...
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A cool tune
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A being human podcast. Michael and an array of fellow fans discuss every episode of BBC Three’s supernatural drama in pain-staking detail. On top of that there’s audio essays AND interviews with the people who helped make the show a cult hit. Follow our journey from Bristol to Barry Island. From new born to proper dead.
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A free weekday download of standout songs, including advance releases, exclusive live tracks recorded at KCRW, remixes, and an introduction to new artists on our radar.
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Tune In: Discovering Your Authentic Self
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The Tinsel Tunes podcast goes into great detail about Christmas music. Full of fun and interesting facts, it will get you into the Christmas Spirit! Hear about classics, modern songs, songs you love, and even those songs that you dislike. We go deep into the history of Christmas songs, explore the compositions, and play lots of music!
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Hi there! We're Game That Tune, three guys who make a fun podcast about videogame music. Each week, we all pick three pieces of music from a videogame, play them for the rest of the gang, and we all try to guess each other's songs, then discuss the game.
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Some folky stuff, some covers {please don't sue me}, some crazy stuff, some beats.
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Student Powered Radio
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Decades ago, WRVO Public Media began broadcasting old-time radio with a small collection comprising 20 reel-to-reel tapes. Today the collection includes nearly 7,000 reels and over 20,000 broadcasts. "Tuned to Yesterday" is public radio's premier old-time radio show, hosted by Mark Lavonier. The highest quality broadcasts are restored and played as they were heard years and years ago. You'll hear programs like "The Whistler," "The Jack Benny Show," "Fibber McGee and Molly," "Edgar Bergen and ...
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Heidnische Musikmesse aus einer kargen Kastenkammer in Wien, Ottakring. In knapp 40 Minuten baut Redakteurin und passionierte Passiv-Musikerin Paulin angeleitete Playlists zu verschiedenen Schwerpunktthemen. Es entstehen besuchbare Themenräume zum Abtauchen, Tagträumen und Schwelgen. °°° Instagram: @tunesfromaroom
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Robeco’s monthly podcast that makes sense of the latest market moves. Covering macro events, corporate news, investment insights – and the beat of the week.
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Tunnel è un podcast di calcio internazionale. Anche quello non mainstream di cui nessuno parla? Soprattutto quello non mainstream di cui nessuno parla. In ogni puntata Marco Dolcinelli, Edoardo Buganza e Gianmarco Lotti vi porteranno in giro per il mondo per scoprire storie di giocatori, squadre e allenatori, con un occhio anche al di fuori dei campi di gioco. Sigla: slumlord by lo tag blanco (c) copyright 2006 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Musica di sottofondo: Grif ...
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Hey, I'm Kavita Golia and I have been inspired to launch this podcast due to my own journey of transformation. I want to explore how self development and transformation can be achieved in so many different ways. I have a passion for music, psychedelic research, embodiment, and cultivating connection with ourselves and others. In this podcast you will hear stories and journeys from all walks of life from people who inspire us to learn, grow, and become the best people we can be. Please subscr ...
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A collection of mostly AI generated music, produced by Dr. Duane Varan, with a focus on Bahá’í themes.
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Each week Lena and Avery listen to a CD from the 90's and talk about how awesome it was or not so awesome!
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Join Jimbo As He Tackles The NFL, College Football, Combat Sports, Hockey, and Every Hot Topic In Sports!
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Podcast by TuniTalks
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Inside the Tunnel: A Virginia Tech Sports Podcast
247Sports, Virginia Tech Hokies, Virginia Tech, Virginia Tech football, College Football
A podcast on Virginia Tech Sports, brought to you by VT Scoop and 247Sports. Hosted by Andrew Alix, Evan G Watkins, Matej Sis and Doug Bowman.
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Welcome to St Louis In Tune! Thank you for joining us for fresh perspectives on issues and events with experts, community leaders, and everyday people who are making a difference that shapes our society and world. The show is co-hosted by Arnold Stricker and Mark Langston.
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High Performance Academy Presents: Tuned In. A podcast interviewing influential people from around the world at the top of their respected fields. Covering topics such as Tuning, CAD, Performance Engine Building, Automotive/Motorsport Wiring, Data Analysis, Driver Coaching/Training, Motorsport Fabrication and Car Setup.
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Podcast by TuneUp
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Get ready to add some joy to your little one’s day with Toddler Tunes! Join Georgie for delightful short music sessions that are perfect for creating a special bond with your toddler. Whether you’re looking for some screen-free fun or winding down after a big day, these tunes are the perfect way to bring some extra love and laughter into your day. From car rides to family sing-alongs, Toddler Tunes is the perfect soundtrack for your precious moments with your little one. Are you ready to sin ...
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Welcome Folks, to the BEST podcast that explores Wacky Wabbits, Screwy Ducks and the artistry of all classic Looney Tunes shorts, re-imaginings and motion picture appearances. Hosted by Jonathan Graves @TheDarkPilgrim. Rate, Subscribe & Like on iTunes and follow @ThisMeansPodcast because That’s NOT All Folks!
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Incredible conversations with classical musicians about feelings (YES!), finding their value and career transitions. Meet professional classical musicians now thriving as entrepreneurs, master craftsmen, counsellors, personal trainers, software developers, lawyers and more more. We need to NORMALISE the reality of underemployment, unemployment, career pivots and exits for classical musicians. Are you with me? Think classical musicians only make music? Think again. #changeyourtune
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Tuesday Tune-up is a weekly devotional that uses the Word of God to impact, encourage, and enhance our spiritual walk. We hope that the messages will grow, strengthen, and tune up your personal relationship with Christ and one another. It is our prayer that Tuesday Tune-up will aid you through practical teaching and application, so that you live life to the fullest capacity. Get ready friends, Tuesday is about to get you tuned up!
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Was würde Captain Picard tun? - Der Star Trek-Management-Podcast
Thomas Krieger und Claudius Enaux
Ein Blick auf Star Trek mit einer Sicht auf Führung und Management. Was macht Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway und andere so besonders? Wie beurteilen wir Führungsverhalten und (Management-)Entscheidungen aus heutiger Sicht? Darüber unterhalten sich Claudius Enaux, langjähriger Personalleiter und Unternehmensberater, und Thomas Krieger, Star Trek- und Personal-Experte.
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Houston's Own Multi-Platinum Grammy Nominated Producer Cory Mo-Turned Host teams up with Chi-Town Born ATL Raised Best Selling Book Writer Kimberly Latrice Jones for Southern Hip-Hop Conversations & Storytelling. The hosts and guests engage together in fun, light-hearted conversation - looking back at their paths to success, highlighting their lives, friendships, and iconic moments within their career. In this unfiltered series. - Come chill at the studio with Cory Mo & Kimbo Slice. Long Liv ...
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A Podcast Hosted By Two Lifelong Friends Who Have A Lifelong Love For Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies! Join Marc and Jordan as they analyze, criticize, and review the works from Termite Terrace and Beyond!
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Welcome to American Brews and Tunes, a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to Beer and Music. Every week, Jesse and Stephen recommend new albums for each other to listen to and review on the podcast...all while trying brand new beers. Listen in to hear about exciting new American Brews and Tunes!
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Die Strategien hinter dem Comeback der Linkspartei (2/3): Was Haustürgespräche im Wahlkampf gebracht haben
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1:37:05Interview mit Nia von Studis gegen Rechts, Anna von der interventionistischen Linken (iL) und Viviane vom Sozialistisch-demokratischer Studierendenverband (SDS) Über 600.000 Türen, tausende Freiwillige, ein Wahlkampf, der auf persönliche Gespräche statt Plakate setzt: Die Linkspartei hat sich bei der Bundestagswahl Strategien sozialer Bewegungen zu…
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#260 Reform der Schuldenbremse – Bundeswehr bald im Kaufrausch?
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1:18:18Diese Woche wurde im Bundestag ein Schuldenpaket für Verteidigung und Infrastruktur beschlossen. Dafür kam noch einmal der alte Bundestag zusammen. Die voraussichtlichen neuen Koalitionspartner Union und SPD erreichten die nötige Zweidrittelmehrheit mit Hilfe der Grünen für eine Grundgesetz-Änderung, der aber noch der Bundesrat zustimmen muss. Gepl…
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Episode L – TNG S03E19 - S03E22
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1:32:50Gleich zwei Premieren in einer Episode - erstmalig erleben wir eine Führungskraft im Urlaub und erstmalig einen möglichen Minderleister auf der Enterprise. Dabei diskutieren Claudius und Thomas mögliche Motivatoren und Antreiber von Führungskräften, und dass die Definition eines "Minderleisters" gar nicht so einfach ist. Picard behält gerne die Kon…
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How The Democrats Can Win (with Mallory McMorrow)
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32:26Everyone’s asking the question: How can Democrats win again? Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow has a few ideas. She joins Preet to discuss how to beat Trump’s culture war politics, her strategy for connecting to Republican voters, and her new book Hate Won't Win. You can now watch portions of our episodes on YouTube! Head to CAFE’s Youtube ch…
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The music of Brixton-based Black Country, New Road makes us feel like we’re “Besties.” Their imaginative mix of sounds comes from classically trained as well as self-taught bandmates, and their new album Forever Howlong (due April 4) promises a heady palette that blends everything from folk, to prog, to baroque pop, to points beyond. It’s also thei…
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World War Loon 4: The Quest For Peace
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1:19:07Join us as we take a look at even more shorts produced during World War 2! Jordan covers a Clampett War Short that really has an axe to grind over a german dictator in 'Russian Rhapsody' Marc looks at Chuck Jones' attempt at covering America during wartime in 'The Weakly Reporter' And we conclude with both of us watching Mel Blanc and Chuck Jones g…
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#1458, Romance, Romance “The Valiant Lady” 7/17/54 CBS, Gulf Screen Guild Theater “Waterloo Bridge” 1/12/41 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.Autor: Mark Lavonier
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#1457, Crime, Screen Directors’ Playhouse “Ivy” 1/11/51 NBC. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.Autor: Mark Lavonier
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Horny ‘98 by Mousse T. vs. Hot ‘n’ Juicy
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11:39Lena and Avery take a cheeky trip back to 1998 with Horny ‘98—the infectious dance anthem by Mousse T. vs. Hot ‘n’ Juicy. They break down the track’s irresistibly playful lyrics, smooth house beats, and how it became a club staple across the globe. From its origins as an underground hit to its mainstream explosion, they discuss why this song was bo…
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Mike Davis Learn more about your ad choices. Visit 77 WABC
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The Judge Jeanine Tunnel to Towers Foundation Show |03-23-25
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39:38The Judge Jeanine Tunnel to Towers Foundation Show Learn more about your ad choices. Visit 77 WABC
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY This episode was recorded in Tāmaki Makaurau. I acknowledge the mana whenua of Tāmaki Makaurau, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, and all iwi of this region. I honour the Indigenous people, their land, waters, and traditions. I also acknowledge their ancestors, the guardians of the past, and their present leaders. ABOUT JONAS Jonas sp…
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Ep 745 - Relojoeiro com luvas de Mickey
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34:42Apeadeiros da conversa:.Linguarudo de alcova. .Razão inesperada para a suposta tristeza. .O que será feito do Principezinho. .Cochichos do vento forte..Relojoeiro com luvas de Mickey. .Migração do sangue entre duas cabeças. .Mar Morto e os egípcios. .Osíris e Lázaro e Cristo. .Morte de Cristo revisitada. .O ele maiúsculo. .Cristo no Inferno. .Rosa …
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It's Tunnel Talk's fourth anniversary and we start with a little reflection on just how far we've come! Then it's over to the International Title scene where The Tournament to win a date with Kenny Omega finally wraps up with a surprising result--Kenny's taking two people to the prom! Then it's time for the Men's World Title, which is a little less…
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#1456, Comedy, Burns and Allen 4/4/46 NBC, Jack Benny Program 2/13/55 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.Autor: Mark Lavonier
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DJ FUNKY & DJ BIG X: Country Rap Tunes Podcast
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49:31This week on Country Rap Tunes Podcast, Cory Mo & Kimberly Jones Interview the CEO's of The Coalition Dj's! Dj Funky & Dj Big X. Not only are they Legendary Dj's but they run All the night clubs & strip clubs in Atlanta, GA. They also host a weekly event Called "New Music Monday" at the Legendary Stankonia Studios every week. This Episode must be w…
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#1291, Horror, Mysterious Traveler “Death Has a Cold Breath” 3/29/49 MBS, Inner Sanctum “Song of the Slasher” 4/24/45 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.Autor: Mark Lavonier
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#1455, Broadway, Campbell Playhouse “Liliom” 10/22/39 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.Autor: Mark Lavonier
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Chill latin style beat from the beat buddy, bass from Fender Mustang bass Spacey Bassy, Squire jazzmaster Marilyn layered with Beetronics effects, and Taylor the acoustic guitar. Also with a trumpet from a UAV plugin.Autor: Blake Matthews
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Chill tune made using Studio One 7 a Fender mustang bass, Squire jazzmaster, and a beatbuddy pedal.Autor: Blake Matthews
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Modern Looney Tunes Maestro Joshua Moshier Breaks Down The Day The Earth Blew Up and Looney Tunes Cartoons Scores
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43:47The Merrie Go Round Broke Down is a universally known piece of music that begins almost ever Looney Tunes cartoon short, and composer Joshua Moshier carried on it's use within the franchise to grand heights in the Looney Tunes animated feature, The Day the Earth Blew Up! Now Playing! Joshua sits down with me to discuss the film's composition as wel…
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„De Leit kommen ma entgegn, wie a Mauer kommens auf mi zua. I bin da Anzige, der ihr entgegen geht kummt ma vua! Oba i reiß mi zamm und i mach beim ersten Schritt de Augen zua" – eine Folge voll schwermütigen Einzelgänger:innen, kontemplativer Einsiedlerei und romantisch verwunschener Einöde. Playlist zur Folge:…
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#660, Science Fiction, Suspense “Donovan’s Brain” Part 1 5/18/44 CBS, Suspense “Donovan’s Brain” Part 2 5/25/44 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.Autor: Mark Lavonier
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Packers Say No More Pushin' On The Tush! • Stay Tuned Sports • 3.20.2025
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1:06:27Your Good Friend Jimbo and King discuss the new NFL rule change proposals, including the Packers wanting to eliminate the Eagles famed "Tush Push" from the game of football. Plus we talk some NCAA Tournament and NHL hockey. ▪︎Donation Station: ▪︎Visit Our Merch Store: ▪…
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#1624, Mystery, Casey, Crime Photographer “Hot New Year’s Party” 1/1/48 CBS, Boston Blackie 11/29/45 ABC / Syndicated. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.Autor: Mark Lavonier
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#412, Sitcom, Great Gildersleeve 6/4/44 NBC, Life with Luigi 3/4/52 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.Autor: Mark Lavonier
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A song inspired by study of the message of the Universal House of Justice on March 19, 2025 on the role of the Bahá’í home in society building. They lyrics are written by Duane Varan while the voices, instruments and musical composition are AI-generated.Autor: Dr. Duane Varan
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#180 - Tunnel come esperienza religiosa
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1:24:43In questa puntata - Focus: quando e dove si incontrano calcio e tennis? Lo scopriamo con Massimiliano Macaluso e Giovanni TacconiAutor: V2B Media
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Justice Under Trump: SCOTUS & Mahmoud Khalil (with Kate Shaw)
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1:21:31Kate Shaw is a constitutional law professor at University of Pennsylvania Penn Carey Law School. Shaw joins Preet to discuss legal challenges to President Trump’s executive orders and the constitutionality of Elon Musk’s role in DOGE. They also discuss whether Justice Amy Coney Barrett is shifting away from the conservative majority and upcoming Su…
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#52, Drama, Lux Radio Theater “Dragonwyck” 10/7/46 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.Autor: Mark Lavonier
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#649, Adventure, Foreign Assignment 1/8/44 MBS, Man Called X “Saigon” 9/4/47 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.Autor: Mark Lavonier
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#620, Crime, The Whisperer “Tea Time For Teenagers” 7/8/51 NBC, Four Star Playhouse “The Hunted” 8/14/49 NBC. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.Autor: Mark Lavonier
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#1446, Comedy, Fibber McGee and Molly “Dog License” 3/19/40 NBC, Wednesdays With You 8/29/45 NBC. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.Autor: Mark Lavonier
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🏀✏️NCAA Tournament preview/mega-pod spectacular: Gary Parrish and Matt Norlander pick every March Madness game and reveal their brackets!
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1:22:42Sign up for our Bracket Challenge Ladies and Gentlemen. We made it. The all-encompassing NCAA Tournament preview that will take you from Dayton all the way to San Antonio. Gary Parrish and Matt Norlander guide you through all 67 games and gives you an idea of the team that can win it all! 07:00 - South Region Breakdown 14:40 - Stay Or Hit Presented…
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Send us a text Are you ready to up your game regarding believing God will do it for you AND through you? If this is your situation, then get ready for a tuneup experience like none other happening this Tuesday at 7 pm on FB LIVE!!! Pastor Christian Hilton will be joining me from across the globe to bring you a message of hope and freedom, a message…
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Field Report: This Build Makes Your 4x4 Look Like a Prius.
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14:182000HP, twin turbos, and a manual transmission – is this the ultimate fun off-roader? A 2000hp twin-turbo Lamborghini V10 in a street-legal off-road monster? That’s exactly what @MorganClarkeDesign1 aka MCD1 built with this prototype Range Rover Velar Dakar-inspired hyper off-roader. Use ‘PODCAST75’ for $75 off your first HPA course here: https://h…
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A song that explores the harmful effects of backbiting and defamation highlighting the need for an 'etiquette of expression' where people better regulate their communication. The lyrics are by Duane Varan but the voices, instruments and musical composition are AI-generated.Autor: Dr. Duane Varan
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#657, Romance, Lux Radio Theater “Because of You” 11/2/54 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.Autor: Mark Lavonier
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(Mark Lavonier) #1273, Series, Tom Corbett, Space Cadet “Mystery of the Sparkling Meteor” Part 1 4/8/52 ABC, Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police “Episode #3” 1937 Syndicated, Chandu, the Magician “Episode #48” 9/2/48 MBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by M…
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Episode 105 - Ricardo Bare, Game Designer
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1:12:48Hey Link here, thanks for joining me for episode 105 where I speak with Ricardo Bare, where we talk about how and what inspired them to get into the industry, how they got their start making levels, their views on the immersive sim renaissance, getting to enjoy the magic of games for the first time again through his kids, his life outside of gaming…
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#120 - Podcasting on Your Terms: Growth, Grit, and Staying True to You with Kevin Palmieri
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32:34Are you holding yourself back or just playing by the wrong rules? In today’s episode, Nicole Renee Jensen connects with Kevin Palmieri, podcast producer, and coach, to debunk the hustle myth—does success require burnout? They explore the balance between ambition and alignment, the pressure to go all in, and the trap of chasing numbers. This convers…
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Playboi Carti finally dropped!!! Here are some music news updates followed by my full review of Carti's new album "MUSIC" Hope you guys enjoy and thank you for listening!! Please follow, like, comment, download, and subscribe to Tune Check on your favorite streaming platform and socials (Links Below.) https://www.buzzspro…
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What Putin, Zelensky, and Trump Really Want (with Richard Haass & Julia Ioffe)
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34:03How is Trump’s approach to ending the Russia-Ukraine war working out? Preet’s joined by Richard Haass, president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, and Julia Ioffe, a journalist and co-founder of Puck News, to discuss Putin, Trump, Zelensky, and the future of Ukraine. You can now watch portions of our episodes on YouTube! Head to CAFE’s …
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Tiny Toons' Spring Breaks: What A Difference 30 Years Makes
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1:41:12Just in time for the regularly designated spring break week, Marc and Jordan look at two different Spring Break specials the Tiny Toons crews did, and it acts as a sobering look at how much the concept of spring break has changed in 30 years. 1994's Tiny Toon Adventures Spring Break special is a look at an animation unit in flux, and between projec…
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