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show episodes


Jeff Schmidt

A multi-award winning anthology of horror, thrillers, and suspense brought to life with exceptional actors and vivid sound and music. Each episode delivers a thrilling new character-driven horror story that spans genres of psychological horror, thrillers, suspense, creature features, and grounded tales where obsession, love, rage, and revenge clash in the murky worlds of the supernatural and paranormal. It’s like Black Mirror meets American Horror Story, where the monster is always close to ...
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महाभारत की कहानी लेकिन कर्ण की जुबानी | Welcome to Omitalk: Mahabharata Chronicles, Experience the immersive world of Mahabharata through ”Omitalk”, an audio show delving into captivating characters. Currently focused on the enthralling journey of Danveer Karna by Pushkar, enjoy cinematic narration, deep exploration and bringing the iconic character to life. Uncover the series of Suryaputra Karna and stay tuned for more intriguing series on fascinating Mahabharata characters.
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Mindful Kids, Omi and Friendz® meditation for kids.

Mindful Kids, Meditations with Omi the Elephant

Mindful Kids is the official podcast of Omi and Friendz: dedicated to providing kids and families a place to come and reset. Our short meditations are hosted by Omi the Elephant®, who shares how to take a moment to STOP, BREATHE and RESET. Learn to set intentions and begin to feel happier, calm, and refocused. Perfect for kids to listen to on their way to school, before bed, or anytime they need just a moment to connect with themselves. Understanding how to pause will help children regulate ...
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GURRRL....are you ready for a stupid good time?! Join drag queens Cara Coronado and DeJa Skye in their brand new podcast where they discuss everything that you want to know and everything you don't. There are no boundaries, no corsets, and no filters...for once. Grab a bottle of wine, some pizza, and get into the "kiki" of the century!
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Iya Omitayo

Iya Omitayo

Omi O! an exploration of women's power and mysteries from an Ancient African perspective. Iya Omitayo is an initiate of Yemoja mother orisa of the Yoruba tradition and Mami Wata. The Shrines of Iya Omitayo offer a fresh and unique experience of the Ase of one of the Greatest Goddess traditions on earth.
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Mansi Dhingra

This podcast is a cheerful, calm podcast, where I talk about things I feel we all connect with. Some food for thought, some merry time, some episodes on wildlife and some music to top it all :) Welcome on board y'all 🌼⛵
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Omi's Books

Glen Jackson

This week, I will be writing about my Omi, who was a poet. I will be going into a few of my favorite poems of hers, which I remember from when I was a child.
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Sufi Heart with Omid Safi

Be Here Now Network

The Sufi Heart podcast with Omid Safi features teachings and stories about a sacred tradition of love, one that manifests outwardly as justice and inwardly as tenderness. Drawing primarily on the wisdom of the Islamic tradition as well as the legacies of the Civil Rights movements and other wisdom teachings, Omid invites you to a meditation on the transformative power of love and recalling the necessity of linking healing our own hearts with healing the world. Omid Safi is director of Duke U ...
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Welcome to the my podcast. I like to discuss typical life topics that feel important to me like self care, helping out others, building confidence, and following through with your goals and dreams. Some of my topics could get pretty dark but these are all experiences that are part of living. I hope you enjoy your stay here with me.
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Ominous Origins

Casey Chaplin

Join me on a journey into the origins of the unknown. Every legend, every beast, and every myth has it‘s beginnings, and it‘s time we take a look into the Ominous Origins of our mysterious history. For inquiries or comments, you can contact [email protected]
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@omic church

Kirche Oftringen

@omic-church ist eine Plattform für Jugendliche, um Freunde kennen zu lernen, Gott zu erleben und vieles von ihm zu erfahren. Unser Ziel ist es, dass sich die Jugendlichen bei uns willkommen fühlen. Mit verschiedenen Programmpunkten, wie zum Beispiel Theater, wichtigen Inputs, Bands und Tanz wird dir gute Unterhaltung geboten, aber du hast auch die Möglichkeit vieles zu lernen. Zu dem bietet dir der Jugendgottesdienst ein Ort, an dem du deine Probleme mit anderen besprechen kannst und dir Me ...
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Alcoholic Ominous Podcast

Alcoholic Ominous

Living Sober after Hitting Bottom... From hopeless alcoholic to recovering alcoholic. A regular podcast charting one man's journey to sobriety. Using the program outlined by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Simon shares his experience, strength and hope in an honest (sometimes twisted) manner and looks deeply into alcoholism and how to stop drinking.
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این برنامه به معرفى طرح تواندهی روحانی نوجوانان که به منظور یادگیرى و شکوفایی توانایی‌ها و استعدادهاى نوجوانان ایجاد شده، می‌پردازد و جریان تمثیلى تشکیل یک گروه نوجوانان، در یک روستا را شرح می‌دهد. این گروه‌ها برای نوجوانان محیطی فراهم می‌سازند که بتوانند دیدگاه‌های خود را مورد بحث قرار دهند و یک هویّت اخلاقی قوی در وجودشان شکل گیرد.
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Omi erzählt von der Liebe

Omi erzählt von der Liebe

Wie fühlt es sich wirklich an, bis zum Tod zusammen zu sein? Ist man im Alter einsam, wenn man immer Single war? Wie ist es, sich mit 80 noch mal zu verlieben? Menschen mit viel Lebenserfahrung hört man viel zu selten zu. In BamS erzählen Frauen ihre persönlichen Geschichten – und was sie über die Liebe gelernt haben. Sie kennen Damen mit berührenden Liebesgeschichten oder haben Feedback? Schreiben Sie uns eine Mail an: [email protected].
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Ominiss Ent Inc

Enjoy exercising your 1st amendment rights? So the fuck do we! In this subversive, new pod cast. Join your hosts, A few men with absolutely no credentials, formal education but enough knowledge about these topics to be renown. Spend some quality time not televised on mainstream media. And delve into underground music of all genres. And go deeper into the rabbit hole with conspiracies, cover-ups, political rhetoric. And world news not on mainstream news and the reasons why they televise all t ...
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show series
In this delightful story, Omi, the happy little elephant, helps children in a forest feel better after losing a game. By guiding them through a calming breathing exercise, he teaches them how to blow away negative feelings and reset their emotions. Omi's gentle wisdom and compassion make him a beloved friend to children, reminding them of the impor…
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On May 26th, 1990 Marlene Warren opened her front door to a someone dressed as a clown with flowers and balloons. Her son had recently broken his leg so it was assumed the gifts must be for him but they were both mistaken. The tragic accident that happened after that would run cold for the next 27 years until an advance in DNA would help close this…
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Kurukshetra is over. But the war’s shadow hasn’t left. Krishna returns to Dwarka, but it’s not the same home anymore. The city, once full of life, now carries the weight of grief. So many gone. So many never coming back. And Krishna? He sees it all. Feels it. Yet, he stands. Supports. Guides. But even he knows—this isn’t just an ending. This is the…
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This episode is two cases in one. The first is the Flannan Isle mystery. On December 15th, 1900 something ominous happened, leading to the disappearances of three light house keepers. It wasn't noticed until December 26th when the ship The Hesperus was taking supplies and another keeper to the isle. This case led to a poem, an opera and even a movi…
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On August 4th, 1892 Lizzy Borden, her dad Andrew, her step mom Abby and her uncle John were at the Borden home. That morning someone would go through the house killing Andrew and Abby. Time lines and alibi's change a lot in this story and the theories get wild. Thanks for listening. Episode suggestions to: [email protected] Music Info : …
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Madison invents a stress reduction app featuring guided murder meditations that unexpectedly awaken dark desires in her straight-laced roommate, Emma. Created, Written, Directed, and Sound Designed by JEFF SCHMIDT [email protected] JESS PAUL as Emma DANA DERUYCK as Madison MELISSA MEDINA as Violet OWEN MCCUEN as Chad MORRISON JAMES as Jack [P…
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In this soothing episode of the Omi and Friends Mindfulness podcast, Omi invites you to enjoy a peaceful nap with a gentle meditation. He guides you to find a cozy spot, take deep breaths, and visualize calming colors washing over you. As you imagine a serene place, like a sunny field, Omi helps you relax each part of your body and quiet your mind.…
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Thanks for waiting for part 2 of Casey Anthony. In part 2 we will dive into the dirty details and get further into the lies, comment our own opinions, and cover the trial! Hopefully you listened to part1 first born you're going to be lost. Thanks for listening! #true crime #podcast #truecrimecommunity #truecrimepodcast #ominous Music Info : creepy-…
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On July 15th, 2008 911 received a call from Cindy Anthony, mother to Casey Anthony and grandmother to 3 year old Caylee Anthony. In her third call to 911 Cindy says her granddaughter has been missing for a month. This call would turn into one of the biggest cases of all time with many lies, twists and turns. Thanks for listening. Music Info : creep…
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We wanted to put out a longer episode so we put two unsolved ones together. The first is the missing person case of Brandon Swanson. In the early morning hours of May 14th, 2008 Brandon was driving home from college after attending a few end of class parties. He left school around midnight but around 2am he called his parents saying his car was stu…
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Getting down to the basics of Sufism, James Cooke and Omid Safi discuss the mystery of love and our enmeshment with God. This time on the Sufi Heart podcast, Omid Safi and James Cooke discuss: Sufism and mystical Islam Getting closer to a divine reality Types of love within Sufism Recognizing that we are interwoven with all things Pure love as the …
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Mary Bateman was born around 1768. Mary got married and then the two fell into tough times so doing what she could for money she became a 'wise woman' or a 'cunning woman' meaning she could cure people, change the weather and had other abilities. Around 1806 Mary met husband and wife William and Rebecca Perigo. After the meeting all of their lives …
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In 1957 a 4-6 year old boy was found in a box in Philadelphia in a vacant lot. With not many identifying clues the town was left wondering who this boy could be. Many leads were followed up on and a lot of work was done but they weren't able to make much progress until years later. Thanks for listening. Music Info : creepy-mood-141972 by SoulProdMu…
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In October of 1994 Susan Smith was carjacked at an intersection. Not only was it a carjacking but her two small kids were inside the car, after alerting the authorities and a massive search the car wasn't found. When Susan and her husband made a plea to the media questions were raised which led to a shocking confession from someone they didn't susp…
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In July of 2011 a tragic accident happened to 6 year old Max Shacknai in Coronado, California at the Spreckels mansion. only a few days later another tragedy would happen to Rebecca Zahau in the same house. While these are technically solved we are still left with a lot of questions. Music Info : creepy-mood-141972 by SoulProdMusic Music Link : htt…
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In the haunting aftermath of the Kurukshetra war, Krishna visits Gandhari, the grieving mother of a hundred fallen sons. 😔Consumed by anguish and sorrow, Gandhari confronts Krishna with piercing words, holding him accountable for the carnage. In this emotionally charged encounter, she utters a powerful curse that seals the fate of Krishna and the Y…
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Doomed to spend Christmas Eve with her judgmental mother as a monstrous zit invades her face, makeup artist Val turns to the black market to buy a discontinued but supposedly miraculous face mask. When its application doesn’t go as planned, Val must decide how far she’ll go for clear skin and maternal validation. Dive in for some body horror for th…
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Exploring what it means to practice Islam in a world filled with evil, Omid Safi explains how strangeness can bring us back home to God. Today’s podcast is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. In this episode, Omid Safi holds a talk on: Sacred sounds and the…
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OMINOUS THRILL RETURNS IN FEB 2025. Until then, here's a holiday treat to warm your dark little hearts: the first episode from another creepy fiction show I think you'll like - How i Died. DESCRIPTION: "Bodies are piling up in the strange town of Springfield, and forensic pathologist Jonathan Spacer intends to find out why. But Jon isn’t without hi…
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Judgment Day closes in on Lera and leaves a trail of bloody violence. On the run, Lera and Risa find themselves in the middle of a sinister conspiracy in which they’ll have to confront their dark side to survive. Judith's connection to town folk is revealed, and a more sinister plot unfolds. This is Part Three of a Three Part story. Created, Writte…
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Tensions mount for Lera immediately after her fiery clash with Judith. With her recovery interrupted by bizarre threats, Lera befriends rookie cop Risa as the terror closes in around her and a larger threat looms This is Part Two of a Three Part story. Part Three will be published on Oct 24, 2024 Created, Written, Directed, and Sound Designed by JE…
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In this episode, Omi presents a fun challenge: sitting still! He guides you through a meditation to help you find peace and focus. Picture yourself in a serene garden, breathing deeply and feeling grateful for the moment. Omi encourages you to notice any tension and gently release it as you practice being still. This episode is a great way to culti…
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On December 6th, 1959 Harold Perelson was stalking through his house with a hammer, going after his family. He was stopped but there wasn't much explanation on why he had done what he did. That isn't the end of the story though, the house would stay ominous and mysterious and while we don't get much answers for that either this is definitely an int…
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In October of 2000 Mary Lou Morris went missing so her husband tried to find her, a few hours later the search ended. A few days later Mary McGinnis Morris was found brutally attacked. Coincidence? Or was a mistake made by an unknown killer? Thanks for listening. Music Info : creepy-mood-141972 by SoulProdMusic Music Link :…
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In March of 2014 Malaysian Flight 370 took off from Kuala Lumpur headed for Beijing. On board was 227 people. Ominously the systems were shut off and the plane went missing. After a long search we are still left with a lot of questions and a lot of theories. Music Info : creepy-mood-141972 by SoulProdMusic Music Link :…
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Buried desire boils to the surface, putting Lera and Judith on a collision course with belief, acceptance, and a terrifying quest for salvation. This is Part One of a three-part story. Part Two will be published on Oct 10, 2024. Created, Written, Directed, and Sound Designed by JEFF SCHMIDT [email protected] Starring LEAH VOYSEY as Lera / Jez…
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In February 1978 5 men were going to a basketball game in Chico, California. The next morning none of them had returned home so their parents reported them missing. All 5 suffered from different mental illnesses and learning difficulties. About 4 four months later, in June of 1978, some motorcycle riders would make a discovery that only gives us mo…
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In 2006 a 911 call was made saying someone had just jumped off a building in New Orleans, Louisiana. An ominous note was found in the pocket of the person who jumped that lead to a disturbing discovery at an apartment. This case involves Voodoo, hurricane Katrina, possible cannibalism, and mental health issues. Sources: Final witness episode - grav…
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In this gripping episode, we unravel one of the most tragic tales in Maratha history—the betrayal of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj. 🏹 The story unfolds on the fateful night at Sangameshwar, where Sambhaji Maharaj, unaware of the Mughal forces closing in, was caught in a web of deception woven by none other than his own family. 💔 Ganoji Shirke, Sambh…
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In 2014 Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon were in Panama getting ready to start volunteering. After a mix up they ended up with free time and decided to hike near the continental divide. What should have been about a 5 hour hike ended up with a search party and a lot of speculation and theories. Thanks for listening. Music Info : creepy-mood-141972 by…
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In 2006 Robert Wone stayed the night with his old friend Joe Price. Robert figured staying in town would be easier than commuting home that night. After some conversation Robert, Joe and two others went to bed. Not long after an ominous 911 call was made from someone in the house. Thanks for listening. Music Info : creepy-mood-141972 by SoulProdMus…
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Pursuing a big promotion creates chaos for True Crime Executive Lacie when she tries to adapt a new story from reclusive former best-selling horror author S.V. Mallen and unwittingly invites a malevolent force into her life. Created, Written, Directed, and Sound Designed by JEFF SCHMIDT [email protected] JULIANA LABARBIERA as Lacie Ridgeway C…
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In May of 2010 a 911 call would set off one of the most ominous cases we've covered in a while. The disappearance of Shannan Gilbert was the start of many bodies being found and not much information being released. As the years have gone by more and more has come out but we are still left with many questions. Thanks for listening. Music Info : cree…
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In the 83rd episode of Mahabharat, "Pandav Shocked: Karna was a Kauntey," we uncover a surprising twist. Narrated by Uddhav, this episode reveals that Karna, a key enemy in the Kurukshetra battle, was actually the Pandavas' older brother. As the Pandavas perform rituals for the dead, they are stunned by this revelation. The episode highlights their…
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In 2011 Rebecca Coriam was working on the Disney cruise ship Wonder. After a questionable night she missed her shift the next morning. The ship was searched but not much was found. There are many accusations and theories with this case so it definitely gets ominous. Thanks for listening. Music Info : creepy-mood-141972 by SoulProdMusic Music Link :…
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In the 82nd episode, witness the chilling aftermath of the epic Kurukshetra war. The night turns darkest as Ashwatthama, consumed by vengeance, takes command of the Kaurava army. This episode delves deep into Ashwatthama's ruthless quest for revenge, where he brutally slays the sons of the Pandavas and Drishtadyumna. The battlefield sees unpreceden…
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This story is going to be a little different. Not Tara is going to tell Tara a story and Tara has to guess if the story is real or made up. Thanks for listening and let us know if you like episodes like this. Sources:…
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In this episode, witness the final day of the Kurukshetra war. After Karna's death, the battle continues for one more day, leading to the epic showdown between the Pandavas and Duryodhan. This episode captures the dramatic fall of Duryodhan and the ultimate victory of the Pandavas. Join us for this thrilling conclusion, marking the end of an era an…
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Balor was the leader of the Fomorians in Irish Myth. He was a tyrant and warrior in Irish Folklore. He had a big ol' eye that caused all kinds of crazy crap. He was pretty badass, to be honest, and he was relegated to a sponge. What in the hell does that mean? Well, listen to find out! Our sponsor: Merch:…
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Dreams of cashing out of "the life" are shattered for Ava and Dale when a quiet night of laying low in a desert motel descends into chaos and death, leading to a fever dream of a town called JOYHAVƎИ, where nothing is as it appears and a strange man named Troy seems to offer the only way out. ​Created, Written, Directed & Sound Designed by JEFF SCH…
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On April 16th, 1874 Alfred Packer walked into the Indian Agency in Colorado. He was the first one to show up out of an original group of about 20 men who were headed west for the gold rush. Suspicion grew from the first day he was here, and a handful of changing stories from Alfred didn't help. A jail escape and a terrible illustration are only a f…
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The number one request I get from listeners is... MORE EPISODES, PLEASE! To that end... OMINOUS THRILL is on the prowl for original, dark, and devious fiction stories to adapt into our highly-rated immersive audio series. If you are a storyteller or know a storyteller with stories that would make great Ominous Thrill episodes, please visit our webs…
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Disclaimer: I'm bird sitting, and the little bugger literally never stops chirping or screaming. I understand if you want to skip this one as he's very present throughout. This week I'm talking about end times, and the most obvious sign that tends to herald it in: The Four Horsemen. Yup, those cheery chaps who ride in carrying war, famine, disease,…
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In 1908 a house fire in Indiana would reveal a lot of ominous things that seemed to have started happening around 1884. Belle was married at least twice and had at least six kids, but after the fire no one is sure who all survived. Thanks for listening. Music Info : creepy-mo…
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In 1994 Michelle Von Emster's body was found on a beach. conflicting evidence points to either an attack from a person or a shark. This case has very limited evidence so it's not that long but we found it ominous.…
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A career-making interview with billionaire Trace Vogel pits journalist couple Amber and Simone against each other when obsession, betrayal, and revenge collide with macabre horrors from the past. ​Created, Written, Directed & Sound Designed by JEFF SCHMIDT [email protected] Starring: RACHEL GRIFFEN AS AMBER TAYLOR JABARA AS SIMONE JOHN WILCOX…
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