Sunday Message Audio
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In the second of our series ‘God is on the move’, Matt begins by sharing some important historical stories, then Jacinda explores how we might best prepare for revival.Autor: Rosemary Wallis
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In the second of our series ‘God is on the move’, Matt begins by sharing some important historical stories, then Jacinda explores how we might best prepare for revival.Autor: Matt & Jacinda Lilly
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Renewal and revival has at times received much focus throughout Church history. In the first of this new series ‘God is on the move’, Jacinda shares some of the recent stories of God moving in unique and powerful ways. Be encouraged and stirred as you listen.Autor: Jacinda Lilly
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In the final of our 'summer series', Matt looks at the sometimes misunderstood gift of prophecy. Be encouraged as you listen and are stirred about the possibility of this gift in your own life.Autor: Matt Lilly
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Faith can be a mystery at times, yet vital for our ongoing journeys with God. In this message, Stanley encourages us to be reflecting on what God might be inviting us to have faith for this year?Autor: Stanley Ross
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In the next of our summer series for 2025, Caitlin encourages and stirs us towards the hunger for more of God this year. As you listen, be stirred about what God might be inviting you into.Autor: Caitlin Watson
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Kicking off the series and our first service back in 2025, David Warren looks at the gift of Sabbath. What might this sometimes mysterious and surprisingly challenging invitation offer to each of us in 2025?Autor: David Warren
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In the final of our short advent series, Jacinda powerfully looks at some of the people and places that have influenced her recently in their response to Jesus' invitation.Autor: Jacinda Lilly
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In the first of our advent series leading up to Christmas, Caitlin takes us on the journey of the wise men seeking the promised King.Autor: Caitlin Watson
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In the final of our ‘isaiah’s greatest hits’, Matt concludes by looking at one of the foundational prophecies within Isaiah in chapter 61, the very chapter that Jesus quotes from as He launched His ministry here on earth.Autor: Matt Lilly
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The book of Isaiah is filled with both stiff challenge and outrageous hope, and in this new series we explore some of its ‘greatest hits’. To kick off the series, Stanley Ross looks at the stunning Isaiah 55.Autor: Emma Prestidge
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The book of Isaiah is filled with both stiff challenge and outrageous hope, and in this new series we explore some of its ‘greatest hits’. To kick off the series, Stanley Ross looks at the stunning Isaiah 55.Autor: Stanley Ross
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Discerning the best path ahead when there a multiple possibilities can at times be difficult to navigate. Speaking out of her own recent journey, Jacinda Lilly gives a helpful framework for such times.Autor: Micaiah Gillies, Isobel Edmunds, Chris Galloway
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In the final of our 'join the resistance' series, Matt Lilly (Lead Pastor) looks at the unique focus scripture gives to the enemy of 'the world'. For those wanting to follow Jesus, there is an important choice to be made - which will we surrender to?Autor: Matt Lilly
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In the second of our three-week series, 'join the resistance', Stanley focuses on the challenge that we all have with ‘the flesh’. Exploring the idea of the alternative picture that scripture gives us of living in freedom and how we might win in this area of our lives.Autor: Stanley Ross
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Today marks the start of a three week series, 'join the resistance' spring boarding off John Mark Comer's book, 'live no lies' combatting three key enemies of the soul - the devil, the flesh and the world. First up is the devil and his core chrematistic of lying.Autor: Matt Lilly
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Discerning the best path ahead when there a multiple possibilities can at times be difficult to navigate. Speaking out of her own recent journey, Jacinda Lilly gives a helpful framework for such times.Autor: Jacinda Lilly
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Today, Simeon Hawkins unpacks the different Christian perspectives of what might happen to someone who passes away who never had a chance to hear the gospel message. This action-packed message will deepen your understanding and hopefully stir your heart about the importance of sharing the ‘good news’.…
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Bringing our ‘building strong’ series to a conclusion, Matt Lilly speaks about the invitation to a life of prayer. What is it that Jesus teaches us about prayer and how might we respond to the invitation?Autor: Matt Lilly
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Complex and mysterious at times, yet there is a beauty and resilience to the church that is captivating. Today, Stanley Ross explores the important piece of the church in ‘building strong’ lives of faith.Autor: Stanley Ross
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In the next of our series, 'building strong', Jake Alejo (youth pastor) tackles the important topics of repentance and baptism - elements crucial to a faith that will stand strong through testing times.Autor: Jake Alejo
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In the next of our 'building strong' series, Jacinda Lilly explores the much talked about but often misunderstood topic of ‘faith’. What is it and how should we be encouraged to live a life of it?! As a special note, at the end of the service the team led us in a powerful song so we have included this in the podcast - enjoy.…
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In the next of our 'building strong' series, Nick Wienand speaks about the challenging but important topic of lordship and obedience. Words with the potential to significantly shape the trajectory of our lives.Autor: Nick Wienand
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Today, Matt Lilly kicks us off into a new series, 'building strong', looking at what's needed for a strong, healthy vibrant life of faith. Sin & salvation mark the start of the process.Autor: Matt Lilly
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Part of the core of Vineyard churches is a call to follow Jesus’ instruction and example to remember the poor. In the final in our ‘Taonga’ series today, Jacinda Lilly dives into this important challenge.Autor: Jacinda Lilly
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The call to 'go', taking the love of God into the places where God would send us is the next topic in our Taonga (treasures) series. in this message, Lead Pastor, Matt Lilly, stirs us in our thinking of that call.Autor: Matt Lilly
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Today, Stanley Ross highlights the importance of discipleship within Vineyard churches. In amongst the messiness that it can be at times, to be a people following Jesus is a ‘Taonga’ (treasure) to us.Autor: Stanley Ross
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Today we're celebrating turning 11 as a church! To help celebrate we have the New Zealand Vineyard's National Director, Dave MacGregor, as our guest speaker. He speaks to us about Jesus' encouragement to give, pray and fast.Autor: David MacGregor
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In the next installment of our ‘Taonga’ series, Stanley Ross talks about the treasure of the scriptures within Vineyard churches and how we might treasure them within our own lives.Autor: Stanley Ross
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Matt Lilly (Lead Pastor) continues our ‘Taonga’ (treasures) series by looking at the precious gift that worshiping God through song is to Vineyard churches.Autor: Matt Lilly
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Today, Lead Pastor, Matt Lilly begins our ‘Taonga’ (treasures) series by looking at the what is important for us as a church and wider movement when it comes to ministering in the Holy Spirit.Autor: Matt Lilly
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On Matariki Weekend the Auckland Vineyard Churches combined together at Central Vineyard to hear from special guest speaker, Ted Kim.Autor: Ted Kim
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Today, Stanley Ross concludes (for the time being) our series 'looking at life, with Luke' by exploring a powerful moment of clarity in Luke 9 - Peter's confession of faith.Autor: Stanley Ross
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Today, Caitlin Watson continues our series from Luke by looking a challenging but ultimately life-giving invitation contained in Luke 9, to live a 'life of surrender'.Autor: Caitlin Watson
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Looking at the impacting story of ‘a sinful woman’ anointing the feet of Jesus, found in Luke 7, Stanley explores the perspectives of each of the main characters and what God might be inviting us to see through their stories.Autor: Jacinda Lilly
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Today, Kevin Wood encourages us, from the journey of the early church, about the relational aspect of evangelism - to not just tell the story of 'good news', but to live it out.Autor: Kevin Wood
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Looking at the impacting story of ‘a sinful woman’ anointing the feet of Jesus, found in Luke 7, Stanley explores the perspectives of each of the main characters and what God might be inviting us to see through their stories.Autor: Stanley Ross
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On this significant day in the church calendar, Matt Lilly (Coast Vineyard Lead Pastor) speaks to us about the day of Pentecost that is described in the book of Acts and God's invitation for us to be filled with the Holy Spirit.Autor: Matt Lilly
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Along with around a hundred other churches in the nation, we have been taking part in a Pentecost Prayer initiative leading up to Pentecost Sunday next weekend. In the message today, Simeon Hawkins joins this journey by speaking about prayer in a raw, honest and inviting way.Autor: Simeon Hawkins
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Visiting guest speaker, Matt Stott, shares powerfully on the invitation to allow our grief be used to bring breakthrough in life and faith.Autor: Tawhiri Littlejohn
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In the second of our mini-series 'one invitation away' Stanley looks at the inspiring and challenging letter that Paul writes to the Thessalonians - a people who clearly gossiped the gospel!Autor: Stanley Ross
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In today's message, Matt Lilly kicks off our next mini-series... one invitation away! The most prominent and instrumental people in the early church all started their journey of faith through a simple invitation.Autor: Matt Lilly
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Visiting guest speaker, Matt Stott, shares powerfully on the invitation to allow our grief be used to bring breakthrough in life and faith.Autor: Matt Stott
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As a sequel to last weekend's Easter Sunday celebrations, Stanley looks at some of the invitations given to us ‘beyond the resurrection’.Autor: Stanley Ross
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Today is what's traditionally known as 'Resurrection Sunday!' as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Join us as Matt unpacks the significance of this day!Autor: Matt Lilly
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In the final of our series on living 'the generous life', Jacinda speaks about the powerful gift of hospitality and challenges us all to explore new ways of extending generosity in this way.Autor: Jacinda Lilly
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This week, Lead Pastor Matt Lilly, continues our series on living ‘the generous life’ by looking at a much talked about topic in the scriptures - money. May this be encouraging and helpful as you seek to live life generously in all ways.Autor: Matt Lilly
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Launching into a new series - the generous life - Stanley focuses on the call to be an echo of God’s generosity towards us.Autor: Stanley Ross
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Matt Lilly, Lead Pastor at Coast Vineyard, brings focus today on what he sees as being ahead for us as a church in 2024.Autor: Matt Lilly
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Today, Jacinda shares about life rhythms that will aid in Jesus' call to 'come, follow me'.Autor: Jacinda Lilly
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