Welcome to Family Radio, where amazing things happen.
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Forever... Serving... JESUS!!!!!
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Presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. We also use this podcast to present God's perspective on multiple subjects. "WE CHANGE THE WORLD".
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Brian Bain | Learn to invest | Seeking Alpha | Barrons | Kiplinger | WSJ |
This podcast exists to help you learn to invest and better provide financially for you and your family. Currently, we are focusing on building our own, personal Berkshire Hathaway. I'm more excited about this than any other business project I've undertaken. Join us only if you're serious about becoming one of the best investors in the world.
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God is in relentless pursuit of you. Spend a few minutes and tune in to today’s broadcast with the Lead Pastor at Family Church, Pastor Jimmy Scroggins. We are dedicated to building families in South Florida through a family of neighborhood churches. Each neighborhood church is on mission to help families discover and pursue God’s design. Together we will reach South Florida with the gospel.
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The God, Family and Country Show is dedicated to a revival in this great nation. This Show is a call for all Christians to live as God has commanded. II Chronicles 7:14 states, “If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and will heal their land…” This is a call for the recommitment to your family, to pray together and live a Christian life. This is a cal ...
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You brought your kids into the world. Make sure they see it! Tune in and discover the people & places that inspire life-changing family vacations. Family Travel Radio is brought to you with support from the members of the Family Travel Association.
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Family intrigues, couples experiences in real life situations
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Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British music night clubs pubs fashion pirate radio Caroline English holidays television
Ray’s Rants UK
Ray’s Rants back to the 1960s 1970s 1950s in the UK Great Britain. Entertaining and fun. British music scene, Jimi Hendrix The Rolling Stones. The English pubs and clubs, Watney’s Red Barrel beer, Babycham, Cherry B the night life. The cars, the workplace, television and pirate radio. England. Schools back in the early days. 60s fashion and clothes, flairs and miniskirts. London, Caroline, Luxembourg. Mini cars skirts. Holiday in caravan, Butlin’s
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Divorce Team Radio - Your Source for Divorce and Family Law Matters
Leh Meriwether & Todd Orston, Divorce Lawyers who hate divorce
If you, a friend or family member is facing a divorce or similar family law matter, then this show is for you. Here is where we share our experience and knowledge to help others navigate a challenging phase of life. This show is a re-broadcast of a Radio Show sponsored by Meriwether and Tharp, a law firm with over 40 lawyers focusing on divorce and family law matters.
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The Mona Lisa Of Gospel Music And Host Of Family Hope Ministry Dr Lisa Of New Gospel Radio Program
Lisa Capers
Hello world this is Family Hope Ministries Every show brought to you is in loving memory of the first lady Lila capers The objective of the founder Arnold Cup of LOVE Lester CAPERS SR. Is that all will be saved and filled with the holy Spirit To encourage the discouraged to bring families together who have been separated by circumstances emotionally and spiritually To provide clean music and the form of snippet to all people worldwide To provide clean storytelling Also your host of this show ...
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Rubbish cars, cold callers, the weather, scrumping and more...Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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Corrie Tenboom and her family saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. What they had to do wasn’t easy, but they were willing to do what they knew needed to be done. Isn’t that the story of all great heroes? They don’t aspire to greatness; they simply rise to the occasion. In today’s message, Pastor Jimmy teaches you that God wants to use you …
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The Father Revealed: Understanding God Beyond Human Perception
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1:36:59The God Family Country Radio ShowAutor: Pastor Kurt and Lance Hoppes
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A new boss in the workplace, ruining everything! We've been to our first BBQ this summer, I've put up a new fence, Gary is out and about... Join me for a chat this Wednesday!Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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Everyone has an opinion about what the people in charge should do, but how many people are willing to step up and lead well themselves? It takes a special person who’s willing to put themself on the line and step up to do what needs to be done. Not just anyone can be a good leader. Today, Pastor Jimmy teaches you that God prepares people for certai…
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Shops with no stock! Homemade pickles, chutney and jam, the weather...
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22:17Shops these days don't seem to have anything in stock! Stone the crows! Three weeks delivery and then the item is dented! Homemade pickles, chutney and jam, the weather... Join me for a good old moan about shops and stuff.Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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Hello, I hope you're keeping well. Buying from shops... don't you hate it when they have nothing in stock? I'll be moaning about this and other stuff so do join me.Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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The Godly Truth: What Jesus Knows About Us
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1:51:40The God Family Country Radio ShowAutor: Pastor Kurt and Lance Hoppes
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What kinds of works has God prepared you for? First, He saved you. And you know that’s not because of anything good you’ve ever done or ever will do. But now that you have been saved, what is there for you to do? Today, Pastor Jimmy urges us not to let God’s grace become a call for inaction. Jesus Himself has stated His Great Commission: go into AL…
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Medical stuff and other bits and pieces.
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19:09Hello, it me again with a quick chat about medical stuff and other bits and pieces.Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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It’s easy to be around people who are like us. It’s easy to like people who think and act – and look – like we do. But what about those “other” people? Today, Pastor Jimmy exhorts us to remember that the message of Jesus is for ALL people. God wants to rescue people from every ethnic group, from every political persuasion, and from every neighborho…
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Road Works, Tortoise, Amberley, Phones and more
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30:35Hello, it's me just popping in to see how you are. Here's a catch up on road works, Gary the tortoise, Amberley Museum, phones and more...Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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Hello, I thought I'd pop in and see how you are. All good, I hope? We've had some sunshine so I've mown the lawn. Is that mown or mowed? Whatever!Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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Passing the Faith: Inspiring Future Generations
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1:51:40The God Family Country Radio ShowAutor: Pastor Kurt and Lance Hoppes
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God’s Design - Good Out of Evil Part 2
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26:00No matter how hard we try, we can never truly get our minds around the topics of evil and suffering. Whether it’s someone else’s, or our own, a fully satisfactory answer always eludes us. Today, Pastor Jimmy asks a penetrating question: What if God is using your suffering to make you more like Jesus? After all, He was the Man of Sorrows and Acquain…
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Hello, I hope you're keeping well. I've just popped in to say hi and see how you are.Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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God’s Design - Good Out of Evil Part 1
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26:00It’s no exaggeration to say that the world that surrounds us, and the individual people we know, go through many, many tough and difficult situations. And you yourself have experienced various degrees of suffering in your own life. Today, Pastor Jimmy tackles the great question as to why this is the case. There are many answers in the world, but th…
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Cultivating Enduring Marriages: Divine Foundations, Effective Communication, and Strengthening Bonds in National Marriage Week
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1:51:40The God Family Country Radio ShowAutor: Pastor Kurt and Lance Hoppes
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God’s Design - Gender and Sexuality Part 2
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26:00There are a lot of opinions out there today about gender and sexuality and often they degenerate into conflicts and arguments. But, as Pastor Jimmy shows today, God’s intent is not to attack and debate people but to love and help them. What you believe, and what you practice, about sexuality, is more than just an opinion. God has a specific and bea…
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Hi, as most of you know by now, I'm no longer recording regular podcast episodes. However, I will be publishing episodes now and then, when I get the time, so I won't be disappearing altogether. Family commitments have rather taken over at the moment.Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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Another busy week! I thought retirement was supposed to be relaxing? Obviously not!Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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Faith Unveiled: Exploring Divine Sovereignty, Revelation's Symbols, and the Transformative Power of Scripture
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1:51:40The God Family Country Radio ShowAutor: Pastor Kurt and Lance Hoppes
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God’s Design - Gender and Sexuality Part 1
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26:00Our culture will tell us that “as long as it doesn’t mean anything, then anything you do sexually is fine.” It’s as though your “real” self and your “physical” body are – or can be – separated. But today, Pastor Jimmy shows from the scriptures and common sense that this simply is not the case. God designed each one of us uniquely and specifically. …
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Marriage vows, to love, honour and obey. Did you vow to love, honour and obey your husband when you married? What are your thoughts on doing as you’re told by your husband? Join me this Sunday for a good old rant.Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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I ventured out of the house and into the woods for the first time this year! We had a lovely walk in the fresh air and weak winter sunshine.Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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Rediscovering Purpose by Aligning with Divine Plans
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1:51:40The God Family Country Radio ShowAutor: Pastor Kurt and Lance Hoppes
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If you’re a Christian, and you’re married, and you’re having trouble in your marriage, then the best thing to do is to work it out yourselves; right? And if you’re single, the best way to live successfully in your singleness, or to seek after a godly marriage, is to do it on your own; is that true? Today, Pastor Jimmy urges us to seek wise spiritua…
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People often talk about the good old days, how they would love to go back to the good old days, including me! Is it because those days were better? Or is it because these days are worse? Does that make sense? The good old days were always particularly good, but these days seem particularly bad. Join me this Sunday for a good old rant.…
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It's that time again! I hope you're keeping well. The sun is out here, the sky is blue, there's a gentle breeze... Happy days!Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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There’s a lot of confusion throughout our culture today about marriage. What is it? Why does it exist? Is it relevant anymore? Today, Pastor Jimmy clearly explains from the Bible exactly what marriage is, and why God created it. You don’t have to follow the models you see in the movies. If you’re married, God wants and promises so much more than th…
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Neighbours! Good ones, bad ones… are you a good neighbour?
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59:34I hear so many stories about bad neighbours. Are you a good neighbour? Do you pull fences down or grow huge hedges or park your car to block a driveway? Loud music and wild parties, gardens full of rubbish… In this episode, I’ll chat about neighbour, both good and bad. Please, join me this Sunday.Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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Presidential Honors? Examining Integrity, Economic Challenges, and National Security in Tumultuous Times
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1:51:40The God Family Country Radio ShowAutor: Pastor Kurt and Lance Hoppes
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Have you ever heard of a one-way street, which is two way for bicycles? What a crazy idea! I hope you're keeping warm in the Northern Hemisphere. It's zero degrees here! However, spring is getting a little closer with every passing day.Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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It’s a sad commentary on the history of the human race that almost every culture, in every age, has valued some people more than others. It may be intelligence, or beauty, or ethnicity, or even “usefulness” to the goals of the society. But the value of certain people has always been questioned. Today, Pastor Jimmy shows that this is exactly the opp…
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What will the new year bring? The Weather, catching thieves and more.
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58:24New Year 2025. In this episode, I'll talk about the new year and what it might hold for us. I'll also be reminiscing about years gone by. The weather, catching thieves and lots of other stuff!Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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Happy New Year! Let's hopoe that 2025 is better all round for the world.Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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Navigating Faith, Sin, and Salvation in Uncertain Times
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1:51:40The God Family Country Radio ShowAutor: Pastor Kurt and Lance Hoppes
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When a biologist looks at the world, he or she sees a diverse set of plant and animal life, all co-existing on one planet. How arrogant would it be if we – as humans – claimed, or acted as if we were more important than other life on earth? Today, Pastor Jimmy explains that everything God made is good, and displays His glory in some way. But God ma…
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New Year 1951 to 2025 Christmas New Year Boxing Day Sales...
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1:00:44New Year 1951, when I was born, until now, 2025. In this episode, I ramble on about new years and Christmases of the past and today. Also, lots of other stuff!Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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Merry Christmas! I hope you're all having a lovely day! Don't eat or drink too much... That includes me! Be good, be merry and enjoy yourselves!Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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Moral Crossroads: Ethical Challenges, Spiritual Foundations, and America's Path Forward
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1:51:40The God Family Country Radio ShowAutor: Pastor Kurt and Lance Hoppes
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God’s Design - Objective Truth Part 2
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26:00It’s a message we hear constantly: “We can learn everything we need to know about right and wrong by ourselves.” We have the natural universe we can observe. We have governments and laws and courts, so that’s all we need. But today, Pastor Jimmy challenges that notion. Human culture has consistently failed to make a correct determination of right a…
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What will happen when there are no pubs left?
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58:56What will happen when there are no pubs left? Once, the pub was the heart of the community—a place where locals gathered, stories were shared, and news of the district was exchanged. It was more than just a place to drink; it was a social hub that connected people, strengthened relationships, and gave communities a sense of identity and belonging.…
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God’s Design - Objective Truth Part 1
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26:00The subject of “truth” is highly controversial today. The question asked of Jesus millennia ago, “What is truth?” is still the most hotly-contested topic in our culture. Today, Pastor Jimmy takes a deep-dive exploration into the nature of truth. What truth is subjective? And what – if any – truth is objective? You’ve probably been faced with this d…
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On Leaving School What Was Your First Job?
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57:25What was your first job after you left school? Did you stay in that job until your retirement? Please, join me this Sunday for a look back at work and school and girls and just about everything else back in the old days.Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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The Essence of Worship: Unraveling Human Nature, Motivations, and the Pursuit of Spiritual Fulfillment
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1:45:16What if our understanding of worship has been fundamentally flawed, and we've been seeking fulfillment in all the wrong places? Pastor Kurt and Pat Coyle invite you to explore this notion as they delve into the heart of human nature through the lens of divine scripture. With thought-provoking insights from Genesis and Jeremiah, we challenge the ass…
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When I was a boy, I wanted to be a steam engine driver. It was exciting, it was amazing... every boy wanted to be a train driver! What job did you want to do when you grew up? What job did you do? Let me know.Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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Jesus Elevates - Servant Leadership Part 2
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26:00When it comes to the kitchen, are you a clean-as-you-go person, or a let it soak til morning person? Maybe you can’t stand the sight of a messy space so you have to clean it up immediately, or maybe you work harder at not cleaning up than you would if you just cleaned up. In today’s message, Pastor Jimmy challenges you to out-serve your family or c…
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Winter is here so let's talk about the dreadful winter of 62/63. I was twelve years old so I remember it well. Also, we'll have a moan about traffic jams, your favourite Christmas presents, storm Garragh, food and much more. Please, join me.Autor: Ray’s Rants UK
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