In the fall of 1998 the nicest of boulders, the greatest of all granite, The ROCK disappeared from the Lawrence University campus in Appleton, Wisc. Seventeen years later, we found it. We left it there—in the sun and in the snow, hidden away behind a yellow agricultural tub and assorted grasses of the Midwest—with nothing more than a vague hope tha…
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On a sunny day in July, last year, Sarah and Jon drove out to a local farm. The story of The ROCK comes to some sort of ending... for now.Autor: Sarah Axtell and Jon Hanrahan
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The ROCK's fate becomes murkier when Sarah and Jon interview an anonymous Lawrence alumnus. They take a break from the investigation to tell the story of Maxie the Dog and the crazy Plantz kids who buried The ROCK in 1964.Autor: Sarah Axtell and Jon Hanrahan
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Sarah and Jon dig deeper into fraternity shenanigans surrounding The ROCK -- and confront its boy's game past. They imagine a future where The ROCK returns to campus (a.k.a. they count their very unhatched chicks).Autor: Sarah Axtell and Jon Hanrahan
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Episode 1: In which Jon and Sarah introduce The ROCK, its origins, and what lead them to tracking it down. Investigations start locally.Autor: Sarah Axtell and Jon Hanrahan
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In October, 1998, a century-old Lawrence University tradition vanished...No Stone Unturned will be rolling your way on SoundCloud and WLFM this April. For more information, visit our website at www.nsupodcast.rocksAutor: Sarah Axtell and Jon Hanrahan
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