- Exercise and nutrition tips from Gwen & Blake Beckcom, owners of Fitness Together Mission Hills San Diego studio.
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We've all heard of "time zones," "slow speed zones," "construction zones," "no fly zones," "school zones" and the like, but I would like to introduce you to the NO EXCUSE ZONE. As you embark on a new month and a new fall season, you have an important choice to make. Are you going to jump on the train to a healthy and fit lifestyle or opt for a layo…
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10 Steps to Avoiding Common Running Mistakes
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5:55What does it take to be a runner? Short shorts, bright socks, $100 shoes, a GPS watch and personalized playlists? Maybe a dog, water bottles attached to your hips and joining a running gang that meets before sunrise to get mileage in?Well, in all actuality, being a runner only means putting one foot in front of the other, again and again, until the…
continue reading - With summer temperatures on the rise, it can be hard to focus on your workouts and keep your eye on the prize. As sweat drips down your face and clothes stick in various places, it's a lot easier to throw in the towel and accept defeat, instead of sticking to your routine and beating the heat. To keep from …
continue reading -- The total package of living a healthy lifestyle not only includes being physically fit, but also mentally strong. The same energy and attention you put into building your body's strength, endurance and flexibility should also be applied to having a positive attitude and perspective on life. It takes combin…
continue reading January in July: Re-Commit to Your Resolutions this Summer Do you make health and fitness resolutions to start out the New Year, but end up abandoning them before the first summer heat wave? Are you having a difficult time living a healthy and fit lifestyle this summer with the lure of outdoor barbecues a…
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Stay Green with an Active Fitness Routine
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3:01 STAY GREEN WITH AN ACTIVE FITNESS ROUTINE While tree leaves and backyard lawns are well known for appearing in shades of glorious green colors this time of year, you also can bring some green to your fitness routine as you embark on living a healthy and fit lifestyle this spring. Summer is the perfect tim…
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Four Exercise Tips to Shape Up Your Golf Game
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5:08 Four Exercise Tips to Shape Up Your Golf Game The fairways are groomed, the putting greens are smooth and the tee boxes are set. Your favorite golf course is ready for another great golf season; but is your golf game up to par?Shape up for this year’s golf season with the following exercise tips to increa…
continue reading FLAT BELLY TIPS THAT REALLY WORK Why do some of us gain weight around the middle and others not? Where you tend to store body fat is related primarily to your genetic disposition. If you have an excessive amount of body fat, and heredity dictates storage around the middle, then unfortunately you will gain…
continue reading Kick Start Your Summer Body by Focusing on a Healthy, Fit Lifestyle With the countdown to summer in full swing, it's time to start focusing on a total body health and fitness routine. Whether struggling to shed the last few winter pounds, maintaining weekend warrior fitness levels or competing as an endur…
continue reading Taking Nutrition Outdoors: 5 superfoods that cook up great on the grill Juicy peaches, red ripe and sweet tomatoes, fresh picked corn-on-the-cob. Its summer, the produce stands are brimming with farm fresh fruits and vegetables—two food categories that Americans simply do not eat enough of. So why not try…
continue reading - Around this time of the year, as opportunities arise to trade in daily workouts for work, and personal extracurricular activities, you may be tempted to skip your workout and derail your health and fitness goals.To help keep you focused on your ultimate fitness goals and ensure your workout commitments stay…
continue reading - Experts throughout the fitness community have long encouraged everyone to exercise more in order to live a healthy and fit lifestyle. Recently, the medical community has further supported the importance of encouraging adults to be more physically active, especially for individuals who have or are at high ri…
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You don't have to have an elaborate gym or a destination to get a quality workout. There are plenty of moves you can do quickly, and effectively that will shake things up and reinvigorate the day. You simply need desire, your own body weight and perhaps a dash of creativity. These 4 moves in combination make for a great short burst energy boosting …
continue reading - Can’t remember where you parked the car or if you unplugged the coffee pot? Worried that as you age, your memory and cognitive skills will deteriorate? Never fear—a regular exercise routine will strengthen your brain as well as your muscles! New research shows that even older adults who are physically …
continue reading - For the most part when we eat, we don't think of our food as fuel. Yet what we eat provides the energy we need for our day's work and play. However, most of us lose sight of the grade of fuel we consume, or we are swayed by convenience to settle for less than Premium, which is what our bodies need and d…
continue reading - Most of us look at each new year as fresh start opportunity. That's why New Year's resolutions are so popular. They give us the definitive chance to hit the reset button or commit to new goals we've maybe been lax about. Unfortunately, the resolution fail rate is high and there are a number of reasons why. …
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Happy New Year...or is it, given that your entire holiday jam-packed, "do more," day timer event over load has led you to a New Year's cold?? Just couldn't say no, eh? Took on too much, did you? Probably ate erratically; had a bit more sugar than usual; a few more glasses of wine than you should have, and now what? Sniffles, sneezes, can't taste, d…
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When you think about it, the holidays really boil down to just three days: Thanksgiving, Christmas (or Chanukah), and New Year’s. If you gorge only on those three days, you probably wouldn’t cause too much damage. However, many of us take on that holiday mentality of six weeks of nonstop feasting and putting our regular exercise routine on the back…
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