Three university graduates with varying degrees in media rambling on about life stories, current world topics and all things media related.
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On this week's episode Jono tells the story of them driving on ice, everyone shares the stories of learning to drive and learn why Cwmbran has come world cup winners because of a twitter poll. Also we return to an old favourite, would you rather?
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In this week's Christmas episode, we discuss our ideal Christmas dinners, and look back at some of the good memories of 2020. This week's game is our own rendition of "Complete the Sentence" using the classic novel War and Peace written by Leo Tolstoy.
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On this week's episode Jono undersells his choosen wine, we try and figure out a new way of taking an exam and measuring coastlines becomes the new big argument between Josh and Jono. Also Josh brings a some festive cheer to the podcast with a christmas song themed guessing game.
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In this week's episode, Josh talks about his Covid test experience, Aled tells the others how he found out he has no gag reflex, and we talk about eating when in another country. This week sees the return of the opinion splitting game Would You Rather in an attempt to argue each other's viewpoints.
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In this week's episode the boys talk abouy how marketing companies know more about us then we think, how Aled once accidentally called the police and what makes you part of a country. Also we have a throwback to reviewing films as we look at The Hurt Locker.
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In this week's episode we argue our hate against glitter, getting a haircut in a supermarket, and how service stations mess with people's minds. Our game this week is Save Josh, listen to the end to find out how Aled and Jono would save Josh from sticky situations.
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On this week's episode we talk about why the isle of Wight as two prisons, the painful process of renting equipment in university and how one of the greatest films of all time is getting a sequel...Shark Boy and Lava Girl. Also later in the podcast we play "would you rather" and let's just say we would our Yoko Ono.…
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In this week's episode, we talk about some of the pranks we'd get up to during our time at university, children's confidence to do anything, and we get in to a deep discussion on space and time. Our game this week is the classic 20 questions, and once again, can Josh finally get a point or will Aled increase his lead?…
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On this week's episode we talk about why Jono brought a photo of a man in a bunny outfit? who had the best Prom(s)? and how many units are in each different types of alcohols?
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In this week's episode Aled tells a true story that should come out of a horror film, and Jono tells of a time he actually shot some zombies. This week's quiz is all about the biggest movies but can Josh finally get a point under his belt?
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In this week's episode we discuss some popular filming locations, and Jono tells us about his crazy dream that he hopes come true. This week's game has been replaced by a popular game, listen to the end to find out what it is.
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In this week's episode, Aled asks the all important question - what is the best pint glass around? Jono talks about his experience in working at a hairdressers and in this episode's quiz, can Jono make it level with Aled on the leaderboard?
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In this week's episode the debate on the von trapp family continues with pint on the line for the winner, Josh shares the emotional rollercoaster you feel when getting a free haircut and the boys discuss what you find in a Youtube wormhole. Also this week Aled takes his turn on quizzing Josh and Jono with some controversial results.…
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In this week's episode we reminisce about some drunk food stories, Aled takes a trip up Snowdon, and we talk about how people are avoiding local lockdowns. Find out who the champion is to Jono's quiz in the second half of the podcast.
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In this weeks episode Jono reveals his invention of a battery pack made for a school project, the home brew that turned into the dirty pint over the course of a year and Josh quizzes Aled and Jono in his “Movie Music Memory Mix” quiz.
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Episode 11: Is The Joker Good?
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1:08:00This week's we talk about should nurses be required to have an art degree?, what pairs well with Guinness? and can you microdose on radiation?...The film is The Joker (2019), is it overrated? (Film review at 38:46)
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Episode 10: Midsomer Mushrooms
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1:08:32This week's episode includes discussions on why putting a place name before a certain foods makes it worth more, what are the most viewed live broadcasts in the UK and a university that hands out degrees to anyone. The feature film this week chosen by Jono is There Will be Blood.
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In this week’s episode we discuss yet another problem with Josh’s laptop, late night shopping trips and how a baby chicken scarred one of us for life. Our suggestion for the movie this week was Jurassic Park and we discuss whether the hype around the movie is deserved.
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This week the boys cover the Edgar Wright film, Baby Driver (2017). Also talked about, why Jono thinks Cwmbran is great for dogging, how a machine told Josh he should be medically died and our favourite Edgar Wright films.
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In this week’s episode we discuss the most effective form of transport, whether or not we would climb Mount Everest and argue whether a holiday on a container ship is better than a cruise. The weird and wonderful movie featured in this week’s episode is The Lighthouse.
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In this weeks episode it is Josh's birthday. We fight over if Cornwall has a motorway, Aled explains why you should never drive tired (first hand experience) and Josh see's a peacock in a weird place. We also talk about one of Josh's favourite films Pulp Fiction.
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In this week's episode we discuss some drunk stories, why you should never pay for quicker delivery, and we gather our thought's on one of Aled's all time favourite movies, Cars.
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This week's tangent features a story of how Jono's pee ended up all over Aled's leg, an unconscious lie Jono has been telling Aled and Josh all week, and we gather our thought's on one of the all time greatest movies Seven Samurai.
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Following on from last week's episode, we discuss yet another lockdown purchase, the introduction of bison back in to Britain and give you our honest review on the new Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga movie currently available on Netflix.
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In this week's podcast we discuss some unnecessary lockdown purchases, meeting Benedict Cumberbatch in a pub and let you guys know what we really think about the classic Gladiator.
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Welcome to The Golden Goose Shot Podcast, in this week's episode we discuss a cat perfect for a video game, some memories from our first year in university, and whether or not we think The Dark Knight is overrated.
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