Welcome to another episode of “Stories from Under the Piano”, where personal tales come to life through the magic of music. In this episode, I am joined by Alfred DePew, an award-winning author, painter, coach, and spiritual guide, as he takes us on a transformative journey into the Akashic Records — a mystical dimension of knowledge and wisdom that transcends time and space. Alfred shares the profound story of his first encounter with the Akashic Records, a moment that deeply shifted his perspective on life and the universe. This extraordinary experience, both enlightening and humbling, led Alfred into deeper realms of personal insight, spiritual growth, and connection with the divine. Together, we explore the emotions, thoughts, and revelations that arose during his encounter, and I compose a musical portrait that reflects the essence of his story. The composition captures the sense of wonder, awe, and peace that comes from touching the infinite wisdom of the Akashic Records. Tune in to hear Alfred’s heartfelt story and the music it inspired—a piece that invites listeners to feel the timeless connection between themselves and the greater mystery of existence. Episode Highlights: Alfred DePew shares his first experience with the Akashic Records. Insights into the spiritual significance of the Akashic Records and their role in personal growth. A musical composition that embodies the emotions and atmosphere of Alfred’s journey beyond time and space. Books, Essays, and Journals: An Inexact Science of the Heart — a collection of essays about art, process, healing, community, family, grief, and theatre. Due to be published in October 2024. Wild & Woolly: A Journal Keeper’s Handbook (20th Anniversary Edition) — full of exercises you can do in your journal — for teachers, parents, individual journal keepers, men’s groups, women’s groups, non-binary groups, journal groups — you name it. A handbook for absolutely everybody. Due to be published in January 2025. Alfred’s Community Offerings: Akashic Records consultations Astrological consultations Energy clearing and balancing Meditative writing Drawing/dialogue Constellating inner figures or aspects of self Unfolding signals in the body Connect with Alfred DePew: Email: adepew@shaw.ca Website: https://www.alfreddepew.ca/ Learn more about Craig Addy’s work and Under the Piano: Craig’s Websites https://craigaddy.com https://www.underthepiano.ca Social Media & Everything Else https://direct.me/craigaddy Stories from Under the Piano Podcast Video: https://www.youtube.com/@CraigAddy/podcasts This episode will leave you feeling inspired, connected, and curious about the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the visible world.…