I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes: https://anchor.fm/rslash/subscribe
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??? ? ???????-????
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Real Synthetic Audio EBM and Industrial net radio show blog and RSS feed.
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'n Reeks dokumentêre programme deur 'n span gesoute RSG en SABC omroepers en joernaliste
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Onderhoude met uitvoerende en beeldende kunstenaars oor die teater- en die kunswêreld.
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“The Trusted Advisor,” powered by the Retail Solutions Providers Association (RSPA), is a content series designed specifically for point of sale resellers and software developers.
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L'émission jazz sur Radio Campus Angers
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freie-radios.net (limited to Beitragsart Hörspiel)
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World-changing ideas. For free. For everyone. Featuring the world’s most exciting public thinkers, innovators and changemakers, RSA talks bring people and ideas together to shape a better future for all.
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SEGA News, Reviews, and more!
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Keep up with news from your local ABC station.
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Conservative Talk Radio
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Conversations about River Mechanics, Sediment Transport, and Fluvial Geomorphology
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Interviews, messages, & more by Rock Solid Ministries Evangelists.
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Matt Waldman’s NFL and college football scouting podcast.
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The CEO of RSVP conducts informal conversational interviews with the top professionals in the global wedding and party industry. Expect colourful characters and a touch of salaciousness.
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A deep dive in to the world of running Australia's Biggest Rewards Club!
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Welcome to simpliFIED_RSA Learning Channel, your destination for engaging and informative academic education platform. Join us as we explore a wide range of topics and expand our knowledge together
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Exile FM Radio - Podcasts RSS
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Haos semi-radiofonic de umor și de viață
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www.adnkronos.com mette a disposizione dei lettori le news pubblicate con il sistema Rss. Con Rss è possibile infatti ricevere in tempo reale sul proprio computer le notizie che vengono messe on line dal Gruppo Adnkronos.
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Katy Bisraor, Miri Maman, Julien Bahloul, Rina Bassist et Emmanuelle Adda décryptent l’actualité israélienne, du lundi au vendredi, à 8h08.
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Listen to the latest informational podcasts from RSC New Jersey fertility experts Dr. William Ziegler, Dr. Alan Martinez, and Dr. Virginia Mensah.
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RSG Geldsake is die grootste sakeprogram in Suid Afrika. Dit fokus op belangrike sakenuus, menings en beleggingsinsigte. RSG Geldsake word elke weeksdag tussen 18:10 en 19:00 op RSG (101 – 104 FM) uitgesaai. Moneyweb redakteur Ryk van Niekerk bied die program aan.
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The Investment Perspectives podcast from RSMR helps financial advisers understand the economic landscape by analysing current events from an expert investment perspective. With two decades of experience delivering independent fund ratings to advisory businesses, our forward-looking research process is dedicated to constant market monitoring and assessment. Our investment team is a fountain of knowledge and as Client Engagement and Marketing Manager at RSMR, I’m always looking for ways to get ...
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Latest Off The Hook radio shows!
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A list of recent events from the New Church Audio library for Westville, RSA.
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RSM’s talkBIG podcast will make you better with money. This is edutainment at its finest, suited for financial geeks or newbies. We discuss all things financial with straight-shooting opinions from our hosts. Sit back and relax with a cold one and get your hit of personal and business money talk. This podcast delves into real-life stories and inspires listeners to talk and think BIG, setting them up to save, create and protect their wealth.
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Dnevna informativna regionalna emisija Radija Slobodna Evropa o dešavanjima u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana i svijeta. Svaki radni dan u 18:00.
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Information is power. And wherever there’s power, there are people looking to steal it. But that’s also where you’ll find us. We’re RSA Conference. And we’re here to stand against cyberthreats around the world. That means being here for you. Connecting you with the people and insights that will empower you to stay ahead of cyberthreats. We do this through our online outreach and with our events around the globe. And we make a great host, if we do say so ourselves. Some say it’s impossible to ...
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Pour ceux qui se posent encore la question : Radio Méridien Zéro, une web-radio aux émissions engagées et au ton résolument corsaire !
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Music RSS Feed
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Latest available episodes from your Iono.fm playlist
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“Hear” for the music
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Podcasts e programas de rádio produzidos pela Gerência de Comunicação da Emater/RS-Ascar com informações sobre o meio rural e o serviço oficial de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural e Social (Aters) do Rio Grande do Sul. Apresentação: Mateus de Oliveira. Edição: José Cabral. #AgriculturaFamiliar #Agronegócio #Agro #Saúde #Alimentação #MeioAmbiente #Sustentabilidade
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RCJ Midi est une session quotidienne d’information diffusée à la mi-journée sur RCJ de 12h à 13h. Du lundi au jeudi, Elsa Pariente, Rédactrice en chef RCJ, reçoit l’invité(e) de RCJ Midi
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Latest available episodes from your Iono.fm playlist
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Elke derde en vyfde Dinsdag van die maand tussen 11:30-12:00 dek Moneyweb redakteur Ryk van Niekerk verskeie kwessies wat jou sak raak, as ook die moets en moenies rondom beplanning van jou finansële toekoms. Wees deel van die gesprek met beleggingskenners en finansiële gurus in ateljee.
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RSLASH Best Of Reddit Stories 2025 Dive Into Anything Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection. Whether you're into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet's cutest animals, there's a community on Reddit for you. Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, wh ...
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iOS, Android, gadgets, tecnologia e essas coisas que a gente curte.
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RSV NT Voice
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Feed created by RSSUnify
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Com apresentação de Taline Schneider e edição de Jamile Duarte.
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RS Podcast: Episode 11 - Our New Office!
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See what the boys have planned for their new office, and what's to come in the world of giveaways and the exciting road ahead for RS Rewards! Get ready for some more banter between the lads as they get in to full SWING for 2025! Want to join the action? Sign up as an RS Rewards Member today and start WINNING! https://rsrewards.com.au/ RS Rewards - …
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В Олайне открылся крупнейший в Латвии центр подготовки работников тюрем. Обучение включает не только теорию, но и практические занятия. А ещё – отработку навыков на симуляторе настоящей тюремной камеры. Подробнее о том, как будут готовить будущих специалистов, в сюжете журналиста ЛСМ+ Анастасии Демидёнок.…
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Из-за теплой зимы в этом году горнолыжные трассы в Латвии терпят убытки; некоторые из них работали всего две недели. По прогнозам синоптиков, сильных снегопадов и морозов в этом зимнем сезоне уже ожидать не стоит. Тем не менее, в эти выходные любители горных лыж все-таки смогут найти для себя трассы для спуска. Подробнее в сюжете Людмилы Пилип.…
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The 2025 Oscar nominees will be announced this morning. Here's how to watch and how to see the full list of nominations for the 97th Academy Awards.Autor: OTRC
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Зима в этом году благоприятно сказывается на озимых и плодовых деревьях. Однако, в теплой погоде могут быть свои минусы. Это чревато развитием у деревьев грибковых заболеваний в будущем. Также плодоводы обеспокоены, что вслед за теплом могут последовать сильные морозы, что губительно для будущего урожая. Подробности у Натальи Мещеряковой.…
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Nevēlos, lai mani radi kādu dienu nonāktu okupācijā vai tiktu aplenkti, kā tas notika Mariupolē. Tas ir viens no iemesliem, kādēļ es palīdzu Ukrainai. Palīdzot tai, mēs palīdzam Eiropai, un Ukraina patiesi ir Eiropas drošinātājs. Tā saka šīs epizodes viesis - Eduards Miltiņš, kurš jau kādu laiku dzīvo Lielbritānijā un kopā ar domubiedriem palīdz Uk…
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В Латвии участились случаи телефонных мошенничеств по новой схеме – теперь мошенники представляются электриками, предупреждая о якобы грядущей замене счётчиков. Впервые с такой схемой столкнулись в соседней Эстонии. О масштабах новой криминальной проблемы программе “Домская площадь” рассказала журналист телеканала ЭТВ+ Ирина Каблукова.…
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Latvijas Fotogrāfijas muzejs pārcēlies uz pagaidu telpām Kronvalda bulvārī. Jaunajā mājvietā muzejs būs vismaz piecus gadus un pamata ekspozīcija tajā netiks iekārtota, bet nelielā telpa piemērota nelielām izstādēm, lekcijām un izglītības programmām. Līdz ar pārcelšanos muzejā šobrīd arī apskatāma jauna izstāde "Mirklis. Krāsa. Spogulis", kurā pirm…
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The investigation began in June 2024 when officers were alerted to more than 1,100 fake memorabilia purportedly signed by Kelce, according to the DA's office.Autor: 6abc Digital Staff
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Stāsta režisors Jānis Cimmermanis. Kinofilmas galvenās sastāvdaļas – attēls, teksts, krāsa, mūzika, trokšņi. Mūsu studijas filmās mūzika stādā paralēli attēlam. Rada noskaņu, palīdz skatītājam emocionāli pieslēgties redzamajam. Mūzika bieži vien izceļ, pastiprina ekrānā redzamos notikumus. Dažreiz apslēpj filmā radušās neveiklības. Komponists ir, t…
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Here’s your latest ECR Newswatch bulletin from the team at East Coast Radio. Mark as Listened · WebsiteAutor: East Coast Radio - Catch Up
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A brush fire erupted amid powerful winds Wednesday afternoon in the Castaic area in the northern region of Los Angeles County, spreading quickly to 10,176 acres near the freeway, officials said.Autor: WPVI
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Teju trīs gadus pēc Krievijas pilna mēroga iebrukuma Ukraina aktīvi strādā pie savu pavalstnieku atgriešanās mājās. Viens no tādiem soļiem ir panāktā vienošanās ar Vāciju, kur tiks izveidoti vairāki palīdzības centri ukraiņu bēgļiem. Viņiem cita starpā tiks piedāvāta arī palīdzība darba iegūšanai šajā Viduseiropas valstī. Šādu centru izveide ir vei…
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Новости и актуальные темы для в утренней передаче “Домская площадь” на Латвийском радио 4.
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Valstij ir jābūt gatavai apdraudējuma gadījumā. Runa nav tikai par valsts vadības līmeni un to, kā jārīkojas cilvēkiem, kas aprakstīts par somu izdzīvošanai 72 stundām. To intervijā Latvijas Radio raidījumā Labrīt sacīja domnīcas „Northern Europe Policy Centre” direktors Artis Pabriks. Svarīgs ir arī vidējais valsts pārvaldes līmenis, kurā ietilpst…
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Local consumer showing strength as stocks are priced for perfection
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Kea Nonyana from Scope Prime discusses the Mr Price update and the outlook for local consumer stocks. Devina Dawkinun from Regent Business School shares insights on the global economy at a pivotal moment. Craig Gradidge from Gradidge Mahura Investments explains the latest developments in Sasol's BEE scheme, Khanyisa. Mark as Listened…
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Philadelphia Water Department crews were on the scene with heavy equipment, which brought neighbors relief, but there was also frustration.Autor: Leland Pinder
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This week on the Going Deep podcast, Brandon Angelo and Matt Waldman discuss receivers from the 2024 NFL Draft class who could emerge in 2025 and we dig into the 2025 receiver class. https://youtu.be/KOKyLioxX7cGoing Deep will feature podcasts twice a month. You can either watch/listen on YouTube, listen from the player at the bottom of the page, o…
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It's another bitterly cold night but temperatures gradually begin to moderate as we approach the weekend.Autor: Cecily Tynan
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Šajā stāstā vairākkārt atkārtosies viens un tas pats scenārijs. Sieviete ierodas uz ārsta vizīti cienījamā klīnikā un ir gatava neirologa apskatei. Aleksandra, vārds mainīts: „Es jutu, ka viņš sāk aizvien tuvāk un tuvāk nākt.” Taču apskates vietā viņu sagaida hipnozes mēģinājums, nelūgti un divdomīgi pieskārieni, seksualizēti komentāri. Diāna Čerņa…
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The Grays decided to turn their fierce Eagles-Commanders family rivalry into a way to give back.Autor: Jessica Kartalija
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Chinatown continues to face big challenges: less foot traffic since the pandemic, many residents moving to the suburbs, and fewer international students to fuel the neighborhood's economy.Autor: Nydia Han
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Alex is in London, listener email, hacking and politics, Elon's Nazi salute, Facebook and Instagram weirdness, the need for fact checking, Cyber Security Review Board members fired, TLAs and FLAs.
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The 2025 James Beard Award nominations are out and Philadelphia's growing foodie scene earned more than a dozen nods.Autor: Alicia Vitarelli
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On Wednesday morning, power grid operator PJM saw record high energy use through the 13 states they cover - and that includes our area.Autor: Trish Hartman
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Table reservations for Chickie's & Pete's watch party on Sunday are already sold out, with only standing-room tickets left.Autor: Caroline Goggin
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The CEO of Walgreens has revealed that the practice of locking products in glass display cabinets has hurt store sales.Autor: CNNWire
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What will it mean for Palestinians if Israel bans UNRWA, the UN agency that provides vital aid and essential services to millions of refugees in Gaza and the West Bank? The proposals have drawn widespread condemnation and warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe. Israeli politicians have accused UNRWA staff of taking part in the 7 October attacks alo…
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'The Giving Tree' is a nonprofit dedicated to fostering charity work in youth in the place where they learn the most.Autor: Nick Iadonisi
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Rina BassistAutor: RCJ
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Florence Pugh, Awkwafina, James Marsden and more discover ancestry through food in new NatGeo show
NatGeo's new series "No Taste Like Home with Antoni Porowski" takes a closer look at the ancestry of celebrities through food. The series premieres Feb. 23 on NatGeo and streams the next day on Hulu and Disney+.Autor: OTRC
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Zach Rehl, the former Philadelphia Proud Boys leader whose sentence was commuted by Trump, is speaking out in his first television interview.Autor: Walter Perez
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Authorities say she had been missing since Sunday, and according to her family, she suffered from dementia.Autor: Annie McCormick
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Health officials are asking anyone who may have had contact with the sick goose to contact them.Autor: 6abc Digital Staff
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The price at the pump is rising, and experts say the frigid weather is partially to blame.Autor: Maggie Kent
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A Temple University gymnast is going viral with her floor routine infused with pop cultureAutor: WPVI
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Eagles fans were eager to add a frosty piece of team history to their collection of Birds merch.Autor: 6abc Digital Staff
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Playlist from Wednesday 22nd January 2025 Pulp / Common People Cerys Matthews and All Seeing I / These Boots Are Made For Walking David Bowie / Heroes Steely Dan / Slang Of Ages OutKast / Hey Ya! Suzanne Vega (feat: Joe Jackson) / Left Of Centre Bette Midler / Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Bruce Springsteen / Spirit In The Night FONTAINES D.C. / Roy’s Tu…
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Как устроена пенсионная система в Латвии? Какие гарантии в выплате пенсий государство предоставляет людям, вышедшим на пенсию? Что такое капитал первого и второго уровня? Как понять, какой будет ваша будущая пенсия? Говорим с экспертом в вопросах пенсионной системы, доктором экономических наук Эдгаром Вольским.…
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CEO Lecture: counting the cost of bowling alone
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In his annual RSA Chief Executive's Lecture, Andy Haldane examines the profound socio-economic consequences of eroding social capital, a theme famously explored by Harvard political scientist Bob Putnam in Bowling Alone. While macroeconomic advancements helped address past crises like the Great Depression, today’s challenge lies in confronting the …
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Studenti u blokadi u Srbiji pozvali građane na 'opštu građansku neposlušnost'
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Studenti u blokadi u Srbiji pozvali građane na "opštu građansku neposlušnost". Požar u domu za stare u Beogradu izazvala cigareta ili upaljač, istraga protiv tri osobe. Poslodavci na protestu u Sarajevu tražili smanjenje doprinosa i nameta. Sarajevo na prvom mjestu u svijetu po zagađenosti.Autor: Radio Slobodna Evropa
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(Adnkronos) - Hanno meno di un anno i primi 6 pazienti italiani affetti da sordità profonda che torneranno a sentire grazie a una nuova tecnica di chirurgia robotica otologica di precisione, applicata per la prima volta in ambito pediatrico in Italia all’ospedale Martini di Torino. La tecnologia avanzata combina due strumenti otologici di precision…
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The 5 o' Clock Shadow with Schalk Louw
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Schalk Louw, portfolio manager & Strategist at PSG Wealth Mark as ListenedAutor: Strictly Business
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Christo de Witt – hoof, Luno Suid-Afrika Volg RSG Geldsake op TwitterAutor: Ryk van Niekerk
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Inflasie onder beheer en kan rentekoersverlagings versnel
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Onafhanklike ekonoom, Elize Kruger, bespreek Suid-Afrika se inflasiesyfer en die hoofredes wat moontlik tot 'n verlaging in rentekoerse kan lei. Volg RSG Geldsake op TwitterAutor: Ryk van Niekerk
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Nóg veranderings van arbeidswetgewing op die horizon
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Ryk van Niekerk gesels met Prof Hugo Pienaar, direkteur van arbeidsreg by Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyer, oor veranderings van die arbeidswetgewing. Volg RSG Geldsake op TwitterAutor: Ryk van Niekerk
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