Gripping stories of the historic battles for worker rights and how they fuel today’s struggles. Part of the Labor Radio/Podcast Network: #LaborRadioPod
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KBOO Radio is a community-powered station in Portland Oregon
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A podcast covering employee and labor relations news, featuring guests with diverse backgrounds and points of view.
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Teadussaates "Labor" räägivad teadlased oma uuematest tegemistest, kommenteerivad ilmaelu teaduslikust vaatepunktist ning jagavad taustateadmisi üha muutuva ja uueneva maailma mõistmiseks. Saatejuht on Priit Ennet. Kuulake pühapäeviti kell 17.05 (kordus kell 01.00)
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Podcast del 1er Laboratorio de ideas💡Blockchain/Crypto hispano con +40K SÚPER PIONEROS aprendiendo y ayudando a INNOVADORES TOP.
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Ogni mese intervisto professionisti e cerco di andare oltre il loro percorso lavorativo. Ascolterete spesso pensieri alla rinfusa e imperfetti. Non vogliatemene. Io sono Nicolò Altizio e @Labora è il podcast che penetra nelle maglie dei profili LinkedIn, attraversa i CV per raccontare persone e professionisti.
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Highlights from labor radio and podcast shows around the country, part of the national Labor Radio/Podcast Network of shows focusing on working people’s issues and concerns. Airs weekdays at 7:15a ET on WPFW 89.3FM #LaborRadioPod
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Vědci vysvětlují, herci glosují novinky o přírodě a lidech. Všechny díly podcastu Laboratoř můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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A daily, pocket-sized history of America's working people, brought to you by The Rick Smith Show team.
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Laborastories | presented by ADLM
Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC)
ADLM is pleased to present Laborastories: The Podcast. In this new series, ADLM President Dr. Anthony Killeen talks with experts in laboratory medicine to learn more about the people behind clinical laboratory testing and explore both the current issues they are facing and the many ways their work impacts patient lives. Remember – every laboratorian has a story.
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🧪🧬 Te ayudo a comprender las pruebas del laboratorio clínico / Patólogo Clínico / Fundador de Medicina del Laboratorio. En este podcast te narrare algunos de mis artículos breves, además conocerás los detalles de las pruebas de laboratorio y el aporte de sus profesionales en este campo. Bienvenido 🎉
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Píldoras de divulgación científica con aspectos claves del saber humano.
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The Valley Labor Report is a weekly talk radio show from Huntsville Alabama hosted by Jacob Morrison and Adam Keller. We focus on organized labor, worker, civil and human rights. The show airs live every Saturday from 9:30AM – 11AM on both YouTube and WVNN Huntsville, 92.5 FM, on Saturdays at 5:00 AM on WHIV New Orleans, 102.3 FM, and on Tuesdays at 5:00 PM on WZZA Muscle Shoals, 1410 AM, and as a widely available podcast. We cover local, state, and national news for workers, by workers. The ...
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Working people around the world are fed up, they’re standing up, and they’re out in the streets. They’re coming together for better wages, working conditions, and a seat at a table... And they’re winning! Each day Harold Phillips pulls together the latest Labor news for members of the Labor Radio Podcast Network, and every week he shares the top headlines with you.
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Una serie de podcasts sobre derecho laboral para ejecutivos de recursos humanos y asesores internos que presenta conversaciones con abogados laborales y laborales con experiencia global en temas y tendencias clave de derecho laboral, noticias de inmigración y otras soluciones legales importantes de recursos humanos para empresas globales y multinacionales.
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Welcome to Labor Lounge Podcast! Co-hosted by Anthony Abrantes, Assistant Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, the Carpenter’s Union, and Cyndie Williams, Executive Director of the Carpenter Contractor Trust. We’ll explore the world of organized labor, bringing you behind-the-scenes stories and insights from inspiring union leaders, dedicated partners, and community change-makers. In each episode, we dive into authentic conversation to ...
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How do I actually push during labor? Should I get an epidural? Why is breastfeeding so hard? What exactly is Pitocin, and how much will induce labor? Is there a secret to having a successful VBAC? What happens if I poop during labor *shudder*? And oh yeah, how do I take care of a newborn? I know you’ve got a ton of questions and fears when it comes to giving birth. How? Because I’ve delivered thousands of babies as a labor nurse! I’ve seen it all...and as @labor.nurse.mama on IG, I’ve helped ...
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Labor Express Radio is Chicago's only English language labor news and current affairs radio program. “News for working people, by working people.” Our program covers issues in the labor movement locally, nationally, and internationally. The program also addresses issues of concern to working people such as housing, education, health care, immigrants rights, the environment and U.S. foreign policy, from a working class viewpoint. Labor Express Radio airs Sunday nights at 8:00 PM on Chicago's ...
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This podcast tracks the audio archives for the “Heartland Labor Forum” radio show. The Heartland Labor Forum is Kansas City’s only program about the workplace. It’s radio that talks back to the boss! Whether you’re a union member or your workplace isn’t organized, Heartland Labor Forum (HLF) has stories for you, guaranteed to inspire, educate, or enrage you.
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Conversations about employment and labor law issues that impact the workplace. The purpose of Littler's podcasts is to provide helpful information for employers, addressing the latest developments in labor and employment relations. They are not a substitute for experienced legal counsel and do not provide legal advice or attempt to address the numerous factual issues that arise in any employment-related issue.
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Expertas en Dinero: Cómo emprender un cambio laboral a través del
desarrollo personal y financiero.
Tami Jaime
Te acompaño a emprender un cambio laboral que te permita tu desarrollo personal y financiero. Disfrutar tu trabajo y ganar dinero con lo que te gusta hacer, ES POSIBLE. Y si querés saber más podés buscarme en o en instagram como @expertasendinero De @expertasendinero
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Zzzzssstt it is good for you, not for rulers!
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Art & Labor chronicles the stories of social justice organizing within the arts. We hope to center the human cost of the “art world” and advocate for fair labor practices for artists, assistants, fabricators, docents, interns, registrars, janitors, writers, editors, curators, guards, performers, and anyone doing work for art & cultural institutions.
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Decantăm narațiuni, adăugăm opinii pertinente și ne antrenăm curiozitatea și gândirea critică pentru a lua decizii mai bune și pentru a nu fi manipulați. Podcastul face parte din Programul de Educație Media demarat de Centrul pentru Jurnalism Independent în parteneriat cu Romanian American Foundation și este susținut prin proiectul BROD – Observatorul Bulgaro-Român de Media Digitală.
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Stay up-to-date with our lab management podcasts and gain valuable industry insights and updates through our Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) software podcast series, brought to you by CloudLIMS.
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The Harry Bridges School of Labor aims to educate the workers of America on the strength of unions and to foster a class-conscious workforce through Labor United Educational League. We aim to connect the struggles of the past with the struggles of today to empower the labor movement to transform from their present hopeless defensive fight into an aggressive attack upon Capital. We plan to empower workers with knowledge regardless of industry or type of work, bringing all workers to a class-o ...
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Welcome to the Mommy Labor Nurse Podcast, where we firmly believe in the power of education when it comes to giving birth! Tune in each week as we dive into pregnancy-related topics, expert interviews, and a variety of birth stories! As a reminder, anything you hear on this podcast should not be taken as medical advice, please see for more info.
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A Mayo Clinic podcast for administrators, outreach managers, and laboratory professionals hosted by Jane Hermansen, outreach manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories, on how to best leverage and optimize the laboratory for patients, clients, and staff.
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El L.I.S. es el podcast de análisis de series con Áurea Ortiz, Mikel Labastida y David Brieva.
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Economist Michael Zweig discusses recent developments on the labor front and delves into the history of the struggles of working people for union representation and economic justice. The Monthly Labor Report airs the first Tuesday of each month on WPKN and is hosted by Richard Hill.
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Intervention is a podcast from the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory that, in conversations with a range of experts, scholars and stakeholders, applies humanities and social science methods and theories to questions of environment, nature and climate and their representations in society and culture.
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Are you a CEO, entrepreneur, or solopreneur with a drive to build a distinctive brand that resonates with your audience? Are you an industry influencer who understands the importance of authenticity and compelling storytelling in shaping your digital footprint? The Business Branding Laboratory is the podcast for you! Every episode of The Branding Laboratory offers a blend of theory and practice, making complex branding strategies accessible and actionable. We delve into the essence of innova ...
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Laborjournal ist das Servicemagazin für die Lebenswissenschaften - hier auch zum Anhören!
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What’s the formula for a thriving salon? Join SalonScale’s Alicia Soulier and Whitney Jones on The Parts + Labor Podcast as they explore the strategies, systems, and stories that drive salon success. From uncovering the wins and challenges of salon owners to diving into the mission behind SalonScale, this podcast delivers actionable insights on parts, labor, and backbar management. The Parts + Labor Podcast is your partner in building a more profitable, empowered future.
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El Podcast dedicado al material de trail running. Test de producto y reviews en las mejores carreras del mundo, desde el punto de vista de un corredor popular.
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The Work Goes On: An Oral History of Industrial Relations and Labor Economics with Princeton’s Orley Ashenfelter
Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University
Podcast by Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University
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Podacast dei laboratori (classi prime)
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Life In Labor - The Grievance Files - Sponsored by the Central Ohio Labor Council
Central Ohio Labor Council, AFL-CIO
The Life in Labor Podcast explores the Unions in Central Ohio who are affiliated with the Central Ohio Labor Council. Learn the truth about labor Unions from their members. The grievance files, hosted by Jason Perlman, is the flagship show where rank and file Union Members share their stories. Join us for each episode to hear what real union members in Central Ohio have to say. Learn more about what the Central Ohio Labor council does including how you can get involved, upcoming events, and ...
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A women-led podcast that spotlights stories of work and activism to humanize and break down economic and racial justice issues. Produced by Veena Hampapur and Saba Waheed.
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Businesses looking to cut labor overhead without sacrificing productivity are turning to Hire Workforce, a leader in AI-driven hiring solutions. By leveraging advanced automation, predictive analytics, and machine learning, Hire Workforce streamlines recruitment, minimizes hiring inefficiencies, and reduces dependence on costly manual processes. With AI-powered candidate screening, businesses can fill positions faster while ensuring top-quality hires. Automated onboarding further accelerates ...
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Emotional labor is the invisible, unnoticed, unwaged, unwritten, undervalued work women do at home and in the paid workforce. It is the thinking about what’s coming up, what needs to happen, how to look into the future to anticipate birthdays, school permissions slips, family meals, holiday dinners, do we have enough toilet paper, how come we don’t have any more ketchup? There are myriad ways in which we have to think about the functioning of a household. Granted, all of these little tasks a ...
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Bienvenue ! Le Lab'Oratoire reprend le triple objectif de mes formations en prise de parole en public et media training ( apprendre, comprendre, se détendre. Vous pouvez y écouter conseils pratiques à l'oral, interviews, chroniques, ainsi que des extraits de mon livre "Révélez le communic'acteur qui est en vous !". Abonnez-vous ( pour être informé des nouveaux épisodes. Retrouvez-moi aussi dans COM'VERSATION (https:/ ...
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Was hilft wirklich gegen den Klimawandel? Geht Klimaschutz auch ohne Wirtschaftskrise? Und De-Industrialisierung? Und wütende Bevölkerung? Das Klima-Labor von ntv ist der Podcast, in dem Clara Pfeffer und Christian Herrmann Ideen, Lösungen und Behauptungen auf Herz und Nieren prüfen. Ist Deutschland ein Strombettler? Vernichtet die Energiewende Industrie & Arbeitsplätze? Warum sind immer die Grünen schuld? Sind Seeadler wirklich wichtiger als Windräder? Kann uns Kernkraft retten? Das Klima-L ...
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Black Convicts: How Slavery Shaped Australia
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44:31Labor History Today: This week’s edition of the show takes us to Australia, but the history of slavery and the ongoing failure to come to terms with the resulting racism and discrimination there echo uncomfortably loudly here in the United States as Donald Trump ramps up his campaign to stamp out any effort to acknowledge that such things exist, as…
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Autor: (Vikerraadio)
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March 9 - The Trans-Alaskan Pipeline Begins
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2:00You have likely heard the recent news stories about the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. The national media continues to report as labor, energy groups, environmental and Native American activists all debate the proposed oil pipeline. But did you know that on the day in Labor History, March 9, marked the beginning of another oil pipeline project?…
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Labor Week For 3/8/25 - In The Streets, In The Courtroom, And The Halls Of Government
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19:18Unions rally against Trump practically EVERY DAY THIS WEEK, VW Workers in New Jersey say it’s their turn, and Trump puts an anti-union “advocate” in the Department of Labor. This is Labor Week For March 8, 2025. For articles mentioned in this show, visit this episode at Photo Credit: AFL-CIO Want the latest labor news? Follow us on B…
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Abortion rally | State budget | Federal $ emergency bill | SEIU and Columbus Health | PLEDGE WEEK
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29:39Hundreds including union members rallied and spoke at the state capitol for reproductive health rights and for electoral support of a labor-endorsed candidate in the April 1 Supreme Court race, some Democratic state legislators are holding "listening sessions" on the intricacies and problems of state budget proposals and some others have sponsored …
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Union Talk; Labor Radio (WORT); Labor Exchange; The SAG-AFTRA Podcast; Heartland Labor Forum; LabourStart
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34:00On this week’s Labor Radio Podcast Weekly: Teachers talk about the impact education cuts will have on kids, on the Union Talk podcast…Then, from Labor Radio on WORT, teachers and advocates rally in Madison…Organizing in Utah and Colorado's ski communities; the Labor Exchange reports…Meet the union reps keeping front line union members safe, on The …
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A Doula: The Quiet Birth Warrior By Your Side with HeHe Stewart
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45:13Trish welcomes HeHe, a dedicated doula, birth advocate, and host of The Birth Lounge podcast. They dive deep into the significant role that doulas play in empowering parents during childbirth through advocacy, education, and effective communication. HeHe shares her journey from working with children on the autism spectrum to becoming a doula, highl…
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History of the CIO Part 3 - Flint Sit-Down Strike, Class 1
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1:12:52The first of two classes from the Harry Bridges School of Labor on the Flint Sit-Down Strike. The Harry Bridges School of Labor aims to educate the workers of America on the strength of unions and to foster a class-conscious workforce through Labor United Educational League. We aim to connect the struggles of the past with the struggles of today to…
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"Eine versöhnliche Botschaft von Friedrich Merz an die SPD-Basis wäre nicht verkehrt" - Kai Monheim (Cemune)
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43:37Bei der Weltklimakonferenz verhandeln bis zu 10.000 Menschen aus knapp 200 Ländern. Ganz so komplex werden die Gespräche von Union und SPD nach der Bundestagswahl nicht, dennoch hat speziell das Benehmen der Union im Wahlkampf für ein gereiztes Klima gesorgt: Wie kommen beide Seite trotz Provokationen und Verunglimpfungen zu einem Koalitionsvertrag…
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OVERTIME: Matt Walsh Doesn't Know Anything About Federal Workers - TVLR 3/1/25
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1:41:01In OVERTIME, we're talking to Beth Howard about her book: Rednecks for Black Lives. We've also got a Matt Walsh (derogatory) clip to react to, and we'll take your calls at 844-899-TVLR. ✦ ABOUT ✦ The Valley Labor Report is the only union talk radio show in Alabama, elevating struggles for justice and fairness on the job, educating folks about how t…
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Labor Relations Radio, E166—A New Bill Puts the Feds into the Position of Dictating Contract Terms On The Private Sector. Here's Why That's Bad...
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53:52WPI's Alex MacDonald returns to the podcast to discuss a "bipartisan" bill to allow the federal government to mandate first-contracts on private-sector employers. ______________________________ If the workers surrender control over working relations to legislative and administrative agents, they put their industrial liberty at the disposal of state…
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Bonus Episode with Q104.3's Ken Dashow
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32:40In a special "bonus" episode of Labor Lounge Podcast, Q104.3’s Ken Dashow sits down with Co-Hosts Anthony and Cyndie to discuss the inspiration behind the podcast, its mission, and what listeners can expect. They explore how Labor Lounge shines a spotlight on the skilled trades industry, offering real conversations, expert insights, and stories fro…
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Reduce Labor Costs with AI-Powered Hiring Solutions from Hire Workforce
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1:29Businesses looking to cut labor overhead without sacrificing productivity are turning to Hire Workforce, a leader in AI-driven hiring solutions. By leveraging advanced automation, predictive analytics, and machine learning, Hire Workforce streamlines recruitment, minimizes hiring inefficiencies, and reduces dependence on costly manual processes. Wi…
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A shout out to program attendees, planners, guests and organizations who made the month-long program successful. The Oregon CBTU chapter expresses gratitude for the attendees, planners and guests who participated in the 2025 Black History Month celebration. Multiple organiz...Autor: KBOO Community Radio
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Michael Reich on how political polarization has impacted debate on the minimum wage
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31:35Michael Reich, professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley, discusses his studies of labor market segmentation, the beneficial effects of the minimum wage on the economy, the current climate of political polarization, and his belief that the 2024 elections indicate a marked transition for the U.S. economy.Read a transcript of t…
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193 - The First 100 Days: The Impact of DOGE on Private Employers
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16:53Kerry Notestine, Shawn Matthew Clark and Yvette Gatling discuss how actions by the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) are impacting private employers.Autor: Littler Labor & Employment Podcast
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Show: Labor Express for 2-23-2025 - March 4th day of action to defend public education, Natascha Uhlmann on protecting immigrant workers and Lori Wallach on tariffs
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57:34This is the full 2-23-2025 episode of the Labor Express Radio program. On the latest episode of Labor Express Radio, teacher’s unions prepare for a national day of action to defend public education on March 4th. Also Natascha Uhlmann from LaborNotes on protecting immigrant workers and Lori Wallach of Rethink Trade on tariffs. Labor Express Radio is…
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The Workers Strike Back Conference and Julie Greene on Who Built the Panama Canal and Trump’s Bullying
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1:00:05This week on the Heartland Labor Forum we’ll get a report from last weekend’s Workers Strike Back Conference organizing to win a $25 minimum wage and healthcare for all. Then, […] The post The Workers Strike Back Conference and Julie Greene on Who Built the Panama Canal and Trump’s Bullying appeared first on KKFI.…
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The Emotional Labor Podcast - Dr. Mira Brancu
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52:33I first discovered Dr. Mira Brancu’s work through her November 2024 essay in Psychology Today, where she explored the weight of emotional labor in the workplace and offered strategies to help women and marginalized employees navigate these challenges. Her clients are high-performing women seeking practical tools for building and leading high-perfor…
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The Grievance Files - Host Jason Perlman - Member Kelly Sidner
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35:00On this episode of The Grievance Files our host Jason Perlman, chats with Kelly Sidner. Kelly is member of Ohio Association of Public School Employees (OAPSE). She works at Eastland/Fairfield Career and Technical School as a Lunch Lady. Kelly's workplace became unionized within the last year and they are still trying to get their first contract. Un…
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217 – Clown Drag w/ Monica Rocha
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1:09:45We’re join by the multimedia artist Monica Rocha aka Momo the clown aka Myrtle Widecock aka Sappho’s Trap House!! We discuss the video means of production, Britney Spears and our influences, Rambo Hochul, Paper Tiger Television and other a/v art comrades, and make a plea for David Cross to be our landlord. PLUS we review … Continue reading "217 – C…
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Black Labor in the US -- Then and Now
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32:23A deep dive into the history of African American involvement in the US labor movement with Steven Pitts, recently retired labor policy advisor of the UC Berkeley Labor Center, and Michael Zweig, economist, labor and civil rights activist, and founder of the Center for the Study of Working Class Life at SUNY Stony Brook. Host: Richard Hill…
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Every great business starts with a problem that needs solving. In this episode of The Parts and Labor Podcast, SalonScale founder Alicia Soulier takes us back to the beginning—sharing how a simple realization about color costs sparked the creation of a game-changing technology for salons. From her journey as a stylist to building a company that’s t…
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