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It’s not just a school subject. It’s not just a tool of trade. No. It’s the language of Shakespeare, of Charles Darwin, of Andrew Lloyd Webber, of Steve Jobs, of Winston Churchill. It is the tongue shared by some of the most brilliant minds in the world. Learn it well, and your world will be a lot bigger. And you don’t even have to be born or raised in an English speaking country. With the right training, and a superhuman determination to excel, you too can speak English as expressively and ...
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Hello, handsome gentlemen and beautiful ladies! I'm your good friend, the musician Pantasy. In my album column "Earphone Boy", you'll encounter various types of music. Whether it's an energetic sports moment, or a study time immersed in knowledge; whether you're galloping on a journey or strolling during the trip, my music will be by your side, delivering the warmest "oxygen" to you. I'm committed to using music to convey emotions and inspire motivation, making every moment more beautiful be ...
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三十好禍 年過三十,究竟是福是禍 古人常說三十而立 兩個三十了卻什麼都還沒立的胖 二十幾的我們總是幻想著三十的自己是什麼模樣 而如今,年過三十,卻是另一番考驗的開始? Society really loves to tell you there is a certain way you are supposed to be. A certain life you are supposed to live. A path you are supposed to take. And if you aren’t ready for that stuff at the age society decides, then it’s a huge amount of pressure. Facing the swerve in your 30s is a tough window of time for sure. Instagram | wang_and_yu 合作私訊 | Powered by Firstory Hosting
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中級中文 Chinese Level Up


Hi!我們是三位有多年華語教學經驗的老師,從這個節目中,你可以學到如何使用中級中文語法。覺得自己的中文沒什麼進步嗎? 覺得中文語法很難懂嗎? 別擔心,在我們節目會說明和介紹怎麼使用這些中級中文(A2-B1)的語法。一起快樂學會中文吧! This podcast is for Intermediate Chinese learners. Our goal is to level up your Chinese grammar by giving you examples of intermediate-Chinese grammar patterns, as well as introducing useful modern Chinese vocabulary. 👩‍🏫 We are three Chinese teachers who specialize in teaching modern Chinese with the latest methods. Collectively we have taught thousands of students from all ...
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三位各自畢業於柏克萊與南加大,有著多年實務經驗的升學顧問,為你精闢分析變化多端的大學入學審核,與你討論升學趨勢與脈動。在這裡,我們聊聊關於申請大學的大小事,帶你輕鬆進大學。We know it is difficult to navigate the often overwhelming and competitive nature of college admissions. On this podcast, we share valuable insight, tips, and perspective on topics such as how to write the perfect essay to what applications look like in a post-COVID world. Our hosts will take you beyond the admissions process so you’re fully prepared to apply to the school of your dreams.
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Attcf愛力希異言堂AllyC' Chat Room


愛力希異言堂 AllyC' Chat Room, 用一盞燈, 聚集更多的光與熱, 傳遞更多愛,力量與希望! 在這裡,我們分享溫暖人心的人事物。 溫熱那些因為忙碌而忽略的感動。 將更多的愛、力量、希望,傳遞出去! 歡迎也來分享你的感動 AllyC' Chat Room, we are here to share touching inspirational stories which happened around us. AllyC' Chat Room, Gathering More Lights to Warm up this World. Please share with us your inspirational stories. Contact us: AllyC' Chat Room in association with ATTCF Co. 官網Official Website : FB粉 ...
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事事如意 As Your Wish in our Geoeye 👀


大家好,我們是一群來自林口康橋熱愛社會科學的夥伴! 在經過了地理奧林匹亞的培訓後,著實地打開了咱們地理眼,希望透過我們的分享,能夠讓各位用不一樣的視角認識世界<3 Hello everyone, we are a group of friends from Linkou Kang Chiao who love social sciences! After undergoing training for the Geography Olympiad, we have truly opened our eyes to geography. We hope that through our sharing, we can help you see the world from a different perspective.
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(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people! To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago. Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant. I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too! From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTub ...
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哈囉,我是盒子, 我們的節目正式由「通勤短講」 轉型為更多元、更軟性的新聞週報 題材主要針對 📌喜愛遊山玩水、親近大自然的大朋友族群 A community of nature enthusiasts who enjoy hiking and exploring the outdoors. 📌需要優質時事內容的國小至高中青少年族群 Elementary to high school students who seek high-quality current affairs content. 🔊每集將會提供2則中英文雙語時事 Each episode will feature 2 bilingual news stories in both Chinese and English. 每週五晚上8點準時上架💪🏼 Scheduled for release every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. 🌈記得一定要訂閱、加入「知性盒粉」的小天地 也要贊助盒子報報基金 來鼓勵與支持盒子的創作喔🙏🏼 Remember to subscribe to and su ...
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创建于2012年的iTunes获奖播客 「狗熊有话说」播客是由 大狗熊 于 2012 年创办的独立中文知识型播客节目,以阅读、旅行、科技和个人成长为主要话题内容,是 iTunes 中国区长期推荐的节目,并被 iTunes 评选为“ 2013 年度精选最佳社会与文化播客 ”。 An iTunes award-winning tech podcast since 2012. BearTalk Podcast is a Chinese podcast that shares technology insights, book reviews, and personal improvement tips since 2012. BearTalk Podcast was the Editor's Choice of iTunes China in 2013, which has more than 60,000 listeners.
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《Pilot4U Reading/ Pilot4U 阅读时间 》是 P4U 平台推向 Podcast 的第一个学习分享专辑。旨在通过精彩文章的阅读、背景解析、要点回顾,在经过反复聆听之后,提高英语阅读水平、跨文化理解深度、自我学习意识提升。 Hello World ;-) P4U,全称 Pilot4U,是一个试验性质的经验分享平台。(微信公众号搜索 Pilot4U)在这里,每天早上有中英文混搭的语音,回复关键字得到的文章,分享的视频(优酷搜索“Pilot4U”)更多精彩请关注新浪微博@Pilot4U 或登录
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show series
在上一期中,你已经学会了「Just a Minute 一分钟练习法」,用最短的时间突破开口的心理障碍。但或许你也会有这个疑惑:“我这样说对不对啊?” 今天我们就聊聊如何借助 AI 和一些小技巧,帮你验证自己的口语内容是否准确,不再像 AI 幻觉一样自信地“胡说八道”! 提示词: You are a jargon explainer designed to assist a [你的职业] working in the [你的领域]. You focus on clarifying terminologies, acronyms, and jargon related to [你相关的行业要点]. When the user asks for an explanation of a term, …
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第七十四集我們要來介紹「一來…二來…」這個語法。科技給我們的生活帶來很多便利性,但也給我們帶來一些壞處,比方說,我們會越來越不去思考,變得越來越懶。大家對「科技」的想法是什麼?科技帶來的好處比較多?還是壞處比較多?為什麼呢?相信大家已經有許多的想法了,但要怎麼說出這些想法呢?今天這一集娜娜老師跟安妮老師會帶著大家了解「一來…二來…」這個語法。幫助大家學會使用這個語法,說出自己的想法。趕快來聽聽第七十四集吧!留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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大家好,我是你们的好朋友,艺术家Pantasy 在我的《耳机男孩时刻》专辑版块中,你会遇到不同类型的音乐。无论是动感的运动,还是沉浸在知识学习的时刻;无论是开车在路上,还是行走在路上,我的音乐无时无刻陪伴着你,为你营造出最合适的氛围。 我致力于用音乐来传播情感,激发灵感 戴上耳机,享受音乐 大家俊男美女们,大家好,我是你们的好朋友音乐人潘特绮 在我的“耳机少年”专辑栏目里,你会邂逅各种不同类型的音乐。无论是活力四射的运动时刻,还是沉浸知识的学习时光;无论是旅途中的跑步跑步,旅途中散步,我的音乐都陪伴在你身边,为你传递最传递的情感。我继续 用传递音乐情感,激发动力,正念让每个瞬间都因音乐而更加美好。我,一起在音乐的世界里畅游吧!戴上耳机音乐 Support the show…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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大家好,我是你们的好朋友,艺术家Pantasy 在我的《耳机男孩时刻》专辑版块中,你会遇到不同类型的音乐。无论是动感的运动,还是沉浸在知识学习的时刻;无论是开车在路上,还是行走在路上,我的音乐无时无刻陪伴着你,为你营造出最合适的氛围。 我致力于用音乐来传播情感,激发灵感 戴上耳机,享受音乐 大家俊男美女们,大家好,我是你们的好朋友音乐人潘特绮 在我的“耳机少年”专辑栏目里,你会邂逅各种不同类型的音乐。无论是活力四射的运动时刻,还是沉浸知识的学习时光;无论是旅途中的驰骋奔腾,在旅途中漫步,我的音乐都陪伴在你身边,为你传递着最温暖的氧气。 我致力于用音乐传递情感,激发动力,让每一个瞬间都因音乐而更加美好。关注我,一起在音乐的世界里畅游吧! 戴上耳机享受音乐 Support the show…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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各位俊男美女们,大家好,我是你们的好朋友音乐人潘特晰 在我的“耳机少年”专辑栏目里,你将邂逅各种不同类型的音乐。无论是活力四射的运动时刻,还是沉浸知识的学习时光;无论是驾车驰骋在路上,还是漫步在旅途之中,我的音乐都能陪伴你左右,为你营造最适配的氛围。 我致力于用音乐传递情感,激发动力,让每一个瞬间都因音乐而更加美好。快来关注我,一起在音乐的世界里畅游吧! 戴上耳机 享受音乐 Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic …
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大家俊男美女们,大家好,我是你们的好朋友音乐人潘特绮 在我的“耳机少年”专辑栏目里,你会邂逅各种不同类型的音乐。无论是活力四射的运动时刻,还是沉浸知识的学习时光;无论是旅途中的驰骋奔腾,在旅途中漫步,我的音乐都陪伴在你身边,为你传递着最温暖的氧气。 我致力于用音乐传递情感,激发动力,让每一个瞬间都因音乐而更加美好。关注我,一起在音乐的世界里畅游吧! 戴上耳机享受音乐 大家好,我是你们的好朋友,艺术家Pantasy 在我的《耳机男孩时刻》专辑版块中,你会遇到不同类型的音乐。无论是动感的运动,还是沉浸在知识学习的时刻;无论是开车在路上,还是行走在路上,我的音乐无时无刻陪伴着你,为你营造出最合适的氛围。 我致力于用音乐来传播情感,激发灵感 戴上耳机,享受音乐 Support the show…
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各位俊男美女们,大家好,我是你们的好朋友音乐人潘特晰 在我的“耳机少年”专辑栏目里,你将邂逅各种不同类型的音乐。无论是活力四射的运动时刻,还是沉浸知识的学习时光;无论是驾车驰骋在路上,还是漫步在旅途之中,我的音乐都能陪伴你左右,为你营造最适配的氛围。 我致力于用音乐传递情感,激发动力,让每一个瞬间都因音乐而更加美好。快来关注我,一起在音乐的世界里畅游吧! 戴上耳机 享受音乐 Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic …
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各位俊男美女们,大家好,我是你们的好朋友音乐人潘特晰 在我的“耳机少年”专辑栏目里,你将邂逅各种不同类型的音乐。无论是活力四射的运动时刻,还是沉浸知识的学习时光;无论是驾车驰骋在路上,还是漫步在旅途之中,我的音乐都能陪伴你左右,为你营造最适配的氛围。 我致力于用音乐传递情感,激发动力,让每一个瞬间都因音乐而更加美好。快来关注我,一起在音乐的世界里畅游吧! 戴上耳机 享受音乐 Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic …
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各位俊男美女们,大家好,我是你们的好朋友音乐人潘特晰 在我的“耳机少年”专辑栏目里,你将邂逅各种不同类型的音乐。无论是活力四射的运动时刻,还是沉浸知识的学习时光;无论是驾车驰骋在路上,还是漫步在旅途之中,我的音乐都能陪伴你左右,为你营造最适配的氛围。 我致力于用音乐传递情感,激发动力,让每一个瞬间都因音乐而更加美好。快来关注我,一起在音乐的世界里畅游吧! 戴上耳机 享受音乐 Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic …
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各位俊男美女们,大家好,我是你们的好朋友音乐人潘特晰 在我的“耳机少年”专辑栏目里,你将邂逅各种不同类型的音乐。无论是活力四射的运动时刻,还是沉浸知识的学习时光;无论是驾车驰骋在路上,还是漫步在旅途之中,我的音乐都能陪伴你左右,为你营造最适配的氛围。 我致力于用音乐传递情感,激发动力,让每一个瞬间都因音乐而更加美好。快来关注我,一起在音乐的世界里畅游吧! 戴上耳机 享受音乐 Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic …
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各位俊男美女们,大家好,我是你们的好朋友音乐人潘特晰 在我的“耳机少年”专辑栏目里,你将邂逅各种不同类型的音乐。无论是活力四射的运动时刻,还是沉浸知识的学习时光;无论是驾车驰骋在路上,还是漫步在旅途之中,我的音乐都能陪伴你左右,为你营造最适配的氛围。 我致力于用音乐传递情感,激发动力,让每一个瞬间都因音乐而更加美好。快来关注我,一起在音乐的世界里畅游吧! 戴上耳机 享受音乐 Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic …
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各位俊男美女们,大家好,我是你们的好朋友音乐人潘特晰 在我的“耳机少年”专辑栏目里,你将邂逅各种不同类型的音乐。无论是活力四射的运动时刻,还是沉浸知识的学习时光;无论是驾车驰骋在路上,还是漫步在旅途之中,我的音乐都能陪伴你左右,为你营造最适配的氛围。 我致力于用音乐传递情感,激发动力,让每一个瞬间都因音乐而更加美好。快来关注我,一起在音乐的世界里畅游吧! 戴上耳机 享受音乐 Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic …
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各位俊男美女们,大家好,我是你们的好朋友音乐人潘特绮 在我的“耳机少年”专辑栏目里,你会邂逅各种不同类型的音乐。无论是活力四射的运动时刻,还是沉浸知识的学习时光;无论是旅途中的驰骋奔腾,在旅途中漫步,我的音乐都陪伴在你左右,为你传达最传达的氧气。 我致力于用音乐传递情感,激发动力,让每一个瞬间都因音乐而更加美好。关注来我,一起在音乐的世界里畅游吧! 戴上耳机享受音乐 大家好,我是你们的好朋友,音乐家Pantasy 在我的《耳机男孩》专辑版块,你会遇到不同类型的音乐。无论是动感的运动时刻,还是沉浸在知识学习的时刻;无论是开车在路上,还是行走在路上,我的音乐都能陪伴你,为你营造最合适的氛围。 我致力于用音乐来传达情感,激发 戴上耳机,享受音乐 Support the show…
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今天想和你分享一个能够快速提升口语自信的"一分钟练习法",帮助你在仅仅 2 个月内突破"张嘴难"的障碍。希望能给正在挣扎于口语表达的你一点启发! 完整贴子和本期资源包,在这里可以查看,还没有订阅Newsletter的赶紧订阅,目前免费哦: Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:…
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