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No more looking to the outside world to make us happy because true happiness comes from within – and from being honest about what feels good to us as individuals instead of going along with what feels good to everyone else! please leave any comments on the blog post here: Send in a voice me…
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So what is the difference between 3D, 4D and 5D? So much of my content will be referring to these so I wanted to explain how I see these 3 dimensions or states of being when I am blogging or podcasting. This post is totally from my own perspective based on what I have learned from other great teachers and my own intuition over the years. Prefer to …
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It has been several months since my last podcast and I feel like I have been in a strange limbo. My view of the world has totally changed over the last few months and it feels good. Amongst the chaos I can clearly see how this journey is propelling us at top speed from 3D to a new 5D world. All the old corrupt institutions and ways of life are fall…
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How often should I journal to manifest what I want? This is a question I get asked a lot. So what is best...because there are a lot of theories out there about what we should do to align with your best life. Personally I don't think we should force ourselves to do anything that doesn't feel good and I don't think we should create rituals out of jou…
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So do you feel that creative writing isn't for you but would still love to journal? In this podcast I talk through 3 different ways you can journal - because we are all different, we all have our own unique style, so lets' see if one of these suits you. NEW! Everyday Alignment Planner & Journal printable / digital worksheets now on sale at Shop.Eve…
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The outside world is a beautiful one - but only if you choose to look for that beauty And this is why we need to take charge of our own energy and take responsibility for the experiences we are creating in our outside world. And this is not about debating what the media are doing - or what anyone else is doing or thinks, it's about managing our own…
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The past couple of months have been strange for so many of us but there is also something that feels very refreshing about this 'pause'. Time to consider what is really important to us. Something that I have considered a lot is the content and value I bring to you through NEW! Everyday Alignment Planner & Journal printable / d…
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Raise your vibration and send a ripple out to your household and the rest of our beautiful planet! Recently I talked about the circle of control and how you should stay in this as much as possible but let's talk about this on a more emotional scale. Whilst you can't stop what other people are choosing right now, you can focus on your vibration - an…
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So it's been a strangely emotional time for many of us. Life as we know it has changed drastically for now so I thought it might help and be a comfort for many of you to talk through The Change Curve by Kubler-Ross. I thought of this when I sat and pondered my own emotions over the last few days. We used this model a lot in the corporate world and …
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Right now it really feels like the world is going mad and unless you have been hiding under a rock these past weeks, you will have seen the Coronavirus media going crazy with stories about how this might affect us all. As usual, the media frenzy has caused mass panic that takes valuable resources and services away from those who really need them an…
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How to visualise and manifest - or even how to just visualise full stop! A lot of people have told me that they find it difficult to visualise at all so here is a simple exercise that will take just 1 minute to prove that all of us have the capability to visualise.... In fact we are doing it all day every day, except we may spend more time visualis…
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Are there parts of your body that you don't love as much as you could do. My friend and I have started our own mini book club and our first book is 'If Life Is a Game, These Are The Rules' by Chérie Carter-Scott and the first few pages in the first chapter are jam packed with simple wisdom that has already been a great reminder of how important it …
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So who or what are you giving your power away to? For the past 6 months I seem to have given mine away to the sad step - the scale! I only realised it a few weeks ago however. It had gone from a neutral measurement to something that was dictating how I felt about myself. So even though I felt really good in myself, more energetic, good in my clothe…
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Yes you really can change a relationship instantly in your life - on an energetic level but only if you realise that it starts with you. In fact it comes from you because everyone else is you 'pushed out', in fact we don't see people as 'they' are, we see people as 'we' are. Lets talk about how changing our expectations and behaviour can allow some…
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So in the last episode (64. Scripting Law of Attraction - How To Get Started) I talked about how you can manifest more by making what you write believable. This helps you to gradually merge realities and weave your desires into your life. Specifically in this episode we will discuss how you can build your manifesting muscle by choosing something wi…
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So I wanted to do an episode all about law of attraction scripting / law of attraction journaling - more of a 101 episode to walk you through the basics in under 10 minutes so you can get started! I love to script and journal and have been doing it for years. In fact I know that some of my greatest manifestations have been supported by my scripting…
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Setting intentions that create your day! So do you set intentions for a great day or do you just let reality unfold around you and just go with whatever life throws your way? We really are powerful conscious creators and we get to shape our lives any way we want - and the easiest place to start is on a day to day basis. In this episode we focus on …
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Raise your money vibration! So here is an idea for you to re-frame your money energy and your money story, an exercise I do a lot to raise my own vibe when I forget how abundant I am. This comes from The Money Alchemist, Ming Chee's Blue Money Challenge (Search The Money Alchemist). Blue Money is basically anything that comes to you with a financia…
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So who or what pushes your buttons in your immediate environment? What are the things or the people who are taking your focus day in, day out and affecting your energy. We can view all of these things in our lives as a nuisance or we can see these things as lessons that we need to help us learn something specific and evolve. So instead of reacting …
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I don't feel good enough - time to uncover your story with this simple yet powerful exercise... So let's explore more about your current story when it comes to your sense of self worth and deservingness and I've got an exercise for you to try if it feels good for you to do so - not because we want to beat the drum of what's happened in the past. I'…
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Not feeling good enough? How do we feel more worthy - because sometimes a high sense of self worth can feel elusive like its never quite within our reach? But its actually so close that we can't reach out and touch it - because its within us and we have just forgotten it is there. In this episode we look at where you perceive your sense of self wor…
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Are you feeling worthy of everything that is in your life? Do you think you deserve everything that is in your life or do you feel you deserve even more that is in your life currently? As we know, everything is energy - love, money, other abundance, careers family, home, our day to day world and everything you have in your life right now is underpi…
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I get to do all this - what do you get to do everyday? Lately I have been feeling a little grumpy and frustrated and I didn't want my energy going down that rabbit hole of 'everything is going wrong', things just aren't working out for me - this awareness is just one of the bonuses of being an alignment coach... So I have revived my daily practice …
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Change your story, change your life - starting with awareness. I wanted to cover a subject close to my heart because this really is at the centre of all manifesting - both wanted and unwanted and that is 'our story'. We tend to do things, say things on a day to day basis that are keeping us stuck. A bit like a re-run of an old movie that just keeps…
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So we are continuing with our theme of creating our year instead of traditional goal setting so grab your journal and ponder the question for this session to add to your blueprint for the year ahead. What do you want to do more of this year? So think back over the past year and consider the parts of the year that you particularly enjoyed. This can …
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So over the past few sessions we have been adding layers of ideas and questions to help you make this a great year without the traditional goal setting and here is another question for you to help create that blueprint even further. What passions do you want to spend time on this year? And let's face it, it you are anything like me, your life is pr…
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I hope you enjoyed creating your theme for the year and making that list of the person that you want to be for the coming year and beyond! In this episode I have another question for you to help you create a great year and that is: What do you want to be known for this year? So to do this, you need to imagine for a moment that you are at the end of…
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Since a virus the whole family had between Christmas and New Year, I have felt the pressure building up in my head - manifesting as blocked sinuses and ears and it has been driving me mad! So why is it only this week that I realised that I am feeling under pressure in general and that maybe the blocked pressure I feel in my head is just a manifesta…
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So in the last episode we talked about creating a theme for the year and I shared what my theme was for 2020 and also what I chose for the last couple of years. Doing this really creates a foundation that gives you focus for the year so if you haven't listened to that episode - number 50. Then please do go back to that one later. So let's focus on …
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What is your theme for the year? So in the last episode I talked about how we need to let ourselves off the hook when we are not feeling inspired about setting goals for the year. So in the next few sessions I will be giving you ideas on how you can create your year without the traditional goal setting or you can use these ideas as the base of your…
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Is goal setting leaving you uninspired? Letting yourself off the hook! As my first podcast for 2020, I was going to talk about goals - after all, it's a new year and that's what we do right, set goals? However as amazing as goals are when you are aligned and inspired, you also may have times when you feel uninspired and overwhelmed. And when times …
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Today's message is about being more present this festive season. Being present isn't just about meditating or sitting in silence, it's about being in the moment and appreciating everything 'that is' right now. Think more about enjoying this festive season and having that lighter touch. Being with the people you love, being absorbed in what you are …
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So do you feel like you can truly be yourself? It was something that someone said to me yesterday that really got me thinking about this. So when you are around your family, friends or work colleagues are you who you really want to be or are you being who you think others want you to be. It is easy to take on other peoples energy and start to just …
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This episode follows on from the last 2 sessions so if you have't had a chance to listen to those, please go back In this episode: 44. Stop manifesting What You Don't Want 45. Your Words Are Powerful. In this episode I talk through a nice easy exercise using just pen and paper to start flipping those thoughts that you have identified from the last …
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In this episode, we talk about words and how they are so powerful. After all, everything we say is an affirmation...and as I said in the last podcast, your dominant thoughts create those strong emotions and those thoughts and emotions are caused by the words that you use every day. If you could spend just 1 day minimum jotting down the thoughts tha…
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So how do we stop manifesting what we don't want - and I'm not talking about those times when contrast is very necessary - I am talking more about manifesting by default due to the signal we are omitting day after day. Whatever you are putting out into the world, you are attracting back. Life is a mirror and this is not something you can switch off…
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So let's talk about your only job as a conscious creator because I know that you sometimes try and control absolutely everything - how do I know this? Because we all do it of course and even I have to keep reminding myself of this!If you just did these few things day in and day out until it became a habit, you will be amazed at the positive changes…
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So how do I get someone to like me? Do you have a personal or work relationship is strained? This episode will help you realise that you are not everybody's cup of tea' and you might want to go back to podcast number 10. and 11. as these will also expand on this subject - links below: 10. Stop Caring What Other People Think 11. What Other People Th…
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So let's talk about the energy of neediness vs gratitude and how this affects your energy. Everything that you transmit, through your energy, words and actions is a mirror for what comes back into your life. The universe only says 'yes' so think about the difference between the two ends of the scale. Neediness is creating an energy of 'lack' and 'I…
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Some time ago when I discovered the 5-Step Manifestation process which I have used for some time now. It has been a great tool for helping me to push forward in so many areas of my life - one of them being this podcast...But it also highlighted how unclear I was about hat I actually wanted. I'd sit down with one of the audios and I would go blank? …
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So more on that subject of upgrading your life and out with the old and in this session I wanted to talk specifically about your wardrobe.So what is your wardrobe saying about you?I recently cleared out mine and it feels so good. I realised that the items of clothing I was hanging onto was ridiculous. At the time of recording this, I have lost arou…
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Let's talk about upgrading your life (and even maybe your loo too lol!) How many of us actually just settle with what we have in our lives? All this old tattered stuff and things that no longer serve us just create an energy that isn't aligning us with a life we love. So what are you tolerating in your life? What are you putting up with that feels …
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Do you have something that you have wanted or needed to do for ages because doing it will actually benefit you in some way? Well I had something that I have been meaning to sort it for ages and it was even something that saved me money! It made me realise how this had built up as mental clutter and that I could of actually done this thing a couple …
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What you focus on expands and lets look at how you can let go of something that is bugging you today because as we all know, energy flows where your focus goes. Most of us live in the past or the future instead of enjoying the present moment. All those old stories go though our mind again and again. So change starts by telling ourselves a different…
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Alignment isn't just about feeling good. It's also about how we align with our thoughts, feelings and beliefs and one way of doing this is to change or enhance who we are being.It can really help to think of someone that you admire, either someone in your life or someone in the public eye who you would like to be more like. What is one quality that…
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I always get the urge to declutter before the festive season and getting rid of the old feels so good and makes way for the new to come in. Decluttering has so many benefits and these reach much further than just the nice feeling of having a clean spacious room. Physically, saving the extra minutes everyday trying to find things, housework feeling …
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So let's talk about what we must to to achieve our goals - especially as if like me you are starting to set yourself a lot of stretch goals at the moment. A lot of us set goals but there are some mistakes that we make along the way that can stop us achieving them or cause us to give up on them too quickly. Here we explore some of these mistakes and…
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So here's another way that you may be sabotaging your manifestation mojo without even realising it. You may see the universe as something separate from yourself! Now this has it's place and seeing the universe as a separate entity can really help when you are doing some fun manifestation practices. And although we know deep down that we need to tak…
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If you are anything like me, you may have become obsessed with conscious creation and universal laws to a certain extent. Whether you are fairly new to the concept or have been studying manifestation for years, you will know that finding quicker and easier ways to align with your desires can be quite addictive.But as amazing as it is to know and un…
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So we all get that monkey mind, you know that part of your mind that thinks obsessive repetitive thoughts, that chatters constantly, that is always telling you how wrong you are, that you shouldn't have said something, that's constantly niggling at you, that tells you you are stupid, that makes your mind race with thoughts that don't even serve you…
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