show episodes

Lucdogg in the Morning!

Adam Carluccio

A live comedy morning show designed to start your day with a smile and a story - take a break from the work day and come laugh with us! We've got something for everybody and we present it in a fun, unique setting based on YOUR participation throughout each show.
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Out of Game

Out of Game

Out of Game is a monthly podcast about tabletop gaming, focused on unique discussion topics related to board games, card games, RPG’s, gamers, and gamer culture.
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show series
Iedereen die ademwerk heeft gedaan, weet hoe krachtig het is. Vaak voel je de effecten pas na een langere tijd. Maar één ding is zeker, ademwerk heeft de mogelijkheid jou een sterker mens te maken. Zelf ben ik daar een voorbeeld van. Ik heb mede dankzij ademwerk een (postnatale) depressie en rouw kunnen doorstaan. Hoe het precies werkt? Dat vertel …
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Sensualiteit, zelf zorg en zelf liefde - het lijkt alsof je daar in je drukke schema nog meer tijd voor vrij moet maken. Maar wat als ik je mindset hierover kan veranderen? Wat als je sensualiteit in ieder moment van de dag kunt ervaren. Alleen niet op de manier waarop je misschien gewend bent... --- Volgen wij elkaar al op Instagram? Heb je iets g…
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Heel lang was het ongemakkelijk voor mij om mijn emoties te uiten. Ik kon dat zelfs niet bij mijn psycholoog, want ik werd er gewoon oncomfortabel van. Dat is tegenwoordig (gelukkig) wel anders. In deze aflevering deel ik de stappen die ik heb genomen om los te breken van het over analyseren, de vooroordelen en hoe ik nu authentiek mezelf kan zijn.…
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Vandaag is Pieternel de Winter te gast om te praten over een holistisch leven. Wat betekent het om holistisch te leven? Tijdens het gesprek hebben we het ook regelmatig over onbewuste patronen - ofwel schaduwwerk. Hoe je omgaat met onbewuste patronen draagt ontzettend veel bij aan een holistisch leven. Volg Pieternel - @kathari.coaching ⚡️ Kom naar…
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In this episode, I cover your FAQ on breathwork. Feel completely safe during your sessions and explore the magic of this beautiful practice. If you have any more questions you need answered - please feel free to DM me ☺️ And of course, I would love to welcome you in one of my ceremonies. Instagram TikTok Buy 'The Champion in Y…
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A 15 minute guided meditation to start your day with more positivity, happy energy, love and joy. I personally enjoy listening to these types of meditations before I go to work during my commute. But not while driving, of course ;) I hope you enjoy this meditation. Please let me know if you would like any more. Instagram TikTo…
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Losing a parent was the most devastating and profound thing to happen to me. The grief hits me in huge waves and it comes at the most unexpected times. I feel like I can't really give people an honest answer when they ask me how I'm doing. Somehow it's impossible to share my inner world as an answer to that question. It's been 8 months since my mom…
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Social media has been a big part of my life since 2015. I've shown up on Instagram Stories sharing my life daily for years. But lately, I have been feeling a real social media ick. Maybe it's my millennial age - 32 - or it's the way the social media landscape has changed over the years. Keeping up and adapting is exhausting. But it's necessary, esp…
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Consciously manifesting is easy: you have a desire, you focus on it, you become determined in your rituals, you practice surrender/gratitude and *boom* it shows up. But what if your manifestations are not coming in? Well, there might be some sh*t beliefs in the way. You are ALWAYS manifesting, consciously and unconsciously. Have a sucky pattern in …
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When you watch or listen to any manifestation, law of attraction, law of assumption guru, they will tell you to "detach from the outcome". And I totally get that, but what does it actually mean? What does detachment look like in day-to-day life? I often see people confuse detachment from desire with repression. So here's my take on detachment, how …
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"I don't like my current job. My boss isn't flexible and I can't use all of my creativity. But leaving is just not an option, I'm scared of applying to new jobs". I received this message a while ago from one of my viewers. And it triggered me a little. What about leaving the old job behind is difficult? It shouldn't be considering this person didn'…
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If there's 1 thing I hate, it's feeling stressed. Luckily I've mastered a daily habit of creating space for myself. What does that mean? What does that look like? In this episode I'll guide you through my favorite techniques to beat stress. Follow me on Instagram Follow me on TikTok Buy my guided journal 🇺🇸 'The Champion in You' 🇳🇱 'The Champion in…
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During the Olympics, I was watching many interviews with ex-athletes. All of them said the same thing: they were sad they had to quit their sport, they felt lost and there was a big gap in their life. Although I agree wholeheartedly, I also feel that there are many more layers that have not been addressed. In episode 20, I opened up the conversatio…
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Limiting beliefs prevent you from living in your highest potential. That's just facts. If you have a fear of judgment, you're afraid to show up online. If you're afraid to show up online, you are unable to promote your business. Another example, if you're a perfectionist, you are waiting for the perfect conditions to take action. Newsflash: the tim…
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During the Olympics, I was watching many interviews with ex-athletes. All of them said the same thing: they were sad they had to quit their sport, they felt lost and there was a big gap in their life. Although I agree wholeheartedly, I also feel that there are many more layers that have not been addressed. So in this episode, I open up the conversa…
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When you get into a car, do you just drive? Most likely, no. You have an idea of your end destination. It doesn't really matter what roads you take to get to that destination. Sometimes there are a few roadblocks and detours. But you always get to your end destination. The same goes for your life. If you want to take the lead on your life and succe…
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Have you ever cried at your job? Perhaps because you felt pressured or stressed. You're not the only one. I used to have 10 minute bathroom breaks just to keep my sanity in the office. In this episode, I share my 7 most crucial career lessons that saved the day! I went from serial job hopper (6 jobs in 5 years) to fulfilled business owner. These ar…
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Republic Day is a national festival of India.It honours the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on 26 January 1950 replacing the Government of India Act as the governing document of India and thus,turning the nation into a newly formed republic. visit us at
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India is popularly known as the land of festivals which is considered as a colorful nation where people celebrate with full vigor and joy . Being the colorful nation that India is, the most vibrant harvest festivals of India involve interesting mythological legends and joyous celebrations. They are as incredible and diverse as its people and landsc…
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Oog-in-Oog is the new podcast series. Here, you will find famous personalities with distinct qualities talking about their journey to success. First in series is the Oog-in-Oog (Rubaru) with Capt. (IN) Alokesh Sen the Principal of Birla Public School, Pilani one of the top ten schools in India. Let us dive into deep learnings of his life. visit us …
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This festive season here’s a fascinating story of how India’s first Christmas cake was made by an enterprising Kerala baker way back in 1883. Visit us Please send your answers at:-Flipgrid:- or or…
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Patriotism is the feeling of attachment and love to one's country. It encompasses devotion and robust support for nation.It means identifying and understanding the ideals that the nation recognizes Please send your answer on Flipgrid Platform Flipgrid Code is or or varsha020071@bpspilani.…
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Helen Keller is known the world over as a symbol of courage in the face of overwhelming odds. Yet she was so much more. A woman of luminous intelligence, high ambition and great accomplishment, she was driven by her deep compassion for others to devote her life to helping them overcome significant obstacles to living healthy and productive lives.Pl…
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The history of Indian women is full of pioneers, who have broken gender barriers and worked hard for their rights, and made progress in the field of politics, arts, science, law, etc. Let's celebrate the many 'first' times that an Indian woman achieved something great. Please send your answer on Flipgrid Platform Flipgrid Code is https://flipgrid.c…
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Pizza is one of the world's most popular food . It is also the world's most photographed food on social media . And in honor of this comfort food , we put together a list of pizza facts that will fuel your cravings even more.... Please give your answer on Flipgrid Platform Flipgrid Code is or send it on vnbpspilani@gma…
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Whether you've been fired, are getting back to work after burnout, have recently graduated or are experiencing some type of gap in your career --> one thing's for sure, it feels like you've fallen into a massive black hole. It can be a period of frustration & hopelessness. I've experienced such a void 3 times in my life. In this episode, I'll discu…
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Please send your answer on the Flipgrid platform. Flipgrid Code is or you can send it on --- Send in a voice message: यह त्यौहार सामाजिक समानता, राष्ट्रीय एकता और अखण्डता तथा विभिन्नता में एकता का साक्षात प्रतीक है। इस पर्व के अवसर पर लोग आपसी वैमनस्य क…
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Winning is not everything . Winning matters but not at the cost of happiness. Real happiness has priority over winning. Winning may be in two types of goals and these are material and spiritual. In beautiful journey called life, winning hearts is more important. Self-improvement is permanent and not winning. One day self-improvement will lead to wi…
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Of course, you may have two equally good friends who are entirely different from each other in most respects. However, the vast majority of high-quality friendships feature certain core traits that lead to a sustained and mutual sense of empathy, comfort, love and understanding. You can answers on Flipgrid Platform. Flipgrid Code is https://flipgri…
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In today's world most people,to prove a point , simply take to their keyboards and type out heavy statements and hope their message is impactful. But it does not work always.Not everybody,that is to say can be as stouthearted as Thane Chiquinho Scarpa , one of the most affluent person in Brazil . Let's listen to this real life story ... You can giv…
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Hey Everyone, this story will give you the teachings that we must respect our parents and elders.They are the representatives of God .Parents were the only ones obligated to love you. From the rest of the world you have to earn it. Let''s listen to this inspiring story and don't forget to give your answer on Flipgrid Platform. Flipgrid Code is http…
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Hello Everyone!!!This is a very interesting story which will give you an insight about these human qualities and attributes : Honesty,Flattery and True Friendship . Honesty is the best policy , being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it''ll always get you the right ones.Flattery is a praise insincerely given for an interested purpose.Fake…
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Strong determination and never give up spirit will take you to the Zenith of Success.This Simple story will tell you that,"Where there is a Will,there is always a way.So always put in your best,sincere and creative efforts.Geeta and Bible says the same.Let's listen to this wonderful story.Please give your answer feedback on Flipgrid platform. Flipg…
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Not everyone is trustworthy , We should learn to recognize the true faces of the people. We should be rational . Let's listen to this wonderful story and give your answer feedback on the flipgrid platform. Flipgrid Code is or on Email Address.…
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"The more you sweat in peace ,the less you bleed in war "- this is an old saying .In this story ,you will find out that we should continue doing our work come what may.If we will offer our prayers to God in our happy moments certainly he will be there with us in our low times,trust me. Let's listen to this wonderful story and submit your answer fee…
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We all have the strength to be who we want to be. Try hard and even harder to hit the Bull's Eye. Let's listen to this wonderful story of The Tale of a Pencil and remember to answer the question asked at the end of the story. Please send your answer feedback on the Flipgrid platform Flipgrid Code is or you can send you…
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Let's listen to this wonderful story of Tara the queen fish of Yamuna as she teaches her fellow fish that the importance of implementing the learning is more than strategy formulation. Remember to answer the question asked at the end of the story. Please send your answer feedback on the flipgrid platform. Flipgrid Code is…
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Hello Everyone ! Let's listen to this " Bachpan " sansmaran by eminent writer Krishna Sobti. This Sansmaran will give you an idea about the differences between today's world and Krishna Sobti's point of time. Kindly provide your answer feedback on the Flipgrid platform Flipgrid Code is or You can send your answer feedb…
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Hello everyone, Here we are with another interesting story Ekdin ki Badshahat, let's listen to this wonderful story where the children grab the control of life for a day.Check out what happens at the end. Are they successful or not? Answer the question at the end of the story and get featured on the school's facebook, instagram and Twitter Handel. …
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Hello Everyone !!! Let's begin our journey with an amazing story.You will also find some facts about a mythological character Kumbhakarna who was the brother of the mighty Ravana.Stay tuned till the end as at the end of the story a question will be asked,the first five people who will answer correctly will have their names published on school's Fac…
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This week we're discussing 3 fears that come up when job hunting, starting a new business or job. And of course, how to deal with these little voices in our heads. In this episode we'll talk about the key to turning any fear into fuel. Fear is actually your best friend! So get acquainted with it <3 Sign up to the webinar 'How to find happiness in y…
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You’re at a crossroads. You either turn left. Or you turn right. But how do you know which direction to choose? Making the “right” decision is always a gamble. But there are a few ways to ensure you’re making a decision that is empowering you and that’ll lead you into your desired outcome. In this episode, I’ll give you some pointers on how to make…
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Success is on the other side of fear. But what fears do you have anyway? Can you pinpoint the moment a fear became your truth? The word fear is often misinterpreted. When I talk about fear, I’m not talking about “being afraid of something”. Fear, in the way that I mean it, is an emotional reaction to something your ego finds dangerous. Overcoming f…
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Stress is a total buzzkill we all have to deal with. Whether in life or at work. In this episode I'm going to give you my personal favorite tips & tricks on how to deal and AVOID stress. And no, I am avoiding the standard "breath in, breathe out" techniques. I'm talking how to manage expectations with your colleagues so that you buy yourself extra …
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